Why is the world so crazy now?

From some asswipe that raped 15 kids but is set free because he is now a she and no longer considered a threat (he/she/it should be in jail forever, not set free due to frigging sex change!!), to the craziness of LGBT crap in our schools with our small kids being taught that crap, to children being allowed to change their sex because Mommy thinks they know what they want at 8 years old and younger, to politicians using kids to get votes or creepy enough to make kids cringe by clueless parents ignoring their body language to GET HIM AWAY FROM ME, to blacks killing blacks, wheelchair people being beat up, to mentally handicapped people being attacked, to the multitude of other horrible things going on like continuing to let in people from other countries carrying diseases that can kill millions, etc etc etc.

What changed to get things this way????

Fast Food
Commodity Fetishism
Lack of links

Or maybe you just got old and crotchety.
Please refer to post #18 in this thread. Thanks!

The literate amongst us, if there be any, will note with a snicker that 18 was the one I QUOTED.
From some asswipe that raped 15 kids but is set free because he is now a she and no longer considered a threat (he/she/it should be in jail forever, not set free due to frigging sex change!!), to the craziness of LGBT crap in our schools with our small kids being taught that crap, to children being allowed to change their sex because Mommy thinks they know what they want at 8 years old and younger, to politicians using kids to get votes or creepy enough to make kids cringe by clueless parents ignoring their body language to GET HIM AWAY FROM ME, to blacks killing blacks, wheelchair people being beat up, to mentally handicapped people being attacked, to the multitude of other horrible things going on like continuing to let in people from other countries carrying diseases that can kill millions, etc etc etc.

What changed to get things this way????

Fast Food
Commodity Fetishism
Lack of links

Or maybe you just got old and crotchety.
Please refer to post #18 in this thread. Thanks!

The literate amongst us, if there be any, will note with a snicker that 18 was the one I QUOTED.
Again, please refer to post #18 in this thread. You're quite welcome.
The more things change. . .

. . . the more they seem to stay the same. . . .

For those of faith...do you think Satan and his demons are party to this? I do.

Your "faith" presupposes that this "Satan" exists.

And don't you DARE misquote that. There will be .... wait for it .... hell to pay.

They sure took they time then, since Liberals got here in 1776.
The Founding Fathers were friends of mine. You tards are NOTHING like them. You are what they went to war against.

"We tards"?

Singular and plural -- what's the difference

Counting to one is hard.

Nope, I ain't what they went to war against. I'm not British. Nor am I a proponent of the idea that legitimate power comes from the collusion of royalty and clergy. What else ya got?
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For those of faith...do you think Satan and his demons are party to this? I do.

YES. Our minds have been conditioned now for going on just over a century to think of religion and all its associated teachings and philosophies as mere fictitious superstition—as out of fashion tall tales no "serious" or mature human being could possibly consider "real" or meaningful or consequential to modern existence. None of the "cool kids" believe in religion anymore. Because of this downward trend in the moral weight of religion, Christianity in particular, modern young people, in particular, scoff at and dismiss any concept of either religion based evil or religion based punishment for serious sin. Thus the "devil" or whatever one might prefer to name the source of ancient evil or the enemy of all things human, can now (in modern times) flaunt its pure malevolence and spread it openly and without consequence or fear of much reaction or interference. In essence, just about every modern (popular) desire or hobby or pleasure is derived from some purely evil foundation. The enemy of all mankind exists and walks among us in plain sight. Problem is, 99% of humanity is so blind they welcome it with a smile into their lives . . . and freely hand their children to it. All I know for certain, and I am no wise man, is that this level of evil cannot be fought, let alone put back in check, with legislation, protest or stern words. We must fight. We must fight now. But no one will. Everyone just loves their modern gadgets too much . . .

They sure took they time then, since Liberals got here in 1776.
The Founding Fathers were friends of mine. You tards are NOTHING like them. You are what they went to war against.

"We tards"?

Singular and plural -- what's the difference

Counting to one is hard.
Please refer to post #33 in this thread. Thank you VERY much.

Actually please refer us all to any post you've made here that makes any point whatsoever. Thanks buckets.

They sure took they time then, since Liberals got here in 1776.
The Founding Fathers were friends of mine. You tards are NOTHING like them. You are what they went to war against.

"We tards"?

Singular and plural -- what's the difference

Counting to one is hard.
Please refer to post #33 in this thread. Thank you VERY much.

Actually please refer us all to any post you've made here that makes any point whatsoever. Thanks buckets.
Again, please refer to post #33 in this thread. Thanks a bunch!

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