Why Isn't The Gop Talking About Repealing The Aca?

Those are the only two options in your mind? "Trolling" or "advocating"?

I answered the question posed in the OP. Is that "trolling" in your mind?

Actually, you didn't. You asked a couple of suggestive questions, and when challenged, went evasive. You seem more interested in fucking with people than discussing the topic, so, yeah, I call that trolling.
Standard tactic of his...


The fact that you don't seem to understand what I'm saying isn't a "tactic" of mine.
evasion is the word I was referring to.

The fact that you don't seem to understand what .....blah...blah.. .....etc...etc....:laugh2:

What do you think I'm "evading"?
"Maturity" comes immediately to mind.
Most of them had plans they liked before ACA made them change them.

Do you really think that repealing the ACA will make all of those old plans magically reappear?

Explain the benefits of aca versus free market and why we so desperately needed it, again?
Compare and contrast the two systems. How is yours better?...
Naturally, I'll take into consideration your statist bias as one of the main reasons you prefer aca. You don't need to explain that. :)

I don't "prefer" the ACA. I think it's a terrible law.

Do you prefer it to repeal?

"Repeal" is a unicorn. It doesn't exist. You can't put the cat back in the bag.

Laws can't be repealed?

Do tell!
Do you really think depriving the 7 or 8 million people who went through the exchanges of their health insurance is a good plan for the GOP?

Most of them had plans they liked before ACA made them change them.

Do you really think that repealing the ACA will make all of those old plans magically reappear?
Plans that are just as good will reappear.

What makes you think that?

Companies aren't usually in the habit of lowering their prices, once people are used to them.

Government is in the habit of making everything more expensive. The cost of our plans is being increased to cover the cost of deadbeats. They aren't going to get cheaper. They're going to get more expensive.

Yeah, they are going to get more expensive. Just like they have every year of my entire life.

Repealing the ACA isn't going to suddenly make them cheaper.
Do you really think that repealing the ACA will make all of those old plans magically reappear?

Explain the benefits of aca versus free market and why we so desperately needed it, again?
Compare and contrast the two systems. How is yours better?...
Naturally, I'll take into consideration your statist bias as one of the main reasons you prefer aca. You don't need to explain that. :)

I don't "prefer" the ACA. I think it's a terrible law.

Do you prefer it to repeal?

"Repeal" is a unicorn. It doesn't exist. You can't put the cat back in the bag.

Laws can't be repealed?

Do tell!

Again, for those who missed the point:

Explain the benefits of aca versus free market and why we so desperately needed it, again?
Compare and contrast the two systems. How is yours better?...
Naturally, I'll take into consideration your statist bias as one of the main reasons you prefer aca. You don't need to explain that. :)

I don't "prefer" the ACA. I think it's a terrible law.

Do you prefer it to repeal?

"Repeal" is a unicorn. It doesn't exist. You can't put the cat back in the bag.

Ever heard of the 18th amendment?


I see that again, my post has gone over your head.

I understand that the concept of repealing a law exists. A repeal of the ACA, on the other hand, simply will never happen, which is my point.
"Why Isn't The Gop Talking About Repealing The Aca?"

Because they have no desire to repeal it.

Because they know they don't have the votes to repeal it, even if they win control of the Senate.

Because they know it's a losing position.

Because they know they've made themselves look foolish with the many failed repeal attempts.
Most of them had plans they liked before ACA made them change them.

Do you really think that repealing the ACA will make all of those old plans magically reappear?
Plans that are just as good will reappear.

What makes you think that?

Companies aren't usually in the habit of lowering their prices, once people are used to them.

Government is in the habit of making everything more expensive. The cost of our plans is being increased to cover the cost of deadbeats. They aren't going to get cheaper. They're going to get more expensive.

Yeah, they are going to get more expensive. Just like they have every year of my entire life.
....but you just said your insurance rates dropped, and although you wished you could pay more, obamas "terrible law" forces you to accept the cheaper rates.

Yeah..you're really making sense now....Say something ridiculous and when you get called on it create a smokescreen and try to distract and evade...LMAO..one trick pony...
"Why Isn't The Gop Talking About Repealing The Aca?"

Because they have no desire to repeal it.

Because they know they don't have the votes to repeal it, even if they win control of the Senate.

Because they know it's a losing position.

Because they know they've made themselves look foolish with the many failed repeal attempts.
what really convinced them is when They went on "Cruz Control" and the gov't shut down. Repubs saw their approval plummet even further than it already was :lol:
The GOP is right not to focus on this as no matter what they do it will never get repealed while the 8 year lame duck far left president holds office..

They should focus on getting a fiscal year budget and help by getting people back to work.
Waiting for the epic democrat loss in Nov. After that they will start undoing what they can of the mess from the last 6 years.
Correct. Get past this election and win the Senate. Then next year pass legislation and send to obama to repeal ACA. Let obama veto it over and over. In the meantime ACA goes under. We blame Obama and pin this mess on Hillary. She loses in 2016 and Mitt, Rand, Chris or Sarah with Michelle Bachman as VP becomes the next President who will overturn Obamacare.

I hope.
My kids likely thought cake or candy made for a great breakfast when they were young. Doesn't make them right, just young & ignorant. Multiply that by any number you like & you have your response
Do you really think depriving the 7 or 8 million people who went through the exchanges of their health insurance is a good plan for the GOP?
I believe it's a good plan for the country, screw the gop.

I think those 7 or 8 million people might disagree with you on that one.

I think they'd probably disagree that they're "irrelevant", as well.

What makes your opinion more "relevant" than their's?
Do you really think depriving the 7 or 8 million people who went through the exchanges of their health insurance is a good plan for the GOP?
I believe it's a good plan for the country, screw the gop.

I think those 7 or 8 million people might disagree with you on that one.

I think they'd probably disagree that they're "irrelevant", as well.

What makes your opinion more "relevant" than their's?
Because MY WALLET is the one paying for their discount/free coverage
Do you really think depriving the 7 or 8 million people who went through the exchanges of their health insurance is a good plan for the GOP?
I believe it's a good plan for the country, screw the gop.

I think those 7 or 8 million people might disagree with you on that one.

I think they'd probably disagree that they're "irrelevant", as well.

What makes your opinion more "relevant" than their's?
Because MY WALLET is the one paying for their discount/free coverage


Pretending that everyone who has gained insurance through the exchanges is the standard right-wing "welfare queen" fantasy isn't going to win you guys any friends, either.

Do you think it's only liberals who've bought insurance on the exchanges?
Explain the benefits of aca versus free market and why we so desperately needed it, again?
Compare and contrast the two systems. How is yours better?...
Naturally, I'll take into consideration your statist bias as one of the main reasons you prefer aca. You don't need to explain that. :)

I don't "prefer" the ACA. I think it's a terrible law.

Do you prefer it to repeal?

"Repeal" is a unicorn. It doesn't exist. You can't put the cat back in the bag.

Ever heard of the 18th amendment?


I see that again, my post has gone over your head.

I understand that the concept of repealing a law exists. A repeal of the ACA, on the other hand, simply will never happen, which is my point.
It will happen and scared democrats will help lead the charge to repeal or they will perish in the next election. 2014 will be their last warning!
Do you really think depriving the 7 or 8 million people who went through the exchanges of their health insurance is a good plan for the GOP?

Most of them had plans they liked before ACA made them change them.

Do you really think that repealing the ACA will make all of those old plans magically reappear?
Plans that are just as good will reappear.

What makes you think that?

Companies aren't usually in the habit of lowering their prices, once people are used to them.
You should learn how a free market works. <-- this is why liberals should not be in charge of our country. They don't know how it works.
The exchanges are transparent competition, and all neutral observers say it will bend the the cost curve down. Way to vote against your own best interests, dumb ass hater dupes...

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