Why isn't there a non-white option Democrat to vote for? Racism, lack of inclusion.

Is anyone else finding it hilarious the OP was pretending the GOP is the party of inclusion and diversity and was written by someone who hates Muslims and has this for an avatar:



I mean...just how self-unaware do you have to be to make such a public spectacle of oneself?

"Muslims suck. Let's ban refugees. They are rapists. Oh, and why are the Dems so not inclusive? Huh? Huh? Huh?"

You are providing a lot of entertainment, bucs. A lot of yucks.
Can someone explain why the Democrat Party can only offer whites as options to vote for? Where is the diversity and inclusion?

It's amazing how many of you retards are parroting this bullshit. Did you all receive an email or something? Because it isn't a coincidence so many of you are spouting this bullshit.

So you just asked where the diversity and inclusion is. Okay.

Please count how many black, Hispanic, female, gay, and Muslim Republican Congressmen there are, and then count how many black, Hispanic, female, gay, and Muslim Democratic Congressmen there are.

Be sure to get back to us with those figures, mm-kay?
I find it funny that you mentioned "gay" as a race, when "gaydom" is actually a sick perverse lifestyle choice. You leftists make me sick.

Muslim isn't a race either, brainiac.
Can someone explain why the Democrat Party can only offer whites as options to vote for? Where is the diversity and inclusion?

It's amazing how many of you retards are parroting this bullshit. Did you all receive an email or something? Because it isn't a coincidence so many of you are spouting this bullshit.

So you just asked where the diversity and inclusion is. Okay.

Please count how many black, Hispanic, female, gay, and Muslim Republican Congressmen there are, and then count how many black, Hispanic, female, gay, and Muslim Democratic Congressmen there are.

Be sure to get back to us with those figures, mm-kay?
I find it funny that you mentioned "gay" as a race, when "gaydom" is actually a sick perverse lifestyle choice. You leftists make me sick.
In order for the preposterous Big Lie to succeed that the GOP is "diverse and inclusive" and that the Dems aren't, the propagandists have to construct a very, very narrow frame for you rubes.

First, keep the frame to the year 2016. Even better, keep it to the last five minutes, if you can.

Second, narrow it down to just the Presidential candidates.

Then forget the Dem candidates are a Jew and a female, and make it about Hispanics and blacks. But again, ONLY look at the Presidential candidates, and then try to paint the ENTIRE Democratic party as not being diverse or inclusive.

It takes some very special mental gymnastics to buy into this hilarious hoax, but you rubes have become very adept at it.

Of course, it all catastrophically implodes when you look at the WHOLE picture. Everyone knows you modern day rubes in the Republican Party HATE minorities. Including the person who started the topic.

It is positively amazing the bigot who started this topic actually swallowed the piss he was fed by his propaganda outlet without his head exploding from cognitive dissonance.

I don't know how you maniacs do that. I really don't. I find myself looking on in wonder, and ask myself, "Is anyone else seeing this?!?"
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Can someone explain why the Democrat Party can only offer whites as options to vote for? Where is the diversity and inclusion?

The GOP has Hispanic, white, black. Add in future candidates like Nikki Haley and past ones like Jindal and the GOP offers Indian also.

The Dems? Even their Indian candidates (Elizabeth Warren) are actually white and their "black president" is half white and was raised in a white family and white culture.

Dems....practice what you preach please.
the additional division caused during the Obama administration

Yeah it all started when the whine was heard all through the South that morning Nov. 5 2008. "I can't believe we elected a ..........! Racist pricks have been up in arms ever since. The cause of any additional division was done by the mere facts of reality itself.
This is André Carson. He's a Congressman, and a Muslim. One of TWO Muslims in Congress.

Guess which party.

Go ahead.


Jake, despite your lies, 65% of votes on the GOP side went to black or Hispanic candidate in Iowa.

100% of the democratic - socialist votes went to a white.
I support John Kasich, retard.

Your sad, dead little red herring won't save you now.

Sure you do Jake.

Just because 100% of your posts either pimp Hillary or slander Republicans is no reason to think you're less than honest...
How many communists are Republican? Yeah, none.
How would you know? Communists wouldn't out themselves, they'd try to undermine without being obvious. If you're looking for some, look at those who try to convince the party that it's a good idea to shut things down. How has that worked for the party and why do some keep parroting the line every time things don't go a certain way? Sounds like you've got some fifth-columnists in your midst.
Why aren't any of them running president?
You'd have to ask them. The OP is ridiculous. It's not like the party is keeping a black man or a Hispanic from running. The party doesn't decide that. It's an individual choice.
the additional division caused during the Obama administration

Yeah it all started when the whine was heard all through the South that morning Nov. 5 2008. "I can't believe we elected a ..........!

"I can't believe we elected a socialist!"

Most of them don't even know what that is. Here's hint.

The Communist Party USA and African Americans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How many communists are Republican? Yeah, none.
How would you know? Communists wouldn't out themselves, they'd try to undermine without being obvious. If you're looking for some, look at those who try to convince the party that it's a good idea to shut things down. How has that worked for the party and why do some keep parroting the line every time things don't go a certain way? Sounds like you've got some fifth-columnists in your midst.
Sanders is a communist and proud of it. So is diBlasio in NY.
Commies are welcome with open arms in today's Democratic Party.
Let's boycott the Oscars and Democrats for their lack of diversity.

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