Why ISIS is celebrating the immigration ban

Why ISIS is celebrating Trump's immigration ban - CNN.com

And the Big, Orange, Clueless, Clown on the Hill just keeps issuing stupid orders.

Did you have champagne?
You realize that your cult leader has given ISIS their best recruitment tool to this day. He is a moron that is setting the US up to be terrorist target number one. But he has 24/7 guards, so he doesn't care.

Their best recruitment tool are fagboys from Western countries like you. They take one look at your lot, laugh their asses off, and get all psyched up about killing queers. They probably have posters, "join today and kill an infidel queer tomorrow!"
Why ISIS is celebrating Trump's immigration ban - CNN.com

And the Big, Orange, Clueless, Clown on the Hill just keeps issuing stupid orders.

ISIS is going to find a way to attack anyone they want regardless of what we do. The goal is world domination period. You sound like bending to their will is the best solution. Islam is predominantly practiced in tribal regions run by strongmen/war lords. The only thing they respect is a stronger person. You need to sit your weak ass down.
You realize that your cult leader has given ISIS their best recruitment tool to this day. He is a moron that is setting the US up to be terrorist target number one. But he has 24/7 guards, so he doesn't care.

Do you think Obama's drone attacks killing entire ISIS families was a recruitment tool?
You realize that your cult leader has given ISIS their best recruitment tool to this day. He is a moron that is setting the US up to be terrorist target number one. But he has 24/7 guards, so he doesn't care.

But how can they recruit Muslims if Muslims aren't jihadists?
So CNN is saying ISIS is proving Trumps point. So CNN is proving Trumps point?
You do realize that ISIS will use anything America says or does as a recruiting tool do you not? If we said any and all from the Middle East can come to America no questions asked ISIS would claim we are trying to lure them here to infect them with our decadent lifestyle and destroy Islam and use that to try and recruit people to the jihad as well. The fact some can't figure this out is truly sad and shows what true idiots they are.
Why ISIS is celebrating Trump's immigration ban - CNN.com

And the Big, Orange, Clueless, Clown on the Hill just keeps issuing stupid orders.
This is why we need the ban. This is repulsive - and had I been on that flight those muslims would have lost teeth, found themselves on the tarmac, and this lady would have flown in her original seat...

Tragic that you JimH52 are fighting for this kind of discrimination instead of against it... But not all that surprising. Dumbocrats long history of hating women and treating them as nothing more than sexual objects is only surpassed by their long history of ugly racism.

You do realize that ISIS will use anything America says or does as a recruiting tool do you not? If we said any and all from the Middle East can come to America no questions asked ISIS would claim we are trying to lure them here to infect them with our decadent lifestyle and destroy Islam and use that to try and recruit people to the jihad as well. The fact some can't figure this out is truly sad and shows what true idiots they are.
He realizes it. He's just desperate to paint everything and anything that President Trump does as "evil".

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