Why Man Could Not Have Created Christianity

Yeah, real controlling.

Yes, actually, controlling is exactly what it is. Guess what the relationship is that you have with your own body? You own it.

husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body

Feed and care for? That's also good advice for a working horse. Or a goldfish.
Yeah, real controlling.

Yes, actually, controlling is exactly what it is. Guess what the relationship is that you have with your own body? You own it.

husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body

Feed and care for? That's also good advice for a working horse. Or a goldfish.
Fat slob doesn't take care of his body and has mommy bring him food to the basement.
Don't feel bad, all Christian bashers lack understanding and are clueless on the topic.
Actually, a lot of them used to be Christians, as it turns out.

But I don't see a lot of evolution deniers who used to be biologists... heh heh
Delusional. With that kind of understanding they choose to be delusional.
so, they are mistaken, because they are ignorant. If everyone knew the great stuff you knew, we would all agree on everything, because everything you know is all so "not delusional'. Evolution? Climate change? Origin of the universe and how to act day to day? All solved, right here, right now. Amazing.
Don't feel bad, all Christian bashers lack understanding and are clueless on the topic.
Actually, a lot of them used to be Christians, as it turns out.

But I don't see a lot of evolution deniers who used to be biologists... heh heh
Delusional. With that kind of understanding they choose to be delusional.
so, they are mistaken, because they are ignorant. If everyone knew the great stuff you knew, we would all agree on everything, because everything you know is all so "not delusional'. Evolution? Climate change? Origin of the universe and how to act day to day? All solved, right here, right now. Amazing.
They are not mistaken, they are delusional.
People who make honest mistakes are interested in seeking the truth.
And you moving away from the OP validates you can't rebut it.
Really? So, you can point out to me the penalties in the 613 laws for men being promiscuous? Because I can certainly indicate, chapter, and verse, the penalties for women doing so.
Here on planet earth Christianity lists no laws, let alone 613 of them.
Really? Because in my reality, the Old testament contains exactly 613 Laws. And in my reality Jesus insisted that he was not here to destroy a single one of them. What colour is the sky in your world?
He fulfilled the law. He was a sacrifice for us so we weren't judged by law
So, to be clear, none of the Old Testament rules apply to Christians? because that is certainly not what the bible says...
Your total lack of understanding of Christianity explains a lot. Don't feel bad, all Christian bashers lack understanding and are clueless on the topic.
Now excuse me while I enjoy my lobster wrapped in bacon and get my tools ready for some yard work this Saturday.

And they all Bible thump. It’s bad enough when christians do it but to watch anti Christians get up on their hind legs and spout that which they don’t understand sort of makes me embarrassed for them.
This is why the term “pearls before swine” exists.
What man would create a religion that frowns on promiscuity and promotes monogamy?

Rare righteous men is the correct answer. But they leave it to women to enforce.
Men just don’t mind a slut as much as women do :)
Here on planet earth Christianity lists no laws, let alone 613 of them.
Really? Because in my reality, the Old testament contains exactly 613 Laws. And in my reality Jesus insisted that he was not here to destroy a single one of them. What colour is the sky in your world?
He fulfilled the law. He was a sacrifice for us so we weren't judged by law
So, to be clear, none of the Old Testament rules apply to Christians? because that is certainly not what the bible says...
Your total lack of understanding of Christianity explains a lot. Don't feel bad, all Christian bashers lack understanding and are clueless on the topic.
Now excuse me while I enjoy my lobster wrapped in bacon and get my tools ready for some yard work this Saturday.

And they all Bible thump. It’s bad enough when christians do it but to watch anti Christians get up on their hind legs and spout that which they don’t understand sort of makes me embarrassed for them.
This is why the term “pearls before swine” exists.
Oh that's funny. It's not that we "don't understand", it's that you guys keep changing the rules:

Really? Because in my reality, the Old testament contains exactly 613 Laws. And in my reality Jesus insisted that he was not here to destroy a single one of them. What colour is the sky in your world?
He fulfilled the law. He was a sacrifice for us so we weren't judged by law
So, to be clear, none of the Old Testament rules apply to Christians? because that is certainly not what the bible says...
Your total lack of understanding of Christianity explains a lot. Don't feel bad, all Christian bashers lack understanding and are clueless on the topic.
Now excuse me while I enjoy my lobster wrapped in bacon and get my tools ready for some yard work this Saturday.

And they all Bible thump. It’s bad enough when christians do it but to watch anti Christians get up on their hind legs and spout that which they don’t understand sort of makes me embarrassed for them.
This is why the term “pearls before swine” exists.
Oh that's funny. It's not that we "don't understand", it's that you guys keep changing the rules:


What’s it to you what rules other religions use?
Do they all have a requirement that you understand them?
And which religion is it that you follow, and would impose on others, that rules can’t change?
You will never see beyond your parochial blinders.
A god that drowns the entire human race except for one family, a family who then repopulates the Earth with exactly the same depravity that existed befor the mass murder. In fact that god sounds just like one that would come from a human mind.
A god that drowns the entire human race except for one family, a family who then repopulates the Earth with exactly the same depravity that existed befor the mass murder. In fact that god sounds just like one that would come from a human mind.

Sir Isaac Newton saw value in the story. ----------no accounting for taste
Yeah, real controlling.

Yes, actually, controlling is exactly what it is. Guess what the relationship is that you have with your own body? You own it.

husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body

Feed and care for? That's also good advice for a working horse. Or a goldfish.

Yeah, but asking a man to love his wife like Christ loves his church? That's a LOT to ask for from a man!

It's nearly impossible for a man to love a woman as much as he loves his dog or car!
Here on planet earth Christianity lists no laws, let alone 613 of them.
Really? Because in my reality, the Old testament contains exactly 613 Laws. And in my reality Jesus insisted that he was not here to destroy a single one of them. What colour is the sky in your world?
He fulfilled the law. He was a sacrifice for us so we weren't judged by law
So, to be clear, none of the Old Testament rules apply to Christians? because that is certainly not what the bible says...
Your total lack of understanding of Christianity explains a lot. Don't feel bad, all Christian bashers lack understanding and are clueless on the topic.
Now excuse me while I enjoy my lobster wrapped in bacon and get my tools ready for some yard work this Saturday.

And they all Bible thump. It’s bad enough when christians do it but to watch anti Christians get up on their hind legs and spout that which they don’t understand sort of makes me embarrassed for them.
This is why the term “pearls before swine” exists.
A Christian spreads the message because they believe in it. God has saved you if you just accept the sacrifice of His Son. The haters against the message have no explanation for their actions other than demonic hatred.
A god that drowns the entire human race except for one family, a family who then repopulates the Earth with exactly the same depravity that existed befor the mass murder. In fact that god sounds just like one that would come from a human mind.
Really? Is that the kind of God you would create?
Really? Because in my reality, the Old testament contains exactly 613 Laws. And in my reality Jesus insisted that he was not here to destroy a single one of them. What colour is the sky in your world?
He fulfilled the law. He was a sacrifice for us so we weren't judged by law
So, to be clear, none of the Old Testament rules apply to Christians? because that is certainly not what the bible says...
Your total lack of understanding of Christianity explains a lot. Don't feel bad, all Christian bashers lack understanding and are clueless on the topic.
Now excuse me while I enjoy my lobster wrapped in bacon and get my tools ready for some yard work this Saturday.

And they all Bible thump. It’s bad enough when christians do it but to watch anti Christians get up on their hind legs and spout that which they don’t understand sort of makes me embarrassed for them.
This is why the term “pearls before swine” exists.
Oh that's funny. It's not that we "don't understand", it's that you guys keep changing the rules:

There are religions out there that live by the Bible, including the. old Testament quite literally.
And which religion is it that you follow, and would impose on others, that rules can’t change?

Your entire post was pedantic, predictable, and pathetic. This was the only question worth answering. I belong to no religion. I do, however, respect reason, logic. When confronted with the irrationality of your positions, rather than acknowledge this, and taking the time to re-examine your position, you simply lash out like a little child. How predictable.
And which religion is it that you follow, and would impose on others, that rules can’t change?

Your entire post was pedantic, predictable, and pathetic. This was the only question worth answering. I belong to no religion. I do, however, respect reason, logic. When confronted with the irrationality of your positions, rather than acknowledge this, and taking the time to re-examine your position, you simply lash out like a little child. How predictable.
You have more faith than any Christian.
And which religion is it that you follow, and would impose on others, that rules can’t change?

Your entire post was pedantic, predictable, and pathetic. This was the only question worth answering. I belong to no religion. I do, however, respect reason, logic. When confronted with the irrationality of your positions, rather than acknowledge this, and taking the time to re-examine your position, you simply lash out like a little child. How predictable.
You have more faith than any Christian.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Old argument.The general point behind the ‘more-faith-to-be-an-atheist’ remark is that atheists believe more fantastical things on less evidence than theists do; we make more and bigger assumptions. To really address the issue, one would have to unpack the particular assumptions each believer thinks atheists rely upon, but we’ve already seen some indication that not all of these assumptions are fairly derived from the atheist position. Atheists of the ancient world knew nothing of the Big Bang or evolution by natural selection, yet still counted themselves non-believers for other reasons like suffering, divine concealment, and the various objections to the so-called arguments for god. By itself, atheism says nothing about the origin of the universe, the nature of morality, and so forth. To be an atheist is simply to not believe in gods.
A god that drowns the entire human race except for one family, a family who then repopulates the Earth with exactly the same depravity that existed befor the mass murder. In fact that god sounds just like one that would come from a human mind.
Really? Is that the kind of God you would create?

Nah, that is the one 'Christians' created. If you haven't read the bible give it a try, it is a horror story from one end to the other. All religious books are that came from millenia ago because as with today nature is always trying to kill people. It's just today we understand volcanoes and lightning. They thought some angry derp was toying with them.

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