Why it such a BFD for Republicans to mask (Idaho Edition)

Having lived in ID for 18 of past 20 years, this is actually embarrassing :rolleyes-41:

A more important question is why aren't you starting thread after thread about Mumbling Bumbling and now Stumbling Dementia Riddled *Joe Importing covid positive migrants by the 10s of thousands.
Notice that Dr. love is completely ignoring my post 70?

He simply can't admit that his link and his posts are extremely dishonest and stupid.

Just a couple dozen lawmakers in a state of 1.75 million get infected, in a state with one of the LOWEST Per Capita death rate.

This is Dr. Loveless is an empty headed troll.
What is the lefts obsession with trying to force or shame people into wearing a mask? If anyone thinks wearing a mask will keep you from getting covid you are sadly mistaken it might very well decrease your odds of getting to some degree but it won’t prevent it. Two people I work with who take the mask wearing more seriously than I do have gotten covid where I have not I sincerely hope none of you believe the only people who have gotten covid are none mask wearers because that would be nuts.

Look up the word “mitigation” and get back to me. And for the billionth time, My mask helps to protect you ... me to a far lesser extent unless it’s an N95.
Look up the word freedom for the ten billionth time we grown adults can make decisions for ourselves we don't mommy and daddy government telling us what to do or how to live our life. If the rest of you are so terrified of someone not wearing a mask put yours on lock your doors and hide under bed till the government gives you the all clear.
99.7 percent recovery. Haven't worn one nor will I start. Get back to us when 3/10 start falling over dead and I'll pull out the O2 suit.

ANOTHER loon lie? 1.9% is the mortality rate. Granted, younger people and those with no comorbitities fall outside that range.
Go lick a few public door handles and infect granny for all I care. Just stay the fuck away from me!
Having lived in ID for 18 of past 20 years, this is actually embarrassing :rolleyes-41:

Not being a Republican I cannot speak for them. As a Conservative though I am able to think for myself and do my own research. Masks don't work, it's a con. So are lockdowns. Why is it you Progs cannot even acknowledge the problems with the lockdowns? Suicides are way up. The "vaccine" is causing problems and killing people but you don't care.


a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.

We've been told that the "vaccine" for Covid doesn't make you immune, if that's the case by definition it isn't a "vaccine". We've been told we may have to take a "series" of shots, why? Do we need evolutionary "immunity"?
We've been told we must take the shot but still wear a mask, why" Does the "vaccine" work or not? If not why do it? Now we must take the shot and wear TWO masks? You people are idiots.

Vaccines are killing NO ONE - Idiot? Look in the mirror!

The vaccines have killed thousands and hundreds of thousands have had mild to severe life threatening injuries. Yeah, it's true.
99.7 percent recovery. Haven't worn one nor will I start. Get back to us when 3/10 start falling over dead and I'll pull out the O2 suit.

ANOTHER loon lie? 1.9% is the mortality rate. Granted, younger people and those with no comorbitities fall outside that range.
Go lick a few public door handles and infect granny for all I care. Just stay the fuck away from me!

Why are YOU ignoring post 70? you a coward, or what?

99.7 percent recovery. Haven't worn one nor will I start. Get back to us when 3/10 start falling over dead and I'll pull out the O2 suit.

ANOTHER loon lie? 1.9% is the mortality rate. Granted, younger people and those with no comorbitities fall outside that range.
Go lick a few public door handles and infect granny for all I care. Just stay the fuck away from me!

1.9 isn't the mortality rate because we don't know the exact number of infected who were never tested and never had symptoms. You really don't know very much about how viruses work and the lack of stats that determine the rates. You should wear 20 masks and hunker down.
Having lived in ID for 18 of past 20 years, this is actually embarrassing :rolleyes-41:

Not being a Republican I cannot speak for them. As a Conservative though I am able to think for myself and do my own research. Masks don't work, it's a con. So are lockdowns. Why is it you Progs cannot even acknowledge the problems with the lockdowns? Suicides are way up. The "vaccine" is causing problems and killing people but you don't care.


a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.

We've been told that the "vaccine" for Covid doesn't make you immune, if that's the case by definition it isn't a "vaccine". We've been told we may have to take a "series" of shots, why? Do we need evolutionary "immunity"?
We've been told we must take the shot but still wear a mask, why" Does the "vaccine" work or not? If not why do it? Now we must take the shot and wear TWO masks? You people are idiots.

Vaccines are killing NO ONE - Idiot? Look in the mirror!

The vaccines have killed thousands and hundreds of thousands have had mild to severe life threatening injuries. Yeah, it's true.

Please stop lying Trumptard

Having lived in ID for 18 of past 20 years, this is actually embarrassing :rolleyes-41:

Not being a Republican I cannot speak for them. As a Conservative though I am able to think for myself and do my own research. Masks don't work, it's a con. So are lockdowns. Why is it you Progs cannot even acknowledge the problems with the lockdowns? Suicides are way up. The "vaccine" is causing problems and killing people but you don't care.


a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.

We've been told that the "vaccine" for Covid doesn't make you immune, if that's the case by definition it isn't a "vaccine". We've been told we may have to take a "series" of shots, why? Do we need evolutionary "immunity"?
We've been told we must take the shot but still wear a mask, why" Does the "vaccine" work or not? If not why do it? Now we must take the shot and wear TWO masks? You people are idiots.

Vaccines are killing NO ONE - Idiot? Look in the mirror!

The vaccines have killed thousands and hundreds of thousands have had mild to severe life threatening injuries. Yeah, it's true.

Please stop lying Trumptard

Yeah....right. Of course the pharmaceuticals are going to say the vaccine they created had nothing to do with the person dying 10 minutes after they took the vaccine or the patient developed blue bumps and brain thrombosis three hours later. Naw.....nothing to see here. Get that jab. New technology....never before tested, two months of clinicals trials as opposed to 8-12 years of normal vaccine trials. Naw, nothing could go wrong. Lol.
Having lived in ID for 18 of past 20 years, this is actually embarrassing :rolleyes-41:

Not being a Republican I cannot speak for them. As a Conservative though I am able to think for myself and do my own research. Masks don't work, it's a con. So are lockdowns. Why is it you Progs cannot even acknowledge the problems with the lockdowns? Suicides are way up. The "vaccine" is causing problems and killing people but you don't care.


a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.

We've been told that the "vaccine" for Covid doesn't make you immune, if that's the case by definition it isn't a "vaccine". We've been told we may have to take a "series" of shots, why? Do we need evolutionary "immunity"?
We've been told we must take the shot but still wear a mask, why" Does the "vaccine" work or not? If not why do it? Now we must take the shot and wear TWO masks? You people are idiots.

Vaccines are killing NO ONE - Idiot? Look in the mirror!

The vaccines have killed thousands and hundreds of thousands have had mild to severe life threatening injuries. Yeah, it's true.

Please stop lying Trumptard

Dr. Coward still ignoring post 70, it is clear now you know your article is full of shit, but you don't give a shit, you are here to troll.

99.7 percent recovery. Haven't worn one nor will I start. Get back to us when 3/10 start falling over dead and I'll pull out the O2 suit.

ANOTHER loon lie? 1.9% is the mortality rate. Granted, younger people and those with no comorbitities fall outside that range.
Go lick a few public door handles and infect granny for all I care. Just stay the fuck away from me!

1.9 isn't the mortality rate because we don't know the exact number of infected who were never tested and never had symptoms. You really don't know very much about how viruses work and the lack of stats that determine the rates. You should wear 20 masks and hunker down.

Yes this has been covered - INFINITY. 1.9% is the mortality rate.
99.7 percent recovery. Haven't worn one nor will I start. Get back to us when 3/10 start falling over dead and I'll pull out the O2 suit.

ANOTHER loon lie? 1.9% is the mortality rate. Granted, younger people and those with no comorbitities fall outside that range.
Go lick a few public door handles and infect granny for all I care. Just stay the fuck away from me!

1.9 isn't the mortality rate because we don't know the exact number of infected who were never tested and never had symptoms. You really don't know very much about how viruses work and the lack of stats that determine the rates. You should wear 20 masks and hunker down.

Yes this has been covered - INFINITY. 1.9% is the mortality rate.

Doesn't matter. It isn't correct.
Having lived in ID for 18 of past 20 years, this is actually embarrassing :rolleyes-41:

Not being a Republican I cannot speak for them. As a Conservative though I am able to think for myself and do my own research. Masks don't work, it's a con. So are lockdowns. Why is it you Progs cannot even acknowledge the problems with the lockdowns? Suicides are way up. The "vaccine" is causing problems and killing people but you don't care.


a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.

We've been told that the "vaccine" for Covid doesn't make you immune, if that's the case by definition it isn't a "vaccine". We've been told we may have to take a "series" of shots, why? Do we need evolutionary "immunity"?
We've been told we must take the shot but still wear a mask, why" Does the "vaccine" work or not? If not why do it? Now we must take the shot and wear TWO masks? You people are idiots.

Vaccines are killing NO ONE - Idiot? Look in the mirror!

The vaccines have killed thousands and hundreds of thousands have had mild to severe life threatening injuries. Yeah, it's true.

Please stop lying Trumptard

Yeah....right. Of course the pharmaceuticals are going to say the vaccine they created had nothing to do with the person dying 10 minutes after they took the vaccine or the patient developed blue bumps and brain thrombosis three hours later. Naw.....nothing to see here. Get that jab. New technology....never before tested, two months of clinicals trials as opposed to 8-12 years of normal vaccine trials. Naw, nothing could go wrong. Lol.

I recommend you attend the next COVID party.
Or head to Florida for spring break.
Let the class know how that works out! :lol:
I will never understand today's republicans. They want more disease. They want more orphaned babies. They want more abortions. They want more violence. Issue after issue, they want to make every problem worse rather than embracing solutions and they want to hold the rest of us back from solving problems. Republicans are into some sort of primitive tribal culture that they want to force the rest of us into. They want to spread disease in Idaho. I guess sickness and death are desirable there.

You should have made it a lot easier and posted 'I don't understand common sense.'.

When did the current crop of republicans ever embrace common sense? When you are faced with a problem, you come up with a solution. republicans haven't figured this out yet. You folks probably haven't figured out what a seatbelt is for. When I was a kid, I got the Salk vaccine. And I didn't get polio. Why are you people so against taking preventive measures? If it starts raining, don't just stand there and get soaked. Somebody invented the umbrella, and you can always get inside. Why be a dumbshit?
I will never understand today's republicans. They want more disease. They want more orphaned babies. They want more abortions. They want more violence. Issue after issue, they want to make every problem worse rather than embracing solutions and they want to hold the rest of us back from solving problems. Republicans are into some sort of primitive tribal culture that they want to force the rest of us into. They want to spread disease in Idaho. I guess sickness and death are desirable there.

You should have made it a lot easier and posted 'I don't understand common sense.'.

When did the current crop of republicans ever embrace common sense? When you are faced with a problem, you come up with a solution. republicans haven't figured this out yet. You folks probably haven't figured out what a seatbelt is for. When I was a kid, I got the Salk vaccine. And I didn't get polio. Why are you people so against taking preventive measures? If it starts raining, don't just stand there and get soaked. Somebody invented the umbrella, and you can always get inside. Why be a dumbshit?

Dumbshittery seems to be the order of the day in post-Rump, anti-science America Lysi.
Time will tell whether we come to our senses, or descend into idiocracy.
Having lived in ID for 18 of past 20 years, this is actually embarrassing :rolleyes-41:

Why would you be embarrassed, there are only 9 States with lower covid death rates than Idaho.

Also from your link:

Many lawmakers frequently don't wear masks, including some Democrats.

Why is it you commies never criticize your fellow commies? Hypocrite.


Per capita? BS or link me butthole

Per capita is the only correct way to judge commie. But here's your link.

Having lived in ID for 18 of past 20 years, this is actually embarrassing :rolleyes-41:

Why it such a BFD for Republicans to mask?

Freedom, you sumbitch.

Your fucking freedumb ends when you infringe on my health assholio

Fuck your health, your personal hygiene in not my responsibility. What do you think I am? The government or something? It's not my job to look after you.

If you're so terrified of catching the China virus, stay in your little cubby hole and lock the doors.

Besides, I'm immune to that shit. It was like a three-day cold.
I will never understand today's republicans. They want more disease. They want more orphaned babies. They want more abortions. They want more violence. Issue after issue, they want to make every problem worse rather than embracing solutions and they want to hold the rest of us back from solving problems. Republicans are into some sort of primitive tribal culture that they want to force the rest of us into. They want to spread disease in Idaho. I guess sickness and death are desirable there.

You should have made it a lot easier and posted 'I don't understand common sense.'.

When did the current crop of republicans ever embrace common sense? When you are faced with a problem, you come up with a solution. republicans haven't figured this out yet. You folks probably haven't figured out what a seatbelt is for. When I was a kid, I got the Salk vaccine. And I didn't get polio. Why are you people so against taking preventive measures? If it starts raining, don't just stand there and get soaked. Somebody invented the umbrella, and you can always get inside. Why be a dumbshit?

Dumbshittery seems to be the order of the day in post-Rump, anti-science America Lysi.
Time will tell whether we come to our senses, or descend into idiocracy.

I simply don't understand this. I'm a Girl Scout graduate, somebody who loves my Swiss Army knife because I've always got my tool kit. The scissors, the phillips screwdriver. When I was in elementary school, we learned how to "duck and cover." When I grew up, I practiced contraception to avoid any pregnancy that I didn't want. I will get vaccinated against Covid-19. I wear a mask to protect others. What is wrong with these people?

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