Why Isn't The Gop Talking About Repealing The Aca?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
We're one month out from the elections and I'm hearing zip about it.

Midterms are our opportunity to get the message out. Problem is, I don't hear any form of a united message outside of this forum. Sure there are bits & pieces to be had if you search for it but average voters don't go searching for info.
Waiting for the epic democrat loss in Nov. After that they will start undoing what they can of the mess from the last 6 years.
54 failed votes at the cost of millions of tax payer dollars while ignoring health care for their constituents ...

But, have no fear, they'll do it again because they actually believe its a winning tactic.

We're one month out from the elections and I'm hearing zip about it.

Midterms are our opportunity to get the message out. Problem is, I don't hear any form of a united message outside of this forum. Sure there are bits & pieces to be had if you search for it but average voters don't go searching for info.
You think voting in some NEW politicians is going to change anything?..LMAO..haven't you been paying attention for the past 50 years or so?
Both parties are corrupt and it's all just political theater to keep the partisans occupied fighting each other while the elites dig us deeper and deeper into a hole.
Time for a complete re set...
We're one month out from the elections and I'm hearing zip about it.

Midterms are our opportunity to get the message out. Problem is, I don't hear any form of a united message outside of this forum. Sure there are bits & pieces to be had if you search for it but average voters don't go searching for info.

Because its not a winning message. Never was
We're one month out from the elections and I'm hearing zip about it.

Midterms are our opportunity to get the message out. Problem is, I don't hear any form of a united message outside of this forum. Sure there are bits & pieces to be had if you search for it but average voters don't go searching for info.
The reason you are not hearing much about it from the RighTards is because it has finally, finally, finally sunk in with the tards that just because ObamaCare is unpopular that does not mean repeal is more popular.

Repealing ObamaCare is more unpopular than ObamaCare itself. When you ask a right wing tard, "Repeal ObamaCare...and then what?" they get a funny vacant look on their faces and then long strings of drool begin to run from their slack mouths onto their bib overalls. Vapor lock of the brain.

The American people are catching on the GOP has an empty toolbag and conceals its lack of solutions with a lot of whining.

That's why.
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We're the GOP. We're Here to Take Away Your Healthcare!!!!

Most voters know this but as a slogan...even Todd Akin knows it sucks.
Because neither side really cares as much as they pretend they do. It's a good way to get votes, and maintain their two party monopoly.
We're one month out from the elections and I'm hearing zip about it.

Midterms are our opportunity to get the message out. Problem is, I don't hear any form of a united message outside of this forum. Sure there are bits & pieces to be had if you search for it but average voters don't go searching for info.
Because even if the Republicans take the Senate they still won't have the votes to override a Presidential veto which Obama would use on any repeal legislation. There are parts of the ACA that people like the best thing Republicans can do if they take the Senate and Hold the House would be to build a new bill around the parts that are popular and chunk the rest.
We're one month out from the elections and I'm hearing zip about it.

Midterms are our opportunity to get the message out. Problem is, I don't hear any form of a united message outside of this forum. Sure there are bits & pieces to be had if you search for it but average voters don't go searching for info.

They don't won't to rock the boat politically before the elections.
Waiting for the epic democrat loss in Nov. After that they will start undoing what they can of the mess from the last 6 years.
Sure they will. The open secret is that the Pubs in Congress support Obamacare. They don't want to repeal it.

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