Why is the South such an embarrassment?

Why do liberals constantly bring up the south?
Personally I dont give a crap one way or another about the north other than the fact that they keep moving south in droves.
I mean really,whats with the obsession?

They're moving to the South to improve it. Think of them as secular humanist missionaries.

Nah...they move down to get away from the punitive taxes and the failed businesses due to dem idiocy.
Why do liberals constantly bring up the south?
Personally I dont give a crap one way or another about the north other than the fact that they keep moving south in droves.
I mean really,whats with the obsession?

A militaristic ideology needs enemies to fight in order to justify its own existence. Southerners are bad people, racist are bad people, people who oppose illegal immigration are bad people, people who believe in creationism are bad people. They all have to be eliminated because we are in a war against them...

Or they realize democrats have fucked things up so bad that they better get out while the getting's good.
How are things going for you Northern Liberals today? Over 3500 flights cancelled? Snow and ice? Calling for broken water mains in Boston? 29 degrees in DC and 27 in New York with wind chills in the teens? It's really bad here in Pensacola too. It's about 70 degrees here but I'll suffer through it some way.
Why do liberals constantly bring up the south?
Personally I dont give a crap one way or another about the north other than the fact that they keep moving south in droves.
I mean really,whats with the obsession?

They're moving to the South to improve it. Think of them as secular humanist missionaries.

Nah...they move down to get away from the punitive taxes and the failed businesses due to dem idiocy.

You're an idiot. Where do you live?
Corn breaaaaad N muffinz, gotsa drunked an fucked them cousinzzzz(chorus) ho de doo dah duhhhh.

This whole thread ought to bookmarked as evidence. Evidence that leftists really DON'T give a fuck about the poor or poverty. In fact -- they pretty much denigrate people of lesser means every opportunity they get.

Not really fooling anybody ya know. We know you only want to use em and abuse em..

But more IMPORTANTLY -- a lot of "them there poor" also get that.
Several reasons, but i'll summarize...

Most in the South are fat camo-wearing, Walmart-lovin, gun-obsessed, sister-fucking racist morons.

Hope i helped. You're welcome.
Corn breaaaaad N muffinz, gotsa drunked an fucked them cousinzzzz(chorus) ho de doo dah duhhhh.

This whole thread ought to bookmarked as evidence. Evidence that leftists really DON'T give a fuck about the poor or poverty. In fact -- they pretty much denigrate people of lesser means every opportunity they get.

Not really fooling anybody ya know. We know you only want to use em and abuse em..

But more IMPORTANTLY -- a lot of "them there poor" also get that.

Naw. Theyunz dunna git that kneethur. You didn't watched the videoh eh ?
Religion keeps poor poor.jpg
Why do liberals constantly bring up the south?
Personally I dont give a crap one way or another about the north other than the fact that they keep moving south in droves.
I mean really,whats with the obsession?

They're moving to the South to improve it. Think of them as secular humanist missionaries.

Nah...they move down to get away from the punitive taxes and the failed businesses due to dem idiocy.

You're an idiot. Where do you live?

Talk about your idiots.....it's right in front of your face ya fucken retard.
Yeah its so bad that the South is booming economically. People are flocking here from up North....so much so that the South now has a larger population than any other region. Our cities are thriving. Business is relocating here. We have the best food best women best football best weather.

America's future is the South.

We do...however....have over 50% of all the nation's African Americans and a massive % of illegal aliens. That's where the poverty and low educational scores are rooted.
I love it when these racist right wingers bring up such nonsense. Look at the map again. What about the states that are more than 90% white but are Republican and poor as fuck.


West Virginia. Only a measly 3% are black and yet one fifth live below the poverty line. And we know how Republicans love, they simply love to fuck over the poor. And West Virginia is both poor and Republican.

Only 7% of Oklahoma is black, yet 17% live below the poverty level.

Then there is Kentucky. a whopping 8% black yet a staggering 19% live below the poverty level.

Do these people like being poor?

Is the GOP in love with poverty?

To the GOP is the ideal American fat, dumb, and poor?
I note that TX and OK are among the top five states in economic growth
New Jersey and Maine were among the slowest growers.

I note that TX and OK are among the top five states in economic growth
New Jersey and Maine were among the slowest growers.

Economic growth for whom?
Yeah its so bad that the South is booming economically. People are flocking here from up North....so much so that the South now has a larger population than any other region. Our cities are thriving. Business is relocating here. We have the best food best women best football best weather.

America's future is the South.

We do...however....have over 50% of all the nation's African Americans and a massive % of illegal aliens. That's where the poverty and low educational scores are rooted.

The only thing that matters is economic growth for people. That hasn't been shown anywhere in the US yet, and won't until wage disparity is stopped.
Why do liberals constantly bring up the south?
Personally I dont give a crap one way or another about the north other than the fact that they keep moving south in droves.
I mean really,whats with the obsession?

They're moving to the South to improve it. Think of them as secular humanist missionaries.

Nah...they move down to get away from the punitive taxes and the failed businesses due to dem idiocy.

You're an idiot. Where do you live?

You are calling him an idiot?

Improve it????

Lets see after the vultures destroyed the north you think they are coming down south to paradise to improve it?????
You picked four states with Republican governors. Interesting.
What's even more interesting is how deep in the hole many Democrat states are. I guess if you keep giving away money you don't have it doesn't count?

Why don't you compare and contrast California with South Carolina.

California receives back less then 1:1 in federal tax, where South Carolina receives 7.8:1.

ALL southern States receive more than 1:1.

I believe that southern States are takers, which is the real reason behind the so-called economic boom.
,,,The South did not start the Civil War, the North did. Read up on the Norths refusal to transfer their military bases over to the south and the one at Pensecola firing on a civilian delegation to emphasize their 'NO!'

The South started the Civil War by (1) attempting to secede from the Union, then (2) attacking and seizing Federal property in pursuit of that secession.

War began the moment that (1) was accomplished.

Incorrect. When the south seceded, said property ceased being Federal property. They were ordered to leave, and instead of leaving Lincoln reinforced and resupplied it.

War began because that's exactly what Lincoln wanted.

Secession was unconstitutional. "No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation;" The fort remained US Territory.

Lincoln would have left the Souths slavery system intact if it meant keeping the union together. Southern slave holders didn't believe him. They could have won their independence, but they chose the wrong General to lead them.

Secession was as valid as the colonies seceding from England.

Nope, it would have been valid had the South won the War for Independence. We lost because of General Lee's strategy.

Lost because they went to war 5 years too early. Needed to spend some time developing the manufacturing capability to sustain it, and needed to get England and France involved.
Why do liberals constantly bring up the south?
Personally I dont give a crap one way or another about the north other than the fact that they keep moving south in droves.
I mean really,whats with the obsession?

Southern States are the biggest welfare queens in America.
You picked four states with Republican governors. Interesting.
What's even more interesting is how deep in the hole many Democrat states are. I guess if you keep giving away money you don't have it doesn't count?

Why don't you compare and contrast California with South Carolina.

California receives back less then 1:1 in federal tax, where South Carolina receives 7.8:1.

ALL southern States receive more than 1:1.

I believe that southern States are takers, which is the real reason behind the so-called economic boom.

We have most of the military bases, with a fraction of the population.....unless of course you look at the demographics of the military. Hence a lot of money comes our way.

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