Why Isn't The Gop Talking About Repealing The Aca?

We're one month out from the elections and I'm hearing zip about it.

Midterms are our opportunity to get the message out. Problem is, I don't hear any form of a united message outside of this forum. Sure there are bits & pieces to be had if you search for it but average voters don't go searching for info.

I'll give you a hint........

Americans run the Country, not politicians.
Do you really think depriving the 7 or 8 million people who went through the exchanges of their health insurance is a good plan for the GOP?

Most of them had plans they liked before ACA made them change them.

Do you really think that repealing the ACA will make all of those old plans magically reappear?
Plans that are just as good will reappear.

What makes you think that?

Companies aren't usually in the habit of lowering their prices, once people are used to them.

You mean the price of gas hasn't been getting lower? Is that my imagination?
54 failed votes at the cost of millions of tax payer dollars while ignoring health care for their constituents ...

But, have no fear, they'll do it again because they actually believe its a winning tactic.


Please show the "millions of tax payer dollars." I'm aware that votes were taken in stupid political gesture, but what justifies the talking point that it cost the taxpayers anything?
We're one month out from the elections and I'm hearing zip about it.

Midterms are our opportunity to get the message out. Problem is, I don't hear any form of a united message outside of this forum. Sure there are bits & pieces to be had if you search for it but average voters don't go searching for info.

The Republicans don't want to repeal Obamacare because now it's part of the government power structure. Republicans are not the party of small government, they are the party of "we're smaller than the Democrats." Plus, the 2012 election was a referendum on Obamacare and the country was ignorant enough to believe the lies. Now that it's becoming the disaster it was predicted to be, the way forward is not an equally disruptive shift to something else - the way forward is to fix the problems as best as can be done.

This is all rearranging the chairs on the deck of the Titanic anyway. The big government model is going to sink very soon. It's completely unsustainable and neither of the parties are able to fix the problem.
I believe it's a good plan for the country, screw the gop.

I think those 7 or 8 million people might disagree with you on that one.

I think they'd probably disagree that they're "irrelevant", as well.

What makes your opinion more "relevant" than their's?
Because MY WALLET is the one paying for their discount/free coverage


Pretending that everyone who has gained insurance through the exchanges is the standard right-wing "welfare queen" fantasy isn't going to win you guys any friends, either.
That's not what he said. You invented a strawman out of thin air so you could knock it down and pretend to be clever.
54 failed votes at the cost of millions of tax payer dollars while ignoring health care for their constituents ...

But, have no fear, they'll do it again because they actually believe its a winning tactic.


Please show the "millions of tax payer dollars." I'm aware that votes were taken in stupid political gesture, but what justifies the talking point that it cost the taxpayers anything?
Do you really think depriving the 7 or 8 million people who went through the exchanges of their health insurance is a good plan for the GOP?
I believe it's a good plan for the country, screw the gop.

I think those 7 or 8 million people might disagree with you on that one.

but you don't know...therefore it's a meaningless, irrelevant comment...
Do you really think depriving the 7 or 8 million people who went through the exchanges of their health insurance is a good plan for the GOP?

Most of them had plans they liked before ACA made them change them.

Do you really think that repealing the ACA will make all of those old plans magically reappear?
Plans that are just as good will reappear.

What makes you think that?

Companies aren't usually in the habit of lowering their prices, once people are used to them.
You should learn how a free market works. <-- this is why liberals should not be in charge of our country. They don't know how it works.
are insurance rates rising at 3X the rate of inflation "how free markets work"? Thats what was happening before the PPACA was passed.
Well let's see. The inflation rate is 1.7 per cent and my ins went up 20 percent so I guess under obamacare my ins went up 12 times the rate of inflation in one year, how can people print this tripe.

And I would like to ask the doctor is in how much his deductible changed with his lower rate and what his copays are with the change.

A lot of those 7 or 8 million that have ins now are people who were kicked off of the ins they were happy with to get the inferior obamacare.

Something like 1.7 million have not even be able to verify their citizenship.

And if it is true you will not be able to get free obamacare if you have not,paid your taxes, well that leaves a lot,of people out.

So we have upended one sixth of our economy to accommodate possible 5 million people out of a country of 350 million, brought extreme heartburn to a hundred million people, caused an exodus of doctors from the medical profession, limited peoples choices, and yet liberals consider this a raging success.

And the untold story is that medical professionals say the worst is yet to come.

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