Why is the South such an embarrassment?

...I disagree 100%...

...An act of secession is not constrained by the rules of the country being seceded from...
The outcome of the American Civil War decided otherwise.

...The American revolution was illegal according to British law in the 1700s...
Indeed. The victor writes the rules, and history, and gives his perspective the force of law.

...Secession is effectively an act of war...

...would this country engage in another civil war over politics? Or would it peacefully divide as the USSR did? I think the latter, but hopefully we won't have to find out.
However, having said that, if another liberal democrat is put in the whitehouse, there might be enough pissed off people to push a secession or dissolution movement.
No, I seriously doubt that American is going to undergo another Civil War, nor that there will ever again be any serious attempt at secession or dissolution.

All empires fall, and ours will, too, one day, but not anytime soon, and the Union is unlikely to dissolve within the lifetime of any generation that any of us will ever know.

The South started the Civil War by (1) attempting to secede from the Union, then (2) attacking and seizing Federal property in pursuit of that secession.

War began the moment that (1) was accomplished.

Seceding isn't a justification for war. The Yankees were trespassing in Southern territory.
Each Southern State began or joined the war the split second that they passed an Ordinance of Secession.

Secession is, indeed, a casus belli, and the matter was settled by force of arms 150 years ago.

There is no such thing as a Federal force, trespassing, anywhere on American soil, in order to enforce the laws of the Nation.

That, too, was settled 150 years ago.

Let it go.

Total bullshit. Where does the Constitution grant the federal government the authority to make war on any of the states?

If a state secedes, then it's no longer part of the United States. Any federal troops who refuse to leave are trespassing.

Secession is unconstitutional. Secession is a violation of Section 10 of the Constitution. "No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; .."

So it's your position that people are not able to select the form of government they'll live under. That they must submit to the rule of the country where they're born, or be killed.

We're no more than slaves. Nice philosophy you have there.

Tools like Blindboo think we're all government property to be disposed of whatever way the state sees fit.
So it's your position that people are not able to select the form of government they'll live under. That they must submit to the rule of the country where they're born, or be killed.

We're no more than slaves. Nice philosophy you have there.
It is part of the Identity Politics view of ethnic groups. You are what your ethnicity is and there is no rising above it, changing it or learning to love another ethnic way of life.

If you were born black and get an education and live the yuppy life style, you are not really a yuppy, you are just a black man faking being a yuppy.

If you were born and raised as a German American, but find out that your ancestry is more Scottish, then you have to trash all your German stuff you liked and by Scotish stuff because you are not acting like the stereotypes say Scottish people are supposed to behave.

The whole thing is set up to divide everyone into pigeon holes and then divy out privileges and rights to each group based on political power.

So far Hispanics, gheys, women and blacks are allowed to organize politically to represent their own intersets, but few others are, and for white Christian males to similarly organize is to evoke howls of protest from libtards who have no desire for equality and fairness but merely to strengthen the groups that tend to vote for them while they undercut everyone else.

And white males fall for the sucker play from the GOP Establishment that says they should have more pride than to organize at all. roflmao
No, I seriously doubt that American is going to undergo another Civil War, nor that there will ever again be any serious attempt at secession or dissolution.

That sort of presumption is EXACTLY why civil wars come about, dude.

All empires fall, and ours will, too, one day, but not anytime soon, and the Union is unlikely to dissolve within the lifetime of any generation that any of us will ever know.

More presumption. You are hilariously ignorant about history.

I am sure that Austrians living in 1908, Soviet citizens in 1980, Japanese citizens in 1936, and Germans in 1930 never could believe that the nation state they thought was so strong would be gone within 15 years.

The only thing you have proven is that you are not very reflective in regard to such matters.
...And white males fall for the sucker play from the GOP Establishment that says they should have more pride than to organize at all. roflmao
Yep... they fall for it every time... dividing themselves between two parties, while one of the parties hogs all the minority goodies.

Do these people like being poor?

Is the GOP in love with poverty?

To the GOP is the ideal American fat, dumb, and poor?

Their obvious lack of education ....it is embarrassing. I wonder what some London Brit may say to a gator hunter in the South. Want some beans and bangers? HA!

Do these people like being poor?

Is the GOP in love with poverty?

To the GOP is the ideal American fat, dumb, and poor?

Their obvious lack of education ....it is embarrassing. I wonder what some London Brit may say to a gator hunter in the South. Want some beans and bangers? HA!

We of the south find the ignorance of the north amusing. I demonstrated earlier how your higher cost of living actually reduces your income relative to ours.

BTW, the Brit will probably insult him...and the hunter will feed him to a gator. Go home and tell the wife "one less moron in the world".

Do these people like being poor?

Is the GOP in love with poverty?

To the GOP is the ideal American fat, dumb, and poor?

Their obvious lack of education ....it is embarrassing. I wonder what some London Brit may say to a gator hunter in the South. Want some beans and bangers? HA!

Only a child would not understand the difference between knowledge and wisdom.
Seceding isn't a justification for war. The Yankees were trespassing in Southern territory.
Each Southern State began or joined the war the split second that they passed an Ordinance of Secession.

Secession is, indeed, a casus belli, and the matter was settled by force of arms 150 years ago.

There is no such thing as a Federal force, trespassing, anywhere on American soil, in order to enforce the laws of the Nation.

That, too, was settled 150 years ago.

Let it go.

Total bullshit. Where does the Constitution grant the federal government the authority to make war on any of the states?

If a state secedes, then it's no longer part of the United States. Any federal troops who refuse to leave are trespassing.

Secession is unconstitutional. Secession is a violation of Section 10 of the Constitution. "No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; .."

So it's your position that people are not able to select the form of government they'll live under. That they must submit to the rule of the country where they're born, or be killed.

We're no more than slaves. Nice philosophy you have there.

Tools like Blindboo think we're all government property to be disposed of whatever way the state sees fit.

Too funny. You do know that the Southern States drafted many of their poor White citizens to fight and die in their effort to be free to kept their Negros Slaves in bondage right?

"No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; " So the founders were Tools?

Freaking RWNJS are awesome.
Each Southern State began or joined the war the split second that they passed an Ordinance of Secession.

Secession is, indeed, a casus belli, and the matter was settled by force of arms 150 years ago.

There is no such thing as a Federal force, trespassing, anywhere on American soil, in order to enforce the laws of the Nation.

That, too, was settled 150 years ago.

Let it go.

Total bullshit. Where does the Constitution grant the federal government the authority to make war on any of the states?

If a state secedes, then it's no longer part of the United States. Any federal troops who refuse to leave are trespassing.

Secession is unconstitutional. Secession is a violation of Section 10 of the Constitution. "No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; .."

So it's your position that people are not able to select the form of government they'll live under. That they must submit to the rule of the country where they're born, or be killed.

We're no more than slaves. Nice philosophy you have there.

Tools like Blindboo think we're all government property to be disposed of whatever way the state sees fit.

Too funny. You do know that the Southern States drafted many of their poor White citizens to fight and die in their effort to be free to kept their Negros Slaves in bondage right?

"No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; " So the founders were Tools?

Freaking RWNJS are awesome.

Lincoln invented the draft, and he killed people who refused to comply. So he was opposed to slavery, except when he needed cannon fodder to feed into the meet grinder.

I have no idea what you imagine you're conveying with your "No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; " quote. Perhaps you think it makes you sound smart to quote the Constitution.
There is nothing more embarrassing than the career politicians and their federal government...
Total bullshit. Where does the Constitution grant the federal government the authority to make war on any of the states?

If a state secedes, then it's no longer part of the United States. Any federal troops who refuse to leave are trespassing.

Secession is unconstitutional. Secession is a violation of Section 10 of the Constitution. "No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; .."

So it's your position that people are not able to select the form of government they'll live under. That they must submit to the rule of the country where they're born, or be killed.

We're no more than slaves. Nice philosophy you have there.

Tools like Blindboo think we're all government property to be disposed of whatever way the state sees fit.

Too funny. You do know that the Southern States drafted many of their poor White citizens to fight and die in their effort to be free to kept their Negros Slaves in bondage right?

"No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; " So the founders were Tools?

Freaking RWNJS are awesome.

Lincoln invented the draft, and he killed people who refused to comply. So he was opposed to slavery, except when he needed cannon fodder to feed into the meet grinder.

I have no idea what you imagine you're conveying with your "No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; " quote. Perhaps you think it makes you sound smart to quote the Constitution.

The draft was not invented in America. Lincoln would not have gone to war if the Southern States had not unconstitutionally seceded from the Union. Nor would he have tried to abolish slavery where it already existed. He was, as was typical of most Americans at the time, a genuine racist who thought that Whites were superior to Blacks.

Not a big fan of the US Constitution are ya?
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Secession is unconstitutional. Secession is a violation of Section 10 of the Constitution. "No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; .."

So it's your position that people are not able to select the form of government they'll live under. That they must submit to the rule of the country where they're born, or be killed.

We're no more than slaves. Nice philosophy you have there.

Tools like Blindboo think we're all government property to be disposed of whatever way the state sees fit.

Too funny. You do know that the Southern States drafted many of their poor White citizens to fight and die in their effort to be free to kept their Negros Slaves in bondage right?

"No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; " So the founders were Tools?

Freaking RWNJS are awesome.

Lincoln invented the draft, and he killed people who refused to comply. So he was opposed to slavery, except when he needed cannon fodder to feed into the meet grinder.

I have no idea what you imagine you're conveying with your "No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; " quote. Perhaps you think it makes you sound smart to quote the Constitution.

The draft was not invented in America. Lincoln would not have gone to war if the Southern States had not unconstitutionally seceded from the Union. Nor would he have tried to abolish slavery where it already existed. He was, as was typical of most Americans at the time, a genuine racist who thought that Whites were superior to Blacks.

Not a big fan of the US Constitution are ya?

There's nothing unconstitutional about secession. If you believe otherwise, feel free to point out the language that bans it.

If you turds believe the war wasn't fought over slavery, then why do you keep claiming it was?

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