Why is the South such an embarrassment?

One thing i couldn't help noticing when i lived in the South. Most are very fat, they dress like slobs, and they're often very dirty. I was appalled at how they could go out in public dressed so slobbish. They have no pride or dignity. Even the women were often very fat, and dressed in stained camo and pajama bottoms with holes in em. That used to freak me out a bit.

I don't know what's up with that. I don't get it. Ya gotta have some pride when you go out in public. Just cause you live in the South, it doesn't mean you have to be dirty and dress like a slob. Have some pride ya dang loony rednecks.

One thing is for certain, you never been to church.


Just relaying my overall experiences in the South. They do dress like shite. And they need to bathe a bit more. And for God's sake, dump the camo. Makes ya look dumb and dirty.
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Why do liberals constantly bring up the south?
Personally I dont give a crap one way or another about the north other than the fact that they keep moving south in droves.
I mean really,whats with the obsession?

Southern States are the biggest welfare queens in America.

Is that why New York has almost as many people on Food Stamps than Alabama has people?

Is that why New York has almost as many people on Food Stamps than Alabama has people?

Why don't you do a per capita comparison and get back with us.

Because it's a meaningless comparison. Here's why.

Median household Income in NY. $55,246 for 2014.
Median household Income in AL. $41,415 for 2014.

Sounds like NY is better right? Till you factor in the 40% higher cost of living in NY.

$41.415 x 1.4 = $57,981.

Which is higher, $58k? or 55k? That's the differential in your buying power.
One thing i couldn't help noticing when i lived in the South. Most are very fat, they dress like slobs, and they're often very dirty. I was appalled at how they could go out in public dressed so slobbish. They have no pride or dignity. Even the women were often very fat, and dressed in stained camo and pajama bottoms with holes in em. That used to freak me out a bit.

I don't know what's up with that. I don't get it. Ya gotta have some pride when you go out in public. Just cause you live in the South, it doesn't mean you have to be dirty and dress like a slob. Have some pride ya dang loony rednecks.

Actually, the normal dress for us poor trash in Florida are bikinis, swim trunks, shades, and flip flops. When we get out on our boats we sometimes wear a captain's cap. Our women keep themselves trim so as to look good in their bikinis whereas your women are pasty white and fat from staying inside and gorging themselves during your long hard winters.

Depends on where you're at in Florida. South Florida is a different animal. They're not into the whole redneck slob thing down there. But you can find them in central and northern parts of Florida.
One thing i couldn't help noticing when i lived in the South. Most are very fat, they dress like slobs, and they're often very dirty. I was appalled at how they could go out in public dressed so slobbish. They have no pride or dignity. Even the women were often very fat, and dressed in stained camo and pajama bottoms with holes in em. That used to freak me out a bit.

I don't know what's up with that. I don't get it. Ya gotta have some pride when you go out in public. Just cause you live in the South, it doesn't mean you have to be dirty and dress like a slob. Have some pride ya dang loony rednecks.

One thing is for certain, you never been to church.


Just relaying my overall experiences in the South. They do dress like shite. And they need to bathe a bit more. And for God's sake, dump the camo. Y'all look dumb and dirty.

One thing i couldn't help noticing when i lived in the South. Most are very fat, they dress like slobs, and they're often very dirty. I was appalled at how they could go out in public dressed so slobbish. They have no pride or dignity. Even the women were often very fat, and dressed in stained camo and pajama bottoms with holes in em. That used to freak me out a bit.

I don't know what's up with that. I don't get it. Ya gotta have some pride when you go out in public. Just cause you live in the South, it doesn't mean you have to be dirty and dress like a slob. Have some pride ya dang loony rednecks.

What do you think of these poor kids in India? Don't hold back.
One thing i couldn't help noticing when i lived in the South. Most are very fat, they dress like slobs, and they're often very dirty. I was appalled at how they could go out in public dressed so slobbish. They have no pride or dignity. Even the women were often very fat, and dressed in stained camo and pajama bottoms with holes in em. That used to freak me out a bit.

I don't know what's up with that. I don't get it. Ya gotta have some pride when you go out in public. Just cause you live in the South, it doesn't mean you have to be dirty and dress like a slob. Have some pride ya dang loony rednecks.

Actually, the normal dress for us poor trash in Florida are bikinis, swim trunks, shades, and flip flops. When we get out on our boats we sometimes wear a captain's cap. Our women keep themselves trim so as to look good in their bikinis whereas your women are pasty white and fat from staying inside and gorging themselves during your long hard winters.

Depends on where you're at in Florida. South Florida is a different animal. They're not into the whole redneck slob thing down there. But you can find them in central and northern parts of Florida.

It's 70 degrees here. How is it where you live?
One thing i couldn't help noticing when i lived in the South. Most are very fat, they dress like slobs, and they're often very dirty. I was appalled at how they could go out in public dressed so slobbish. They have no pride or dignity. Even the women were often very fat, and dressed in stained camo and pajama bottoms with holes in em. That used to freak me out a bit.

I don't know what's up with that. I don't get it. Ya gotta have some pride when you go out in public. Just cause you live in the South, it doesn't mean you have to be dirty and dress like a slob. Have some pride ya dang loony rednecks.

Actually, the normal dress for us poor trash in Florida are bikinis, swim trunks, shades, and flip flops. When we get out on our boats we sometimes wear a captain's cap. Our women keep themselves trim so as to look good in their bikinis whereas your women are pasty white and fat from staying inside and gorging themselves during your long hard winters.

Depends on where you're at in Florida. South Florida is a different animal. They're not into the whole redneck slob thing down there. But you can find them in central and northern parts of Florida.

It's 70 degrees here. How is it where you live?

Raining dammit. Kept me off the golf course today.
One thing i couldn't help noticing when i lived in the South. Most are very fat, they dress like slobs, and they're often very dirty. I was appalled at how they could go out in public dressed so slobbish. They have no pride or dignity. Even the women were often very fat, and dressed in stained camo and pajama bottoms with holes in em. That used to freak me out a bit.

I don't know what's up with that. I don't get it. Ya gotta have some pride when you go out in public. Just cause you live in the South, it doesn't mean you have to be dirty and dress like a slob. Have some pride ya dang loony rednecks.

Actually, the normal dress for us poor trash in Florida are bikinis, swim trunks, shades, and flip flops. When we get out on our boats we sometimes wear a captain's cap. Our women keep themselves trim so as to look good in their bikinis whereas your women are pasty white and fat from staying inside and gorging themselves during your long hard winters.

Depends on where you're at in Florida. South Florida is a different animal. They're not into the whole redneck slob thing down there. But you can find them in central and northern parts of Florida.

It's 70 degrees here. How is it where you live?

One thing i couldn't help noticing when i lived in the South. Most are very fat, they dress like slobs, and they're often very dirty. I was appalled at how they could go out in public dressed so slobbish. They have no pride or dignity. Even the women were often very fat, and dressed in stained camo and pajama bottoms with holes in em. That used to freak me out a bit.

I don't know what's up with that. I don't get it. Ya gotta have some pride when you go out in public. Just cause you live in the South, it doesn't mean you have to be dirty and dress like a slob. Have some pride ya dang loony rednecks.

One thing is for certain, you never been to church.


Just relaying my overall experiences in the South. They do dress like shite. And they need to bathe a bit more. And for God's sake, dump the camo. Y'all look dumb and dirty.

One thing i couldn't help noticing when i lived in the South. Most are very fat, they dress like slobs, and they're often very dirty. I was appalled at how they could go out in public dressed so slobbish. They have no pride or dignity. Even the women were often very fat, and dressed in stained camo and pajama bottoms with holes in em. That used to freak me out a bit.

I don't know what's up with that. I don't get it. Ya gotta have some pride when you go out in public. Just cause you live in the South, it doesn't mean you have to be dirty and dress like a slob. Have some pride ya dang loony rednecks.

Actually, the normal dress for us poor trash in Florida are bikinis, swim trunks, shades, and flip flops. When we get out on our boats we sometimes wear a captain's cap. Our women keep themselves trim so as to look good in their bikinis whereas your women are pasty white and fat from staying inside and gorging themselves during your long hard winters.

Depends on where you're at in Florida. South Florida is a different animal. They're not into the whole redneck slob thing down there. But you can find them in central and northern parts of Florida.

It's 70 degrees here. How is it where you live?

I love parts of Florida. The parts that don't have an abundance of dumb camo-wearing redneck morons. I've always enjoyed South Florida.
The South isn't all bad. There are still many old school courteous folks there. More so than in places in the Northeast. I enjoyed some of my time living in the South. But i gotta admit, there are still too many camo-wearing, gun-obsessed, sister-fucking, Walmart-shopping, white racists, for my taste.
Lol, is that so?

Then name me one camo-wearing, gun-obsessed, sister-fucking, Walmart-shopping, white racist, liar.

Too many to count in the South. Accepted norms there. They are pretty much backwards kooks. But they make up much of the Republican Party Base. The Party can't survive without their votes.

Camo wearing, gun toting. Yep, those are the norm, because we like it. The rest aren't.

While some does still exist, as it exists everywhere, you'll find racism FAR more prevalent in the Democratic Party. Certain segments which vote universally democrat are unabashed and approved racists. Yet that seems to somehow escape your notice.

I'm half-kidding. I used to live in the South. It wasn't all bad. But i found it to be pretty bizarre. Way too many fat camo-wearing, gun-obsessed, Walmart-lovin, sister-fuckers for my liking. But hey, that's just my opinion.

So you're saying you're the Yankee who thought they knew everything all the people around you politely ignored because they were too stupid to associate with.

It's ok, you're not the only one we run across down here. They generally run back north where they can wallow in their ignorance and filth together.

Some learn better though. We keep them, they're not bad folks once they learn to overcome their preconceptions.
The difference between a good Yankee and a bad Yankee is that the good Yankee eventually goes the hell back home.
One thing i couldn't help noticing when i lived in the South. Most are very fat, they dress like slobs, and they're often very dirty. I was appalled at how they could go out in public dressed so slobbish. They have no pride or dignity. Even the women were often very fat, and dressed in stained camo and pajama bottoms with holes in em. That used to freak me out a bit.

I don't know what's up with that. I don't get it. Ya gotta have some pride when you go out in public. Just cause you live in the South, it doesn't mean you have to be dirty and dress like a slob. Have some pride ya dang loony rednecks.
Lots of pigs here, Sport. Many with unwashed dred locks, filthy jeans, nose rings, giant ear rings, etc. Lots of fatso too. You don't get out much.

I don't know, whole lotta obese girls dressed in stained camo and pajama bottoms down there. Seriously, what's up with that? And the redneck dudes dress even worse.

It's like they're all competing in a 'Biggest redneck slob of the South' contest. So come on y'all, look in a mirror before you go out in public. Especially you redneck gals.
You couldn't get laid down there, is that it?
No thanks. I'll pass. Obese camo-wearing redneck stinkies are all you.
Washington State hasn't relocated to south of the Mason Dixie yet. But yeah, I had a feeling I knew what your real beef was. Southern gals don't like superior acting yankee types.
Lol, is that so?

Then name me one camo-wearing, gun-obsessed, sister-fucking, Walmart-shopping, white racist, liar.

Too many to count in the South. Accepted norms there. They are pretty much backwards kooks. But they make up much of the Republican Party Base. The Party can't survive without their votes.

Camo wearing, gun toting. Yep, those are the norm, because we like it. The rest aren't.

While some does still exist, as it exists everywhere, you'll find racism FAR more prevalent in the Democratic Party. Certain segments which vote universally democrat are unabashed and approved racists. Yet that seems to somehow escape your notice.

I'm half-kidding. I used to live in the South. It wasn't all bad. But i found it to be pretty bizarre. Way too many fat camo-wearing, gun-obsessed, Walmart-lovin, sister-fuckers for my liking. But hey, that's just my opinion.

So you're saying you're the Yankee who thought they knew everything all the people around you politely ignored because they were too stupid to associate with.

It's ok, you're not the only one we run across down here. They generally run back north where they can wallow in their ignorance and filth together.

Some learn better though. We keep them, they're not bad folks once they learn to overcome their preconceptions.
The difference between a good Yankee and a bad Yankee is that the good Yankee eventually goes the hell back home.

It's all part of the assimilation civilizing plan. Just like when the North busted a cap in your dumb ass. You loony redneck savages are gonna be civilized whether you like it or not. And invading and occupying is part of the plan to accomplish that.

You see, the South ain't rising again. It's just gonna become more like the North and assimilated into the civilized world. So wave bye bye to your camo and rebel flags. It's over Cletus. There's a new Boss Hogg in town. :)
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Corn breaaaaad N muffinz, gotsa drunked an fucked them cousinzzzz(chorus) ho de doo dah duhhhh.

This whole thread ought to bookmarked as evidence. Evidence that leftists really DON'T give a fuck about the poor or poverty. In fact -- they pretty much denigrate people of lesser means every opportunity they get.

Not really fooling anybody ya know. We know you only want to use em and abuse em..

But more IMPORTANTLY -- a lot of "them there poor" also get that.

Naw. Theyunz dunna git that kneethur. You didn't watched the videoh eh ?
View attachment 63614

Nope -- did not. Saw Bill Maher in the opening shot and poked it off..
Funny how that works. Guy has no credibility. And you think he's a genius..

But I can answer his question about why the poor are Conservatives in the South. The "poor" in the South aren't fooled by Democrats. They KNOW that LikMee is a hypocrite who doesn't really give a fuck about their issues and problems. And hates them simply because of how they vote and how they choose to live outside your "systems".

The only poor that you or the Paulitician care about -- are those who lick your jackboots. In Pauli's case -- he just might not care -------- Period.. He's just another phoney Libertarian who thinks HE'S the only one that can afford to be skeptical about Federal power..
One thing i couldn't help noticing when i lived in the South. Most are very fat, they dress like slobs, and they're often very dirty. I was appalled at how they could go out in public dressed so slobbish. They have no pride or dignity. Even the women were often very fat, and dressed in stained camo and pajama bottoms with holes in em. That used to freak me out a bit.

I don't know what's up with that. I don't get it. Ya gotta have some pride when you go out in public. Just cause you live in the South, it doesn't mean you have to be dirty and dress like a slob. Have some pride ya dang loony rednecks.
Lots of pigs here, Sport. Many with unwashed dred locks, filthy jeans, nose rings, giant ear rings, etc. Lots of fatso too. You don't get out much.

I don't know, whole lotta obese girls dressed in stained camo and pajama bottoms down there. Seriously, what's up with that? And the redneck dudes dress even worse.

It's like they're all competing in a 'Biggest redneck slob of the South' contest. So come on y'all, look in a mirror before you go out in public. Especially you redneck gals.
You couldn't get laid down there, is that it?
No thanks. I'll pass. Obese camo-wearing redneck stinkies are all you.
Washington State hasn't relocated to south of the Mason Dixie yet. But yeah, I had a feeling I knew what your real beef was. Southern gals don't like superior acting yankee types.

Yup, they prefer sister-fucking rebel flag-waving dipshits. They enjoy honeymooning at the Walmart. ;)
Yeah its so bad that the South is booming economically. People are flocking here from up North....so much so that the South now has a larger population than any other region. Our cities are thriving. Business is relocating here. We have the best food best women best football best weather.

America's future is the South.

We do...however....have over 50% of all the nation's African Americans and a massive % of illegal aliens. That's where the poverty and low educational scores are rooted.
I love it when these racist right wingers bring up such nonsense. Look at the map again. What about the states that are more than 90% white but are Republican and poor as fuck.


West Virginia. Only a measly 3% are black and yet one fifth live below the poverty line. And we know how Republicans love, they simply love to fuck over the poor. And West Virginia is both poor and Republican.

Only 7% of Oklahoma is black, yet 17% live below the poverty level.

Then there is Kentucky. a whopping 8% black yet a staggering 19% live below the poverty level.

So your SKIN color determines if you are ACTUALLY poor in the new leftist Dem party? I don't get this fixation on race. You EXPECT blacks to poor? And it's nasty if whites are?

The focus on race is downright nasty..
Lots of pigs here, Sport. Many with unwashed dred locks, filthy jeans, nose rings, giant ear rings, etc. Lots of fatso too. You don't get out much.

I don't know, whole lotta obese girls dressed in stained camo and pajama bottoms down there. Seriously, what's up with that? And the redneck dudes dress even worse.

It's like they're all competing in a 'Biggest redneck slob of the South' contest. So come on y'all, look in a mirror before you go out in public. Especially you redneck gals.
You couldn't get laid down there, is that it?
No thanks. I'll pass. Obese camo-wearing redneck stinkies are all you.
Washington State hasn't relocated to south of the Mason Dixie yet. But yeah, I had a feeling I knew what your real beef was. Southern gals don't like superior acting yankee types.

Yup, they prefer sister-fucking rebel flag-waving dipshits. They enjoy honeymooning at the Walmart. ;)
I'll bet you got your ass handed to you on more than one occasion too.
Too many to count in the South. Accepted norms there. They are pretty much backwards kooks. But they make up much of the Republican Party Base. The Party can't survive without their votes.

Camo wearing, gun toting. Yep, those are the norm, because we like it. The rest aren't.

While some does still exist, as it exists everywhere, you'll find racism FAR more prevalent in the Democratic Party. Certain segments which vote universally democrat are unabashed and approved racists. Yet that seems to somehow escape your notice.

I'm half-kidding. I used to live in the South. It wasn't all bad. But i found it to be pretty bizarre. Way too many fat camo-wearing, gun-obsessed, Walmart-lovin, sister-fuckers for my liking. But hey, that's just my opinion.

So you're saying you're the Yankee who thought they knew everything all the people around you politely ignored because they were too stupid to associate with.

It's ok, you're not the only one we run across down here. They generally run back north where they can wallow in their ignorance and filth together.

Some learn better though. We keep them, they're not bad folks once they learn to overcome their preconceptions.
The difference between a good Yankee and a bad Yankee is that the good Yankee eventually goes the hell back home.

It's all part of the assimilation civilizing plan. Just like when the North busted a cap in your dumb ass. You loony redneck savages are gonna be civilized whether you like it or not. And invading and occupying is part of the plan to accomplish that.

You see, the South ain't rising again. It's just gonna become more like the North and assimilated into the civilized world. So wave bye bye to your camo and rebel flags. It's over Cletus. There's a new Boss Hogg in town. :)

Not the mayor of Detroit!! Say it ain't so.

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