Why is the South such an embarrassment?

Yup, they prefer sister-fucking rebel flag-waving dipshits. They enjoy honeymooning at the Walmart. ;)

We are considering building a wall across North Florida to keep you undesirables out and instituting a vetting process to boot. We prefer only accepting immigrants from other states who are white and have a net worth of $500K.

Ha, most of your population can't even spell 'net worth.' And most probably think it's something you catch the fishes with. Something you can get at the Walmart. :rofl:

My boat's probably larger that that ghetto slum apartment you live in.

Well dang, don't ya forget your net worths. I hears you can catch a whole lot more fishes with em. Beats them ole hooks i reckon. :laugh:

If you're ever down this way, I might could find a spot for you on my boat cleaning the fish and helping with the tackle and ice and stuff.

Ha, "might could find?' Is that even English? But Hey, i just heard the Walmart is runnin a big sale on nooses and white sheets. Maybe you might could find some time to sail your ass down that way and pick some up? Ya better hurry. Supplies are limited. Bon Voyage.
We are considering building a wall across North Florida to keep you undesirables out and instituting a vetting process to boot. We prefer only accepting immigrants from other states who are white and have a net worth of $500K.

Ha, most of your population can't even spell 'net worth.' And most probably think it's something you catch the fishes with. Something you can get at the Walmart. :rofl:

My boat's probably larger that that ghetto slum apartment you live in.

Well dang, don't ya forget your net worths. I hears you can catch a whole lot more fishes with em. Beats them ole hooks i reckon. :laugh:

If you're ever down this way, I might could find a spot for you on my boat cleaning the fish and helping with the tackle and ice and stuff.

Ha, "might could find?' Is that even English? But Hey, i just heard the Walmart is runnin a big sale on nooses and white sheets. Maybe you might could find some time to sail your ass down that way and pick some up? Ya better hurry. Supplies are limited. Bon Voyage.

We usually throw in the fish heads and entrails. Some of the boat boys eat them and some of them use them in their crab baskets.
,,,The South did not start the Civil War, the North did. Read up on the Norths refusal to transfer their military bases over to the south and the one at Pensecola firing on a civilian delegation to emphasize their 'NO!'

The South started the Civil War by (1) attempting to secede from the Union, then (2) attacking and seizing Federal property in pursuit of that secession.

War began the moment that (1) was accomplished.

Incorrect. When the south seceded, said property ceased being Federal property. They were ordered to leave, and instead of leaving Lincoln reinforced and resupplied it.

War began because that's exactly what Lincoln wanted.

The Southern states offered to buy those properties, but Lincoln refused. He wanted war.
,,,The South did not start the Civil War, the North did. Read up on the Norths refusal to transfer their military bases over to the south and the one at Pensecola firing on a civilian delegation to emphasize their 'NO!'

The South started the Civil War by (1) attempting to secede from the Union, then (2) attacking and seizing Federal property in pursuit of that secession.

War began the moment that (1) was accomplished.

Seceding isn't a justification for war. The Yankees were trespassing in Southern territory.

It is actually referred to as "The War of Northern Agression".

Do these people like being poor?

Is the GOP in love with poverty?

To the GOP is the ideal American fat, dumb, and poor?

They are less educated and thus easily manipulated by GOPs.

Are you proud to be such an obvious bigot?
,,,The South did not start the Civil War, the North did. Read up on the Norths refusal to transfer their military bases over to the south and the one at Pensecola firing on a civilian delegation to emphasize their 'NO!'

The South started the Civil War by (1) attempting to secede from the Union, then (2) attacking and seizing Federal property in pursuit of that secession.

War began the moment that (1) was accomplished.

Seceding isn't a justification for war. The Yankees were trespassing in Southern territory.

It is actually referred to as "The War of Northern Agression".

Yes, I know. I just call it the Lincoln genocide.
Why do liberals constantly bring up the south?
Personally I dont give a crap one way or another about the north other than the fact that they keep moving south in droves.
I mean really,whats with the obsession?

They're moving to the South to improve it. Think of them as secular humanist missionaries.
Liberals move to the South to escape from the place they just got done fucking up. Then they fuck up the places they move to.
,,,The South did not start the Civil War, the North did. Read up on the Norths refusal to transfer their military bases over to the south and the one at Pensecola firing on a civilian delegation to emphasize their 'NO!'

The South started the Civil War by (1) attempting to secede from the Union, then (2) attacking and seizing Federal property in pursuit of that secession.

War began the moment that (1) was accomplished.

Incorrect. When the south seceded, said property ceased being Federal property. They were ordered to leave, and instead of leaving Lincoln reinforced and resupplied it.

War began because that's exactly what Lincoln wanted.

Secession was unconstitutional. "No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation;" The fort remained US Territory.

Lincoln would have left the Souths slavery system intact if it meant keeping the union together. Southern slave holders didn't believe him. They could have won their independence, but they chose the wrong General to lead them.

Secession was as valid as the colonies seceding from England.

Nope, it would have been valid had the South won the War for Independence. We lost because of General Lee's strategy.

So it's right if you win but wrong if you lose? Do you actually not see the flaw in that logic?
Ha, most of your population can't even spell 'net worth.' And most probably think it's something you catch the fishes with. Something you can get at the Walmart. :rofl:

My boat's probably larger that that ghetto slum apartment you live in.

Well dang, don't ya forget your net worths. I hears you can catch a whole lot more fishes with em. Beats them ole hooks i reckon. :laugh:

If you're ever down this way, I might could find a spot for you on my boat cleaning the fish and helping with the tackle and ice and stuff.

Ha, "might could find?' Is that even English? But Hey, i just heard the Walmart is runnin a big sale on nooses and white sheets. Maybe you might could find some time to sail your ass down that way and pick some up? Ya better hurry. Supplies are limited. Bon Voyage.

We usually throw in the fish heads and entrails. Some of the boat boys eat them and some of them use them in their crab baskets.

Huh, say again? "boat boys?" That the name of your boat, or a gay bar? Are you really talkin about a boat here? Fess up Cletus.
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...Nope, it would have been valid had the South won the War for Independence. We lost because of General Lee's strategy.
You lost for several reasons...

1. you lacked a sufficient internal manufacturing capacity and related resources

2. you were a primarily agrarian economy, unsuited for warfare against a more populous and urbanized and better-organized adversary

3. you made the mistake of not freeing your slaves before you began to fight; thereby smearing your cause with the feces of slavery

You had arguably the best general on the face of the planet back them (Robert E. Lee).

Nobody else could have held the South's military together and kept it effective and held the love and loyalty of his men right up to the end.

It took us a dozen generals and a great many phukk-ups before we managed to beat him down.

Given your extreme disadvantages (see 1-3, above), you would not have lasted anywhere NEAR as long as you did, without Robert E. Lee.

You did not lose because of Lee's strategy... you lasted as long as you did, because of Lee's strategy.

You were doomed to lose from the outset... it's a bloody miracle you lasted as long as you did... and Bobbie Lee... a great American general... gets credit for that.

One of the primary reasons America was able to defeat England was France and their recognition of the New Nation. After the loss at Gettysburg there was little chance the South would get any recognition from any other country much less one that could break the blockages and get supplies in. Thus the invasion of the North failed. Lee was a masterful battlefield tactician but lacked the long term vision to realize that his primary goal should not have been to fight a war of attrition with the north (one, as you point out they could never win) but rather keeping the Army together as a fighting force long enough gain an international ally and to demoralize the North. The slave holders plan was to expand slavery by invading and conquering Mexico and the Caribbean.

There was no serious plan to do what you describe. It was just a lot of wild talk.
Yeah its so bad that the South is booming economically. People are flocking here from up North....so much so that the South now has a larger population than any other region. Our cities are thriving. Business is relocating here. We have the best food best women best football best weather.

America's future is the South.

We do...however....have over 50% of all the nation's African Americans and a massive % of illegal aliens. That's where the poverty and low educational scores are rooted.
the decrackeraztion of the neo confederates is making the south more attractive as the white christian trash is becoming the minority and being pushed further into the back woods of their state
Actually, the South was dealing with England about selling their cotton to them at a better price than the Northern mills were offering. That pissed the North off. Slavery was simply an issue the North took up to garner the support of the Northern people. It was all about cotton.
You picked four states with Republican governors. Interesting.
What's even more interesting is how deep in the hole many Democrat states are. I guess if you keep giving away money you don't have it doesn't count?

Why don't you compare and contrast California with South Carolina.

California receives back less then 1:1 in federal tax, where South Carolina receives 7.8:1.

ALL southern States receive more than 1:1.

I believe that southern States are takers, which is the real reason behind the so-called economic boom.

Your figures are horseshit. No state gets 8 times what it pays in back. If you don't like those unfair welfare programs, then here is a solution for you: put a stop to them.

The South started the Civil War by (1) attempting to secede from the Union, then (2) attacking and seizing Federal property in pursuit of that secession.

War began the moment that (1) was accomplished.

Incorrect. When the south seceded, said property ceased being Federal property. They were ordered to leave, and instead of leaving Lincoln reinforced and resupplied it.

War began because that's exactly what Lincoln wanted.

Secession was unconstitutional. "No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation;" The fort remained US Territory.

Lincoln would have left the Souths slavery system intact if it meant keeping the union together. Southern slave holders didn't believe him. They could have won their independence, but they chose the wrong General to lead them.

Secession was as valid as the colonies seceding from England.

Nope, it would have been valid had the South won the War for Independence. We lost because of General Lee's strategy.

Lost because they went to war 5 years too early. Needed to spend some time developing the manufacturing capability to sustain it, and needed to get England and France involved.

They were falling further behind the North, not catching up. The should have seceded 10 years earlier.
Yeah its so bad that the South is booming economically. People are flocking here from up North....so much so that the South now has a larger population than any other region. Our cities are thriving. Business is relocating here. We have the best food best women best football best weather.

America's future is the South.

We do...however....have over 50% of all the nation's African Americans and a massive % of illegal aliens. That's where the poverty and low educational scores are rooted.
the decrackeraztion of the neo confederates is making the south more attractive as the white christian trash is becoming the minority and being pushed further into the back woods of their state

All the worst bigots in the forum are white Northern liberals.
In reality, one has to be smarter than the Black man to get any work out of him. Unfortunately, the Northern Liberals were never able to master that.
You picked four states with Republican governors. Interesting.
What's even more interesting is how deep in the hole many Democrat states are. I guess if you keep giving away money you don't have it doesn't count?

Why don't you compare and contrast California with South Carolina.

California receives back less then 1:1 in federal tax, where South Carolina receives 7.8:1.

ALL southern States receive more than 1:1.

I believe that southern States are takers, which is the real reason behind the so-called economic boom.
Businesses are moving there, where's your source on federal payouts?


Here are three key facts about the state of California's debt problem.

1. California's current revenue surplus pales in comparison to its overall debt burden

California's tax revenue is running about $4 billion ahead of earlier estimates. But the state faces approximately $227 billion in long-term debts, costs and liabilities, the vast majority of them related to public pensions.

When it comes to infrastructure, the state faces $87 billion in outstanding bonds, and billions more are needed for deferred maintenance, according to the California Department of Finance.

2. Recent changes in teacher pensions could add pressure to extend the Proposition 30 tax hike

Under teacher pension changes approved last year, school districts are expected to pay an additional $1.2 billion in employer contributions in 2016. Teachers hired after 2013 would contribute an additional $864 million from their salaries, according to the California State Teachers' Retirement System. State contributions also will rise.

Those additional pension costs steadily increase until 2046. That year, districts are expected to spend an additional $9.3 billion over what they would have under the prior structure. The state would contribute an additional $2.2 billion that year, and teachers would chip in $1 billion.

Meanwhile, Proposition 30 taxes provides public schools with an additional $7 billion to $8 billion for the next three years, according to the finance department. Some Democrats already have begun pushing to extend the taxes. The spiraling cost in teacher pensions will certainly factor into that coming conversation.

3. The state's growing debt burden provides fewer dollars each year for public services and infrastructure that benefits the private sector

The state's annual payments on its bond debt has grown by 155 percent since fiscal 2001 -- up to $7.4 billion this fiscal year. That expense squeezes funding for other spending areas. For example, a cut of more than $1 billion to California's court system since the start of the recession has led to ongoing service reductions and delays that hurts legal professionals and the public.

Unemployment is lower in Vermont than it is in Texas.

Unemployment is lower in Nashville than it is in Bear Wallow -- so what?

I guess all this explains why the Dems are so in love in Carter and BillyJeff Clinton and Al deGore.. Because they love them some Southern hicks when it comes to winning elections. And we all know how Hildebeast flaunts her Southern roots when she needs to.. Am I right?
Why do liberals constantly bring up the south?
Personally I dont give a crap one way or another about the north other than the fact that they keep moving south in droves.
I mean really,whats with the obsession?

Southern States are the biggest welfare queens in America.

Is that why New York has almost as many people on Food Stamps than Alabama has people?

Is that why New York has almost as many people on Food Stamps than Alabama has people?

Why don't you do a per capita comparison and get back with us.

Because it's a meaningless comparison. Here's why.

Median household Income in NY. $55,246 for 2014.
Median household Income in AL. $41,415 for 2014.

Sounds like NY is better right? Till you factor in the 40% higher cost of living in NY.

$41.415 x 1.4 = $57,981.

Which is higher, $58k? or 55k? That's the differential in your buying power.

Because it's a meaningless comparison. Here's why.

Median household Income in NY. $55,246 for 2014.
Median household Income in AL. $41,415 for 2014.

Sounds like NY is better right? Till you factor in the 40% higher cost of living in NY.

$41.415 x 1.4 = $57,981.

Which is higher, $58k? or 55k? That's the differential in your buying power.

It's meaningless for you because it blows your bloviating

In Alabama, 29% of the population is on food stamps.

In New York State, 14% of the population is on food stamps.

Alabama receives 2.46:1 in returned federal taxes.

New York receives 0.58:1 in returned federal taxes.

Alabama IS a welfare whore.

FYI: The only reason we have people on food stamps......corporate America promoted by Republicans.
,,,The South did not start the Civil War, the North did. Read up on the Norths refusal to transfer their military bases over to the south and the one at Pensecola firing on a civilian delegation to emphasize their 'NO!'

The South started the Civil War by (1) attempting to secede from the Union, then (2) attacking and seizing Federal property in pursuit of that secession.

War began the moment that (1) was accomplished.

Seceding isn't a justification for war. The Yankees were trespassing in Southern territory.
Each Southern State began or joined the war the split second that they passed an Ordinance of Secession.

Secession is, indeed, a casus belli, and the matter was settled by force of arms 150 years ago.

There is no such thing as a Federal force, trespassing, anywhere on American soil, in order to enforce the laws of the Nation.

That, too, was settled 150 years ago.

Let it go.

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