Why ISIS is celebrating the immigration ban

GOOD , best not to do as Islamic state likes . They need to be fought and destroyed rather than the West worrying about offending them JimH !!
So you believe ISIS when it publishes a press release? What kind of moron are you?
Obama can not pronounce ISIS so he came up with a new name. It is hard to believe we had to endure 8 years of Obama's stuttering and inability to pronounce the simple stuff.

CNN, barely worth a reply.
So you believe ISIS when it publishes a press release? What kind of moron are you?
Type as yet undetermined. Power rating of moronisis is past bat shit crazy, and off the loon scale.
Yes, ISIS is mad because we're attempting to prevent them from coming here and killing us.

Yes, makes perfect sense.

You realize that your cult leader has given ISIS their best recruitment tool to this day. He is a moron that is setting the US up to be terrorist target number one. But he has 24/7 guards, so he doesn't care.
Anyway, it's not a "Muslim ban" it's a TEMPORARY ban on visitors from SEVEN nations where ISIS is active, so as to give Homeland Security time to put measures in place to vet people from those nations. The media and the Democrats are overreacting, this kind of thing has happened many times before.
I'm supposed to feel bad because we insulted a bunch of murderous savages?

That's rich.
You realize that your cult leader has given ISIS their best recruitment tool to this day. He is a moron that is setting the US up to be terrorist target number one. But he has 24/7 guards, so he doesn't care.
Good good, more of them for us to kill.
You realize that your cult leader has given ISIS their best recruitment tool to this day. He is a moron that is setting the US up to be terrorist target number one. But he has 24/7 guards, so he doesn't care.
What I realize about you is that you are an ISIS mouthpiece, because you are repeating their lies.
You realize that your cult leader has given ISIS their best recruitment tool to this day. He is a moron that is setting the US up to be terrorist target number one. But he has 24/7 guards, so he doesn't care.

How? By not letting murderous savages in the country? Do you know how insane you seem?
There is nothing we can do to ever appease ISIS and other radicals. Better to just keep them out and kill them every chance we get. They want to se Allah? Send them on their way.
You realize that your cult leader has given ISIS their best recruitment tool to this day. He is a moron that is setting the US up to be terrorist target number one. But he has 24/7 guards, so he doesn't care.
I'll hazard to guess that Obabble lobbing drones at innocent Muslim civilians has done more to "inspire" ISIS than has Trump's 4 month period to review our process for vetting refugees.

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