Why is the world so crazy now?

For those of faith...do you think Satan and his demons are party to this? I do.

Your "faith" presupposes that this "Satan" exists.

And don't you DARE misquote that. There will be .... wait for it .... hell to pay.
You know what? I'm done with you. This is not a faith thread, nor a political one. If you don't like my silly posts and OPs, get the fuck out.

It just kills you that you can't twist my words without getting called on it, donut.

I know it's not a political thread, pointed that out yesterday. But again, if we attribute -- whatever -- to a "Satan" we MUST presuppose that said "Satan" exists. That remains a fact.

If it does not exist then we're attributing "whatever" to nothing, which is to say we are evading the issue. That's escapism.

I don't make the laws of Logic, I just enforce them.
The more things change. . .

. . . the more they seem to stay the same. . . .


I know right. Every time I hear this wail it sounds like an old 78 record that thinks it's never been played before.

Instead of pointing fingers in hate, all of us need to unite in common concern and love for our common future.

. . . in the end, liberal or conservative, united we stand or fall together. :dunno:

. . . playing the blame game helps no one . . . in the end.

The future and all of it's challenges are rushing up fast to meet us. I do notice, the young folks will always have odd styles and behaviors. This is nothing new. I think, really, that is what this thread is all about.

All you can do, is teach those in your family, and hope they choose what is dear to you.

. . . and love them. ;)

Our time is slowly passing by now. . .

You cannot unite with insane people. All of what you said is pie in the sky happy fantasy. Nice, but not realistic. Let's be realistic. :dunno: Many people are tired of this insanity being pushed on us and will not accept it. Things have gone too far with this social justice nonsense.

I suppose. . . but. . . .

do you. . personally know folks, and are friends with folks that are into "social justice nonsense" as you call it?

From much of what I read, see and hear?

When the rubber meets the road, in the real world? Most of this is only in an academic setting, or broadcast to you on your TEE VEE.

I don't think it really is happening on a wide scale.

Zackly. That's the job of TEE VEE --- scare the shit oiutta ya with outlandish nonsense so you'll buy this face cream. People gotta learn to filter that cacophony with the requisite grain of salt, and recognize why they're doing it.

Course, this site in effect does the same thing but we can run ad blockers.

People buy face cream to prevent wrinkles and signs of aging, not because they are "scared shitless." Lol. We aren't discussing television or online ads.
Instead of pointing fingers in hate, all of us need to unite in common concern and love for our common future.

. . . in the end, liberal or conservative, united we stand or fall together. :dunno:

. . . playing the blame game helps no one . . . in the end.

The future and all of it's challenges are rushing up fast to meet us. I do notice, the young folks will always have odd styles and behaviors. This is nothing new. I think, really, that is what this thread is all about.

All you can do, is teach those in your family, and hope they choose what is dear to you.

. . . and love them. ;)

Our time is slowly passing by now. . .

You cannot unite with insane people. All of what you said is pie in the sky happy fantasy. Nice, but not realistic. Let's be realistic. :dunno: Many people are tired of this insanity being pushed on us and will not accept it. Things have gone too far with this social justice nonsense.

I suppose. . . but. . . .

do you. . personally know folks, and are friends with folks that are into "social justice nonsense" as you call it?

From much of what I read, see and hear?

When the rubber meets the road, in the real world? Most of this is only in an academic setting, or broadcast to you on your TEE VEE.

I don't think it really is happening on a wide scale.

Zackly. That's the job of TEE VEE --- scare the shit oiutta ya with outlandish nonsense so you'll buy this face cream. People gotta learn to filter that cacophony with the requisite grain of salt, and recognize why they're doing it.

Course, this site in effect does the same thing but we can run ad blockers.

But you ignore the fact that I said I live in leftist MA, and I do see it. I even gave an example of the man who murdered his wife and is doing life and wanted taxpayers to pay for his sex change operation. It was voted down, but only after the original ruling (which was YES), was appealed in a higher court. That is just ONE example. :eusa_hand: You want to pretend the crazies don't exist, but I know they do. :dunno:

I didn't even post to you and I don't know what you're talking about. :dunno:

You replied to Mister Beale who was replying to my post, and you are trying to downplay my real life experiences with crazy people, in saying that the TV is just scaring me.
You cannot unite with insane people. All of what you said is pie in the sky happy fantasy. Nice, but not realistic. Let's be realistic. :dunno: Many people are tired of this insanity being pushed on us and will not accept it. Things have gone too far with this social justice nonsense.

I suppose. . . but. . . .

do you. . personally know folks, and are friends with folks that are into "social justice nonsense" as you call it?

From much of what I read, see and hear?

When the rubber meets the road, in the real world? Most of this is only in an academic setting, or broadcast to you on your TEE VEE.

I don't think it really is happening on a wide scale.

Zackly. That's the job of TEE VEE --- scare the shit oiutta ya with outlandish nonsense so you'll buy this face cream. People gotta learn to filter that cacophony with the requisite grain of salt, and recognize why they're doing it.

Course, this site in effect does the same thing but we can run ad blockers.

But you ignore the fact that I said I live in leftist MA, and I do see it. I even gave an example of the man who murdered his wife and is doing life and wanted taxpayers to pay for his sex change operation. It was voted down, but only after the original ruling (which was YES), was appealed in a higher court. That is just ONE example. :eusa_hand: You want to pretend the crazies don't exist, but I know they do. :dunno:

I didn't even post to you and I don't know what you're talking about. :dunno:

You replied to Mister Beale who was replying to my post, and you are trying to downplay my real life experiences with crazy people, in saying that the TV is just scaring me.

I didn't even read your post. I responded to Beale, who was much more on the point of the thread.

"Face cream" is a random example. Could be deodorant, Vi@gra, or the monster pickup truck. The general idea of advertising, which is (a) defined as persuading people to buy shit they don't need (if you need face cream you don't need to be persuaded), and (b) the entire reason TEE VEE --- which was Beale's point and spot on the mark --- exists, that is, to sell face cream, deodorant and monster pickup trucks, shit nobody needs, which they set up by scaring you shitless so you'll sit through the persuasion propaganda and watch it.

We have to remember that the objective is to sell monster pickup trucks and NOT to impart useful information. It's a cynical psycho game of manipulation and that's all it is. As such it's a direct and relevant answer to the question posed in the OP. Not the only answer to be sure, but a major one. TV desensitizes and dumbs-down.
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I suppose. . . but. . . .

do you. . personally know folks, and are friends with folks that are into "social justice nonsense" as you call it?

From much of what I read, see and hear?

When the rubber meets the road, in the real world? Most of this is only in an academic setting, or broadcast to you on your TEE VEE.

I don't think it really is happening on a wide scale.

Zackly. That's the job of TEE VEE --- scare the shit oiutta ya with outlandish nonsense so you'll buy this face cream. People gotta learn to filter that cacophony with the requisite grain of salt, and recognize why they're doing it.

Course, this site in effect does the same thing but we can run ad blockers.

But you ignore the fact that I said I live in leftist MA, and I do see it. I even gave an example of the man who murdered his wife and is doing life and wanted taxpayers to pay for his sex change operation. It was voted down, but only after the original ruling (which was YES), was appealed in a higher court. That is just ONE example. :eusa_hand: You want to pretend the crazies don't exist, but I know they do. :dunno:

I didn't even post to you and I don't know what you're talking about. :dunno:

You replied to Mister Beale who was replying to my post, and you are trying to downplay my real life experiences with crazy people, in saying that the TV is just scaring me.

I didn't even read your post. I responded to Beale, who was much more on the point of the thread.

As I stated in my posted. :D Now, that is the end of this discussion. I'm not going to get dragged down nowhere road just because you enjoy arguing.
Zackly. That's the job of TEE VEE --- scare the shit oiutta ya with outlandish nonsense so you'll buy this face cream. People gotta learn to filter that cacophony with the requisite grain of salt, and recognize why they're doing it.

Course, this site in effect does the same thing but we can run ad blockers.

But you ignore the fact that I said I live in leftist MA, and I do see it. I even gave an example of the man who murdered his wife and is doing life and wanted taxpayers to pay for his sex change operation. It was voted down, but only after the original ruling (which was YES), was appealed in a higher court. That is just ONE example. :eusa_hand: You want to pretend the crazies don't exist, but I know they do. :dunno:

I didn't even post to you and I don't know what you're talking about. :dunno:

You replied to Mister Beale who was replying to my post, and you are trying to downplay my real life experiences with crazy people, in saying that the TV is just scaring me.

"Face cream" is a random example. Could be deodorant, Vi@gra, or the monster pickup truck. The general idea of advertising, which is (a) defined as persuading people to buy shit they don't need (if you need face cream you don't need to be persuaded), and (b) the entire reason TEE VEE --- which was Beale's point and spot on the mark --- exists, that is, to sell face cream, deodorant and monster pickup trucks, shit nobody needs, which they set up by scaring you shitless so you'll sit through the persuasion propaganda and watch it.

We have to remember that the objective is to sell monster pickup trucks and NOT to impart useful information. It's a cynical psycho game of manipulation and that's all it is.

As I stated in my posted. :D Now, that is the end of this discussion. I'm not going to get dragged down nowhere road just because you enjoy arguing.

Oh I do not. :funnyface:
I'm going to slap him on ignore. All he does is bounce from thread to thread looking for something to bitch about. I'm done with him.
I'm going to slap him on ignore. All he does is bounce from thread to thread looking for something to bitch about. I'm done with him.

You were "done" as soon as you found out what happens when you misquote me.

Go in peace. :smiliehug:
The more things change. . .

. . . the more they seem to stay the same. . . .


I know right. Every time I hear this wail it sounds like an old 78 record that thinks it's never been played before.

Instead of pointing fingers in hate, all of us need to unite in common concern and love for our common future.

. . . in the end, liberal or conservative, united we stand or fall together. :dunno:

. . . playing the blame game helps no one . . . in the end.

The future and all of it's challenges are rushing up fast to meet us. I do notice, the young folks will always have odd styles and behaviors. This is nothing new. I think, really, that is what this thread is all about.

All you can do, is teach those in your family, and hope they choose what is dear to you.

. . . and love them. ;)

Our time is slowly passing by now. . .

You cannot unite with insane people. All of what you said is pie in the sky happy fantasy. Nice, but not realistic. Let's be realistic. :dunno: Many people are tired of this insanity being pushed on us and will not accept it. Things have gone too far with this social justice nonsense.

I suppose. . . but. . . .

do you. . personally know folks, and are friends with folks that are into "social justice nonsense" as you call it?

From much of what I read, see and hear?

When the rubber meets the road, in the real world? Most of this is only in an academic setting, or broadcast to you on your TEE VEE.

I don't think it really is happening on a wide scale.

I have met some people, yes. I live in Massachusetts! Lol!

. . . it's true. . . I believe folks are caught up in it. . . just as YOU are caught up in it as well. We have separate media and social media bubbles now. I went to school with some good friends back in University days, pretty rational girls, I was shocked when I found out they were going out to D.C. to participate in the million woman march.

I still have NO CLUE what the demands of the march were. Most protests have some demands. . . I still haven't got a clue what the demands of that march were.

. . . and both these women are on my FB friend list. . their rhetoric has toned down a bit. A lot of the scandals and issues they have supported? Have completely turned out be media driven hoaxes. Now? They tend to just not gobble up the latest bullshit that CNN or MSLSD feeds them. Does this mean they like Trump? Hell no. But it also doesn't mean they buy the insanity coming out of the left-wing propaganda as soon as it is broadcast anymore.

I have seen neither of them post a thing about impeachment. NOT ONE DAMN THING. After that Sandman fiasco, the Mueller report fiasco and that bullshit dragging through the mud of Brett Kavanaugh's name, on absolutely NO EVIDENCE but he said/she said bullshit? Rational adults no longer want to look like idiots. That is REAL America these days. The left echo chamber is as foolish and stupid as the right is.

Pogo's analysis is correct, the corporate media doesn't give a shit about politics, it only cares about ONE THING, selling shit and getting folks to be outraged.

What is going on in D.C. is little more than spectacle at this point. Nothing will have much affect on your life.

As far as an incident of outrageous criminal conduct making the news here and there? That has, again, always happened. That is why it is NEWS. If there wasn't on outlier of what appears to be a miscarriage of justice? It wouldn't be news worthy. But we don't know all the facts in the case. What ever they are, from our POV, nothing could possibly justify the crimes. The system is broken. Even if the guy is mentally ill, not competent, etc. he should have been taken off the streets. . but that is why it is news. We have all heard about terrible stories from the past, cult leaders, serial killers, furloughed criminals, this sort of thing has happened throughout history, it isn't necessarily new. The press thrives off of outrage. And our government and law system? They give us plenty to be outraged about. . . continually, through out history, that hasn't, IMO changed a lick. This isn't, IMO, the first time something this outrageous has happened, and it won't be the last.
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I know right. Every time I hear this wail it sounds like an old 78 record that thinks it's never been played before.

Instead of pointing fingers in hate, all of us need to unite in common concern and love for our common future.

. . . in the end, liberal or conservative, united we stand or fall together. :dunno:

. . . playing the blame game helps no one . . . in the end.

The future and all of it's challenges are rushing up fast to meet us. I do notice, the young folks will always have odd styles and behaviors. This is nothing new. I think, really, that is what this thread is all about.

All you can do, is teach those in your family, and hope they choose what is dear to you.

. . . and love them. ;)

Our time is slowly passing by now. . .

You cannot unite with insane people. All of what you said is pie in the sky happy fantasy. Nice, but not realistic. Let's be realistic. :dunno: Many people are tired of this insanity being pushed on us and will not accept it. Things have gone too far with this social justice nonsense.

I suppose. . . but. . . .

do you. . personally know folks, and are friends with folks that are into "social justice nonsense" as you call it?

From much of what I read, see and hear?

When the rubber meets the road, in the real world? Most of this is only in an academic setting, or broadcast to you on your TEE VEE.

I don't think it really is happening on a wide scale.

I have met some people, yes. I live in Massachusetts! Lol!

. . . it's true. . . I believe folks are caught up in it. . . just as YOU are caught up in it as well. We have separate media and social media bubbles now. I went to school with some good friends back in University days, pretty rational girls, I was shocked when I found out they were going out to D.C. to participate in the million woman march.

I still have NO CLUE what the demands of the march were. Most protests have some demands. . . I still haven't got a clue what the demands of that march were.

. . . and both these women are on my FB friend list. . their rhetoric has toned down a bit. A lot of the scandals and issues they have supported? Have completely turned out be media driven hoaxes. Now? They tend to just not gobble up the latest bullshit that CNN or MSLSD feeds them. Does this mean they like Trump? Hell no. But it also doesn't mean they buy the insanity coming out of the left-wing propaganda as soon as it is broadcast anymore.

I have seen neither of them post a thing about impeachment. NOT ONE DAMN THING. After that Sandman fiasco, the Mueller report fiasco and that bullshit dragging through the mud of Brett Kavanaugh's name, on absolutely NO EVIDENCE but he said/she said bullshit? Rational adults no longer want to look like idiots. That is REAL America these days. The left echo chamber is as foolish and stupid as the right is.

Pogo's analysis is correct, the corporate media doesn't give a shit about politics, it only cares about ONE THING, selling shit and getting folks to be outraged.

What is going on in D.C. is little more than spectacle at this point. Nothing will have much affect on your life.

As far as an incident of outrageous criminal conduct making the news here and there? That has, again, always happened. That is why it is NEWS. If there wasn't on outlier of what appears to be a miscarriage of justice? It wouldn't be news worthy. But we don't know all the facts in the case. What ever they are, from our POV, nothing could possibly justify the crimes. The system is broken. Even if the guy is mentally ill, not competent, etc. he should have been taken off the streets. . but that is why it is news. We have all heard about terrible stories from the past, cult leaders, serial killers, furloughed criminals, this sort of thing has happened throughout history, it isn't necessarily new. The press thrives off of outrage. And our government and law system? They give us plenty to be outraged about. . . continually, through out history, that hasn't, IMO changed a lick. This isn't, IMO, the first time something this outrageous has happened, and it won't be the last.

I'm not getting what you think I am caught up in? :dunno: I make posts on a political message board regarding my own personal feelings and opinions on policy and other such things.
That is a damned good question. I remember years ago, a teacher of mine said this "If you put too many rats in a cage, they eventually eat one another". There is now 7 billion people on this planet. I am also reminded of that catchphrase by Kurt Vonnegut: "and so it goes..."
That is a damned good question. I remember years ago, a teacher of mine said this "If you put too many rats in a cage, they eventually eat one another". There is now 7 billion people on this planet. I am also reminded of that catchphrase by Kurt Vonnegut: "and so it goes..."

Yup, with more people comes more crazy people.
Face cream ads and other such things are certainly not terrifying me. Lol. I think almost every person knows how advertisements work and how they manipulate. :)

No No No No No No No. The ads are not the terrifying part. The program content is.

When you're told "coming up next we'll tell you how this meteor is going to hit your house and what you can do about it, but first this word for face cream", you're invested. You have to sit through the face cream commercial to find out how to save yourself from the meteor. That's the whole point of the meteor story --- to cultivate your attention for the commercial. The commercial is the TV station's entire reason for being. Meteors, paternity tests, naked people on an island, political soap opera, fake wrestling, it's all there to show you that commercial. That's the one, and the ONLY, reason that lowest common denominator pap exists.

That's what ratings are for. How many eyeballs are tuned in to your TV station is of no interest whatsoever to anyone except the advertiser and the broker selling their ad. It tells them how many eyeballs they can reach and therefore how much it will cost. The higher the ratings, the more they can charge for those thirty seconds And the more terrifying the meteor story, the higher the ratings will be. Therefore, the more absurdly terrifying the content, the more money they make. And it's exactly why they're always telling you to stay where you are and don't change the channel. If you change the channel --- they lose money.

That's the entire reason for "if it bleeds it leads". Blood sells eyeballs and eyeballs sell commercials. That's literally all there is to it.
Face cream ads and other such things are certainly not terrifying me. Lol. I think almost every person knows how advertisements work and how they manipulate. :)

No No No No No No No. The ads are not the terrifying part. The program content is.

When you're told "coming up next we'll tell you how this meteor is going to hit your house and what you can do about it, but first this word for face cream", you're invested. You have to sit through the face cream commercial to find out how to save yourself from the meteor. That's the whole point of the meteor story --- to cultivate your attention for the commercial. The commercial is the TV station's entire reason for being. Meteors, paternity tests, naked people on an island, political soap opera, fake wrestling, it's all there to show you that commercial. That's the one, and the ONLY, reason that lowest common denominator pap exists.

That's what ratings are for. How many eyeballs are tuned in to your TV station is of no interest whatsoever to anyone except the advertiser and the broker selling their ad. It tells them how many eyeballs they can reach and therefore how much it will cost. The higher the ratings, the more they can charge for those thirty seconds And the more terrifying the meteor story, the higher the ratings will be. Therefore, the more absurdly terrifying the content, the more money they make.

That's the entire reason for "if it bleeds it leads". Blood sells eyeballs and eyeballs sell commercials. That's literally all there is to it.

I've never seen such an ad. :dunno: Like I said, I'm sure most adults know how propaganda works, as well as advertisements.
Face cream ads and other such things are certainly not terrifying me. Lol. I think almost every person knows how advertisements work and how they manipulate. :)

No No No No No No No. The ads are not the terrifying part. The program content is.

When you're told "coming up next we'll tell you how this meteor is going to hit your house and what you can do about it, but first this word for face cream", you're invested. You have to sit through the face cream commercial to find out how to save yourself from the meteor. That's the whole point of the meteor story --- to cultivate your attention for the commercial. The commercial is the TV station's entire reason for being. Meteors, paternity tests, naked people on an island, political soap opera, fake wrestling, it's all there to show you that commercial. That's the one, and the ONLY, reason that lowest common denominator pap exists.

That's what ratings are for. How many eyeballs are tuned in to your TV station is of no interest whatsoever to anyone except the advertiser and the broker selling their ad. It tells them how many eyeballs they can reach and therefore how much it will cost. The higher the ratings, the more they can charge for those thirty seconds And the more terrifying the meteor story, the higher the ratings will be. Therefore, the more absurdly terrifying the content, the more money they make. And it's exactly why they're always telling you to stay where you are and don't change the channel. If you change the channel --- they lose money.

That's the entire reason for "if it bleeds it leads". Blood sells eyeballs and eyeballs sell commercials. That's literally all there is to it.

Heh! Funny. This is exactly why I don't buy the "climate crisis" stuff. :D
Face cream ads and other such things are certainly not terrifying me. Lol. I think almost every person knows how advertisements work and how they manipulate. :)

No No No No No No No. The ads are not the terrifying part. The program content is.

When you're told "coming up next we'll tell you how this meteor is going to hit your house and what you can do about it, but first this word for face cream", you're invested. You have to sit through the face cream commercial to find out how to save yourself from the meteor. That's the whole point of the meteor story --- to cultivate your attention for the commercial. The commercial is the TV station's entire reason for being. Meteors, paternity tests, naked people on an island, political soap opera, fake wrestling, it's all there to show you that commercial. That's the one, and the ONLY, reason that lowest common denominator pap exists.

That's what ratings are for. How many eyeballs are tuned in to your TV station is of no interest whatsoever to anyone except the advertiser and the broker selling their ad. It tells them how many eyeballs they can reach and therefore how much it will cost. The higher the ratings, the more they can charge for those thirty seconds And the more terrifying the meteor story, the higher the ratings will be. Therefore, the more absurdly terrifying the content, the more money they make.

That's the entire reason for "if it bleeds it leads". Blood sells eyeballs and eyeballs sell commercials. That's literally all there is to it.

I've never seen such an ad. :dunno: Like I said, I'm sure most adults know how propaganda works, as well as advertisements.

If most adults really knew how propaganda works --------------- there would be no TV. They couldn't sell.
Face cream ads and other such things are certainly not terrifying me. Lol. I think almost every person knows how advertisements work and how they manipulate. :)

No No No No No No No. The ads are not the terrifying part. The program content is.

When you're told "coming up next we'll tell you how this meteor is going to hit your house and what you can do about it, but first this word for face cream", you're invested. You have to sit through the face cream commercial to find out how to save yourself from the meteor. That's the whole point of the meteor story --- to cultivate your attention for the commercial. The commercial is the TV station's entire reason for being. Meteors, paternity tests, naked people on an island, political soap opera, fake wrestling, it's all there to show you that commercial. That's the one, and the ONLY, reason that lowest common denominator pap exists.

That's what ratings are for. How many eyeballs are tuned in to your TV station is of no interest whatsoever to anyone except the advertiser and the broker selling their ad. It tells them how many eyeballs they can reach and therefore how much it will cost. The higher the ratings, the more they can charge for those thirty seconds And the more terrifying the meteor story, the higher the ratings will be. Therefore, the more absurdly terrifying the content, the more money they make.

That's the entire reason for "if it bleeds it leads". Blood sells eyeballs and eyeballs sell commercials. That's literally all there is to it.

I've never seen such an ad. :dunno: Like I said, I'm sure most adults know how propaganda works, as well as advertisements.

If most adults really knew how propaganda works --------------- there would be no TV. They couldn't sell.

I watch mostly Animal Planet, Live PD and cooking shows. :dunno:
I'm watching Live PD right now actually. I feel kind of sorry for the cops. It seems that they are constantly having to deal with crazies. I don't know how they do it and keep their cool. I could never be a cop. Lol.
Face cream ads and other such things are certainly not terrifying me. Lol. I think almost every person knows how advertisements work and how they manipulate. :)

No No No No No No No. The ads are not the terrifying part. The program content is.

When you're told "coming up next we'll tell you how this meteor is going to hit your house and what you can do about it, but first this word for face cream", you're invested. You have to sit through the face cream commercial to find out how to save yourself from the meteor. That's the whole point of the meteor story --- to cultivate your attention for the commercial. The commercial is the TV station's entire reason for being. Meteors, paternity tests, naked people on an island, political soap opera, fake wrestling, it's all there to show you that commercial. That's the one, and the ONLY, reason that lowest common denominator pap exists.

That's what ratings are for. How many eyeballs are tuned in to your TV station is of no interest whatsoever to anyone except the advertiser and the broker selling their ad. It tells them how many eyeballs they can reach and therefore how much it will cost. The higher the ratings, the more they can charge for those thirty seconds And the more terrifying the meteor story, the higher the ratings will be. Therefore, the more absurdly terrifying the content, the more money they make. And it's exactly why they're always telling you to stay where you are and don't change the channel. If you change the channel --- they lose money.

That's the entire reason for "if it bleeds it leads". Blood sells eyeballs and eyeballs sell commercials. That's literally all there is to it.

Heh! Funny. This is exactly why I don't buy the "climate crisis" stuff. :D

It's not a damn bit "funny" and it's got zero to do with "climate". It has to do with simple GREED.
Commercial media has long ago learned that people can be easily manipulated by the power of suggestion and that once they're softened up all nice and malleable and obediently passive, they can be fed any manner of shit, and they'll run out and buy it because the box told them to. It's a completely self-serving racket. The viewer gets nothing out of it except the 'opportunity' to fatten the pockets of the advertiser and the TV station.

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