Why is the world so crazy now?

The more things change. . .

. . . the more they seem to stay the same. . . .


I know right. Every time I hear this wail it sounds like an old 78 record that thinks it's never been played before.

Instead of pointing fingers in hate, all of us need to unite in common concern and love for our common future.

. . . in the end, liberal or conservative, united we stand or fall together. :dunno:

. . . playing the blame game helps no one . . . in the end.

The future and all of it's challenges are rushing up fast to meet us. I do notice, the young folks will always have odd styles and behaviors. This is nothing new. I think, really, that is what this thread is all about.

All you can do, is teach those in your family, and hope they choose what is dear to you.

. . . and love them. ;)

Our time is slowly passing by now. . .

The more things change. . .

. . . the more they seem to stay the same. . . .


I know right. Every time I hear this wail it sounds like an old 78 record that thinks it's never been played before.

Instead of pointing fingers in hate, all of us need to unite in common concern and love for our common future.

. . . in the end, liberal or conservative, united we stand or fall together. :dunno:

. . . playing the blame game helps no one . . . in the end.

The future and all of it's challenges are rushing up fast to meet us. I do notice, the young folks will always have odd styles and behaviors. This is nothing new. I think, really, that is what this thread is all about.

All you can do, is teach those in your family, and hope they choose what is dear to you.

. . . and love them. ;)

Our time is slowly passing by now. . .

You cannot unite with insane people. All of what you said is pie in the sky happy fantasy. Nice, but not realistic. Let's be realistic. :dunno: Many people are tired of this insanity being pushed on us and will not accept it. Things have gone too far with this social justice nonsense.
The more things change. . .

. . . the more they seem to stay the same. . . .


I know right. Every time I hear this wail it sounds like an old 78 record that thinks it's never been played before.

Instead of pointing fingers in hate, all of us need to unite in common concern and love for our common future.

. . . in the end, liberal or conservative, united we stand or fall together. :dunno:

. . . playing the blame game helps no one . . . in the end.

The future and all of it's challenges are rushing up fast to meet us. I do notice, the young folks will always have odd styles and behaviors. This is nothing new. I think, really, that is what this thread is all about.

All you can do, is teach those in your family, and hope they choose what is dear to you.

. . . and love them. ;)

Our time is slowly passing by now. . .

You cannot unite with insane people. All of what you said is pie in the sky happy fantasy. Nice, but not realistic. Let's be realistic. :dunno: Many people are tired of this insanity being pushed on us and will not accept it. Things have gone too far with this social justice nonsense.

I suppose. . . but. . . .

do you. . personally know folks, and are friends with folks that are into "social justice nonsense" as you call it?

From much of what I read, see and hear?

When the rubber meets the road, in the real world? Most of this is only in an academic setting, or broadcast to you on your TEE VEE.

I don't think it really is happening on a wide scale.
From some asswipe that raped 15 kids but is set free because he is now a she and no longer considered a threat (he/she/it should be in jail forever, not set free due to frigging sex change!!), to the craziness of LGBT crap in our schools with our small kids being taught that crap, to children being allowed to change their sex because Mommy thinks they know what they want at 8 years old and younger, to politicians using kids to get votes or creepy enough to make kids cringe by clueless parents ignoring their body language to GET HIM AWAY FROM ME, to blacks killing blacks, wheelchair people being beat up, to mentally handicapped people being attacked, to the multitude of other horrible things going on like continuing to let in people from other countries carrying diseases that can kill millions, etc etc etc.

What changed to get things this way????
Our shared and common values the left keep telling us about .....

As another transition trans kid polluted with hormone blockers leaps off a roof
The more things change. . .

. . . the more they seem to stay the same. . . .


I know right. Every time I hear this wail it sounds like an old 78 record that thinks it's never been played before.

Instead of pointing fingers in hate, all of us need to unite in common concern and love for our common future.

. . . in the end, liberal or conservative, united we stand or fall together. :dunno:

. . . playing the blame game helps no one . . . in the end.

The future and all of it's challenges are rushing up fast to meet us. I do notice, the young folks will always have odd styles and behaviors. This is nothing new. I think, really, that is what this thread is all about.

All you can do, is teach those in your family, and hope they choose what is dear to you.

. . . and love them. ;)

Our time is slowly passing by now. . .

You cannot unite with insane people. All of what you said is pie in the sky happy fantasy. Nice, but not realistic. Let's be realistic. :dunno: Many people are tired of this insanity being pushed on us and will not accept it. Things have gone too far with this social justice nonsense.

I suppose. . . but. . . .

do you. . personally know folks, and are friends with folks that are into "social justice nonsense" as you call it?

From much of what I read, see and hear?

When the rubber meets the road, in the real world? Most of this is only in an academic setting, or broadcast to you on your TEE VEE.

I don't think it really is happening on a wide scale.

I have met some people, yes. I live in Massachusetts! Lol!
Why is the world so crazy now?
Because it has been so crazy for so long that it doesn't even recognize its insanity anymore.
From some asswipe that raped 15 kids but is set free because he is now a she and no longer considered a threat (he/she/it should be in jail forever, not set free due to frigging sex change!!), to the craziness of LGBT crap in our schools with our small kids being taught that crap, to children being allowed to change their sex because Mommy thinks they know what they want at 8 years old and younger, to politicians using kids to get votes or creepy enough to make kids cringe by clueless parents ignoring their body language to GET HIM AWAY FROM ME, to blacks killing blacks, wheelchair people being beat up, to mentally handicapped people being attacked, to the multitude of other horrible things going on like continuing to let in people from other countries carrying diseases that can kill millions, etc etc etc.

What changed to get things this way????

It's no crazier than any other time in history.......Keep in mind....since 1917 socialists in charge of governments have murdered close to 100 million people.........but at the same time.......the world has been getting progressively better and better...
The more things change. . .

. . . the more they seem to stay the same. . . .


I know right. Every time I hear this wail it sounds like an old 78 record that thinks it's never been played before.

Instead of pointing fingers in hate, all of us need to unite in common concern and love for our common future.

. . . in the end, liberal or conservative, united we stand or fall together. :dunno:

. . . playing the blame game helps no one . . . in the end.

The future and all of it's challenges are rushing up fast to meet us. I do notice, the young folks will always have odd styles and behaviors. This is nothing new. I think, really, that is what this thread is all about.

All you can do, is teach those in your family, and hope they choose what is dear to you.

. . . and love them. ;)

Our time is slowly passing by now. . .

You cannot unite with insane people. All of what you said is pie in the sky happy fantasy. Nice, but not realistic. Let's be realistic. :dunno: Many people are tired of this insanity being pushed on us and will not accept it. Things have gone too far with this social justice nonsense.

I suppose. . . but. . . .

do you. . personally know folks, and are friends with folks that are into "social justice nonsense" as you call it?

From much of what I read, see and hear?

When the rubber meets the road, in the real world? Most of this is only in an academic setting, or broadcast to you on your TEE VEE.

I don't think it really is happening on a wide scale.

Zackly. That's the job of TEE VEE --- scare the shit oiutta ya with outlandish nonsense so you'll buy this face cream. People gotta learn to filter that cacophony with the requisite grain of salt, and recognize why they're doing it.

Course, this site in effect does the same thing but we can run ad blockers.

They sure took they time then, since Liberals got here in 1776.
There's always one CLOWN in every bunch. Thanks for proving this AGAIN, ya knucklehead.

Okay, we didn't LITERALLY get here in 1776. We were already here. Poetic licence.

You'll notice the OP isn't about politics anyway, so a silly post got put in its place.
It was not meant to be political...hence it being in the general forum, where we can talk about anything. Want politics? Go to a political thread. And please keep the door shut between us. Thanks in advance.
For those of faith...do you think Satan and his demons are party to this? I do.
Absolutely I believe Satan is working hard. In the last days we are told he will work harder, he knows the ending. So do we. Stand firm, know Gods word.
Welcome back, Dawn!
If you get confused about posting here...just holler. Many will assist you, including myself. Here is better than twitter, lol. We have more room to talk. :D
For those of faith...do you think Satan and his demons are party to this? I do.

Your "faith" presupposes that this "Satan" exists.

And don't you DARE misquote that. There will be .... wait for it .... hell to pay.
You know what? I'm done with you. This is not a faith thread, nor a political one. If you don't like my silly posts and OPs, get the fuck out.
For those of faith...do you think Satan and his demons are party to this? I do.
I second this. Which is why I think that its important to be ready in whatever way is needed with people like that being on the loose. Self defense is nothing to feel guilty about. The best way for evil to triumph is for good people to stand there and not do a thing anyway.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. To answer the original question, why is the world so crazy now? Its always been over loaded with nuts. We just now have better seats to all of their activity with there being this thing out there now named the internet.
From some asswipe that raped 15 kids but is set free because he is now a she and no longer considered a threat (he/she/it should be in jail forever, not set free due to frigging sex change!!), to the craziness of LGBT crap in our schools with our small kids being taught that crap, to children being allowed to change their sex because Mommy thinks they know what they want at 8 years old and younger, to politicians using kids to get votes or creepy enough to make kids cringe by clueless parents ignoring their body language to GET HIM AWAY FROM ME, to blacks killing blacks, wheelchair people being beat up, to mentally handicapped people being attacked, to the multitude of other horrible things going on like continuing to let in people from other countries carrying diseases that can kill millions, etc etc etc.

What changed to get things this way????

It's no crazier than any other time in history.......Keep in mind....since 1917 socialists in charge of governments have murdered close to 100 million people.........but at the same time.......the world has been getting progressively better and better...

My comments are limited to what is happening here in the US. I can't speak for what is happening in the rest of the world.

Maybe time to bring back the insane asylums here in the US, except that the loons would probably be running the asylums. Lol.
The more things change. . .

. . . the more they seem to stay the same. . . .


I know right. Every time I hear this wail it sounds like an old 78 record that thinks it's never been played before.

Instead of pointing fingers in hate, all of us need to unite in common concern and love for our common future.

. . . in the end, liberal or conservative, united we stand or fall together. :dunno:

. . . playing the blame game helps no one . . . in the end.

The future and all of it's challenges are rushing up fast to meet us. I do notice, the young folks will always have odd styles and behaviors. This is nothing new. I think, really, that is what this thread is all about.

All you can do, is teach those in your family, and hope they choose what is dear to you.

. . . and love them. ;)

Our time is slowly passing by now. . .

You cannot unite with insane people. All of what you said is pie in the sky happy fantasy. Nice, but not realistic. Let's be realistic. :dunno: Many people are tired of this insanity being pushed on us and will not accept it. Things have gone too far with this social justice nonsense.

I suppose. . . but. . . .

do you. . personally know folks, and are friends with folks that are into "social justice nonsense" as you call it?

From much of what I read, see and hear?

When the rubber meets the road, in the real world? Most of this is only in an academic setting, or broadcast to you on your TEE VEE.

I don't think it really is happening on a wide scale.

Zackly. That's the job of TEE VEE --- scare the shit oiutta ya with outlandish nonsense so you'll buy this face cream. People gotta learn to filter that cacophony with the requisite grain of salt, and recognize why they're doing it.

Course, this site in effect does the same thing but we can run ad blockers.

But you ignore the fact that I said I live in leftist MA, and I do see it. I even gave an example of the man who murdered his wife and is doing life and wanted taxpayers to pay for his sex change operation. It was voted down, but only after the original ruling (which was YES), was appealed in a higher court. That is just ONE example. :eusa_hand: You want to pretend the crazies don't exist, but I know they do. :dunno:

I know right. Every time I hear this wail it sounds like an old 78 record that thinks it's never been played before.

Instead of pointing fingers in hate, all of us need to unite in common concern and love for our common future.

. . . in the end, liberal or conservative, united we stand or fall together. :dunno:

. . . playing the blame game helps no one . . . in the end.

The future and all of it's challenges are rushing up fast to meet us. I do notice, the young folks will always have odd styles and behaviors. This is nothing new. I think, really, that is what this thread is all about.

All you can do, is teach those in your family, and hope they choose what is dear to you.

. . . and love them. ;)

Our time is slowly passing by now. . .

You cannot unite with insane people. All of what you said is pie in the sky happy fantasy. Nice, but not realistic. Let's be realistic. :dunno: Many people are tired of this insanity being pushed on us and will not accept it. Things have gone too far with this social justice nonsense.

I suppose. . . but. . . .

do you. . personally know folks, and are friends with folks that are into "social justice nonsense" as you call it?

From much of what I read, see and hear?

When the rubber meets the road, in the real world? Most of this is only in an academic setting, or broadcast to you on your TEE VEE.

I don't think it really is happening on a wide scale.

Zackly. That's the job of TEE VEE --- scare the shit oiutta ya with outlandish nonsense so you'll buy this face cream. People gotta learn to filter that cacophony with the requisite grain of salt, and recognize why they're doing it.

Course, this site in effect does the same thing but we can run ad blockers.

But you ignore the fact that I said I live in leftist MA, and I do see it. I even gave an example of the man who murdered his wife and is doing life and wanted taxpayers to pay for his sex change operation. It was voted down, but only after the original ruling (which was YES), was appealed in a higher court. That is just ONE example. :eusa_hand: You want to pretend the crazies don't exist, but I know they do. :dunno:

I didn't even post to you and I don't know what you're talking about. :dunno:

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