Why is union greed bad, but CEO greed is OK?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Cant help but ask. We are seeing a LOT of companies moving to the South, due to our vast right to work labor practices. So, yes, we see those jobs coming, and they are paying a fair bit less than they would if located in union states. And that's fine.

What I don't get is how those same companies make the move to a right to work state, and they do better financially- that's true. BUT, does that result in lower prices for the consumer? Nope. It results in higher pay for the CEO and board member types.

So, its bad for union members to be greedy and want more pay. And the right demonizes them. Fair enough. Greed is a deadly sin.

Then why doesn't the right also crucify all the greedy CEO's of the world who shrewdly try to drain every dollar they can out of their employer, just like unions?

Seems greed is greed....regardless of one's place on the totem pole.

A CEO's compensation package is determined by the Board of Directors, and is based on their perceived value to the company.

If they don't like it, they can explore other options.

That goes for pretty much anyone else.


A union members compensation is determined by the board also, and is based on their perceived value to the company.

If they don't like it, they can explore other options too.

So I ask again:

Why is it morally accepted by the right wing for a CEO to try to milk as much money as he can out of a company........but morally wrong for a union employee to do the same thing?

A CEO's compensation package is determined by the Board of Directors, and is based on their perceived value to the company.

If they don't like it, they can explore other options.

That goes for pretty much anyone else.


A union members compensation is determined by the board also, and is based on their perceived value to the company.

If they don't like it, they can explore other options too.

So I ask again:

Why is it morally accepted by the right wing for a CEO to try to milk as much money as he can out of a company........but morally wrong for a union employee to do the same thing?

Such is the current intellectually hyper-dishonest climate. All partisans knee-jerk to absurd conclusions and then defend them to the point of even MORE absurdity.

CEO's? The right simplistically defends them as a group no matter what, the left simplistically attacks them as a group no matter what.

Unions? The left simplistically defends them as a group no matter what, the right simplistically attacks them as a group no matter what.

And on and on, issue by issue. No progress, just absolutism.

Narcissistic partisan ideology is causing this country great harm, and the narcissistic partisan ideologues don't give a shit.


A CEO's compensation package is determined by the Board of Directors, and is based on their perceived value to the company.

If they don't like it, they can explore other options.

That goes for pretty much anyone else.


More often than not, that "board of directors" was placed there by the CEO.


In the companies I have worked for, most CEOs don't add much value.

I will say that possibly Dick Grasso was an exception to that rule, in retrospect.

A CEO's compensation package is determined by the Board of Directors, and is based on their perceived value to the company.

If they don't like it, they can explore other options.

That goes for pretty much anyone else.


More often than not, that "board of directors" was placed there by the CEO.


In the companies I have worked for, most CEOs don't add much value.

I will say that possibly Dick Grasso was an exception to that rule, in retrospect.

You're right. Most CEO's are uppity pricks who wouldn't have a clue to actually produce the company's product. They're paper pushers who are good with numbers

A CEO's compensation package is determined by the Board of Directors, and is based on their perceived value to the company.

If they don't like it, they can explore other options.

That goes for pretty much anyone else.


More often than not, that "board of directors" was placed there by the CEO.


In the companies I have worked for, most CEOs don't add much value.

I will say that possibly Dick Grasso was an exception to that rule, in retrospect.

I agree for the most part. The problem with the highest-profile CEO's is that they can do great good for the company or great harm. And yeah, I'm thinking of Dimon. The decision is the board's, and I'd like to see that culture change. But I'd rather see it change culturally than via government mandate.

Unions produce nothing. They are blood sucking corporations themselves that make billions and provide absolutely no service for the members that are forced to be members. I work at a company that assholes from the northern states pushed on us and successfully promised bullshit to the dumbest (Democrats), most useless (Democrats), least talented (Democrats) that get paid by the company for contributing the least to the health of the organization. These mindless zombies(Obama supporters that are always found lazily staring at other imbeciles playing stupid team sports) follow the union pushers like the lemmings they are.

CEOs run companies that provide an actual source of income for workers, something a union will never do. I'm not impressed with a lot of CEOs but I do understand that it takes a unique person that wants that responsibility. Most of those that criticize them wouldn't want that job for any amount of money.........most wouldn't be able to run the smallest company successfully.

A CEO's compensation package is determined by the Board of Directors, and is based on their perceived value to the company.

If they don't like it, they can explore other options.

That goes for pretty much anyone else.


and union compensation is determined by collective bargaining, which is the only empowerment workers have....

robber barons always want to pay workers slave wages. the thing that keeps that from happening is collective bargaining.

righwingers have this bizarre attraction to the days of sweat shops and tenements.

A CEO's compensation package is determined by the Board of Directors, and is based on their perceived value to the company.

If they don't like it, they can explore other options.

That goes for pretty much anyone else.


and union compensation is determined by collective bargaining, which is the only empowerment workers have....

robber barons always want to pay workers slave wages. the thing that keeps that from happening is collective bargaining.

righwingers have this bizarre attraction to the days of sweat shops and tenements.

An illustration of the point I make in post #4.

Cant help but ask. We are seeing a LOT of companies moving to the South, due to our vast right to work labor practices. So, yes, we see those jobs coming, and they are paying a fair bit less than they would if located in union states. And that's fine.

What I don't get is how those same companies make the move to a right to work state, and they do better financially- that's true. BUT, does that result in lower prices for the consumer? Nope. It results in higher pay for the CEO and board member types.

So, its bad for union members to be greedy and want more pay. And the right demonizes them. Fair enough. Greed is a deadly sin.

Then why doesn't the right also crucify all the greedy CEO's of the world who shrewdly try to drain every dollar they can out of their employer, just like unions?

Seems greed is greed....regardless of one's place on the totem pole.

Please show the cost savings have gone to CEO salaries. We'll wait.
As noted, each party makes its own deal with the owners or the reps. Show me someone in business who is not greedy.

A CEO's compensation package is determined by the Board of Directors, and is based on their perceived value to the company.

If they don't like it, they can explore other options.

That goes for pretty much anyone else.


and union compensation is determined by collective bargaining, which is the only empowerment workers have....

robber barons always want to pay workers slave wages. the thing that keeps that from happening is collective bargaining.

righwingers have this bizarre attraction to the days of sweat shops and tenements.

An illustration of the point I make in post #4.


But no less true.
and union compensation is determined by collective bargaining, which is the only empowerment workers have....

robber barons always want to pay workers slave wages. the thing that keeps that from happening is collective bargaining.

righwingers have this bizarre attraction to the days of sweat shops and tenements.

An illustration of the point I make in post #4.


But no less true.

I absolutely believe that it's absolutely possible that you absolutely believe that.

Cant help but ask. We are seeing a LOT of companies moving to the South, due to our vast right to work labor practices. So, yes, we see those jobs coming, and they are paying a fair bit less than they would if located in union states. And that's fine.

What I don't get is how those same companies make the move to a right to work state, and they do better financially- that's true. BUT, does that result in lower prices for the consumer? Nope. It results in higher pay for the CEO and board member types.

So, its bad for union members to be greedy and want more pay. And the right demonizes them. Fair enough. Greed is a deadly sin.

Then why doesn't the right also crucify all the greedy CEO's of the world who shrewdly try to drain every dollar they can out of their employer, just like unions?

Seems greed is greed....regardless of one's place on the totem pole.

You' re a fucking lair and a fucking moronic jackoff to boot too.

A CEO's compensation package is determined by the Board of Directors, and is based on their perceived value to the company.

If they don't like it, they can explore other options.

That goes for pretty much anyone else.


More often than not, that "board of directors" was placed there by the CEO.


In the companies I have worked for, most CEOs don't add much value.

I will say that possibly Dick Grasso was an exception to that rule, in retrospect.

You're right. Most CEO's are uppity pricks who wouldn't have a clue to actually produce the company's product. They're paper pushers who are good with numbers

You know this because?
It is amazing that people who have absolutely no idea what a CEO does feel free to criticize their misperceptions of his job performance.

A CEO's compensation package is determined by the Board of Directors, and is based on their perceived value to the company.

If they don't like it, they can explore other options.

That goes for pretty much anyone else.


and union compensation is determined by collective bargaining, which is the only empowerment workers have....

robber barons always want to pay workers slave wages. the thing that keeps that from happening is collective bargaining.

righwingers have this bizarre attraction to the days of sweat shops and tenements.

When a BOD is negotiating with a CEO over compensation they are playing with their own money. When a union negotiates in collective bargaining they are playing with other people's money.

Talk about corporate welfare....

Unions should be banned.
Cant help but ask. We are seeing a LOT of companies moving to the South, due to our vast right to work labor practices. So, yes, we see those jobs coming, and they are paying a fair bit less than they would if located in union states. And that's fine.

What I don't get is how those same companies make the move to a right to work state, and they do better financially- that's true. BUT, does that result in lower prices for the consumer? Nope. It results in higher pay for the CEO and board member types.

So, its bad for union members to be greedy and want more pay. And the right demonizes them. Fair enough. Greed is a deadly sin.

Then why doesn't the right also crucify all the greedy CEO's of the world who shrewdly try to drain every dollar they can out of their employer, just like unions?

Seems greed is greed....regardless of one's place on the totem pole.

Bucs, that is such an easy question I can't believe that one of the ignorant fucked up right wingers on here didn't give you a real answer.

Our factory labor force is primarily middle class people who only deserve what their betters will dole out to them. ( I learned that on here)

You might ask who their "betters" are. Well that would be those CEO types.

And we know how these fucked up right wingers on here are. They LOVE them some CEO types. Cause they have more money than the fucked up right wingers on here.

And these fucked up right wingers on here WORSHIP people with a lot more money than them.

And that is why unions are bad and Boards of Directors filled with the friends of the CEO's are good. Cause it gets the CEO more and without a union, the workers take what they can get without having any "friends" to help with the "negotiations".

This is along the lines of the oil fight. Drill baby drill has been happening (we produce a lot of oil) but somehow that additional production just doesn't do a damn thing to lower gas prices. And the fucked up right wingers go drill baby drill. Just so them oil companies can make more more more.

Typical right winger bull shit. Kiss the ass of the people who have more money than them. And spit on the people who have less. And fuck the people who are in the middle.
American free enterprise made us the world's number one economy. You got something that's better than Number One we'd love to hear it.

If you're offering Failed Redistribution and collective economics, know that it comes with a 100% Guaranteed Fail

Moreover, why should anyone listen to the mindless econiomic rantings from people who don't even know what a CEO does?
Cant help but ask. We are seeing a LOT of companies moving to the South, due to our vast right to work labor practices. So, yes, we see those jobs coming, and they are paying a fair bit less than they would if located in union states. And that's fine.

What I don't get is how those same companies make the move to a right to work state, and they do better financially- that's true. BUT, does that result in lower prices for the consumer? Nope. It results in higher pay for the CEO and board member types.

So, its bad for union members to be greedy and want more pay. And the right demonizes them. Fair enough. Greed is a deadly sin.

Then why doesn't the right also crucify all the greedy CEO's of the world who shrewdly try to drain every dollar they can out of their employer, just like unions?

Seems greed is greed....regardless of one's place on the totem pole.

Bucs, that is such an easy question I can't believe that one of the ignorant fucked up right wingers on here didn't give you a real answer.

Our factory labor force is primarily middle class people who only deserve what their betters will dole out to them. ( I learned that on here)

You might ask who their "betters" are. Well that would be those CEO types.

And we know how these fucked up right wingers on here are. They LOVE them some CEO types. Cause they have more money than the fucked up right wingers on here.

And these fucked up right wingers on here WORSHIP people with a lot more money than them.

And that is why unions are bad and Boards of Directors filled with the friends of the CEO's are good. Cause it gets the CEO more and without a union, the workers take what they can get without having any "friends" to help with the "negotiations".

This is along the lines of the oil fight. Drill baby drill has been happening (we produce a lot of oil) but somehow that additional production just doesn't do a damn thing to lower gas prices. And the fucked up right wingers go drill baby drill. Just so them oil companies can make more more more.

Typical right winger bull shit. Kiss the ass of the people who have more money than them. And spit on the people who have less. And fuck the people who are in the middle.

The Leftist Mindless Collective are the ones who feel trapped and can never do better for themselves. They only get the ideas the masters feed into the collective, how can they do better on their own? Education? Training? Inspiration? Genius? all dead and alien concepts to the Prog Drone

They rail against the World Number One economic System not because they can do better, but because that's their marching orders

Our last true conservative government was in the 1920's and they were the Roaring 20's for a good reason. They started off worse that the FDR Depression and at the end of Coolidge's Second term you could not find an unemployed person in the entire USA. That's what worked and that what works. Conservatism, lettign the economy work gives us the greatest prosperity; Liberalism gives us Detroit

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