Why JFKs Roman Catholic faith is ns not the same as Romneys Mormanism

It isn't a matter of the "constitution" for me, guy.

I don't think that irrational beliefs become excusable because someone has gilded them and called them "religion".

You're an Obamabot, you are in NO position to criticize others for irrational beliefs.

If you believe silly things, then that should be a factor in my decision on whether to support you.

Silly things like raising taxes increase economic activity?

And they don't become less silly because you call them "a religion".


Not defending Joe's political beliefs he and I likely won't be voting for the same person next election, but he certainly isn't an Obamabot.

I'm with him in hating Obama and also thinking Obama will win in another landslide victory.
I am the working man's best friend.
I R 1.
I bust my ass 7 days a week in my detective business, averaging 500 miles a week on the road.
With the proceeds of that business I invest my $$$.
When I invest my $$$ I am the one that I am worried about 100% of the time.
It is NOT my responsibility to give anyone a damn job, increase the jobs in America, make sure someone has a job, make sure someone has a "living middle class wage" and "help the economy" or society with their jobs and salaries.
My job when I invest my $$$ THAT I BUSTED MY ASS FOR IS TO MAKE LOTS OF $$$$$$$.
If everyone worked hard at that and educated themselves to what the market demanded the $$$ comes in by itself.
When workers demand a portion of the capital that they never worked a minute for as a % of their wages that is over and above what the market demands for that job the worker suddenly finds themself looking for a job fast.

And that is what is going on now. American unskilled labor was far over paid for decades and the chickens have come home to roost.
What do the numbers of Catholics have to do with anything, you friggin' bigot

Simple enough. For every Protestant unwilling to vote for JFK for being Catholic, there was a Catholic who was willing to vote for him because he was. Nullifying the "anti-Catholic" effect.

Although it should be pointed out that

1) JFK nearly lost.
2) No Catholic has won since, and only one has been nominated since.

But in sheer terms of Mathematics, there are not enough Mormons to make up for all the votes the GOP will potentially lose for people who think Mormons are Heretics or Idiots. There are only 6 million Mormons, and most of them already vote GOP.

Add in the fact that there exist Southern Baptist Ministers that declare Mormonism a cult, and now I can see why Democrats hope Romney wins the nomination.
What do the numbers of Catholics have to do with anything, you friggin' bigot

Simple enough. For every Protestant unwilling to vote for JFK for being Catholic, there was a Catholic who was willing to vote for him because he was. Nullifying the "anti-Catholic" effect.

Although it should be pointed out that

1) JFK nearly lost.
2) No Catholic has won since, and only one has been nominated since.

But in sheer terms of Mathematics, there are not enough Mormons to make up for all the votes the GOP will potentially lose for people who think Mormons are Heretics or Idiots. There are only 6 million Mormons, and most of them already vote GOP.

Add in the fact that there exist Southern Baptist Ministers that declare Mormonism a cult, and now I can see why Democrats hope Romney wins the nomination.

Good point but that is fading fast here in the deep south.
Case in point. Years ago we had a lottery vote here. A year before the vote the preachers were not organized yet. The polls had the lottery winning by 20 points at a 60-40 vote. It passed at 50.3 % for and 49.7 % opposed.
Come to now. We had a state wide vote on Sunday liquor sales recently. Surprisingly the Baptist preachers were SILENT on this issue other than a lobbyist at the legislature-no ads and no nothing like they fought the lottery.
And the vote passed in each jurisdiction that had it on the ballot at 4 to 1.
Why? Because the Baptist preachers are changing also. Get this, now the Baptists acknowledge homosexuality as folks born with same sex attraction. Not all of them but a lot of their churches, the SBC that have autonomy to do so, state that.
They do say that any practice of that same sex attraction is a sin but they do not fight the choice anymore.
They will not come out and fight the Romney nomination on religous cult reasons. Watch and see.
I have lived here 57 years. Believe me, things are changing and FAST! And most for the good.
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I am the working man's best friend.
I R 1.
I bust my ass 7 days a week in my detective business, averaging 500 miles a week on the road.
With the proceeds of that business I invest my $$$.
When I invest my $$$ I am the one that I am worried about 100% of the time.
It is NOT my responsibility to give anyone a damn job, increase the jobs in America, make sure someone has a job, make sure someone has a "living middle class wage" and "help the economy" or society with their jobs and salaries.
My job when I invest my $$$ THAT I BUSTED MY ASS FOR IS TO MAKE LOTS OF $$$$$$$.
If everyone worked hard at that and educated themselves to what the market demanded the $$$ comes in by itself.
When workers demand a portion of the capital that they never worked a minute for as a % of their wages that is over and above what the market demands for that job the worker suddenly finds themself looking for a job fast.

And that is what is going on now. American unskilled labor was far over paid for decades and the chickens have come home to roost.

I bolded the use of first person pronouns, just to give you an idea of how selfish this statement sounds.

Again, how does that answer my question.

How is the guy who actually assembles the car not worth $28.00 an hour, but the CEO who runs the company into the ditch worth 12 million?

Also, that little diatribe really indicates a deep seated hatred for working folks in general.
Good point but that is fading fast here in the deep south.
Case in point. Years ago we had a lottery vote here. A year before the vote the preachers were not organized yet. The polls had the lottery winning by 20 points at a 60-40 vote. It passed at 50.3 % for and 49.7 % opposed.
Come to now. We had a state wide vote on Sunday liquor sales recently. Surprisingly the Baptist preachers were SILENT on this issue other than a lobbyist at the legislature-no ads and no nothing like they fought the lottery.
And the vote passed in each jurisdiction that had it on the ballot at 4 to 1.
Why? Because the Baptist preachers are changing also. Get this, now the Baptists acknowledge homosexuality as folks born with same sex attraction. Not all of them but a lot of their churches, the SBC that have autonomy to do so, state that.
They do say that any practice of that same sex attraction is a sin but they do not fight the choice anymore.
They will not come out and fight the Romney nomination on religous cult reasons. Watch and see.
I have lived here 57 years. Believe me, things are changing and FAST! And most for the good.

I don't think Sunday liquor sales falls anywhere near the deep-seated hate the SBC has for LDS. They aren't even in the same league of animus.

Ironically, the two groups are pretty much in agreement on 90% of cultural and social issues. It's the theological gulf that's a vast divide.

(My own reasons for despising LDS are quite different. I dislike pious fraud.)
The weepy lefty bigot will be shouting "workers of the world, unite!" any minute now. :rolleyes:
What do the numbers of Catholics have to do with anything, you friggin' bigot

Simple enough. For every Protestant unwilling to vote for JFK for being Catholic, there was a Catholic who was willing to vote for him because he was. Nullifying the "anti-Catholic" effect.

Although it should be pointed out that

1) JFK nearly lost.
2) No Catholic has won since, and only one has been nominated since.

But in sheer terms of Mathematics, there are not enough Mormons to make up for all the votes the GOP will potentially lose for people who think Mormons are Heretics or Idiots. There are only 6 million Mormons, and most of them already vote GOP.

Add in the fact that there exist Southern Baptist Ministers that declare Mormonism a cult, and now I can see why Democrats hope Romney wins the nomination.

Some southern evangelicals will indeed do their best to stop Romney, but I have heard hundreds say, from Florida to East Texas, push come to shove, they will vote Romney not Obama, and, yes, they will vote.
The weepy lefty bigot will be shouting "workers of the world, unite!" any minute now. :rolleyes:

Awww, look, it's following me around again, isn't that cuuuuuuute!

Man must not have been hugged by him mommy enough as a child.
Having way too much fun making you insane.

I will later be stealing candy from a baby, falling off a log and shooting fish in a barrel. I like the easy stuff.
What do the numbers of Catholics have to do with anything, you friggin' bigot

Simple enough. For every Protestant unwilling to vote for JFK for being Catholic, there was a Catholic who was willing to vote for him because he was. Nullifying the "anti-Catholic" effect.

Although it should be pointed out that

1) JFK nearly lost.
2) No Catholic has won since, and only one has been nominated since.

But in sheer terms of Mathematics, there are not enough Mormons to make up for all the votes the GOP will potentially lose for people who think Mormons are Heretics or Idiots. There are only 6 million Mormons, and most of them already vote GOP.

Add in the fact that there exist Southern Baptist Ministers that declare Mormonism a cult, and now I can see why Democrats hope Romney wins the nomination.
Southern Baptists will declare anything outside thier realm a cult.

True Story.
Joe worships at the altar of union shop states.
Where from cradle to grave a job is guaranteed at a wage double what the market demands, full benefits and full retirement.

I am always curious why you guys think that a CEO or investor should get a 8 or 9 figure salary but you begrudge a working man a fair wage with benefits?

According to the Right it's class envy to say anything negative about the super-rich,

but oddly, the Right can't shut up about teachers making a decent wage.
I've already posted some really terrifying facts about Mormonism so I won't do that again. Bottom line is Mormons believe they will and can take over the US government and Mitt being elected prez is just the first step. Morms believe that Joseph Smith is over Jesus/God. Three generations of his family lived in Mexico to escape US polygamy laws and Mitt does have a sister still living in Mexico.

The biggest (only?) difference between a cult and a religion is how long its been around.

But, what I think is a real hoot is that the dumb pubs are getting all hyped about voting for a liberal!

(pubs will believe anything as long as its okay with lushbo or fochs! Doncha just love that?)
Good point but that is fading fast here in the deep south.
Case in point. Years ago we had a lottery vote here. A year before the vote the preachers were not organized yet. The polls had the lottery winning by 20 points at a 60-40 vote. It passed at 50.3 % for and 49.7 % opposed.
Come to now. We had a state wide vote on Sunday liquor sales recently. Surprisingly the Baptist preachers were SILENT on this issue other than a lobbyist at the legislature-no ads and no nothing like they fought the lottery.
And the vote passed in each jurisdiction that had it on the ballot at 4 to 1.
Why? Because the Baptist preachers are changing also. Get this, now the Baptists acknowledge homosexuality as folks born with same sex attraction. Not all of them but a lot of their churches, the SBC that have autonomy to do so, state that.
They do say that any practice of that same sex attraction is a sin but they do not fight the choice anymore.
They will not come out and fight the Romney nomination on religous cult reasons. Watch and see.
I have lived here 57 years. Believe me, things are changing and FAST! And most for the good.

I don't think Sunday liquor sales falls anywhere near the deep-seated hate the SBC has for LDS. They aren't even in the same league of animus.

Ironically, the two groups are pretty much in agreement on 90% of cultural and social issues. It's the theological gulf that's a vast divide.

(My own reasons for despising LDS are quite different. I dislike pious fraud.)

Birds of a feather flock together.
Wait and see. You will see few if any SBC preachers come out against Romney for being a Mormon.
The Obama factor is that strong. They hate a negro in the White House more than a Mormon.
Book it. I live here.
Good point but that is fading fast here in the deep south.
Case in point. Years ago we had a lottery vote here. A year before the vote the preachers were not organized yet. The polls had the lottery winning by 20 points at a 60-40 vote. It passed at 50.3 % for and 49.7 % opposed.
Come to now. We had a state wide vote on Sunday liquor sales recently. Surprisingly the Baptist preachers were SILENT on this issue other than a lobbyist at the legislature-no ads and no nothing like they fought the lottery.
And the vote passed in each jurisdiction that had it on the ballot at 4 to 1.
Why? Because the Baptist preachers are changing also. Get this, now the Baptists acknowledge homosexuality as folks born with same sex attraction. Not all of them but a lot of their churches, the SBC that have autonomy to do so, state that.
They do say that any practice of that same sex attraction is a sin but they do not fight the choice anymore.
They will not come out and fight the Romney nomination on religous cult reasons. Watch and see.
I have lived here 57 years. Believe me, things are changing and FAST! And most for the good.

I don't think Sunday liquor sales falls anywhere near the deep-seated hate the SBC has for LDS. They aren't even in the same league of animus.

Ironically, the two groups are pretty much in agreement on 90% of cultural and social issues. It's the theological gulf that's a vast divide.

(My own reasons for despising LDS are quite different. I dislike pious fraud.)

Birds of a feather flock together.
Wait and see. You will see few if any SBC preachers come out against Romney for being a Mormon.
The Obama factor is that strong. They hate a negro in the White House more than a Mormon.
Book it. I live here.

A BLACK man in the WHITE house - eeuuuwwww

Add that rw's will do as lushbo/beck/fochs tells them and, yep, I do believe you're right. Er,uh, I mean, correct.

These are people who despise all Muslims and yet don't mind that a Muslim controls what they see on their fave TV news. They really are THAT stupid. Doesn't matter that Romney is a liberal. Doesn't matter that he says he will steal every penny they have and ever hope to get.

If fochs/lushbo says it, they'll do it.
I've already posted some really terrifying facts about Mormonism so I won't do that again. Bottom line is Mormons believe they will and can take over the US government and Mitt being elected prez is just the first step. Morms believe that Joseph Smith is over Jesus/God. Three generations of his family lived in Mexico to escape US polygamy laws and Mitt does have a sister still living in Mexico.

The biggest (only?) difference between a cult and a religion is how long its been around.

But, what I think is a real hoot is that the dumb pubs are getting all hyped about voting for a liberal!

(pubs will believe anything as long as its okay with lushbo or fochs! Doncha just love that?)

No, no, no.
Obama and his homies want to take over America for one reason only:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGQ-ISsDm8M]Where are the white women at? - YouTube[/ame]
Obama is a Christian, Romney is a Christian, and those who have trouble with it, well, who cares?

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