Why Liberalism Must Be Expunged.

Ah! The depths of nuance and understanding have been plumed! And we can do it with a toothpick!

What was George Wallace's party?

Louder....I can't hear you.

Political party identity and political ideology are not joined at the hip!!!

Are you now telling us that George C. Wallace was, in fact, a tree hugging, Birkenstock wearing, egalitarian Liberal?

He was a Democrat.
Hence....a member of the very same perspective as you.

George Wallace left the Democratic Party and ran AGAINST the Democrats in 1968.
George Wallace presidential campaign, 1968 - Wikipedia
Former Governor of Alabama George Wallace ran in the 1968 United States presidential election as the candidate of the American Independent Party.

Wallace's pro-segregation policies during his term as Governor of Alabama had been rejected by the mainstream of the Democratic Party. The impact of the Wallace campaign was substantial, winning the electoral votes of several states in the Deep South. Although Wallace did not expect to win the election, his strategy was to prevent either major party candidate from winning a majority in the Electoral College and throw the election into the House of Representatives, where Wallace would have bargaining power sufficient to determine, or at least strongly influence, the selection of a winner.
Dumbocrats knew that if they kept Georgie in their party, that the blacks would never vote for the Dumbs again, even after LBJ enslaved the blacks with his Screw(New) Deal.

Notice how the misinformation was presented that George ran against the Democrats but never mentions that he also ran AGAINST the Republicans also.

So you deny he ran against the Democrats?
I understand the not wanting socialism communism, etc. But what this nation cannot withstand is a whole population of flag waving, patriotic cheerleaders(freaks) who only think in one way. A nation with all conservatives or all liberals CANNOT survive. The death of this nation occurs when one side gets all. Freedom means being able to call out the wrongs when they happen. And not a one of you can disagree.
Bullshit. No nation can withstand a population of leftwing morons, but it will thrive under conservative/libertarian rule. Why do you douche bags keep insisting that mixing idiocy with common sense is some kind or prescription for prosperity?

What nations are thriving under conservatism?
Some folks actually believe in a black and white world. A world without distinctions, nuance and multiplicity of thought. The OP is such a person. She actually believes that Liberalism equals Marxism. It's tough to understand why, but there it is.

The OP also claims to be proAmerican. All the while calling for a purge of any political ideology she finds has strayed fro the orthodoxy of her peculiar beliefs. Mind boggling, ain't it?

Should such myopic people be taken seriously? Only as case studies for those with either ego issues or the inability to learn and adapt to her social surroundings. Pity her, but take her with a fifty pound bag of rock salt.
Ha ha. Lefties create worlds without distinction, Snowflake. The American idea of equality - that human beings are equal merely by virtue of birth - fostered diversity unmatched in world history.

That you utopian dreamers would purge our traditions and institutions of their natural-law origins speaks only of your reactionary petulance and the gullibility you lavish on your "leaders."
Odd, but I've yet to hear of a Conservative who is a champion of civil rights, women's rights, children's rights, Gay rights, worker's rights or anyone else's rights. I've never heard of a Conservative who is a champion of environmental protection, workplace safety, or the development of science.

Conservatives are, by definition, regressive. Hard to get progress with that attitude.
Open your ears, Snowflake, and stop creating classes.

Without Republicans, civil rights and women's suffrage would not have been realities so soon. And did you know that our right-wing framing instrument provides for technological progress? You probably didn't.

As for most of your other nonsense, like I said, you regressives just love to create classes and divide us.
I never said "Republicans". I said Conservatives.
Yeah, right, because all the Republicans who voted for civil rights legislation were liberals and all the Democrats who voted against it were "conservative." Tell us, oh great gas bag, was William Fulbright a "conservative?" How about Algore's daddy?
I understand the not wanting socialism communism, etc. But what this nation cannot withstand is a whole population of flag waving, patriotic cheerleaders(freaks) who only think in one way. A nation with all conservatives or all liberals CANNOT survive. The death of this nation occurs when one side gets all. Freedom means being able to call out the wrongs when they happen. And not a one of you can disagree.
Bullshit. No nation can withstand a population of leftwing morons, but it will thrive under conservative/libertarian rule. Why do you douche bags keep insisting that mixing idiocy with common sense is some kind or prescription for prosperity?

What nations are thriving under conservatism?
Australia, for one.
Odd, but I've yet to hear of a Conservative who is a champion of civil rights, women's rights, children's rights, Gay rights, worker's rights or anyone else's rights. I've never heard of a Conservative who is a champion of environmental protection, workplace safety, or the development of science....

Because you are a far-left, brainless partisan douche living in the little lefty bubble you have been trained to stay in. Hard to see clearly through that bubble.
Then help us out! Name Conservatives who have advanced the cause of civil rights, Gay rights or worker's rights. Tell us about some Conservatives who have worked to save the environment.

And then the semantic game begins. Go back to your handlers for further instructions.
Deflections aside, can you please cite any Conservative who has championed civil rights, worker's right, Gay rights or environmental or workplace protection?

If you cannot, aren't you just making my point for me?

And then anyone named will be labeled - by you - as a 'liberal' based on the fact that you need to see them that way. And anyone you don't like will likewise be dismissed as 'conservative.' Your game has been played before, boy. It is transparent when the democrat party tries to avoid responsibility for slavery, the Civil War, and the KKK, and it's just as transparent here.
You mentioned the Democrat party. I have never said anything at all about political parties. I'm asking about Conservative political ideology.

I understand why a Conservative would seek to hide behind party identity. It makes it easy to ignore the dogma of ideology.

Why on earth is it so difficult for Comservatives to make the distinction between ideology and party identity.
Why Liberalism Must Be Expunged

PC must be having some serious issues with Canadian Liberals. All the cold weather up there has her empty head frozen solid.
PoliSpice resides in Canada?
A lot of the lefties in this forum are Canadians, it seems. They can't stick to fucking up their own country. They insist on trying to fuck up ours as well.
You came here the same year I did. Do you remember the conservative contingent here being as stupid as they exhibit now?
Unfortunately for you, your stupidity is very much representative of your party.
Remember PTBW - the Dumbocrats need an ignorant voting base. Enlightened people don't need government to provide for them. NYCarbineer is the quintessential voter for the party. He's everything they need and want.
Wonder how the Age of Enlightenment came about, it certainly wasn't a conservative idea.

Spoken like a true supporter of Liberalism....the view that divides folks based on skin color.

Conservatism made America the envy of the world.

What possible beef could you have with: individualism, limited constitutional government, and the free market.....all anathema to Liberalism.
You came here the same year I did. Do you remember the conservative contingent here being as stupid as they exhibit now?
Unfortunately for you, your stupidity is very much representative of your party.
Remember PTBW - the Dumbocrats need an ignorant voting base. Enlightened people don't need government to provide for them. NYCarbineer is the quintessential voter for the party. He's everything they need and want.
Wonder how the Age of Enlightenment came about, it certainly wasn't a conservative idea.
Want to bet? Look at the greatest minds in history and you will find the most hard-core conservatives you've ever seen. Nobody was more for small, powerless government than Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin. Do your homework.

And....one more difference from Liberals....most were deeply religious.

Even today, most scientists are.
Why Liberalism Must Be Expunged

PC must be having some serious issues with Canadian Liberals. All the cold weather up there has her empty head frozen solid.
PoliSpice resides in Canada?
A lot of the lefties in this forum are Canadians, it seems. They can't stick to fucking up their own country. They insist on trying to fuck up ours as well.

That's an ironic charge given that you don't believe there should even be a nation aka America.
Why Liberalism Must Be Expunged

PC must be having some serious issues with Canadian Liberals. All the cold weather up there has her empty head frozen solid.
PoliSpice resides in Canada?
A lot of the lefties in this forum are Canadians, it seems. They can't stick to fucking up their own country. They insist on trying to fuck up ours as well.

That's an ironic charge given that you don't believe there should even be a nation aka America.

What's "ironic" about it?
As a Republican and a conservative, I really only care about myself and my own personal safety. Its pathetic, I know. But I'm scared of the world around me. That's why I bought a Sig P226.
Some folks actually believe in a black and white world. A world without distinctions, nuance and multiplicity of thought. The OP is such a person. She actually believes that Liberalism equals Marxism. It's tough to understand why, but there it is.

The OP also claims to be proAmerican. All the while calling for a purge of any political ideology she finds has strayed fro the orthodoxy of her peculiar beliefs. Mind boggling, ain't it?

Should such myopic people be taken seriously? Only as case studies for those with either ego issues or the inability to learn and adapt to her social surroundings. Pity her, but take her with a fifty pound bag of rock salt.
Ha ha. Lefties create worlds without distinction, Snowflake. The American idea of equality - that human beings are equal merely by virtue of birth - fostered diversity unmatched in world history.

That you utopian dreamers would purge our traditions and institutions of their natural-law origins speaks only of your reactionary petulance and the gullibility you lavish on your "leaders."
Odd, but I've yet to hear of a Conservative who is a champion of civil rights, women's rights, children's rights, Gay rights, worker's rights or anyone else's rights. I've never heard of a Conservative who is a champion of environmental protection, workplace safety, or the development of science.

Conservatives are, by definition, regressive. Hard to get progress with that attitude.
Open your ears, Snowflake, and stop creating classes.

Without Republicans, civil rights and women's suffrage would not have been realities so soon. And did you know that our right-wing framing instrument provides for technological progress? You probably didn't.

As for most of your other nonsense, like I said, you regressives just love to create classes and divide us.
I never said "Republicans". I said Conservatives.
Yeah, right, because all the Republicans who voted for civil rights legislation were liberals and all the Democrats who voted against it were "conservative." Tell us, oh great gas bag, was William Fulbright a "conservative?" How about Algore's daddy?
Was Abraham Lincoln Conservative? He fought a war to preserve federal government. He fought a war that repudiated state's rights.

Was Theodore Roosevelt Conservative? He enacted legislation to break up the power of monopolistic trusts, give organized labor the right to collective bargaining and established federal control over environmentally sensitive areas. Was George Wallace Liberal? He claimed 'segregation today, segregation tomorrow segregation forever!'. Was Strom Thurmond Liberal? He enacted legislation enforcing Jim Crow laws.

Lincoln and Roosevelt were Republicans. Wallace and Thurmond were Democrats. Party identity and political ideology are not, and never have been, in the same molds we see them in today.
I understand the not wanting socialism communism, etc. But what this nation cannot withstand is a whole population of flag waving, patriotic cheerleaders(freaks) who only think in one way. A nation with all conservatives or all liberals CANNOT survive. The death of this nation occurs when one side gets all. Freedom means being able to call out the wrongs when they happen. And not a one of you can disagree.
Bullshit. No nation can withstand a population of leftwing morons, but it will thrive under conservative/libertarian rule. Why do you douche bags keep insisting that mixing idiocy with common sense is some kind or prescription for prosperity?

What nations are thriving under conservatism?
Australia, for one.
Australia has universal health care and a vibrant social safety net.
Ha ha. Lefties create worlds without distinction, Snowflake. The American idea of equality - that human beings are equal merely by virtue of birth - fostered diversity unmatched in world history.

That you utopian dreamers would purge our traditions and institutions of their natural-law origins speaks only of your reactionary petulance and the gullibility you lavish on your "leaders."
Odd, but I've yet to hear of a Conservative who is a champion of civil rights, women's rights, children's rights, Gay rights, worker's rights or anyone else's rights. I've never heard of a Conservative who is a champion of environmental protection, workplace safety, or the development of science.

Conservatives are, by definition, regressive. Hard to get progress with that attitude.
Open your ears, Snowflake, and stop creating classes.

Without Republicans, civil rights and women's suffrage would not have been realities so soon. And did you know that our right-wing framing instrument provides for technological progress? You probably didn't.

As for most of your other nonsense, like I said, you regressives just love to create classes and divide us.
I never said "Republicans". I said Conservatives.
Yeah, right, because all the Republicans who voted for civil rights legislation were liberals and all the Democrats who voted against it were "conservative." Tell us, oh great gas bag, was William Fulbright a "conservative?" How about Algore's daddy?
Was Abraham Lincoln Conservative? He fought a war to preserve federal government. He fought a war that repudiated state's rights.

Was Theodore Roosevelt Conservative? He enacted legislation to break up the power of monopolistic trusts, give organized labor the right to collective bargaining and established federal control over environmentally sensitive areas. Was George Wallace Liberal? He claimed 'segregation today, segregation tomorrow segregation forever!'. Was Strom Thurmond Liberal? He enacted legislation enforcing Jim Crow laws.

Lincoln and Roosevelt were Republicans. Wallace and Thurmond were Democrats. Party identity and political ideology are not, and never have been, in the same molds we see them in today.

Neither Lincoln nor Roosevelt were conservatives. They were a couple of big government liberals, and two of the worst presidents we've ever had.
Because you are a far-left, brainless partisan douche living in the little lefty bubble you have been trained to stay in. Hard to see clearly through that bubble.
Then help us out! Name Conservatives who have advanced the cause of civil rights, Gay rights or worker's rights. Tell us about some Conservatives who have worked to save the environment.

And then the semantic game begins. Go back to your handlers for further instructions.
Deflections aside, can you please cite any Conservative who has championed civil rights, worker's right, Gay rights or environmental or workplace protection?

If you cannot, aren't you just making my point for me?

And then anyone named will be labeled - by you - as a 'liberal' based on the fact that you need to see them that way. And anyone you don't like will likewise be dismissed as 'conservative.' Your game has been played before, boy. It is transparent when the democrat party tries to avoid responsibility for slavery, the Civil War, and the KKK, and it's just as transparent here.
You mentioned the Democrat party. I have never said anything at all about political parties. I'm asking about Conservative political ideology.

I understand why a Conservative would seek to hide behind party identity. It makes it easy to ignore the dogma of ideology.

Why on earth is it so difficult for Comservatives to make the distinction between ideology and party identity.
Conservatives need to be in charge of political and other labels so they might change them as needed. They love to use ideological terms then switch to political terms when the going gets tough. They remember high school and the how confusing the terms were, with liberals claiming to be Republicans. They should be called on it every time.
I understand the not wanting socialism communism, etc. But what this nation cannot withstand is a whole population of flag waving, patriotic cheerleaders(freaks) who only think in one way. A nation with all conservatives or all liberals CANNOT survive. The death of this nation occurs when one side gets all. Freedom means being able to call out the wrongs when they happen. And not a one of you can disagree.
Bullshit. No nation can withstand a population of leftwing morons, but it will thrive under conservative/libertarian rule. Why do you douche bags keep insisting that mixing idiocy with common sense is some kind or prescription for prosperity?

What nations are thriving under conservatism?
Australia, for one.
Australia has universal health care and a vibrant social safety net.
It's rated higher on the "Heritage Index of Economic Freedom" than we are.

We also have a "social safety net" and "government run healthcare," in case you haven't noticed.
Why Liberalism Must Be Expunged

PC must be having some serious issues with Canadian Liberals. All the cold weather up there has her empty head frozen solid.
PoliSpice resides in Canada?
A lot of the lefties in this forum are Canadians, it seems. They can't stick to fucking up their own country. They insist on trying to fuck up ours as well.

You came here the same year I did. Do you remember the conservative contingent here being as stupid as they exhibit now?
Unfortunately for you, your stupidity is very much representative of your party.
Remember PTBW - the Dumbocrats need an ignorant voting base. Enlightened people don't need government to provide for them. NYCarbineer is the quintessential voter for the party. He's everything they need and want.
Wonder how the Age of Enlightenment came about, it certainly wasn't a conservative idea.

Spoken like a true supporter of Liberalism....the view that divides folks based on skin color.

Conservatism made America the envy of the world.

What possible beef could you have with: individualism, limited constitutional government, and the free market.....all anathema to Liberalism.

Why Liberalism Must Be Expunged

PC must be having some serious issues with Canadian Liberals. All the cold weather up there has her empty head frozen solid.
PoliSpice resides in Canada?

Not unless the mythical nation of Conservatopia has annexed Canada and we haven't heard about it.

Ha ha. Lefties create worlds without distinction, Snowflake. The American idea of equality - that human beings are equal merely by virtue of birth - fostered diversity unmatched in world history.

That you utopian dreamers would purge our traditions and institutions of their natural-law origins speaks only of your reactionary petulance and the gullibility you lavish on your "leaders."
Odd, but I've yet to hear of a Conservative who is a champion of civil rights, women's rights, children's rights, Gay rights, worker's rights or anyone else's rights. I've never heard of a Conservative who is a champion of environmental protection, workplace safety, or the development of science.

Conservatives are, by definition, regressive. Hard to get progress with that attitude.
Open your ears, Snowflake, and stop creating classes.

Without Republicans, civil rights and women's suffrage would not have been realities so soon. And did you know that our right-wing framing instrument provides for technological progress? You probably didn't.

As for most of your other nonsense, like I said, you regressives just love to create classes and divide us.
I never said "Republicans". I said Conservatives.
Yeah, right, because all the Republicans who voted for civil rights legislation were liberals and all the Democrats who voted against it were "conservative." Tell us, oh great gas bag, was William Fulbright a "conservative?" How about Algore's daddy?
Was Abraham Lincoln Conservative? He fought a war to preserve federal government. He fought a war that repudiated state's rights.

Was Theodore Roosevelt Conservative? He enacted legislation to break up the power of monopolistic trusts, give organized labor the right to collective bargaining and established federal control over environmentally sensitive areas. Was George Wallace Liberal? He claimed 'segregation today, segregation tomorrow segregation forever!'. Was Strom Thurmond Liberal? He enacted legislation enforcing Jim Crow laws.

Lincoln and Roosevelt were Republicans. Wallace and Thurmond were Democrats. Party identity and political ideology are not, and never have been, in the same molds we see them in today.

Hey all, Nosmo King is sorta correct in a funny way----------> Is Obowelmovement and Hillary JFK? Well no, they are actually the kind of people JFK was against, hippie's, yippie's, and dipsh......er, I mean diipie's!

He can talk all he wants about the Republican party, and he injects some truth, and of course a whole bunch of bullshit; but let us talk about TODAY's Democrats------->

The Democratic party today is the home of radical BLM, radical Islam, radical illegal immigration, radical environmentalism, radical Fascism, and are doing everything they can to over turn the constitution by insisting that the constitution needs to be FIXED, by them of course.

There is no doubt that they are the RADICAL element in the USA......not the progressive, but RADICAL. Do they agree to use the system to change the system? NO! They want to overthrow the system by use of propaganda!

What do I mean?

Who is the President elect? Why? Because he won the EC. NOPE, NOPE, not if you are a radical leftist of the Dimiclowns.......they are trying to convince you the EC doesn't matter, the popular vote does by using PROPAGANDA....just like the Nazi's did.

The far leftists need be eradicated, just like PC said, and it is going to take all of us standing behind government to do it. When the deal comes down to arrest some of these mayors and governors standing against fed law going along with sanc cities, be ready.

If the left wants to change the law, go ahead, we are behind you, try and see if you can get America to agree. But to ignore law!!!!!!!!!! Nope, to hell with you radicals, go to jail, go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars!
Why Liberalism Must Be Expunged

PC must be having some serious issues with Canadian Liberals. All the cold weather up there has her empty head frozen solid.
PoliSpice resides in Canada?
A lot of the lefties in this forum are Canadians, it seems. They can't stick to fucking up their own country. They insist on trying to fuck up ours as well.

You came here the same year I did. Do you remember the conservative contingent here being as stupid as they exhibit now?
Unfortunately for you, your stupidity is very much representative of your party.
Remember PTBW - the Dumbocrats need an ignorant voting base. Enlightened people don't need government to provide for them. NYCarbineer is the quintessential voter for the party. He's everything they need and want.
Wonder how the Age of Enlightenment came about, it certainly wasn't a conservative idea.

Spoken like a true supporter of Liberalism....the view that divides folks based on skin color.

Conservatism made America the envy of the world.

What possible beef could you have with: individualism, limited constitutional government, and the free market.....all anathema to Liberalism.

Why Liberalism Must Be Expunged

PC must be having some serious issues with Canadian Liberals. All the cold weather up there has her empty head frozen solid.
PoliSpice resides in Canada?

Not unless the mythical nation of Conservatopia has annexed Canada and we haven't heard about it.

Odd, but I've yet to hear of a Conservative who is a champion of civil rights, women's rights, children's rights, Gay rights, worker's rights or anyone else's rights. I've never heard of a Conservative who is a champion of environmental protection, workplace safety, or the development of science.

Conservatives are, by definition, regressive. Hard to get progress with that attitude.
Open your ears, Snowflake, and stop creating classes.

Without Republicans, civil rights and women's suffrage would not have been realities so soon. And did you know that our right-wing framing instrument provides for technological progress? You probably didn't.

As for most of your other nonsense, like I said, you regressives just love to create classes and divide us.
I never said "Republicans". I said Conservatives.
Yeah, right, because all the Republicans who voted for civil rights legislation were liberals and all the Democrats who voted against it were "conservative." Tell us, oh great gas bag, was William Fulbright a "conservative?" How about Algore's daddy?
Was Abraham Lincoln Conservative? He fought a war to preserve federal government. He fought a war that repudiated state's rights.

Was Theodore Roosevelt Conservative? He enacted legislation to break up the power of monopolistic trusts, give organized labor the right to collective bargaining and established federal control over environmentally sensitive areas. Was George Wallace Liberal? He claimed 'segregation today, segregation tomorrow segregation forever!'. Was Strom Thurmond Liberal? He enacted legislation enforcing Jim Crow laws.

Lincoln and Roosevelt were Republicans. Wallace and Thurmond were Democrats. Party identity and political ideology are not, and never have been, in the same molds we see them in today.

Hey all, Nosmo King is sorta correct in a funny way----------> Is Obowelmovement and Hillary JFK? Well no, they are actually the kind of people JFK was against, hippie's, yippie's, and dipsh......er, I mean diipie's!

He can talk all he wants about the Republican party, and he injects some truth, and of course a whole bunch of bullshit; but let us talk about TODAY's Democrats------->

The Democratic party today is the home of radical BLM, radical Islam, radical illegal immigration, radical environmentalism, radical Fascism, and are doing everything they can to over turn the constitution by insisting that the constitution needs to be FIXED, by them of course.

There is no doubt that they are the RADICAL element in the USA......not the progressive, but RADICAL. Do they agree to use the system to change the system? NO! They want to overthrow the system by use of propaganda!

What do I mean?

Who is the President elect? Why? Because he won the EC. NOPE, NOPE, not if you are a radical leftist of the Dimiclowns.......they are trying to convince you the EC doesn't matter, the popular vote does by using PROPAGANDA....just like the Nazi's did.

The far leftists need be eradicated, just like PC said, and it is going to take all of us standing behind government to do it. When the deal comes down to arrest some of these mayors and governors standing against fed law going along with sanc cities, be ready.

If the left wants to change the law, go ahead, we are behind you, try and see if you can get America to agree. But to ignore law!!!!!!!!!! Nope, to hell with you radicals, go to jail, go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars!

I sure like the cut of your jib, Ima.....

But....sadly...."If the left wants to change the law, go ahead, we are behind you, try and see if you can get America to agree. But to ignore law!!!!!!!!!! Nope,"

See..they've already made doing so their strategy.

The Constitution, article 1, section 8, is very....VERY....specific, in what it allows the federal government to do.

But, since King Franklin the First, the policy set has simply been to ignore same.
Case in point, any sort of insurance, including social security.

An amendment would have been authorized path....but, having cowed the Court, Roosevelt didn't find it necessary.

And LBJ actually removed

Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech,..."

...and gotten away with it.

Shameful, huh?

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