Why is there a lot of alcohol drinking in the Catholic church

You're Irish?;)

No, but I am presently drinking Irish whiskey. Iol. I am German, Iroquois, Polish, and, Serbian.

Gah!!! You're a mutt. My husband drinks Jameson..smooth stuff he says, I detest Scotch and most other hard liquors

A lot of the people in my area are mutts. Also, booze hounds. lol

I'm pretty much an Irish thoroughbred, some Lithuanian in my family tree and they tell me some Russian but I don't know if that's true

Have you ever been to Ireland? I love it!

Each one of my grandparents broke with tradition and married outside of their nationalities. It apparently caused some conflict at first, but they got over it.

Indeed I have and we will return when the kids are old enough to appreciate it. I know someone from another forum and he told us of the out of away places where the tourism wouldn't be so bad and we'd experience the true Ireland, it made our trip that much more enjoyable. I married a dreadful English but my family adores him so no issues
Not just social drinking but fall down drinking at catholic events

Take for instance the Catholic "wake", a dead stuffed body in full view and massive drinking with liquor bottles being passed around and people getting drunk, including their "priests"

I have been to other funerals of different religions but the catholics are a whole different story , never saw that at other funerals

and the boozing is not just at wakes either

Why do they do that?
Catholics don't have that market cornered. Southern Baptists can outdrink a fish. I knew this old man who was a deacon in a Baptist church. He had a deal worked out with a man who was a cashier in a convenient market. He would go back to the beer cooler and put one or two beers in his pockets so that no one could see them. Then when he approached the cashier he would say either "One Gun" or "Two Gun." That meant the old deacon either had one or two beers and the cashier would charge him accordingly.
Not just social drinking but fall down drinking at catholic events

Take for instance the Catholic "wake", a dead stuffed body in full view and massive drinking with liquor bottles being passed around and people getting drunk, including their "priests"

I have been to other funerals of different religions but the catholics are a whole different story , never saw that at other funerals

and the boozing is not just at wakes either

Why do they do that?
Catholics don't have that market cornered. Southern Baptists can outdrink a fish. I knew this old man who was a deacon in a Baptist church. He had a deal worked out with a man who was a cashier in a convenient market. He would go back to the beer cooler and put one or two beers in his pockets so that no one could see them. Then when he approached the cashier he would say either "One Gun" or "Two Gun." That meant the old deacon either had one or two beers and the cashier would charge him accordingly.
Here are three truths in life:
Jewish people do not recognize Jesus as the Messiah.
Protestants do not recognize the Pope as the leader of the Christian faith.
Baptists do not recognize each other in the liquor store.
Not just social drinking but fall down drinking at catholic events

Take for instance the Catholic "wake", a dead stuffed body in full view and massive drinking with liquor bottles being passed around and people getting drunk, including their "priests"

I have been to other funerals of different religions but the catholics are a whole different story , never saw that at other funerals

and the boozing is not just at wakes either

Why do they do that?
Catholics don't have that market cornered. Southern Baptists can outdrink a fish. I knew this old man who was a deacon in a Baptist church. He had a deal worked out with a man who was a cashier in a convenient market. He would go back to the beer cooler and put one or two beers in his pockets so that no one could see them. Then when he approached the cashier he would say either "One Gun" or "Two Gun." That meant the old deacon either had one or two beers and the cashier would charge him accordingly.
Here are three truths in life:
Jewish people do not recognize Jesus as the Messiah.
Protestants do not recognize the Pope as the leader of the Christian faith.
Baptists do not recognize each other in the liquor store.

Jewish people decided to lay aside the concept of a 2000 year old ghost story. That's my game. I question the common sense and outright intelligence of anyone who believes that ancient shit.
There are alcoholics in every nationality. It is more prevalent in some because of the fact that there is a lot of POVERTY.

Oh - someone asks for real backgrounds. To drink alcohol because of poverty is a completly new phenomenon. This has to do with industrialization, broken dreams, destroyed families and destroyed social structures, bad living conditions and so on. In this time for example - center is the time 100-200 years ago - very few people (only father and mother) had often to near lots of children (6-12) while in former times families had only 2-3 children (today 1-2) and a whole village educated them. Lots of men during industrialisation drank in masses while women suffered a lot because of the violent behavior of men and their lack of respect.

But what is typical for Catholics? I'm for example a Bavarian. Bavarians are well known to drink beer in masses. Beer replaced in our area wine because of climatic problems. I personally drink no alcohol at all. My father was a drunkard who drank every day beer. Two weeks before he died they found out he had a stomach cancer - they did not notice this earlier because he suffered also effects from tuberculosis - a problem of world war 2. His father - my grandfather - still did what generations did before. He was a farmer - daily work and daily life was the same for him. He drank a beer every sunday after church service in a pub together with other farmers. They played cards and discussed the problems all around. During the year were different celebrations. There was sometimes trouble with violence - in lots of cases because young men fought just for fun - or sometimes because of the girls. In the lenten periods the people drank more beer and ate more fish, beause one of our rules is "fluids don't break the fastening" ("fluids" in this context means also everything what's living in the water) .

In general was in the history of mankind - also in the time when Jesus Christ lived on earth as a human being - wine the best what someone was able to drink if he was travelling. To drink water was often very dangerous, if someone was not experienced, because of poisening substances or agressive microorganisms. So to offer wine at a wedding - in Kanaan for example - where lots of people came from greater distances - was the best what someone was able to do, if he took care for the health of the guests. Wine is a symbol of health and welfare in the christian context. In church service we mix wine with clear water in the catholic church. I guess it was normal in history to mix wine with good clear water - but this had to do an experienced person, who knew about the dangers of the local waters.

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In 2015 per capita alcohol consumption in Ireland was 10.93 litres of pure alcohol per person aged 15+ - See more at: How much do we drink? - Alcohol Action Ireland

That's about 2 and1/2 gallons a year. Spread out over 12 months, is that an excessive amount?
I don't know. I'm finding these articles but also doing chores. I haven't had time to read that one yet.

I need a mathematician. I have been mathematically challenged since birth.
If you drink 2 and 1/2 gallons a year, how many pints is that a month?

To many and sometimes to much too.

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