Why Larry Summers wants to kill the $100 bill

If they wanna make a change for the good, they should shitcan the penny. There's nothing here on earth you can buy for a penny.

Let's not disparage the penny I dare say. You doubt the power of the penny? Oh let me display for you its power that yet endures:
These prices would more easily be expressed as 180, 190, 200 and 260. But no, that reduction of a mere tenth of a cent entices drivers across our land. They so sadly shitcanned the first coin denomination to bear the words, IN GOD WE TRUST. Let them not repeat that mistake.
If they wanna make a change for the good, they should shitcan the penny. There's nothing here on earth you can buy for a penny.

Let's not disparage the penny I dare say. You doubt the power of the penny? Oh let me display for you its power that yet endures:
These prices would more easily be expressed as 180, 190, 200 and 260. But no, that reduction of a mere tenth of a cent entices drivers across our land. They so sadly shitcanned the first coin denomination to bear the words, IN GOD WE TRUST. Let them not repeat that mistake.
No you got it all wrong. We don't mint coins in fractional denominations so you're assertion is incorrect.

it's not like he's taking your money

fyi; N Korea keeps itself afloat by printing $100

you wanna stick to a socialist tyranny? pfft, that's low hanging fruit
^exhibit one....the dupe.
what's the difference between 1 $100 and 5 $20?

come on, you're not a leftist so math should be easy for you.
Are you always this easily fooled? Can't you see the real motive behind Larry Scummers demands?

Read the Zero hedge article. It might clue you in.

why do we need to keep the $100 bill?

fucks the difference?

We need them because they facilitate cash transactions. Bootlickers like Summers would do away with cash altogether so the government could track every financial transaction we make.

it's not like he's taking your money

fyi; N Korea keeps itself afloat by printing $100

you wanna stick to a socialist tyranny? pfft, that's low hanging fruit
^exhibit one....the dupe.
what's the difference between 1 $100 and 5 $20?

come on, you're not a leftist so math should be easy for you.
Are you always this easily fooled? Can't you see the real motive behind Larry Scummers demands?

Read the Zero hedge article. It might clue you in.

why do we need to keep the $100 bill?

fucks the difference?

No kidding...I do not remember the last time I saw a $100 bill.

it's not like he's taking your money

fyi; N Korea keeps itself afloat by printing $100

you wanna stick to a socialist tyranny? pfft, that's low hanging fruit
^exhibit one....the dupe.
what's the difference between 1 $100 and 5 $20?

come on, you're not a leftist so math should be easy for you.

You sir are kinda dense. Whats the diff in manufacturing & distribution costs for phony 20's instead of phony 100's ?

The correct answer; not enough to worry about.
That means the problem problem you're so worried about, will remain unchanged.
about $80 in profit.

sorry, but math is my thing and this is something you should have learned in grade school.

it's not like he's taking your money

fyi; N Korea keeps itself afloat by printing $100

you wanna stick to a socialist tyranny? pfft, that's low hanging fruit
^exhibit one....the dupe.
what's the difference between 1 $100 and 5 $20?

come on, you're not a leftist so math should be easy for you.
Are you always this easily fooled? Can't you see the real motive behind Larry Scummers demands?

Read the Zero hedge article. It might clue you in.

why do we need to keep the $100 bill?

fucks the difference?
I do not have the patience to educate stupid fucks. Sorry.
So there isn't a real reason, you're just mad that the government wants to stop losing money and you didn't think of a better way

it's not like he's taking your money

fyi; N Korea keeps itself afloat by printing $100

you wanna stick to a socialist tyranny? pfft, that's low hanging fruit
^exhibit one....the dupe.
what's the difference between 1 $100 and 5 $20?

come on, you're not a leftist so math should be easy for you.
Are you always this easily fooled? Can't you see the real motive behind Larry Scummers demands?

Read the Zero hedge article. It might clue you in.

why do we need to keep the $100 bill?

fucks the difference?

We need them because they facilitate cash transactions. Bootlickers like Summers would do away with cash altogether so the government could track every financial transaction we make.
Whats the difference between 5 $20's and 1 $100?

it's not like he's taking your money

fyi; N Korea keeps itself afloat by printing $100

you wanna stick to a socialist tyranny? pfft, that's low hanging fruit
^exhibit one....the dupe.
what's the difference between 1 $100 and 5 $20?

come on, you're not a leftist so math should be easy for you.

I occasionally have to carry large sums of cash, and the difference in the thickness of the envelope is huge, doofus.
so the difference is your a pussy with the upper body strength of an armless baby.
^exhibit one....the dupe.
what's the difference between 1 $100 and 5 $20?

come on, you're not a leftist so math should be easy for you.
Are you always this easily fooled? Can't you see the real motive behind Larry Scummers demands?

Read the Zero hedge article. It might clue you in.

why do we need to keep the $100 bill?

fucks the difference?

We need them because they facilitate cash transactions. Bootlickers like Summers would do away with cash altogether so the government could track every financial transaction we make.
Whats the difference between 5 $20's and 1 $100?
The $20 bills take up more space. We should get rid of the dollar bill and replace it with a coin. Get rid of the penny as well.

it's not like he's taking your money

fyi; N Korea keeps itself afloat by printing $100

you wanna stick to a socialist tyranny? pfft, that's low hanging fruit
^exhibit one....the dupe.
what's the difference between 1 $100 and 5 $20?

come on, you're not a leftist so math should be easy for you.

You sir are kinda dense. Whats the diff in manufacturing & distribution costs for phony 20's instead of phony 100's ?

The correct answer; not enough to worry about.
That means the problem problem you're so worried about, will remain unchanged.
about $80 in profit.

sorry, but math is my thing and this is something you should have learned in grade school.

Completely ignoring your claim, the fact remains, Korea will continue printing & selling our money in whatever denominations we use. So nothing will change by eliminating the hundred & fifty dollar bill. Nothing at all.
^exhibit one....the dupe.
what's the difference between 1 $100 and 5 $20?

come on, you're not a leftist so math should be easy for you.
Are you always this easily fooled? Can't you see the real motive behind Larry Scummers demands?

Read the Zero hedge article. It might clue you in.

why do we need to keep the $100 bill?

fucks the difference?

We need them because they facilitate cash transactions. Bootlickers like Summers would do away with cash altogether so the government could track every financial transaction we make.
Whats the difference between 5 $20's and 1 $100?
what's the difference between 1 $100 and 5 $20?

come on, you're not a leftist so math should be easy for you.
Are you always this easily fooled? Can't you see the real motive behind Larry Scummers demands?

Read the Zero hedge article. It might clue you in.

why do we need to keep the $100 bill?

fucks the difference?

We need them because they facilitate cash transactions. Bootlickers like Summers would do away with cash altogether so the government could track every financial transaction we make.
Whats the difference between 5 $20's and 1 $100?
The $20 bills take up more space. We should get rid of the dollar bill and replace it with a coin. Get rid of the penny as well.

They've already done that in Canada.

it's not like he's taking your money

fyi; N Korea keeps itself afloat by printing $100

you wanna stick to a socialist tyranny? pfft, that's low hanging fruit
^exhibit one....the dupe.
what's the difference between 1 $100 and 5 $20?

come on, you're not a leftist so math should be easy for you.

You sir are kinda dense. Whats the diff in manufacturing & distribution costs for phony 20's instead of phony 100's ?

The correct answer; not enough to worry about.
That means the problem problem you're so worried about, will remain unchanged.
about $80 in profit.

sorry, but math is my thing and this is something you should have learned in grade school.

Completely ignoring your claim, the fact remains, Korea will continue printing & selling our money in whatever denominations we use. So nothing will change by eliminating the hundred & fifty dollar bill. Nothing at all.
except they will have to spend more to update for the $20 and they will have to print 5x's as much

so they lose out

but hey, someone you don't like wants to do something so fuck that
what's the difference between 1 $100 and 5 $20?

come on, you're not a leftist so math should be easy for you.
Are you always this easily fooled? Can't you see the real motive behind Larry Scummers demands?

Read the Zero hedge article. It might clue you in.

why do we need to keep the $100 bill?

fucks the difference?

We need them because they facilitate cash transactions. Bootlickers like Summers would do away with cash altogether so the government could track every financial transaction we make.
Whats the difference between 5 $20's and 1 $100?
the horror
^exhibit one....the dupe.
what's the difference between 1 $100 and 5 $20?

come on, you're not a leftist so math should be easy for you.

You sir are kinda dense. Whats the diff in manufacturing & distribution costs for phony 20's instead of phony 100's ?

The correct answer; not enough to worry about.
That means the problem problem you're so worried about, will remain unchanged.
about $80 in profit.

sorry, but math is my thing and this is something you should have learned in grade school.

Completely ignoring your claim, the fact remains, Korea will continue printing & selling our money in whatever denominations we use. So nothing will change by eliminating the hundred & fifty dollar bill. Nothing at all.
except they will have to spend more to update for the $20 and they will have to print 5x's as much

so they lose out

but hey, someone you don't like wants to do something so fuck that

Someone I don't like ? That's nonsense! He's just stupid, that's all.

The cost of manufacturing & distribution will not change enough, to stop the Koreans from printing up train loads of our money for sale on the open market. So the problem remains!

In other words, no benefit will come from punishing "we the people" for the bad behavior of third world tinhorn dictators.
what's the difference between 1 $100 and 5 $20?

come on, you're not a leftist so math should be easy for you.

You sir are kinda dense. Whats the diff in manufacturing & distribution costs for phony 20's instead of phony 100's ?

The correct answer; not enough to worry about.
That means the problem problem you're so worried about, will remain unchanged.
about $80 in profit.

sorry, but math is my thing and this is something you should have learned in grade school.

Completely ignoring your claim, the fact remains, Korea will continue printing & selling our money in whatever denominations we use. So nothing will change by eliminating the hundred & fifty dollar bill. Nothing at all.
except they will have to spend more to update for the $20 and they will have to print 5x's as much

so they lose out

but hey, someone you don't like wants to do something so fuck that

Someone I don't like ? That's nonsense! He's just stupid, that's all.

The cost of manufacturing & distribution will not change enough, to stop the Koreans from printing up train loads of our money for sale on the open market. So the problem remains!

In other words, no benefit will come from punishing "we the people" for the bad behavior of third world tinhorn dictators.
it's not punishment

and it's not like it's enshrined or anything like that
You sir are kinda dense. Whats the diff in manufacturing & distribution costs for phony 20's instead of phony 100's ?

The correct answer; not enough to worry about.
That means the problem problem you're so worried about, will remain unchanged.
about $80 in profit.

sorry, but math is my thing and this is something you should have learned in grade school.

Completely ignoring your claim, the fact remains, Korea will continue printing & selling our money in whatever denominations we use. So nothing will change by eliminating the hundred & fifty dollar bill. Nothing at all.
except they will have to spend more to update for the $20 and they will have to print 5x's as much

so they lose out

but hey, someone you don't like wants to do something so fuck that

Someone I don't like ? That's nonsense! He's just stupid, that's all.

The cost of manufacturing & distribution will not change enough, to stop the Koreans from printing up train loads of our money for sale on the open market. So the problem remains!

In other words, no benefit will come from punishing "we the people" for the bad behavior of third world tinhorn dictators.
it's not punishment

and it's not like it's enshrined or anything like that


Taking things we use on a daily basis to engage in commerce from "we the people" either by force, or by outright denial, is in fact the worst kind of punishment.

That my friend is punishment for a crime "we the people" did commit.

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