Why is the South such an embarrassment?

One thing i couldn't help noticing when i lived in the South. Most are very fat, they dress like slobs, and they're often very dirty. I was appalled at how they could go out in public dressed so slobbish. They have no pride or dignity. Even the women were often very fat, and dressed in stained camo and pajama bottoms with holes in em. That used to freak me out a bit.

I don't know what's up with that. I don't get it. Ya gotta have some pride when you go out in public. Just cause you live in the South, it doesn't mean you have to be dirty and dress like a slob. Have some pride ya dang loony rednecks.
Lots of pigs here, Sport. Many with unwashed dred locks, filthy jeans, nose rings, giant ear rings, etc. Lots of fatso too. You don't get out much.

I don't know, whole lotta obese girls dressed in stained camo and pajama bottoms down there. Seriously, what's up with that? And the redneck dudes dress even worse. And it would help if they bathed once and awhile too.

It's like they're all competing in a 'Biggest redneck slob of the South' contest. So come on y'all, look in a mirror before you go out in public. Especially you redneck gals.

They WORK for a living. When the tractor's broken in the middle of the day --- the babes are not gonna get dolled up to go to Tractor Supply for a couple parts. It aint downtown Boston and they're not out to please you.
Lots of pigs here, Sport. Many with unwashed dred locks, filthy jeans, nose rings, giant ear rings, etc. Lots of fatso too. You don't get out much.

I don't know, whole lotta obese girls dressed in stained camo and pajama bottoms down there. Seriously, what's up with that? And the redneck dudes dress even worse.

It's like they're all competing in a 'Biggest redneck slob of the South' contest. So come on y'all, look in a mirror before you go out in public. Especially you redneck gals.
You couldn't get laid down there, is that it?
No thanks. I'll pass. Obese camo-wearing redneck stinkies are all you.
Washington State hasn't relocated to south of the Mason Dixie yet. But yeah, I had a feeling I knew what your real beef was. Southern gals don't like superior acting yankee types.

Yup, they prefer sister-fucking rebel flag-waving dipshits. They enjoy honeymooning at the Walmart. ;)

We are considering building a wall across North Florida to keep you undesirables out and instituting a vetting process to boot. We prefer only accepting immigrants from other states who are white and have a net worth of $500K.
One thing i couldn't help noticing when i lived in the South. Most are very fat, they dress like slobs, and they're often very dirty. I was appalled at how they could go out in public dressed so slobbish. They have no pride or dignity. Even the women were often very fat, and dressed in stained camo and pajama bottoms with holes in em. That used to freak me out a bit.

I don't know what's up with that. I don't get it. Ya gotta have some pride when you go out in public. Just cause you live in the South, it doesn't mean you have to be dirty and dress like a slob. Have some pride ya dang loony rednecks.

So you're saying you hung out in trailer parks and the ghetto...
I think he lived in Walmart.

Nah, but the Southern necks sure do. They loves they some Walmart. Some even get married and honeymoon in em. Craaazy mofos. :cuckoo:
I don't know, whole lotta obese girls dressed in stained camo and pajama bottoms down there. Seriously, what's up with that? And the redneck dudes dress even worse.

It's like they're all competing in a 'Biggest redneck slob of the South' contest. So come on y'all, look in a mirror before you go out in public. Especially you redneck gals.
You couldn't get laid down there, is that it?
No thanks. I'll pass. Obese camo-wearing redneck stinkies are all you.
Washington State hasn't relocated to south of the Mason Dixie yet. But yeah, I had a feeling I knew what your real beef was. Southern gals don't like superior acting yankee types.

Yup, they prefer sister-fucking rebel flag-waving dipshits. They enjoy honeymooning at the Walmart. ;)

We are considering building a wall across North Florida to keep you undesirables out and instituting a vetting process to boot. We prefer only accepting immigrants from other states who are white and have a net worth of $500K.

Knock yourself out.. Florida aint the South below Gainesville..
Yeah its so bad that the South is booming economically. People are flocking here from up North....so much so that the South now has a larger population than any other region. Our cities are thriving. Business is relocating here. We have the best food best women best football best weather.

America's future is the South.

We do...however....have over 50% of all the nation's African Americans and a massive % of illegal aliens. That's where the poverty and low educational scores are rooted.
I love it when these racist right wingers bring up such nonsense. Look at the map again. What about the states that are more than 90% white but are Republican and poor as fuck.


West Virginia. Only a measly 3% are black and yet one fifth live below the poverty line. And we know how Republicans love, they simply love to fuck over the poor. And West Virginia is both poor and Republican.

Only 7% of Oklahoma is black, yet 17% live below the poverty level.

Then there is Kentucky. a whopping 8% black yet a staggering 19% live below the poverty level.

So your SKIN color determines if you are ACTUALLY poor in the new leftist Dem party? I don't get this fixation on race. You EXPECT blacks to poor? And it's nasty if whites are?

The focus on race is downright nasty..

Liberals want their slaves to remain on the plantation and do what they're told.
One thing i couldn't help noticing when i lived in the South. Most are very fat, they dress like slobs, and they're often very dirty. I was appalled at how they could go out in public dressed so slobbish. They have no pride or dignity. Even the women were often very fat, and dressed in stained camo and pajama bottoms with holes in em. That used to freak me out a bit.

I don't know what's up with that. I don't get it. Ya gotta have some pride when you go out in public. Just cause you live in the South, it doesn't mean you have to be dirty and dress like a slob. Have some pride ya dang loony rednecks.

So you're saying you hung out in trailer parks and the ghetto...
I think he lived in Walmart.

Nah, but the Southern necks sure do. They loves they some Walmart. Some even get married and honeymoon in em. Craaazy mofos. :cuckoo:
You couldn't get laid down there, is that it?
No thanks. I'll pass. Obese camo-wearing redneck stinkies are all you.
Washington State hasn't relocated to south of the Mason Dixie yet. But yeah, I had a feeling I knew what your real beef was. Southern gals don't like superior acting yankee types.

Yup, they prefer sister-fucking rebel flag-waving dipshits. They enjoy honeymooning at the Walmart. ;)

We are considering building a wall across North Florida to keep you undesirables out and instituting a vetting process to boot. We prefer only accepting immigrants from other states who are white and have a net worth of $500K.

Knock yourself out.. Florida aint the South below Gainesville..

I dunno, I thought Tampa was ok.
Lots of pigs here, Sport. Many with unwashed dred locks, filthy jeans, nose rings, giant ear rings, etc. Lots of fatso too. You don't get out much.

I don't know, whole lotta obese girls dressed in stained camo and pajama bottoms down there. Seriously, what's up with that? And the redneck dudes dress even worse.

It's like they're all competing in a 'Biggest redneck slob of the South' contest. So come on y'all, look in a mirror before you go out in public. Especially you redneck gals.
You couldn't get laid down there, is that it?
No thanks. I'll pass. Obese camo-wearing redneck stinkies are all you.
Washington State hasn't relocated to south of the Mason Dixie yet. But yeah, I had a feeling I knew what your real beef was. Southern gals don't like superior acting yankee types.

Yup, they prefer sister-fucking rebel flag-waving dipshits. They enjoy honeymooning at the Walmart. ;)

I don't know, whole lotta obese girls dressed in stained camo and pajama bottoms down there. Seriously, what's up with that? And the redneck dudes dress even worse.

It's like they're all competing in a 'Biggest redneck slob of the South' contest. So come on y'all, look in a mirror before you go out in public. Especially you redneck gals.
You couldn't get laid down there, is that it?
No thanks. I'll pass. Obese camo-wearing redneck stinkies are all you.
Washington State hasn't relocated to south of the Mason Dixie yet. But yeah, I had a feeling I knew what your real beef was. Southern gals don't like superior acting yankee types.

Yup, they prefer sister-fucking rebel flag-waving dipshits. They enjoy honeymooning at the Walmart. ;)

We are considering building a wall across North Florida to keep you undesirables out and instituting a vetting process to boot. We prefer only accepting immigrants from other states who are white and have a net worth of $500K.

Ha, most of your population can't even spell 'net worth.' And most probably think it's something you catch the fishes with. Something you can get at the Walmart. :rofl:
Yeah its so bad that the South is booming economically. People are flocking here from up North....so much so that the South now has a larger population than any other region. Our cities are thriving. Business is relocating here. We have the best food best women best football best weather.

America's future is the South.

We do...however....have over 50% of all the nation's African Americans and a massive % of illegal aliens. That's where the poverty and low educational scores are rooted.
I love it when these racist right wingers bring up such nonsense. Look at the map again. What about the states that are more than 90% white but are Republican and poor as fuck.


West Virginia. Only a measly 3% are black and yet one fifth live below the poverty line. And we know how Republicans love, they simply love to fuck over the poor. And West Virginia is both poor and Republican.

Only 7% of Oklahoma is black, yet 17% live below the poverty level.

Then there is Kentucky. a whopping 8% black yet a staggering 19% live below the poverty level.

So your SKIN color determines if you are ACTUALLY poor in the new leftist Dem party? I don't get this fixation on race. You EXPECT blacks to poor? And it's nasty if whites are?

The focus on race is downright nasty..

Liberals want their slaves to remain on the plantation and do what they're told.

Well, it is our fault. We found out that Blacks were lazy and no account so we tricked the North into a war over selling our cotton to their mills. We simply got tired of feeding the lazy Blacks and conned the North into freeing them. Now the Northern Liberals have to contribute to the upkeep and feeding of the Blacks too. It was a win for the South.
You couldn't get laid down there, is that it?
No thanks. I'll pass. Obese camo-wearing redneck stinkies are all you.
Washington State hasn't relocated to south of the Mason Dixie yet. But yeah, I had a feeling I knew what your real beef was. Southern gals don't like superior acting yankee types.

Yup, they prefer sister-fucking rebel flag-waving dipshits. They enjoy honeymooning at the Walmart. ;)

We are considering building a wall across North Florida to keep you undesirables out and instituting a vetting process to boot. We prefer only accepting immigrants from other states who are white and have a net worth of $500K.

Ha, most of your population can't even spell 'net worth.' And most probably think it's something you catch the fishes with. Something you can get at the Walmart. :rofl:

My boat's probably larger that that ghetto slum apartment you live in.
You picked four states with Republican governors. Interesting.
What's even more interesting is how deep in the hole many Democrat states are. I guess if you keep giving away money you don't have it doesn't count?

Why don't you compare and contrast California with South Carolina.

California receives back less then 1:1 in federal tax, where South Carolina receives 7.8:1.

ALL southern States receive more than 1:1.

I believe that southern States are takers, which is the real reason behind the so-called economic boom.
Businesses are moving there, where's your source on federal payouts?


Here are three key facts about the state of California's debt problem.

1. California's current revenue surplus pales in comparison to its overall debt burden

California's tax revenue is running about $4 billion ahead of earlier estimates. But the state faces approximately $227 billion in long-term debts, costs and liabilities, the vast majority of them related to public pensions.

When it comes to infrastructure, the state faces $87 billion in outstanding bonds, and billions more are needed for deferred maintenance, according to the California Department of Finance.

2. Recent changes in teacher pensions could add pressure to extend the Proposition 30 tax hike

Under teacher pension changes approved last year, school districts are expected to pay an additional $1.2 billion in employer contributions in 2016. Teachers hired after 2013 would contribute an additional $864 million from their salaries, according to the California State Teachers' Retirement System. State contributions also will rise.

Those additional pension costs steadily increase until 2046. That year, districts are expected to spend an additional $9.3 billion over what they would have under the prior structure. The state would contribute an additional $2.2 billion that year, and teachers would chip in $1 billion.

Meanwhile, Proposition 30 taxes provides public schools with an additional $7 billion to $8 billion for the next three years, according to the finance department. Some Democrats already have begun pushing to extend the taxes. The spiraling cost in teacher pensions will certainly factor into that coming conversation.

3. The state's growing debt burden provides fewer dollars each year for public services and infrastructure that benefits the private sector

The state's annual payments on its bond debt has grown by 155 percent since fiscal 2001 -- up to $7.4 billion this fiscal year. That expense squeezes funding for other spending areas. For example, a cut of more than $1 billion to California's court system since the start of the recession has led to ongoing service reductions and delays that hurts legal professionals and the public.

Unemployment is lower in Vermont than it is in Texas.
No thanks. I'll pass. Obese camo-wearing redneck stinkies are all you.
Washington State hasn't relocated to south of the Mason Dixie yet. But yeah, I had a feeling I knew what your real beef was. Southern gals don't like superior acting yankee types.

Yup, they prefer sister-fucking rebel flag-waving dipshits. They enjoy honeymooning at the Walmart. ;)

We are considering building a wall across North Florida to keep you undesirables out and instituting a vetting process to boot. We prefer only accepting immigrants from other states who are white and have a net worth of $500K.

Ha, most of your population can't even spell 'net worth.' And most probably think it's something you catch the fishes with. Something you can get at the Walmart. :rofl:

My boat's probably larger that that ghetto slum apartment you live in.

Well dang, don't ya forget your net worths. I hears you can catch a whole lot more fishes with em. Beats them ole hooks i reckon. :laugh:
Washington State hasn't relocated to south of the Mason Dixie yet. But yeah, I had a feeling I knew what your real beef was. Southern gals don't like superior acting yankee types.

Yup, they prefer sister-fucking rebel flag-waving dipshits. They enjoy honeymooning at the Walmart. ;)

We are considering building a wall across North Florida to keep you undesirables out and instituting a vetting process to boot. We prefer only accepting immigrants from other states who are white and have a net worth of $500K.

Ha, most of your population can't even spell 'net worth.' And most probably think it's something you catch the fishes with. Something you can get at the Walmart. :rofl:

My boat's probably larger that that ghetto slum apartment you live in.

Well dang, don't ya forget your net worths. I hears you can catch a whole lot more fishes with em. Beats them ole hooks i reckon. :laugh:

Yes indeed. I love my grouper and red snapper.
.... Lincoln utterly destroyed the South. .....

The traitorous 'confederate' idiots destroyed the South.

They were no more traitors than George Washington.

Yes they were. Stop being so stupid.

No they were not. ........

They were vile traitors who are responsible for the deaths of good men and women in the name of evil.

Lincoln is responsible for their deaths. Lincoln sent troops into the South to kill the people living there. That fact is indisputable.
.... Lincoln utterly destroyed the South. .....

The traitorous 'confederate' idiots destroyed the South.

The South is hardly destroyed. Some of you idiots really ought to get our and travel a little.

The South was destroyed during the Civil War. Then it was looted for decades by Yankee carpet baggers. It's been catching up ever since.

But when African Americans equate the institution of slavery with their current share of American wealth you shout "Get over it, it's been over 200 years.
The South isn't all bad. There are still many old school courteous folks there. More so than in places in the Northeast. I enjoyed some of my time living in the South. But i gotta admit, there are still too many camo-wearing, gun-obsessed, sister-fucking, Walmart-shopping, white racists, for my taste.

Never met one, and I've lived in the south for 20 years.
.... Lincoln utterly destroyed the South. .....

The traitorous 'confederate' idiots destroyed the South.

The South is hardly destroyed. Some of you idiots really ought to get our and travel a little.

The South was destroyed during the Civil War. Then it was looted for decades by Yankee carpet baggers. It's been catching up ever since.

But when African Americans equate the institution of slavery with their current share of American wealth you shout "Get over it, it's been over 200 years.

Blacks were moving up rapidly until LBJ created the welfare plantation, and then their progress stopped.
Washington State hasn't relocated to south of the Mason Dixie yet. But yeah, I had a feeling I knew what your real beef was. Southern gals don't like superior acting yankee types.

Yup, they prefer sister-fucking rebel flag-waving dipshits. They enjoy honeymooning at the Walmart. ;)

We are considering building a wall across North Florida to keep you undesirables out and instituting a vetting process to boot. We prefer only accepting immigrants from other states who are white and have a net worth of $500K.

Ha, most of your population can't even spell 'net worth.' And most probably think it's something you catch the fishes with. Something you can get at the Walmart. :rofl:

My boat's probably larger that that ghetto slum apartment you live in.

Well dang, don't ya forget your net worths. I hears you can catch a whole lot more fishes with em. Beats them ole hooks i reckon. :laugh:

If you're ever down this way, I might could find a spot for you on my boat cleaning the fish and helping with the tackle and ice and stuff.
,,,The South did not start the Civil War, the North did. Read up on the Norths refusal to transfer their military bases over to the south and the one at Pensecola firing on a civilian delegation to emphasize their 'NO!'

The South started the Civil War by (1) attempting to secede from the Union, then (2) attacking and seizing Federal property in pursuit of that secession.

War began the moment that (1) was accomplished.

Seceding isn't a justification for war. The Yankees were trespassing in Southern territory.
The South did not start the Civil War, the North did. Read up on the Norths refusal to transfer their military bases over to the south and the one at Pensecola firing on a civilian delegation to emphasize their 'NO!'

Say what?? thats an interesting take on history. You need to set straight all those sources that come up on Google when you ask Google; when did the civil war start. The ones I read has the attack on Ft Sumter as the start.

Now one person says the real start of the war was the Battle of Bull Run.

This author said that when the firing on Ft Sumter took place, that neither side could field an Army big enough to make war.

Lincoln initially asked for 75k troops. Davis started calling up state militias.

There was also the problem of some southern states not having joined the Confederacy at the time Ft Sumter was shelled. Virginia was one of them and Lincoln was hesitant to provoke Va. in case they would choose to stay in the Union.

I had never read the above before.

Didnt see anything about Flordia being the location of the start of the civil war..

Didnt read where the North started the war at all. Nor do I recall anyone ever claiming the Civil War started in Flordia by the North.

So I got to say, unless you got some REAL STRONG other evidence, I gotta go with the consenus idea of when and how the Civil War started.

BTW. Why would the North think it a good idea to transfer military bases over to the South. Of course they wouldnt have done that. Would you have?

Google will tell you what every idiot believes. That doesn't make it a fact.
,,,The South did not start the Civil War, the North did. Read up on the Norths refusal to transfer their military bases over to the south and the one at Pensecola firing on a civilian delegation to emphasize their 'NO!'

The South started the Civil War by (1) attempting to secede from the Union, then (2) attacking and seizing Federal property in pursuit of that secession.

War began the moment that (1) was accomplished.
And we saw what that got. Thanks yankees! The south should have been able to secede without bloodshed. technology would have reunited the states in short order. Machines did away with much manual labor, the north needed the southern resources and the south needed the northern industries. Instead, it will forever be a horrible stain on this nation.

There was no reason 850,000 people had to die to free the slaves. Other countries freed their slaves with shedding a single drop of blood. The real reason for the war is so Lincoln could impose crushing tariffs on the South.

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