Why JFKs Roman Catholic faith is ns not the same as Romneys Mormanism

I suspect that Romney's religious affiliation isn't going to change many people minds to vote for the other team.

I seriously doubt that many evangelical christians (who think that Mormonism isn't a Christian faith) are going to cast their votes for Obama.

Of course they might just NOT vote at all, so that might effect the outcome.

Or they might vote third party.

But I think the bigger danger (to GOP chances) is the person who right now doesn't really know all that much about Mormonism and just how strange their beliefs actually are. The media will happily educate them.
The issue is of no consequence as the Constitution states:

Art 6, para 3 "The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States."
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The issue is of no consequence as the Constitution states:

Art 6, para 3 "The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States."

It means you can't DENY him a position based on that. It doesn't mean you can't take it into account when you are voting.

I won't vote for a Mormon. Ever. Neither will about 22% of the rest of the country. When people start learning how batshit crazy their beliefs really are, they won't, either.
The issue is of no consequence as the Constitution states:

Art 6, para 3 "The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States."

It means you can't DENY him a position based on that. It doesn't mean you can't take it into account when you are voting.

I won't vote for a Mormon. Ever. Neither will about 22% of the rest of the country. When people start learning how batshit crazy their beliefs really are, they won't, either.

That is true. Just thought folks might ALSO consider what the Constitution says in making their decision.
The issue is of no consequence as the Constitution states:

Art 6, para 3 "The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States."

It means you can't DENY him a position based on that. It doesn't mean you can't take it into account when you are voting.

I won't vote for a Mormon. Ever. Neither will about 22% of the rest of the country. When people start learning how batshit crazy their beliefs really are, they won't, either.

That is correct. Just thought folks might ALSO consider what the Constitution says in making their decision.

nothing in there makes Mormonism less evil or less crazy....
It means you can't DENY him a position based on that. It doesn't mean you can't take it into account when you are voting.

I won't vote for a Mormon. Ever. Neither will about 22% of the rest of the country. When people start learning how batshit crazy their beliefs really are, they won't, either.

That is correct. Just thought folks might ALSO consider what the Constitution says in making their decision.

nothing in there makes Mormonism less evil or less crazy....

Don't know that it says it specifically but the Constitution also gives us ALL freedom of thought. So all of us are free to think and act on the inclinations resulting from them.
Many will be influenced by their perceptions in this matter. Truly
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That is correct. Just thought folks might ALSO consider what the Constitution says in making their decision.

nothing in there makes Mormonism less evil or less crazy....

Don't know that it says it specifically but the Constitution also gives us ALL freedom of thought. So all of us are free to think and act on the inclinations resulting from them.
Many will be influenced by their perceptions in this matter. Truly

That's protection against a state religion like the UK had at the time.

It is not a commandment to disregard crazy religion as a mitigating factor in choosing not to vote for someone.
I remember when JFK ran for POTUS.

You actually had some folks who thought the Pope was going to be running the country. LOL

Religion doesn't mean jack shit to me.

Hell as long as the POTUS can run the damned country and get us back on track he can worship an idol in the corner for all I care.
Some of you assbonnets are so dishonest it's scary. Either that or you're severely mentally retarded, which is unlikely since you're at least able to stumble onto the internetz.

You can say that Mitt's religion won't influence his presidency - check

You can say that Mitt's religion doesn't impact YOUR decision as to whether to vote for him - check

You can say that anyone who considers his religion a good reason not to vote for him is a bigot - check

But you don't fucking speak for every registered voter and you can't say as a matter of fact that it WON'T cost him SOME votes. The only honest discussion we can have about this is how many net votes will it cost him and is that number material enough to possibly sway the end result.

This is why I usually just troll these days and don't bother with thoughtful discourse... Most of you fucktards can't even be honest with yourself let alone anyone else.
Yet the flavor of the month - before he 'suspended' his campaign - wouldn't have allowed Muslims in his administration (or if I recall correctly into the military) and that comment didn't dissuade many of the R's, I's and L's from supporting the 9-9-9 guy.

Remind me, did FDR allow Nazis in his administration, or in the military?
Are you telling us that Mormon is not Christian?

In my way of thinking, Mormons are no more Christians than Christians are Jews. Christianity is BASED on the Jewish religion, but added a new book and new doctrine. Likewise, Mormonism is based on Christianity, but added several new books and a radically different doctrine.

I don't believe in any of them, so don't really care that Romney is Mormon rather than Christian.
It isn't a matter of the "constitution" for me, guy.

I don't think that irrational beliefs become excusable because someone has gilded them and called them "religion".

You're an Obamabot, you are in NO position to criticize others for irrational beliefs.

If you believe silly things, then that should be a factor in my decision on whether to support you.

Silly things like raising taxes increase economic activity?

And they don't become less silly because you call them "a religion".

Please point out the law that says That I can't consider that his beliefs are crazier than bat guano when I vote.

When you go to vote, you'll vote for Barack Obama. That makes your beliefs crazier than bat shit.

Please point that out to me.

Sorry, man, don't see that in the constitution.

I always heard that the constitution on you leftists was like salt on a slug...
JoeB has every right to his wrong head thinking. The 22% are mostly Democrats I suppose who will not vote for Romney. Big surprise. If Romney survives SC and FL, the evnagelicals will vote for him.
Yet the flavor of the month - before he 'suspended' his campaign - wouldn't have allowed Muslims in his administration (or if I recall correctly into the military) and that comment didn't dissuade many of the R's, I's and L's from supporting the 9-9-9 guy.

Remind me, did FDR allow Nazis in his administration, or in the military?

You mean beside himself?
Unk, you would classify as a nazi or a socialist long before FDR, so STFU.
Unk, you would classify as a nazi or a socialist long before FDR, so STFU.

Really? I never ordered American citizens into concentration camps. Have you, you ignorant fuck? You don't know what the fuck you're trying to talk about, idiot.
My point is that JFKsfaith was a non-issue.

America was a Christian nation

Are you goingto tell me that Catholic is not Christian????
Nope. LDS belive in Christ as well. So what is the point again?

Perhaps the way you wrote your OP should be re-done?

They also believe-

Jesus visited the Americas and a mysterious group of Hebrews called the Nephites who left no archeological trace of their 1000 year civilization.

That women can only get into heaven if bonded to a Mormon man.

That dark skin is a curse from God.

That all other faiths are an abomination unto the Lord.

That doesn't disqualify them from being Christians, does it?

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