Why jobs are not being created?


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
The reason is Uncertainty.

The uncertainty has been created by our current administration.

It is up to you to find the uncertainties or prove they do not exist.

Please provide a reliable source, no blogs or political web sites.

Good Luck
Small and medium-sized businesses are not forming and/or not hiring.

Aggressive lending to human-scale enterprises engaged in wealth creation is essential.
Jobs require work not empty rhetoric. How much is made in America today and how much of the wealth created in the nation is pushed back into the country through infrastructure and other essential spending. The stimulus helped greatly, as it did during the last time the republicans destroyed the economy under Harding/Coolidge/Hoover. But do Americans today support fair wages and do Americans buy made here. Do corporations do the same? Next time you call support for something, ask where the person is, next time you buy something see where it is made. Consider Nike as an example, whose symbol is all over the Olympics this week, nothing made here except money to make them billionaires.

Seems some things hardly change, the following quote testifies that the corporate reply is always the same. "The major problem the American economy confronted was a shortage of investment, and the 'Roundtable' merely wanted to make policy changes that would encourage new economic growth. The economic problems confronting the United States during the decade were largely the product of a hostile political climate: cut taxes and regulations and the economy would grow again."* That quote is from the seventies, the same empty business rhetoric has been with for a long time and the same people repeat it.


'Sabotage: How the Republican Party Crippled America's Economic Recovery'
"America paid a terrible price for the Republicans' intransigence. Whether they were deliberately damaging the economy or simply incompetent at making policy, the effect was clear: sabotage of the recovery, and a wound that would not heal for millions of American households." Daniel Altman Daniel Altman: Excerpt: Sabotage: How the Republican Party Crippled America's Economic Recovery


*"Historian Phillips-Fein traces the hidden history of the Reagan revolution to a coterie of business executives, including General Electric official and Reagan mentor Lemuel Boulware, who saw labor unions, government regulation, high taxes and welfare spending as dire threats to their profits and power. From the 1930s onward, the author argues, they provided the money, organization and fervor for a decades-long war against New Deal liberalism—funding campaigns, think tanks, magazines and lobbying groups, and indoctrinating employees in the virtues of unfettered capitalism." 'Invisible Hands'
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Let's say you're a buinessman sitting on $1 million in business capital. Practically you have only 10 to 15 years before your would like to retire.

You would like to grow that $1 million to allow for a somewhat more interesting and affluent retirement, but you also realize that you can retire fairly comfortably for the remainder of your active life with that $1 million.

Do you risk investing that million in an economic climate in which tax and regulation policy is unknown? In an environment with a President who is so pro-big government and anti-idnividual initiative and anti-American business, you are fairly certain that will only get worse if he is re-elected? Do you risk all or most that you have in a hostile business environment? Risk your comfortable retirement in the midst of such uncertainty?

Most Americans won't do that. Which is why American businessmen and women are sitting or many trillions of investment capital and are unwilling to risk it to a President and Congress that are determined to confiscate as much of it as they can get.
Jobs are not being created because there is no demand for goods and services. There is no demand for goods and services, because the middle class has no money to spend. The middle class has no money to spend, because they have no jobs. We need jobs and it doesn't matter whether those jobs come from the private sector or government infrastructure projects, jobs are jobs. Once you start giving the middle class more paychecks, they turn around and spend those paychecks on rent, bills, groceries, clothing, etc...

70% of the economy is due to consumer spending.
The reason is Uncertainty.

The uncertainty has been created by our current administration.

It is up to you to find the uncertainties or prove they do not exist.

Please provide a reliable source, no blogs or political web sites.

Good Luck

The democrats have been very successful in burying the real reason business isn't creating jobs. Yes it is the uncertainty. Businesses won't invest in their own business because they don't know how much the government will take from them. That's why obama is attacking savings now. Those who save their money instead of spending it are the evil rich.
The reason is Uncertainty.

The uncertainty has been created by our current administration.

It is up to you to find the uncertainties or prove they do not exist.

Please provide a reliable source, no blogs or political web sites.

Good Luck

Perhaps this will help

Uncertainty in Business | Enterprise Risk Management Initiative (ERM) | North Carolina State College of Management
U.S. arms makers: uncertainty paralyzing investment, jobs - Business - Careers - NBCNews.com
Another great article by John Stossel: “Uncertainty Paralysis” « And So I Go: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Why aren't jobs being created? Well, actually, jobs have been created in the last 4 years. About 4 million of them, in fact (more than the previous administration was able to create in their 8 years). More and better quality jobs could be created, but businesses are sitting on record amounts of cash and have decided to do more with less in order to maximize their profits. Add to that GOP state legislatures cutting public sector jobs.
'Sabotage: How the Republican Party Crippled America's Economic Recovery'
"America paid a terrible price for the Republicans' intransigence. Whether they were deliberately damaging the economy or simply incompetent at making policy, the effect was clear: sabotage of the recovery, and a wound that would not heal for millions of American households." Daniel Altman Daniel Altman: Excerpt: Sabotage: How the Republican Party Crippled America's Economic Recovery

usmcstinger said:
Please provide a reliable source, no blogs or political web sites.

The reason is Uncertainty.

The uncertainty has been created by our current administration.

It is up to you to find the uncertainties or prove they do not exist.

Please provide a reliable source, no blogs or political web sites.

Good Luck

From Bernanke:

Bernanke: Obama Unemployment Numbers 'Out of Sync'

So, despite the Obamedia's attempt to paint a sunny picture heading into the November election -- note their relative inattention to Bernanke's speech -- very few new jobs are actually being created during Obama's watch. In fact, the most recent numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, cited by Bernanke, show that the number of people being hired has declined in 2012 -- even as Obama officials reported that unemployment figures came down.

Bernanke's speech, about the most pressing problem facing Americans today, was only lightly covered by the media. Much of the coverage that was given it focused on interest rates and how his comments affected the markets, not on the parts of the speech which questioned the Obama regime's 'puzzling' unemployment numbers.

And why would they? It doesn't fit the O-Team's narrative that they are somehow building a, seemingly invisible, roaring economy. But with spiraling 8% real inflation, historically high gas prices, cataclysmic real estate values, and federal debt under Obama more out of control than Charlie Sheen on a Las Vegas weekend, most folks are dubious about the 'recovery' that the Obamedia are trying to convince us we're experiencing.

Read more: Articles: Bernanke: Obama Unemployment Numbers 'Out of Sync'
And here's your answer:

From a 2009 WallStreet Journal study on outsourcing:


From a 2009 poll conducted during the "2009 Strategic Outsourcing Conference" attended by the the nations largest corporations:



Now, my source for the links to the charts themselves was "Think Progress", which is admittedly biased. However, the data is taken directly from the sources (WSJ, etc) mentioned, and was not changed by TP.

Combine that with increases in automation, and you have a general decline in US jobs.
Jobs require work not empty rhetoric. How much is made in America today and how much of the wealth created in the nation is pushed back into the country through infrastructure and other essential spending. The stimulus helped greatly, as it did during the last time the republicans destroyed the economy under Harding/Coolidge/Hoover. But do Americans today support fair wages and do Americans buy made here. Do corporations do the same? Next time you call support for something, ask where the person is, next time you buy something see where it is made. Consider Nike as an example, whose symbol is all over the Olympics this week, nothing made here except money to make them billionaires.

Seems some things hardly change, the following quote testifies that the corporate reply is always the same. "The major problem the American economy confronted was a shortage of investment, and the 'Roundtable' merely wanted to make policy changes that would encourage new economic growth. The economic problems confronting the United States during the decade were largely the product of a hostile political climate: cut taxes and regulations and the economy would grow again."* That quote is from the seventies, the same empty business rhetoric has been with for a long time and the same people repeat it.


'Sabotage: How the Republican Party Crippled America's Economic Recovery'
"America paid a terrible price for the Republicans' intransigence. Whether they were deliberately damaging the economy or simply incompetent at making policy, the effect was clear: sabotage of the recovery, and a wound that would not heal for millions of American households." Daniel Altman Daniel Altman: Excerpt: Sabotage: How the Republican Party Crippled America's Economic Recovery


*"Historian Phillips-Fein traces the hidden history of the Reagan revolution to a coterie of business executives, including General Electric official and Reagan mentor Lemuel Boulware, who saw labor unions, government regulation, high taxes and welfare spending as dire threats to their profits and power. From the 1930s onward, the author argues, they provided the money, organization and fervor for a decades-long war against New Deal liberalism—funding campaigns, think tanks, magazines and lobbying groups, and indoctrinating employees in the virtues of unfettered capitalism." 'Invisible Hands'

Sadly the lessons of the past have not been learned by far too many. Harding/Coolidge brought the US out of a depression in record time, they had a booming economy and 9 years later it seems the FED caused a depression. Hoover started the New deal, he was a progressive, I mean it gets old debating this… FDR literally expanded Hoovers programs but yet Hoover gets lumped in with Harding and Coolidge because for far too many R = bad, D = godly.

What we have today is an FDR type of recovery, we spend 1.4ish Trillion a year in deficit spending, that’s stimulus and yet most people don’t realize that. If spending money you don’t have to create projects you can’t afford to spur economic stimulus then every time you run a deficit you are by definition doing a stimulus. The US has been running a stimulus for a very long time, and yet here we are.

Just like under FDR, the economy will have up’s and down but never even get close to a recovery. The UE numbers today has been so messed with that it’s almost impossible to get a real accurate reading on anything that is happening.

The US can’t recover for multiple reasons, one is as the OP said, uncertainty. Next you have a dependence on welfare, people are still buying homes they can’t afford, kids are still going to collage they can’t afford and Government is helping build that bubble. Today people sit back and wait for the next QE, just more welfare.

Again, there are many reasons, Obama is unique in that he alone is a giant reason, his rhetoric and class warfare by pandering to all sides is an issue. Obama talks about raising taxes but cuts them, Obama talks about saving money and cutting the deficit and then spends more. Obama is lying about how Obamacare will be paid for, his division and talk of deficits are scary to anyone looking to spend any money on business.

It gets old watching liberals talk about how Bush spent and spent and spent on Government projects and programs only to then jump back over and claim it was all this “conservative” “small Government” nonsense that caused the depression and this recession. Progressivism is coming to it’s end, not today, not tomorrow, but the un-sustainability and predictable corruption that comes with too much power and money in the hands of Government has once again had to play out so that a new generation that was opposed to learning from the past can see the error of their ways.
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Historically the fed had dropped interest rates to stimulate the economy during a recession.
However this time we had near 0 interest rates for a long time before the rescession hit.
So that form of stimulus was off the table.

Interest rates had been kept low to prop up the Bush economy.
Neither Bush or Obama has anything to do with it.

Corporations are no longer interested in hiring inside the United States.

They have made it perfectly clear that they prefer to hire workers in Asia, where they can pay cents on the dollar.

Corporations don't give a shit about the United States. They just want to make more money.

Therefore, the job market will never recover, no matter who's in charge.
Neither Bush or Obama has anything to do with it.

Corporations are no longer interested in hiring inside the United States.

They have made it perfectly clear that they prefer to hire workers in Asia, where they can pay cents on the dollar.

Corporations don't give a shit about the United States. They just want to make more money.

Therefore, the job market will never recover, no matter who's in charge.

Correct aside form the fact that Bush and Obama are run pretty much by corporations. They actually believe that whatever is good for Wal Street is good for America.
Eight percent unemployment means 92% full employment and all things considered, that's not half bad.

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