Why Man Could Not Have Created Christianity

Clearly these were just methods of controlling women invented by men who saw them as lesser humans and as property. There's no mystery, here.

Interesting being that leftards have aligned themselves with radical islam that treat women like property........
Well, in the usual "Dale's lobotomy is still healing" fashion, you mangle the actual point. There are no liberals aligning with the ideas of radical Islam. But many liberals are failing badly when it comes to condemning the nasty ideas not just in radical Islam, but in Islam, in general.
What man would create a religion that frowns on promiscuity and promotes monogamy?

Any man not getting his share of the debauchery and wants to spoil the party for everyone ... explicitly ... Beta Males.
Damn right, either give it up voluntarily or be forced to do as such....
"Forced to do such"? Am I understanding that youy think that a man has a right to take a woman, whether she is willing or not? Do be careful. This is a trick question...
What man would create a religion that frowns on promiscuity and promotes monogamy?

Any man not getting his share of the debauchery and wants to spoil the party for everyone ... explicitly ... Beta Males.
Damn right, either give it up voluntarily or be forced to do as such....
"Forced to do such"? Am I understanding that youy think that a man has a right to take a woman, whether she is willing or not? Do be careful. This is a trick question...
Depends if it's on the fetish menu..
Clearly these were just methods of controlling women invented by men who saw them as lesser humans and as property. There's no mystery, here.

Interesting being that leftards have aligned themselves with radical islam that treat women like property........
If they are not property then why must I continuously pay for them?

LOL! You are so wrong for that!!!!!
You don't know my wife..
What man would create a religion that frowns on promiscuity and promotes monogamy?

Any man not getting his share of the debauchery and wants to spoil the party for everyone ... explicitly ... Beta Males.
Damn right, either give it up voluntarily or be forced to do as such....
"Forced to do such"? Am I understanding that youy think that a man has a right to take a woman, whether she is willing or not? Do be careful. This is a trick question...

Under admiralty law, courts will more than likely require the male corporate entity to subsidize the female corporate entity (after the merger has been dissolved) so that the third party entity (the state") doesn't have to do so...............
Clearly these were just methods of controlling women invented by men who saw them as lesser humans and as property. There's no mystery, here.

Interesting being that leftards have aligned themselves with radical islam that treat women like property........
You would have to point out these "leftards" to me. As I have certainly not aligned myself with anyone. I think that Muslims are just a vile as Fundamental Christians, and have said as much on many occasions:

What man would create a religion that frowns on promiscuity and promotes monogamy?

Any man not getting his share of the debauchery and wants to spoil the party for everyone ... explicitly ... Beta Males.
Damn right, either give it up voluntarily or be forced to do as such....
"Forced to do such"? Am I understanding that youy think that a man has a right to take a woman, whether she is willing or not? Do be careful. This is a trick question...
Depends if it's on the fetish menu..
Nice deflection. You talked about being forced to give it up, if a woman is "unwilling". I'm giving you the chance to say, openly that you are a rapist who would take from a woman whatever you wanted, willing, or not.
Clearly these were just methods of controlling women invented by men who saw them as lesser humans and as property. There's no mystery, here.

Interesting being that leftards have aligned themselves with radical islam that treat women like property........
If they are not property then why must I continuously pay for them?
Because you are not good at hide & seek
Have you been drinking again?
Clearly these were just methods of controlling women invented by men who saw them as lesser humans and as property. There's no mystery, here.

Interesting being that leftards have aligned themselves with radical islam that treat women like property........
If they are not property then why must I continuously pay for them?
Because you are not good at hide & seek
Have you been drinking again?
No, but u r a sucker if you wife drains u financially
Clearly these were just methods of controlling women invented by men who saw them as lesser humans and as property. There's no mystery, here.

Interesting being that leftards have aligned themselves with radical islam that treat women like property........
If they are not property then why must I continuously pay for them?
Because you are not good at hide & seek
Have you been drinking again?
No, but u r a sucker if you wife drains u financially
She tries yet it's my girlfriends that get the spare change for the honey...
"You shall not commit adultery"

Here on planet earth we fail to see any segment of mankind immune from this commandment.
Really? So, you can point out to me the penalties in the 613 laws for men being promiscuous? Because I can certainly indicate, chapter, and verse, the penalties for women doing so.
Here on planet earth Christianity lists no laws, let alone 613 of them.
Really? Because in my reality, the Old testament contains exactly 613 Laws. And in my reality Jesus insisted that he was not here to destroy a single one of them. What colour is the sky in your world?
He fulfilled the law. He was a sacrifice for us so we weren't judged by law
So, to be clear, none of the Old Testament rules apply to Christians? because that is certainly not what the bible says...
Your total lack of understanding of Christianity explains a lot. Don't feel bad, all Christian bashers lack understanding and are clueless on the topic.
Now excuse me while I enjoy my lobster wrapped in bacon and get my tools ready for some yard work this Saturday.
Really? So, you can point out to me the penalties in the 613 laws for men being promiscuous? Because I can certainly indicate, chapter, and verse, the penalties for women doing so.
Here on planet earth Christianity lists no laws, let alone 613 of them.
Really? Because in my reality, the Old testament contains exactly 613 Laws. And in my reality Jesus insisted that he was not here to destroy a single one of them. What colour is the sky in your world?
He fulfilled the law. He was a sacrifice for us so we weren't judged by law
So, to be clear, none of the Old Testament rules apply to Christians? because that is certainly not what the bible says...
Your total lack of understanding of Christianity explains a lot. Don't feel bad, all Christian bashers lack understanding and are clueless on the topic.
Now excuse me while I enjoy my lobster wrapped in bacon and get my tools ready for some yard work this Saturday.
Sure. You run away. it would be best for you.
Clearly these were just methods of controlling women invented by men who saw them as lesser humans and as property. There's no mystery, here.
"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— for we are members of his body."

Yeah, real controlling. Love and forgive your wife no matter how bad she is and to treat her as we wish to be treated.

Again, haters are clueless.
Here on planet earth Christianity lists no laws, let alone 613 of them.
Really? Because in my reality, the Old testament contains exactly 613 Laws. And in my reality Jesus insisted that he was not here to destroy a single one of them. What colour is the sky in your world?
He fulfilled the law. He was a sacrifice for us so we weren't judged by law
So, to be clear, none of the Old Testament rules apply to Christians? because that is certainly not what the bible says...
Your total lack of understanding of Christianity explains a lot. Don't feel bad, all Christian bashers lack understanding and are clueless on the topic.
Now excuse me while I enjoy my lobster wrapped in bacon and get my tools ready for some yard work this Saturday.
Sure. You run away. it would be best for you.
You're a joke.

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