Why is Trump so gung-ho about protecting Putin and Asange?

not for another decade or so.

what are you?


Okay, now I see. You're fucking 70. The brain starts losing proteins around 50. You're damned near braindead at this point.

Turn off the TV and pet your chihuahua, gramps.

and you didn't deny being 13.

Come back and finish the conversation when you can take Clearasil off your shopping list.

Haven't been 13 for a quarter-century, and unlike you I still have my marbles and contribute to society with employment. Go back to price is right, bobby duvall.


I was close to retiring from the Military at that age..

You still have your marbles?

How often do you take them out of the pouch and play with them?

So you were a government worker who retired and you've added nothing to society. Got it.
Got it. But none the less, what is like being the hardest working socialist while serving in the military? Would you like to share with everyone what your socialist experience was like!
not for another decade or so.

what are you?


Okay, now I see. You're fucking 70. The brain starts losing proteins around 50. You're damned near braindead at this point.

Turn off the TV and pet your chihuahua, gramps.

and you didn't deny being 13.

Come back and finish the conversation when you can take Clearasil off your shopping list.

Haven't been 13 for a quarter-century, and unlike you I still have my marbles and contribute to society with employment. Go back to price is right, bobby duvall.


I was close to retiring from the Military at that age..

You still have your marbles?

How often do you take them out of the pouch and play with them?

So you were a government worker who retired and you've added nothing to society. Got it.

I retired, and I went back to work.

Retired a 2nd time 11 years ago
Okay, now I see. You're fucking 70. The brain starts losing proteins around 50. You're damned near braindead at this point.

Turn off the TV and pet your chihuahua, gramps.

and you didn't deny being 13.

Come back and finish the conversation when you can take Clearasil off your shopping list.

Haven't been 13 for a quarter-century, and unlike you I still have my marbles and contribute to society with employment. Go back to price is right, bobby duvall.


I was close to retiring from the Military at that age..

You still have your marbles?

How often do you take them out of the pouch and play with them?
The military!!! How does it feel to be the hardest working "Socialist" in the nation???

How does it feel to be on the top of the list of idiots on this board?
The military is one of our largest socialist institutions!!! Why the avoidance???
Working people that voted for Trump will soon be bending over.

Trump does not care about working people. Hew never did.

LMAO Oh and like douchebag ever gave a thought to the working man??

I think the folks who voted for Trump will like what he does.

Unlike you, they aren't sore losers.

Trump won. Hillary lost. Get over it. Or not.
Why did you funny my comment? Trump and that Exxon guy he appointed are going to tap Russia for oil. They have a lot of oil but not the technology to get to it.

When Obama asked for the world to boycott Russia that Exxon guy kept visiting and dealing with Putin anyways.

Maybe we can be strategic partners with Russia. Why is that funny?
Trump wants to make the best of the situation, like smart business people do. Obama wants to blame his shortcomings and failures on them, like a community organizer.
Gas was cheap on Obama's watch. You'll accept it going up on Republicans watch in fact Republicans just raised taxes on gas and registration fees in Michigan and you Republican sheep didn't even blink.

Meanwhile jobless claims not this low since 1973? I just heard that. You Americans are so dumb. Obama was great and fake news fold you otherwise.

That's not to say trump won't do a good job. So far so good

/--- Obozo gas hit $5.00 a gallon in California and nearly that in NY. Bush left Obozo $1.86 gas. Only drill baby drill brought it down you clown.
I remember gas prices were the straw that broke the camel's back leading up to the 2008 election. I believe you have your facts wrong.

Dont try to forget or ignore why Republicans lost power in 2008. Don't pretend things were going well. Things were going so bad we elected a black liberal.
Okay, now I see. You're fucking 70. The brain starts losing proteins around 50. You're damned near braindead at this point.

Turn off the TV and pet your chihuahua, gramps.

and you didn't deny being 13.

Come back and finish the conversation when you can take Clearasil off your shopping list.

Haven't been 13 for a quarter-century, and unlike you I still have my marbles and contribute to society with employment. Go back to price is right, bobby duvall.


I was close to retiring from the Military at that age..

You still have your marbles?

How often do you take them out of the pouch and play with them?

So you were a government worker who retired and you've added nothing to society. Got it.

I retired, and I went back to work.

Retired a 2nd time 11 years ago
I know you are retired......but prior to retiring from the military why don't you admit you were living a socialist existence? Are you ashamed???
Okay, now I see. You're fucking 70. The brain starts losing proteins around 50. You're damned near braindead at this point.

Turn off the TV and pet your chihuahua, gramps.

and you didn't deny being 13.

Come back and finish the conversation when you can take Clearasil off your shopping list.

Haven't been 13 for a quarter-century, and unlike you I still have my marbles and contribute to society with employment. Go back to price is right, bobby duvall.


I was close to retiring from the Military at that age..

You still have your marbles?

How often do you take them out of the pouch and play with them?

So you were a government worker who retired and you've added nothing to society. Got it.

I retired, and I went back to work.

Retired a 2nd time 11 years ago
Don't forget now that you are retired you continue to receive socialist benefits as well!
How lucky can I get?

Being trolled by a childish newbie.

Say Good Night, Gracie
You wish, asshole. Hillary had supporters EVERYWHERE. Here's an accurate rendering of trump/Hillary leans, county by county, all over the U.S.:


No candidate whips someone's ass by 3 million votes by only getting "big city libs".

/---- Those 2 million Hildabeast votes came from California
Trump lost the popular voter. Hillary beat by 3 million votes.

"Hillary beat by 3 million votes"

When does Hillary take office?

Do you know what a presidential mandate is? (Hint: Trump doesn't have one.)

306-232, before they both lost a few....

Popular vote means squat.

Trump has a mandate.
Yes we know......Trump dates Men! So what.
/---- Those 2 million Hildabeast votes came from California
Trump lost the popular voter. Hillary beat by 3 million votes.

"Hillary beat by 3 million votes"

When does Hillary take office?

Do you know what a presidential mandate is? (Hint: Trump doesn't have one.)

306-232, before they both lost a few....

Popular vote means squat.

Trump has a mandate.
Yes we know......Trump dates Men! So what.

He must know a fantastic plastic surgeon.

Yup. From what I've been reading they have no evidence Russia hacked anything.

That's probably why the meeting was postponed till Friday.

Of course Tigeridiot is to stupid to think before she puts another of her racist threads up.

The meeting was scheduled for Friday. Not Tuesday or Wednesday according to you or lying Trump.

They have all the evidence........ but losers like you refused to believe it.

The original meeting was set before Friday. Read a little you fucking idiot.

They postponed it to Friday.

They had no evidence that Russia did anything.

No they didn't.... that only came from Trump. They never postponed it...... it's always been Friday. Why do you lie like Trump?

After the hearing today they brief senators about Putin hacking into our ( not yours) system.
Do you have evidence that Putin thug didn't do the hacking?
Have you heard any specific evidence that Putin hacked us?
Have you even heard one thing like who did it, when did they do it, and how did they do it?
All you've heard is that there is evidence of it. Not what the evidence is. If it really happened, they should be able to answer those questions. Instead they want to take their word for it. And nobody is asking them to give specific evidence of it the way they did when Comey testified that Hillary did indeed send and receive classified information on her internet server.

Jesus fucking Christ, you people are unreal.

I've posted this like 9 times. In this thread alone. Here it is again, stupid:

JAR_16-20296 | Computer Security
You are a dumbass. This has nothing to do with election day. Not a damned thing.
The Dems are trying to claim that something that happened over a year before the election had anything to do with helping Trump win the election. The latest intrusion was listed as Spring of 2016. Russia is constantly trying to hack into our systems and so is China and several other countries. The examples you provided were of "Spearphishing" which is attempting to gain access to a targeted account by using fake emails asking for information. It doesn't amount to the level of hacking and changing the outcome of an election that you people are implying. All they were able to do was gain access to emails and read them. That is all. The information that has been dumped into the public has been reported for months.
No, what you're implying is that Russia did something to help Trump possibly with his knowledge. It's total bullshit of course. The point being most liberals are willing to believe any nefarious accusation of Trump because he's such a racist, bigoted, homophobic bastard. He must be guilty of collusion with Vladamir Putin himself.
Pretty much only big city libs supported Hillary, the rest of America not so much. And he won them over because he didn't let the libs walk all over him like they are accustomed to doing.

I have no idea who Che is but sounds like he babbles out of his ass like you do.

You wish, asshole. Hillary had supporters EVERYWHERE. Here's an accurate rendering of trump/Hillary leans, county by county, all over the U.S.:


No candidate whips someone's ass by 3 million votes by only getting "big city libs".

/---- Those 2 million Hildabeast votes came from California
Trump lost the popular voter. Hillary beat by 3 million votes.

"Hillary beat by 3 million votes"

When does Hillary take office?

Do you know what a presidential mandate is? (Hint: Trump doesn't have one.)
America doesn't think Dumps has a Man Date!!
Trump lost the popular voter. Hillary beat by 3 million votes.

"Hillary beat by 3 million votes"

When does Hillary take office?

Do you know what a presidential mandate is? (Hint: Trump doesn't have one.)

306-232, before they both lost a few....

Popular vote means squat.

Trump has a mandate.
Yes we know......Trump dates Men! So what.

He must know a fantastic plastic surgeon.

Yep.....there is only so much you can do for pasty face (orange sometimes) pot bellied 70 year old clown. Hey Donald.......give it up you're fucking 70 going on 71......you are old ready the glue factory.
Trump lost the popular voter. Hillary beat by 3 million votes.

"Hillary beat by 3 million votes"

When does Hillary take office?

Do you know what a presidential mandate is? (Hint: Trump doesn't have one.)

306-232, before they both lost a few....

Popular vote means squat.

Trump has a mandate.
Yes we know......Trump dates Men! So what.

He must know a fantastic plastic surgeon.

Here's how Trump looks with out surgery's and makeup
Anybody with a working brain cell, can see this unyeilding alliance Trump has for Putin and Assange, vs our intelligence community and Obama, has a very suspicious taint to it. Like what fuckin president goes against its own people and protects a murderer and a rapist instead??

I'll say it again, Trump and Putin were both in on this email thing with Hillederbeast Clinton and protecting that source is crucial to Trump, else the shit from Russia will hit the fan and Trump will be exposed as the lying con fuck nut that he is.

White America, making your country great again, comes with a price tag, Trump is willing to pay...selling the American constitution, its current president and the American stupid down the drain...again, fools, you get exactly what you deserve....a nightmare in the works!!

And to prove I'm right...ever notice how all the Trump supporters post is shit about blacks, gays and bullshit...never about this headlined shit that they CAN'T EXPLAIN NOR DEFENDS...DEFLECT DEFLECT DEFLECT AND DEFLECT SOME MORE!! lololol
Why are democrats so gung ho to protect illegals?
You wish, asshole. Hillary had supporters EVERYWHERE. Here's an accurate rendering of trump/Hillary leans, county by county, all over the U.S.:


No candidate whips someone's ass by 3 million votes by only getting "big city libs".

/---- Those 2 million Hildabeast votes came from California
Trump lost the popular voter. Hillary beat by 3 million votes.

"Hillary beat by 3 million votes"

When does Hillary take office?

Do you know what a presidential mandate is? (Hint: Trump doesn't have one.)

306-232, before they both lost a few....

Popular vote means squat.

Trump has a mandate.

No, he absolutely does not. And the popular vote means plenty. You'll see.
Anybody with a working brain cell, can see this unyeilding alliance Trump has for Putin and Assange, vs our intelligence community and Obama, has a very suspicious taint to it. Like what fuckin president goes against its own people and protects a murderer and a rapist instead??

I'll say it again, Trump and Putin were both in on this email thing with Hillederbeast Clinton and protecting that source is crucial to Trump, else the shit from Russia will hit the fan and Trump will be exposed as the lying con fuck nut that he is.

White America, making your country great again, comes with a price tag, Trump is willing to pay...selling the American constitution, its current president and the American stupid down the drain...again, fools, you get exactly what you deserve....a nightmare in the works!!

And to prove I'm right...ever notice how all the Trump supporters post is shit about blacks, gays and bullshit...never about this headlined shit that they CAN'T EXPLAIN NOR DEFENDS...DEFLECT DEFLECT DEFLECT AND DEFLECT SOME MORE!! lololol
Why are democrats so gung ho to protect illegals?

Because without them you'd starve, white trash. Enjoy your cheap food.
No, he absolutely does not. And the popular vote means plenty. You'll see.

Doesn't matter, your riots put Hillary in office.

Er, wait it was your recounts that put Hillary in office.

Er, your demands that Electors be faithless put Hillary in office.

Or maybe you're just a bunch of butthurt snowflakes throwing temper tantrums like the spoiled little fucks you are. The "RUSSIA" shit is just another in a LONG list of your incessant fucktitude.

What you need is a swift kick in your non-descended nuts, a slap across the face, and a command to grow the fuck up.

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