Why is there a lot of alcohol drinking in the Catholic church

I do get your point. It is the same point that was missed when I asked why Jews drink so much. The generalizations of Catholics was met with a generalization of Jews. I hate to see the personal attacks though.

As I said, I don't care how one worships or even if they do worship but don't be Holier Than Art Thou and try to degrade my faith without expecting blow back.
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Well most catholic wakes I have gone to are Irish
Irish are notorious as alcoholics. Certainly true in my family. Grandparents on both sides of the family, parents, aunts and uncles.

I suspect mental illness runs rampant in your family....judging from the nonsense you post

And yet not one alcoholic in my family all the way back to Moneymore, Ireland. Maybe generalizations aren't as on point as you'd like.
I do get your point. It is the same point that was missed when I asked why Jews drink so much. The generalizations of Catholics was met with a generalization of Jews. I hate to see the personal attacks though.
Thank you for that.
Well most catholic wakes I have gone to are Irish
Irish are notorious as alcoholics. Certainly true in my family. Grandparents on both sides of the family, parents, aunts and uncles.

I suspect mental illness runs rampant in your family....judging from the nonsense you post

And yet not one alcoholic in my family all the way back to Moneymore, Ireland. Maybe generalizations aren't as on point as you'd like.

Every nationality has their drunks....no alcoholics in my family either. At least on my side, there is on my husband's but he's English
Well most catholic wakes I have gone to are Irish
Irish are notorious as alcoholics. Certainly true in my family. Grandparents on both sides of the family, parents, aunts and uncles.

I suspect mental illness runs rampant in your family....judging from the nonsense you post

And yet not one alcoholic in my family all the way back to Moneymore, Ireland. Maybe generalizations aren't as on point as you'd like.
True. My family is not like yours. I've had to look at my own healing as an adult child of alcoholic and mentally ill parents as a generational phenomenon. Alcoholism and Irish connection has been studied though.
I don't believe for a minute that alcoholism has anything to do with your nationality. It has to do with a hard life maybe. A lot of the older generations in Ireland had a hard life, so they had their "vices." That does not mean there is a "connection" between a specific nationality and alcoholism though.
I don't believe for a minute that alcoholism has anything to do with your nationality. It has to do with a hard life maybe. A lot of the older generations in Ireland had a hard life, so they had their "vices." That does not mean there is a "connection" between a specific nationality and alcoholism though.
I think there is a connection, at least as correlation. Not specifically causal.
Hells bells, I am already on my third drink and third shot. I spent hours in the yard today and I've earned my cocktails today. :lol:
I have one or two beers or glasses of wine a week, when the kids visit bio dad overnight.
Well most catholic wakes I have gone to are Irish
Irish are notorious as alcoholics. Certainly true in my family. Grandparents on both sides of the family, parents, aunts and uncles.

I suspect mental illness runs rampant in your family....judging from the nonsense you post

And yet not one alcoholic in my family all the way back to Moneymore, Ireland. Maybe generalizations aren't as on point as you'd like.

Every nationality has their drunks....no alcoholics in my family either. At least on my side, there is on my husband's but he's English
Well that's understandable. Bless their hearts....

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