Why Man Could Not Have Created Christianity

One who wants to control women, and relegate them to property. If you'll notice, the bible doesn't actually promote monogamy, nor "frown upon" promiscuity. It only does so for women. Out of 613 laws, the only ones that regulate the actions of men is to dictate that men who "take the maidenhood" of women must pay the "bride price" to the woman's father. The inclusion of men in the "don't fuck other people" rules is actually a relatively recent (compared to a 6,000 year history of Abrahamic religions) development, and only two of the three include men in the rules.

It was a joke, but, that being said, the Bible indicates throughout the New Testament that God prefers monogamy and, even, originally created one man and one woman

I mean, wouldn't most men who created a religion have written about Adam, Eve, Scarlett, Jennifer and Beyonce?
Again, the New Testament does no such thing. It speaks very little, if at all, about monogamy. And all of the admonitions against adultery were directed towards women, not men.
"You shall not commit adultery"

Here on planet earth we fail to see any segment of mankind immune from this commandment.
Read the Old Testament.
Read the New Testament
The Ten Commandments come from the Old Testament. Lots of multiple wives and incest there.
Don't feel bad, all Christian bashers lack understanding and are clueless on the topic.
Actually, a lot of them used to be Christians, as it turns out.

But I don't see a lot of evolution deniers who used to be biologists... heh heh
Delusional. With that kind of understanding they choose to be delusional.
so, they are mistaken, because they are ignorant. If everyone knew the great stuff you knew, we would all agree on everything, because everything you know is all so "not delusional'. Evolution? Climate change? Origin of the universe and how to act day to day? All solved, right here, right now. Amazing.
They are not mistaken, they are delusional.
People who make honest mistakes are interested in seeking the truth.
And you moving away from the OP validates you can't rebut it.
Sorry goofball, but you are experiencing delusions of you own grandeur. I already refuted the OP. And the only thing required to refute any authoritative declaration given without a shred of evidence is, "nuh uh". You really need to get that through your thick head. All of your magical bullshit you insist is true? I can refute it all by saying "It's false". See? That speaks to the ultimately weak nature of your magical declarations. Notice scientific knowledge cannot be refuted in this manner.
This god was made by a very evil monster that likes to see people in fear as the god of the bible is truly evil.

So God has to meet your standards as you judge Him? How will you punish Him for falling short of your omnipotent judgement ?
Talk about a role reversal. But all liberalism is chaotic and involves reversing the natural order.
The problem is when you start trying to apply those same interpretive tools to events in the Old testament. The list is long. Every event that occurs in the Old Testament mythology is redefined as "allegory", or mistranslation.

Whose “problem” is this? I don’t have a problem with it.
Different religions have different beliefs (obviously). That Christianity has its own method of teasing it’s truths from it”s own Sacred Tradition is a problem for who else exactly?
Hindus don’t see the Old Testament as inspired. You have any demands for them?
Christianity has no trouble with the Old Testament. You do.
I gave you plenty of reading wherein Christians explain their precepts. The problem is they are deep and insightful results of millinia of thought. Who says it can be reduced to a catchphrase?

To those add Articles VI and VII of the Thirty Nine Articles.
And Chapter 1 Section 8 of the Westminster Confession.
It was a joke, but, that being said, the Bible indicates throughout the New Testament that God prefers monogamy and, even, originally created one man and one woman

I mean, wouldn't most men who created a religion have written about Adam, Eve, Scarlett, Jennifer and Beyonce?
Again, the New Testament does no such thing. It speaks very little, if at all, about monogamy. And all of the admonitions against adultery were directed towards women, not men.
"You shall not commit adultery"

Here on planet earth we fail to see any segment of mankind immune from this commandment.
Read the Old Testament.
Read the New Testament
The Ten Commandments come from the Old Testament. Lots of multiple wives and incest there.

Probably in the NT as well, it just wasn't discussed as much, because the focal point turned to Christ. Many things happened in the Bible that were not "OK". I never once saw anyone get glory for being adulterous.
What man would create a religion that frowns on promiscuity and promotes monogamy?

Stupidest thing I've read this week.

Who do you think created a religion based on the teaching of a Jewish rabbi that they then pretended wasn't a Jew?

I've never heard anyone deny that Jesus was a Jew. You must talk to some ignorant people....
It was a joke, but, that being said, the Bible indicates throughout the New Testament that God prefers monogamy and, even, originally created one man and one woman

I mean, wouldn't most men who created a religion have written about Adam, Eve, Scarlett, Jennifer and Beyonce?
Again, the New Testament does no such thing. It speaks very little, if at all, about monogamy. And all of the admonitions against adultery were directed towards women, not men.
"You shall not commit adultery"

Here on planet earth we fail to see any segment of mankind immune from this commandment.
Read the Old Testament.
Read the New Testament
The Ten Commandments come from the Old Testament. Lots of multiple wives and incest there.
Historical accounts vs instructional documentation on how one should behave, dufus.
What man would create a religion that frowns on promiscuity and promotes monogamy?

Stupidest thing I've read this week.

Who do you think created a religion based on the teaching of a Jewish rabbi that they then pretended wasn't a Jew?

I've never heard anyone deny that Jesus was a Jew. You must talk to some ignorant people....

There are many on this board.

But I was mostly talking about the silly mythos around him
God created the family structure husband wife children - the government that created Christianity saw that those touched by Jesus and that had the Holy spirit had the truth so they could not deviate that far from that truth when they created the religion to have control over the people.
Seems to me people respond better to feel good messages, while still being controlled. Doesn't explain why it's still believed if it is just a two bit manipulation
Seems to me people respond better to feel good messages, while still being controlled. Doesn't explain why it's still believed if it is just a two bit manipulation
I suspect it isn't believed. People are just terrified of the prospect of breaking from the herd and thinking for themselves because they realize they are as naked as Adam after he was kicked out of paradise and have lost their way and the ability to be rational.
What man would create a religion that frowns on promiscuity and promotes monogamy?
The government at the time (secret govt) created Christianity to keep people in the dark and in control. Jesus would not belong to any religion on earth today because they were all created with evil intent and are all corrupt

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