Why is the South such an embarrassment?

Things slow way down in the south. Add 5 inches of snow on the roads and watch the entertainment. Hilarious.

Try an 1/8th of an inch, doubt there is more then 12 plows in this entire state

I was stationed at LeJeune in '95 when North Carolina got slammed with snow. Jacksonville got about a 1/4 inch, or so- I mean, you could plainly see the grass and a little bit of snow between the blades - and the whole town shut down. Raleigh got like 10" that melted a little and then froze solid. Must've been a complete disaster area.
Why do liberals constantly bring up the south?
Personally I dont give a crap one way or another about the north other than the fact that they keep moving south in droves.
I mean really,whats with the obsession?

They're moving to the South to improve it. Think of them as secular humanist missionaries.
,,,The South did not start the Civil War, the North did. Read up on the Norths refusal to transfer their military bases over to the south and the one at Pensecola firing on a civilian delegation to emphasize their 'NO!'

The South started the Civil War by (1) attempting to secede from the Union, then (2) attacking and seizing Federal property in pursuit of that secession.

War began the moment that (1) was accomplished.

Incorrect. When the south seceded, said property ceased being Federal property. They were ordered to leave, and instead of leaving Lincoln reinforced and resupplied it.

War began because that's exactly what Lincoln wanted.

Secession was unconstitutional. "No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation;" The fort remained US Territory.

Lincoln would have left the Souths slavery system intact if it meant keeping the union together. Southern slave holders didn't believe him. They could have won their independence, but they chose the wrong General to lead them.

Secession was as valid as the colonies seceding from England.

Which is why Ben Franklin said they'd hang together or hang separately.
,,,The South did not start the Civil War, the North did. Read up on the Norths refusal to transfer their military bases over to the south and the one at Pensecola firing on a civilian delegation to emphasize their 'NO!'

The South started the Civil War by (1) attempting to secede from the Union, then (2) attacking and seizing Federal property in pursuit of that secession.

War began the moment that (1) was accomplished.

Incorrect. When the south seceded, said property ceased being Federal property. They were ordered to leave, and instead of leaving Lincoln reinforced and resupplied it.

War began because that's exactly what Lincoln wanted.

Secession was unconstitutional. "No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation;" The fort remained US Territory.

Lincoln would have left the Souths slavery system intact if it meant keeping the union together. Southern slave holders didn't believe him. They could have won their independence, but they chose the wrong General to lead them.

Secession was as valid as the colonies seceding from England.

Nope, it would have been valid had the South won the War for Independence. We lost because of General Lee's strategy.
Wyoming has the lowest poverty rate...

Most of the states in the regions you are pointing to are rural areas which means their is simply less money.
Why is the SOUTH such an embarrassment? Seriously?

Baltimore, D.C.... D.C. alone, the largest collection of idiots, liars, charlatans, con men, and criminals in one place, beats the entire south.
Lefties aren't content to place labels on people, now they want to condemn half the freaking Nation. Ever been to Detroit or Chicago? Seattle is a beautiful city but lefties let degenerate drunks and assorted fruits and nuts camp out on every corner and piss in the parks. Don't get me started on the peoples republik of California.

Do these people like being poor?

Is the GOP in love with poverty?

To the GOP is the ideal American fat, dumb, and poor?
Poverty is picked by the individual, not the village. Dumbass
Their is something in a free economic system that no one ever considers which is you can't force anyone to be rich. Their is opportunity their to be rich but it really comes down to what a person wants to achieve in his lifetime. Whenever people point out that in many states or countries that have something similar to a free economic system that they are not super rich they may have to consider that the people their may not be as ambitious as people living anywhere else. It is just inevitable that some populations are not going to spend their lives becoming as rich as Hillary Clinton. This also kind of kills the theory that conservatives are greedy. The fact that the OP pointed out that and handful of conservative states are not wealthy may indicate that conservatives may not care about pursuing the all might dollar as previously thought.
Why do liberals constantly bring up the south?
Personally I dont give a crap one way or another about the north other than the fact that they keep moving south in droves.
I mean really,whats with the obsession?

A militaristic ideology needs enemies to fight in order to justify its own existence. Southerners are bad people, racist are bad people, people who oppose illegal immigration are bad people, people who believe in creationism are bad people. They all have to be eliminated because we are in a war against them...
Southerners are bad people? There are bad people found everywhere, but to label southerners as 'bad people' is ridiculous.

Down south people will say hi to you on the street, help you if you need a hand, and are very polite.

I've been up north many times. Hardly anyone says hi, loik at you like 'wtf are you looking at / what's the matter with you' if you say hi on the street, will not help you if you need help, and you're more likely to get a 'F YOU' in response to you telling a passer-by on the street to gave a nice day.

Finally, News flash, racism isn't limited by geography!
Uh huh... Well, we may not be the paradise of say Detroit (where nobody has a job), or Chicago (where black youth are literally slaughtering themselves and their own black leaders do not appear to care one bit), or NY City (which is run by a leftist nut that is pitting the criminals against his own police force), or Pittsburgh (a broke industrial ghost town).

No, we may not be such a paradise. But I will take it over the northern ice box, shit hole leftist, morally and environmentally polluted north any day of the week.

The op is clearly a naive, young twat whose opinions are worthless.
Metro Detroit has great wealth. Do you have any all black cities near you that are run by blacks and run well?
...Nope, it would have been valid had the South won the War for Independence. We lost because of General Lee's strategy.
You lost for several reasons...

1. you lacked a sufficient internal manufacturing capacity and related resources

2. you were a primarily agrarian economy, unsuited for warfare against a more populous and urbanized and better-organized adversary

3. you made the mistake of not freeing your slaves before you began to fight; thereby smearing your cause with the feces of slavery

You had arguably the best general on the face of the planet back them (Robert E. Lee).

Nobody else could have held the South's military together and kept it effective and held the love and loyalty of his men right up to the end.

It took us a dozen generals and a great many phukk-ups before we managed to beat him down.

Given your extreme disadvantages (see 1-3, above), you would not have lasted anywhere NEAR as long as you did, without Robert E. Lee.

You did not lose because of Lee's strategy... you lasted as long as you did, because of Lee's strategy.

You were doomed to lose from the outset... it's a bloody miracle you lasted as long as you did... and Bobbie Lee... a great American general... gets credit for that.
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The graph that started this brawl was DESIGNED to start brawls. There's no real difference between a state with 29.9% poverty and 30.0% poverty except a color change. No idea if poverty level is adjusted to cost of living from that turdish statistic. So folks can have a couple acres of land and live there for FAR LESS than in New York or California.

And typically, the BIG money centers were in the NOrth. But all that is changing as folks FLEE the poorly managed, high tax states of the North and West. Charlotte is now a banking center. Tennessee has a booming auto industry and medical services biz. TEXAS is a new powerhouse of tech, and what's left of manufacturing.

Yeah, there's poverty here. But they aren't confined in public housing complexes and piss poor neighborhoods. And the local/state government are on top of things and spend money wisely...

Do these people like being poor?

Is the GOP in love with poverty?

To the GOP is the ideal American fat, dumb, and poor?
South, North, East or West, none are as bad as the culture of the Republicans attempt to pick their 2016 Presidential candidate.
...Nope, it would have been valid had the South won the War for Independence. We lost because of General Lee's strategy.
You lost for several reasons...

1. you lacked a sufficient internal manufacturing capacity and related resources

2. you were a primarily agrarian economy, unsuited for warfare against a more populous and urbanized and better-organized adversary

3. you made the mistake of not freeing your slaves before you began to fight; thereby smearing your cause with the feces of slavery

You had arguably the best general on the face of the planet back them (Robert E. Lee).

Nobody else could have held the South's military together and kept it effective and held the love and loyalty of his men right up to the end.

It took us a dozen generals and a great many phukk-ups before we managed to beat him down.

Given your extreme disadvantages (see 1-3, above), you would not have lasted anywhere NEAR as long as you did, without Robert E. Lee.

You did not lose because of Lee's strategy... you lasted as long as you did, because of Lee's strategy.

You were doomed to lose from the outset... it's a bloody miracle you lasted as long as you did... and Bobbie Lee... a great American general... gets credit for that.

One of the primary reasons America was able to defeat England was France and their recognition of the New Nation. After the loss at Gettysburg there was little chance the South would get any recognition from any other country much less one that could break the blockages and get supplies in. Thus the invasion of the North failed. Lee was a masterful battlefield tactician but lacked the long term vision to realize that his primary goal should not have been to fight a war of attrition with the north (one, as you point out they could never win) but rather keeping the Army together as a fighting force long enough gain an international ally and to demoralize the North. The slave holders plan was to expand slavery by invading and conquering Mexico and the Caribbean.
The South isn't all bad. There are still many old school courteous folks there. More so than in places in the Northeast. I enjoyed some of my time living in the South. But i gotta admit, there are still too many camo-wearing, gun-obsessed, sister-fucking, Walmart-shopping, white racists, for my taste.
Lol, is that so?

Then name me one camo-wearing, gun-obsessed, sister-fucking, Walmart-shopping, white racist, liar.

Too many to count in the South. Accepted norms there. They are pretty much backwards kooks. But they make up much of the Republican Party Base. The Party can't survive without their votes.

Yes, we are a backwards bunch. We have Cape Kennedy, the Stennis Space Center, NASA at Houston, Redstone Arsenal at Huntsville, etc.
That's only becuase tharza lossa them thar furrnerz to do them jobs y'allunz caint even spell !

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