Why is Trump attacking OBama and refuse to concede he lied

Guys, Trump's attacks on Obama are plain and simple, he wants his crazies, ie white supporters to know that anything coming from the Obama side, is a lie...but here's the real deal....

Then president Obama, as did Trump...both got briefings on the Russian hacks, along with the Flynn news, along with all the shit Trump is now trying to deny......and Trump knows what Obama knows and the best way to lie his way out of this.....all the while knowing that Obama knows the real truth, is to attack Obama and deligitimize him...just as he did with the media, the election, our intelligence, job's reports, CBO, and now the president....ANYTHING THAT DOESN'T SUPPORT A TRUMP LIE...GETS THE TRUMP TWEET TREATMENT.

He didn't lie n!gger, explain the FISA warrants, I'll wait.
Guys, Trump's attacks on Obama are plain and simple, he wants his crazies, ie white supporters to know that anything coming from the Obama side, is a lie...but here's the real deal....

Then president Obama, as did Trump...both got briefings on the Russian hacks, along with the Flynn news, along with all the shit Trump is now trying to deny......and Trump knows what Obama knows and the best way to lie his way out of this.....all the while knowing that Obama knows the real truth, is to attack Obama and deligitimize him...just as he did with the media, the election, our intelligence, job's reports, CBO, and now the president....ANYTHING THAT DOESN'T SUPPORT A TRUMP LIE...GETS THE TRUMP TWEET TREATMENT.

He didn't lie n!gger, explain the FISA warrants, I'll wait.
There were no FISA warrants issued on Trump, Trump Towers, Trump's phones, or Trump's campaign.
Our heroic President Trump must, without further pussyfooting around, dispatch our valiant Military to capture the screeching little latrine lizard Barry Hussein Soetoro Mohammad Obuhba Junior, administer a harsh beatdown and stomping, and transport his darky muslim ass to Gitmo, permanently, with his own kind.

America for REAL Americans!

Know what we mean?
Guys, Trump's attacks on Obama are plain and simple, he wants his crazies, ie white supporters to know that anything coming from the Obama side, is a lie...but here's the real deal....

Then president Obama, as did Trump...both got briefings on the Russian hacks, along with the Flynn news, along with all the shit Trump is now trying to deny......and Trump knows what Obama knows and the best way to lie his way out of this.....all the while knowing that Obama knows the real truth, is to attack Obama and deligitimize him...just as he did with the media, the election, our intelligence, job's reports, CBO, and now the president....ANYTHING THAT DOESN'T SUPPORT A TRUMP LIE...GETS THE TRUMP TWEET TREATMENT.
Obama is a stinking turd in a suit! Why should he have a "side"? Why doesn't he take his retirement pay and shut the fuck up? He is no longer President of this country. He is a goddamned traitor trying to undermine the current President.

Let him go play golf every day...like he did when he was supposed to be working to improve the nation and protect the people. He is a Muslim-sympathizer and an authentic piece of dog shit.
If a liberal says "he lied" it means "he told the truth" and visa versa.

Trump lies. Period.

He generally accuses others of what he's doing to deflect attention to them. Like saying The election was rigged for Hillary. He also has a "tell".

When Trump is telling a whopper, he says "believe me". Like when he said he never had Russian hookers pissing in that hotel room "believe me", I knew immediately that it was true.

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