Why is Trump so gung-ho about protecting Putin and Asange?

So they weren't just trying to influence the election, you say they got him elected. Back it up.

Hillary lost that election all on her own.

She ignored the working people. Those working people voted for Trump.

All these lefty loons are just sore losers. They just can't believe that Hillary lost even though she was one lousy candidate.

Working people that voted for Trump will soon be bending over.

Trump does not care about working people. Hew never did.

LMAO Oh and like douchebag ever gave a thought to the working man??

I think the folks who voted for Trump will like what he does.

Unlike you, they aren't sore losers.

Trump won. Hillary lost. Get over it. Or not.
Why did you funny my comment? Trump and that Exxon guy he appointed are going to tap Russia for oil. They have a lot of oil but not the technology to get to it.

When Obama asked for the world to boycott Russia that Exxon guy kept visiting and dealing with Putin anyways.

Maybe we can be strategic partners with Russia. Why is that funny?
Trump wants to make the best of the situation, like smart business people do. Obama wants to blame his shortcomings and failures on them, like a community organizer.
Gas was cheap on Obama's watch. You'll accept it going up on Republicans watch in fact Republicans just raised taxes on gas and registration fees in Michigan and you Republican sheep didn't even blink.

Meanwhile jobless claims not this low since 1973? I just heard that. You Americans are so dumb. Obama was great and fake news fold you otherwise.

That's not to say trump won't do a good job. So far so good
Hillary lost that election all on her own.

She ignored the working people. Those working people voted for Trump.

All these lefty loons are just sore losers. They just can't believe that Hillary lost even though she was one lousy candidate.

Working people that voted for Trump will soon be bending over.

Trump does not care about working people. Hew never did.

LMAO Oh and like douchebag ever gave a thought to the working man??

I think the folks who voted for Trump will like what he does.

Unlike you, they aren't sore losers.

Trump won. Hillary lost. Get over it. Or not.
Why did you funny my comment? Trump and that Exxon guy he appointed are going to tap Russia for oil. They have a lot of oil but not the technology to get to it.

When Obama asked for the world to boycott Russia that Exxon guy kept visiting and dealing with Putin anyways.

Maybe we can be strategic partners with Russia. Why is that funny?
Trump wants to make the best of the situation, like smart business people do. Obama wants to blame his shortcomings and failures on them, like a community organizer.
Gas was cheap on Obama's watch. You'll accept it going up on Republicans watch in fact Republicans just raised taxes on gas and registration fees in Michigan and you Republican sheep didn't even blink.

Meanwhile jobless claims not this low since 1973? I just heard that. You Americans are so dumb. Obama was great and fake news fold you otherwise.

That's not to say trump won't do a good job. So far so good
Fracking dropped oil prices. obama and the lib wing hate fracking but take credit for the low prices. That's special.

I have no idea what's going on in Michigan, nor can I do anything about it. Plus being a Republican doesn't make you a fiscal conservative. Evidence abounds.

Dems are hardly where we turn for less taxes and regulations though so your point is moot. The economy sucks, highest non working in a long time so the fake news is all on you.
It's Trump's narcissism getting in the way. The only way to keep him from doubling down and digging himself an ever deepening hole at times like this is to NOT make a big deal out of his defensive statements, ask him repeatedly about them, discuss them endlessly on cable news. It makes him more defensive. I'm telling ya, if when he first reacted to this, people had just nodded and said Uh huh, this would have been over long ago.
How did you arrive at that? The Dems ran out of ammo since nothing else was selling. This is all they have left. Trump not speaking about it would look worse. Of course he should since he's the target of the political hit job. The WORSE thing Republicans have done in the past is letting leftist get away with their shit. Trump fights back. That's WHY he won and the only reason he won.

Leftists are not used to Republicans that stand up for themselves. They still can't figure out how to deal with it.

No, he won because of the electoral college.

And note the revealing word choice in your post. "Stand up for themselves."

SELF. That's all Trump is concerned with. Not America, and certainly not Republicans. He's all about enriching himself, and perhaps his cronies, with the office of president.

Michael Che probably put it best: Trump doesn't want to be president. He just wanted to beat the nerd. That's why instead of getting ready to be president he immediately upon winning returned to the road to take a victory lap. He soaks up the cheering of the crowd like a performer, because that's all he is.
Pretty much only big city libs supported Hillary, the rest of America not so much. And he won them over because he didn't let the libs walk all over him like they are accustomed to doing.

I have no idea who Che is but sounds like he babbles out of his ass like you do.

You wish, asshole. Hillary had supporters EVERYWHERE. Here's an accurate rendering of trump/Hillary leans, county by county, all over the U.S.:


No candidate whips someone's ass by 3 million votes by only getting "big city libs".
It's Trump's narcissism getting in the way. The only way to keep him from doubling down and digging himself an ever deepening hole at times like this is to NOT make a big deal out of his defensive statements, ask him repeatedly about them, discuss them endlessly on cable news. It makes him more defensive. I'm telling ya, if when he first reacted to this, people had just nodded and said Uh huh, this would have been over long ago.
How did you arrive at that? The Dems ran out of ammo since nothing else was selling. This is all they have left. Trump not speaking about it would look worse. Of course he should since he's the target of the political hit job. The WORSE thing Republicans have done in the past is letting leftist get away with their shit. Trump fights back. That's WHY he won and the only reason he won.

Leftists are not used to Republicans that stand up for themselves. They still can't figure out how to deal with it.

No, he won because of the electoral college.

And note the revealing word choice in your post. "Stand up for themselves."

SELF. That's all Trump is concerned with. Not America, and certainly not Republicans. He's all about enriching himself, and perhaps his cronies, with the office of president.

Michael Che probably put it best: Trump doesn't want to be president. He just wanted to beat the nerd. That's why instead of getting ready to be president he immediately upon winning returned to the road to take a victory lap. He soaks up the cheering of the crowd like a performer, because that's all he is.
Pretty much only big city libs supported Hillary, the rest of America not so much. And he won them over because he didn't let the libs walk all over him like they are accustomed to doing.

I have no idea who Che is but sounds like he babbles out of his ass like you do.

You wish, asshole. Hillary had supporters EVERYWHERE. Here's an accurate rendering of trump/Hillary leans, county by county, all over the U.S.:


No candidate whips someone's ass by 3 million votes by only getting "big city libs".


If Hillary had taken that much area in flyover country, she would have won.
Maybe because of EVIDENCE, you stupid fuck
Kicking out foreign diplomats without proof of why seems like political theater.

Yup. From what I've been reading they have no evidence Russia hacked anything.

That's probably why the meeting was postponed till Friday.

Of course Tigeridiot is to stupid to think before she puts another of her racist threads up.

The meeting was scheduled for Friday. Not Tuesday or Wednesday according to you or lying Trump.

They have all the evidence........ but losers like you refused to believe it.

The original meeting was set before Friday. Read a little you fucking idiot.

They postponed it to Friday.

They had no evidence that Russia did anything.

No they didn't.... that only came from Trump. They never postponed it...... it's always been Friday. Why do you lie like Trump?

After the hearing today they brief senators about Putin hacking into our ( not yours) system.
Do you have evidence that Putin thug didn't do the hacking?
Have you heard any specific evidence that Putin hacked us?
Have you even heard one thing like who did it, when did they do it, and how did they do it?
All you've heard is that there is evidence of it. Not what the evidence is. If it really happened, they should be able to answer those questions. Instead they want to take their word for it. And nobody is asking them to give specific evidence of it the way they did when Comey testified that Hillary did indeed send and receive classified information on her internet server.
It's Trump's narcissism getting in the way. The only way to keep him from doubling down and digging himself an ever deepening hole at times like this is to NOT make a big deal out of his defensive statements, ask him repeatedly about them, discuss them endlessly on cable news. It makes him more defensive. I'm telling ya, if when he first reacted to this, people had just nodded and said Uh huh, this would have been over long ago.
How did you arrive at that? The Dems ran out of ammo since nothing else was selling. This is all they have left. Trump not speaking about it would look worse. Of course he should since he's the target of the political hit job. The WORSE thing Republicans have done in the past is letting leftist get away with their shit. Trump fights back. That's WHY he won and the only reason he won.

Leftists are not used to Republicans that stand up for themselves. They still can't figure out how to deal with it.

No, he won because of the electoral college.

And note the revealing word choice in your post. "Stand up for themselves."

SELF. That's all Trump is concerned with. Not America, and certainly not Republicans. He's all about enriching himself, and perhaps his cronies, with the office of president.

Michael Che probably put it best: Trump doesn't want to be president. He just wanted to beat the nerd. That's why instead of getting ready to be president he immediately upon winning returned to the road to take a victory lap. He soaks up the cheering of the crowd like a performer, because that's all he is.
Pretty much only big city libs supported Hillary, the rest of America not so much. And he won them over because he didn't let the libs walk all over him like they are accustomed to doing.

I have no idea who Che is but sounds like he babbles out of his ass like you do.

You wish, asshole. Hillary had supporters EVERYWHERE. Here's an accurate rendering of trump/Hillary leans, county by county, all over the U.S.:


No candidate whips someone's ass by 3 million votes by only getting "big city libs".


If Hillary had taken that much area in flyover country, she would have won.

Uh, not when the EC is a winner-take-all device.

You don't understand what you're looking at. That's okay. You can go now.
Because they got him elected. He owes them.
So they weren't just trying to influence the election, you say they got him elected. Back it up.

Hillary lost that election all on her own.

She ignored the working people. Those working people voted for Trump.

All these lefty loons are just sore losers. They just can't believe that Hillary lost even though she was one lousy candidate.

Working people that voted for Trump will soon be bending over.

Trump does not care about working people. Hew never did.
And we all know just how accurate liberal predictions are. I have a better chance of my dog shitting a gold watch.

Pretty good if he eats one. And considering you're probably an old asshole with zero fashion taste, chances are you own a gold watch that could be eaten.
It's Trump's narcissism getting in the way. The only way to keep him from doubling down and digging himself an ever deepening hole at times like this is to NOT make a big deal out of his defensive statements, ask him repeatedly about them, discuss them endlessly on cable news. It makes him more defensive. I'm telling ya, if when he first reacted to this, people had just nodded and said Uh huh, this would have been over long ago.
How did you arrive at that? The Dems ran out of ammo since nothing else was selling. This is all they have left. Trump not speaking about it would look worse. Of course he should since he's the target of the political hit job. The WORSE thing Republicans have done in the past is letting leftist get away with their shit. Trump fights back. That's WHY he won and the only reason he won.

Leftists are not used to Republicans that stand up for themselves. They still can't figure out how to deal with it.

No, he won because of the electoral college.

And note the revealing word choice in your post. "Stand up for themselves."

SELF. That's all Trump is concerned with. Not America, and certainly not Republicans. He's all about enriching himself, and perhaps his cronies, with the office of president.

Michael Che probably put it best: Trump doesn't want to be president. He just wanted to beat the nerd. That's why instead of getting ready to be president he immediately upon winning returned to the road to take a victory lap. He soaks up the cheering of the crowd like a performer, because that's all he is.
Pretty much only big city libs supported Hillary, the rest of America not so much. And he won them over because he didn't let the libs walk all over him like they are accustomed to doing.

I have no idea who Che is but sounds like he babbles out of his ass like you do.

You wish, asshole. Hillary had supporters EVERYWHERE. Here's an accurate rendering of trump/Hillary leans, county by county, all over the U.S.:


No candidate whips someone's ass by 3 million votes by only getting "big city libs".
Bullshit. That doesn't even look like the topography of the US.
Maybe because of EVIDENCE, you stupid fuck
Kicking out foreign diplomats without proof of why seems like political theater.

Yup. From what I've been reading they have no evidence Russia hacked anything.

That's probably why the meeting was postponed till Friday.

Of course Tigeridiot is to stupid to think before she puts another of her racist threads up.

The meeting was scheduled for Friday. Not Tuesday or Wednesday according to you or lying Trump.

They have all the evidence........ but losers like you refused to believe it.

The original meeting was set before Friday. Read a little you fucking idiot.

They postponed it to Friday.

They had no evidence that Russia did anything.

No they didn't.... that only came from Trump. They never postponed it...... it's always been Friday. Why do you lie like Trump?

After the hearing today they brief senators about Putin hacking into our ( not yours) system.
Do you have evidence that Putin thug didn't do the hacking?
Have you heard any specific evidence that Putin hacked us?
Have you even heard one thing like who did it, when did they do it, and how did they do it?
All you've heard is that there is evidence of it. Not what the evidence is. If it really happened, they should be able to answer those questions. Instead they want to take their word for it. And nobody is asking them to give specific evidence of it the way they did when Comey testified that Hillary did indeed send and receive classified information on her internet server.

Jesus fucking Christ, you people are unreal.

I've posted this like 9 times. In this thread alone. Here it is again, stupid:

JAR_16-20296 | Computer Security
How did you arrive at that? The Dems ran out of ammo since nothing else was selling. This is all they have left. Trump not speaking about it would look worse. Of course he should since he's the target of the political hit job. The WORSE thing Republicans have done in the past is letting leftist get away with their shit. Trump fights back. That's WHY he won and the only reason he won.

Leftists are not used to Republicans that stand up for themselves. They still can't figure out how to deal with it.

No, he won because of the electoral college.

And note the revealing word choice in your post. "Stand up for themselves."

SELF. That's all Trump is concerned with. Not America, and certainly not Republicans. He's all about enriching himself, and perhaps his cronies, with the office of president.

Michael Che probably put it best: Trump doesn't want to be president. He just wanted to beat the nerd. That's why instead of getting ready to be president he immediately upon winning returned to the road to take a victory lap. He soaks up the cheering of the crowd like a performer, because that's all he is.
Pretty much only big city libs supported Hillary, the rest of America not so much. And he won them over because he didn't let the libs walk all over him like they are accustomed to doing.

I have no idea who Che is but sounds like he babbles out of his ass like you do.

You wish, asshole. Hillary had supporters EVERYWHERE. Here's an accurate rendering of trump/Hillary leans, county by county, all over the U.S.:


No candidate whips someone's ass by 3 million votes by only getting "big city libs".


If Hillary had taken that much area in flyover country, she would have won.

Uh, not when the EC is a winner-take-all device.

You don't understand what you're looking at. That's okay. You can go now.

Take another look at your map.

Hillary barely took the larger cities in flyover country, your map makes it look pubs barely took red states.

Your cartographer is a partisan idiot
It's Trump's narcissism getting in the way. The only way to keep him from doubling down and digging himself an ever deepening hole at times like this is to NOT make a big deal out of his defensive statements, ask him repeatedly about them, discuss them endlessly on cable news. It makes him more defensive. I'm telling ya, if when he first reacted to this, people had just nodded and said Uh huh, this would have been over long ago.
How did you arrive at that? The Dems ran out of ammo since nothing else was selling. This is all they have left. Trump not speaking about it would look worse. Of course he should since he's the target of the political hit job. The WORSE thing Republicans have done in the past is letting leftist get away with their shit. Trump fights back. That's WHY he won and the only reason he won.

Leftists are not used to Republicans that stand up for themselves. They still can't figure out how to deal with it.

No, he won because of the electoral college.

And note the revealing word choice in your post. "Stand up for themselves."

SELF. That's all Trump is concerned with. Not America, and certainly not Republicans. He's all about enriching himself, and perhaps his cronies, with the office of president.

Michael Che probably put it best: Trump doesn't want to be president. He just wanted to beat the nerd. That's why instead of getting ready to be president he immediately upon winning returned to the road to take a victory lap. He soaks up the cheering of the crowd like a performer, because that's all he is.
Pretty much only big city libs supported Hillary, the rest of America not so much. And he won them over because he didn't let the libs walk all over him like they are accustomed to doing.

I have no idea who Che is but sounds like he babbles out of his ass like you do.

You wish, asshole. Hillary had supporters EVERYWHERE. Here's an accurate rendering of trump/Hillary leans, county by county, all over the U.S.:


No candidate whips someone's ass by 3 million votes by only getting "big city libs".
Bullshit. That doesn't even look like the topography of the US.

The size of the counties are weighted to reflect population, and the colors are weighted based on margin of victory in counties.

It's really not that hard. It's statistics. Ever take a class?
No, he won because of the electoral college.

And note the revealing word choice in your post. "Stand up for themselves."

SELF. That's all Trump is concerned with. Not America, and certainly not Republicans. He's all about enriching himself, and perhaps his cronies, with the office of president.

Michael Che probably put it best: Trump doesn't want to be president. He just wanted to beat the nerd. That's why instead of getting ready to be president he immediately upon winning returned to the road to take a victory lap. He soaks up the cheering of the crowd like a performer, because that's all he is.
Pretty much only big city libs supported Hillary, the rest of America not so much. And he won them over because he didn't let the libs walk all over him like they are accustomed to doing.

I have no idea who Che is but sounds like he babbles out of his ass like you do.

You wish, asshole. Hillary had supporters EVERYWHERE. Here's an accurate rendering of trump/Hillary leans, county by county, all over the U.S.:


No candidate whips someone's ass by 3 million votes by only getting "big city libs".


If Hillary had taken that much area in flyover country, she would have won.

Uh, not when the EC is a winner-take-all device.

You don't understand what you're looking at. That's okay. You can go now.

Take another look at your map.

Hillary barely took the larger cities in flyover country, your map makes it look pubs barely took red states.

Your cartographer is a partisan idiot

Do you people REALLY hate facts this much? these are COUNTIES, not states, dipshit!
No, he won because of the electoral college.

And note the revealing word choice in your post. "Stand up for themselves."

SELF. That's all Trump is concerned with. Not America, and certainly not Republicans. He's all about enriching himself, and perhaps his cronies, with the office of president.

Michael Che probably put it best: Trump doesn't want to be president. He just wanted to beat the nerd. That's why instead of getting ready to be president he immediately upon winning returned to the road to take a victory lap. He soaks up the cheering of the crowd like a performer, because that's all he is.
Pretty much only big city libs supported Hillary, the rest of America not so much. And he won them over because he didn't let the libs walk all over him like they are accustomed to doing.

I have no idea who Che is but sounds like he babbles out of his ass like you do.

You wish, asshole. Hillary had supporters EVERYWHERE. Here's an accurate rendering of trump/Hillary leans, county by county, all over the U.S.:


No candidate whips someone's ass by 3 million votes by only getting "big city libs".


If Hillary had taken that much area in flyover country, she would have won.

Uh, not when the EC is a winner-take-all device.

You don't understand what you're looking at. That's okay. You can go now.

Take another look at your map.

Hillary barely took the larger cities in flyover country, your map makes it look pubs barely took red states.

Your cartographer is a partisan idiot

Here's the original sourcing:
Here's what the US electoral map looks like adjusted for population

It's a professor from U of Michigan. Here's his CV:

Mark Newman
Pretty much only big city libs supported Hillary, the rest of America not so much. And he won them over because he didn't let the libs walk all over him like they are accustomed to doing.

I have no idea who Che is but sounds like he babbles out of his ass like you do.

You wish, asshole. Hillary had supporters EVERYWHERE. Here's an accurate rendering of trump/Hillary leans, county by county, all over the U.S.:


No candidate whips someone's ass by 3 million votes by only getting "big city libs".


If Hillary had taken that much area in flyover country, she would have won.

Uh, not when the EC is a winner-take-all device.

You don't understand what you're looking at. That's okay. You can go now.

Take another look at your map.

Hillary barely took the larger cities in flyover country, your map makes it look pubs barely took red states.

Your cartographer is a partisan idiot

Do you people REALLY hate facts this much? these are COUNTIES, not states, dipshit!

counties make up states, dipshit.

Do you need a class in map reading>
Hillary lost that election all on her own.

She ignored the working people. Those working people voted for Trump.

All these lefty loons are just sore losers. They just can't believe that Hillary lost even though she was one lousy candidate.

Working people that voted for Trump will soon be bending over.

Trump does not care about working people. Hew never did.

LMAO Oh and like douchebag ever gave a thought to the working man??

I think the folks who voted for Trump will like what he does.

Unlike you, they aren't sore losers.

Trump won. Hillary lost. Get over it. Or not.
Why did you funny my comment? Trump and that Exxon guy he appointed are going to tap Russia for oil. They have a lot of oil but not the technology to get to it.

When Obama asked for the world to boycott Russia that Exxon guy kept visiting and dealing with Putin anyways.

Maybe we can be strategic partners with Russia. Why is that funny?
Trump wants to make the best of the situation, like smart business people do. Obama wants to blame his shortcomings and failures on them, like a community organizer.
Gas was cheap on Obama's watch. You'll accept it going up on Republicans watch in fact Republicans just raised taxes on gas and registration fees in Michigan and you Republican sheep didn't even blink.

Meanwhile jobless claims not this low since 1973? I just heard that. You Americans are so dumb. Obama was great and fake news fold you otherwise.

That's not to say trump won't do a good job. So far so good
Gas was expensive and actually doubled under Obama until Fracking drove the price down.
Now, name the bill that Obama signed that caused the prices to go down.
I can tell you what he did specifically to jack up the price of gas another 8 cents per gallon in the last couple of weeks, when he signed an EO to ban deepwater drilling.
Working people that voted for Trump will soon be bending over.

Trump does not care about working people. Hew never did.

LMAO Oh and like douchebag ever gave a thought to the working man??

I think the folks who voted for Trump will like what he does.

Unlike you, they aren't sore losers.

Trump won. Hillary lost. Get over it. Or not.
Why did you funny my comment? Trump and that Exxon guy he appointed are going to tap Russia for oil. They have a lot of oil but not the technology to get to it.

When Obama asked for the world to boycott Russia that Exxon guy kept visiting and dealing with Putin anyways.

Maybe we can be strategic partners with Russia. Why is that funny?
Trump wants to make the best of the situation, like smart business people do. Obama wants to blame his shortcomings and failures on them, like a community organizer.
Gas was cheap on Obama's watch. You'll accept it going up on Republicans watch in fact Republicans just raised taxes on gas and registration fees in Michigan and you Republican sheep didn't even blink.

Meanwhile jobless claims not this low since 1973? I just heard that. You Americans are so dumb. Obama was great and fake news fold you otherwise.

That's not to say trump won't do a good job. So far so good
Gas was expensive and actually doubled under Obama until Fracking drove the price down.
Now, name the bill that Obama signed that caused the prices to go down.
I can tell you what he did specifically to jack up the price of gas another 8 cents per gallon in the last couple of weeks, when he signed an EO to ban deepwater drilling.

The reason gas doubled is because it was insanely cheap at the beginning of his first term due to the economic meltdown.

BUSH'S economic meltdown.
Pretty much only big city libs supported Hillary, the rest of America not so much. And he won them over because he didn't let the libs walk all over him like they are accustomed to doing.

I have no idea who Che is but sounds like he babbles out of his ass like you do.

You wish, asshole. Hillary had supporters EVERYWHERE. Here's an accurate rendering of trump/Hillary leans, county by county, all over the U.S.:


No candidate whips someone's ass by 3 million votes by only getting "big city libs".


If Hillary had taken that much area in flyover country, she would have won.

Uh, not when the EC is a winner-take-all device.

You don't understand what you're looking at. That's okay. You can go now.

Take another look at your map.

Hillary barely took the larger cities in flyover country, your map makes it look pubs barely took red states.

Your cartographer is a partisan idiot

Here's the original sourcing:
Here's what the US electoral map looks like adjusted for population

It's a professor from U of Michigan. Here's his CV:

Mark Newman

Can't read the site with adblocker on, and no way in hell will I click on any of your links without it on
You wish, asshole. Hillary had supporters EVERYWHERE. Here's an accurate rendering of trump/Hillary leans, county by county, all over the U.S.:


No candidate whips someone's ass by 3 million votes by only getting "big city libs".


If Hillary had taken that much area in flyover country, she would have won.

Uh, not when the EC is a winner-take-all device.

You don't understand what you're looking at. That's okay. You can go now.

Take another look at your map.

Hillary barely took the larger cities in flyover country, your map makes it look pubs barely took red states.

Your cartographer is a partisan idiot

Do you people REALLY hate facts this much? these are COUNTIES, not states, dipshit!

counties make up states, dipshit.

Do you need a class in map reading>

I understand that. However, the divisions on the map you see are counties, not states.

Look, you don't understand what you're reading, and you never will. You're just embarrassing yourself now.
You wish, asshole. Hillary had supporters EVERYWHERE. Here's an accurate rendering of trump/Hillary leans, county by county, all over the U.S.:


No candidate whips someone's ass by 3 million votes by only getting "big city libs".


If Hillary had taken that much area in flyover country, she would have won.

Uh, not when the EC is a winner-take-all device.

You don't understand what you're looking at. That's okay. You can go now.

Take another look at your map.

Hillary barely took the larger cities in flyover country, your map makes it look pubs barely took red states.

Your cartographer is a partisan idiot

Here's the original sourcing:
Here's what the US electoral map looks like adjusted for population

It's a professor from U of Michigan. Here's his CV:

Mark Newman

Can't read the site with adblocker on, and no way in hell will I click on any of your links without it on

Jesus, what are you, 80?

Hover your mouse cursor over the link and look in the predictive address bar, it's a university of Mich faculty site.

The first link is to businessinsider.com, a totally neutral media source.

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