Why more and more people distrust Biden and the BIASED MSM..."GA bans volunteers from delivering water, etc. BIG ASS LIE!

Poll workers and other people in line can give out water.


Not to mention, Campaign workers must stay like 150 feet away from the poll.

Sooooo.....Biden fucking lied at his “presser” as is every single leftist who said GEORGIA MADE IT ILLEGAL TO GIVE PEOPLE WATER!

Fuck you leftist liars

You are the liar. There is no reason to forbid people from giving food and water. If no one identifies themselves as a campaign worker then it is unnecessary. This is mreant to make it harder for people to vote.
Republicans in Georgia saw the large number of black churches that made an event out of going as a group to vote after service

Their response?
Ban early voting on Sunday

It was routinely criticized and they backed off
But it shows their intent
Separation of Church and State? Local Governments giving money directly to minority churches in many cities. Have been for many years. How many of the Church members are of single parent families? And then blame someone else for the problems as we all do. And there is justification for some of it. Issues may have other sides to the story.
What does that have to do with a bunch of people going from service to go vote?

WTF does the family situation of a voter have to do with anything?

You are batshit crazy
Poll workers and other people in line can give out water.


Not to mention, Campaign workers must stay like 150 feet away from the poll.

Sooooo.....Biden fucking lied at his “presser” as is every single leftist who said GEORGIA MADE IT ILLEGAL TO GIVE PEOPLE WATER!

Fuck you leftist liars

You are the liar. There is no reason to forbid people from giving food and water. If no one identifies themselves as a campaign worker then it is unnecessary. This is mreant to make it harder for people to vote.
truth is, to prevent campaigning within a certain perimeter of a polling place, it is important to ensure non poll workers do not interact with those on line to vote.

The law does not say poll workers can not give water. It simply says NON poll workers can not give water as they do not want unregistered individuals interacting with voters within a certain perimeter of the polling place.

Now...lets be real and honest......who goes to a polling place hoping to get free water? They go there to vote.

But seeing as you are convinced this law was designed to make it harder for people to vote, you wont be real and honest.

So I have no interest in you moving forward.
The objective of the law is to make it more difficult to vote and reduce the number of people who cast ballots.

Georgia saw a record number of voters in 2020, especially black voters.
Republicans said....we have to do something about that
Abrams represents death. No talent as a visionary but the same tired and failed statist policies that has existed for thousands of years. I will bypass Georgia as it turns to stupidity. Lets party!

Stacie Abrams scares the shit out of Georgia Republicans.

So much so, that they had to change the rules
Shit. I never had to wait more that 40 minutes to vote. Oh and If I think I will get hungry or thirsty I have a bottle of water and a pack of peanut butter crackers.

Good Lord are people stupid.
You are racist because your bring your own water!!! Racist!
The law does not say poll workers can not give water. It simply says NON poll workers can not give water as they do not want unregistered individuals interacting with voters within a certain perimeter of the polling place.
"Certain perimeter" your ass. You can not provide any food or water to anyone in line to vote. Period.


The new law basically codifies Trump’s grievances against Republican officials in the state who resisted his efforts to overturn the election there. You’ll recall that Georgia’s current Secretary of State, Brad Raffensberger, became the target of Trump’s fury when he deflected pressure from the former president to “find” enough votes to reverse his loss in the state. The new law strips the secretary of state, Georgia’s top elections official, of his seat and his role as chair of the state election board, and endows the state legislature with the power to fill three of that board’s five seats — essentially giving the legislature control over the certification of elections and voting rules in the state. The new law also empowers the state election board to suspend or replace local election officials and delay certification, making it potentially easier for them to meddle with results.
The law does not say poll workers can not give water. It simply says NON poll workers can not give water as they do not want unregistered individuals interacting with voters within a certain perimeter of the polling place.
"Certain perimeter" your ass. You can not provide any food or water to anyone in line to vote. Period.


The new law basically codifies Trump’s grievances against Republican officials in the state who resisted his efforts to overturn the election there. You’ll recall that Georgia’s current Secretary of State, Brad Raffensberger, became the target of Trump’s fury when he deflected pressure from the former president to “find” enough votes to reverse his loss in the state. The new law strips the secretary of state, Georgia’s top elections official, of his seat and his role as chair of the state election board, and endows the state legislature with the power to fill three of that board’s five seats — essentially giving the legislature control over the certification of elections and voting rules in the state. The new law also empowers the state election board to suspend or replace local election officials and delay certification, making it potentially easier for them to meddle with results.

Stop looking at the talking points and actually look at the law as written.

You look silly
Poll workers and other people in line can give out water.


Not to mention, Campaign workers must stay like 150 feet away from the poll.

Sooooo.....Biden fucking lied at his “presser” as is every single leftist who said GEORGIA MADE IT ILLEGAL TO GIVE PEOPLE WATER!

Fuck you leftist liars

Oh yeah, right... the law forbids issuing of water EXCEPT for that issued by Poll Workers, so...

If the Poll Workers are too busy doing Poll Worker stuff, then no water gets issued...

Same difference...
Poll workers and other people in line can give out water.


Not to mention, Campaign workers must stay like 150 feet away from the poll.

Sooooo.....Biden fucking lied at his “presser” as is every single leftist who said GEORGIA MADE IT ILLEGAL TO GIVE PEOPLE WATER!

Fuck you leftist liars
Democrats believe making buying votes illegal is wrong.

Biden said it was “SICK, SICK” to make it illegal to buy votes. :auiqs.jpg:
Handing a thirsty man a bottle of water is not buying votes

how would you know??

if a trump supporter is going up and down a long line and handing our anything of value it could lead to a person voting in their favor,,

You think a determined to vote Democrat standing in line for 5 HOURS to cast their gosh darn vote, is going to change their vote to some Republican candidate because a kind republican person gave them water or food???? :lol:


The whole purpose by republicans to not give them water or food is so that the voters in these very long lined Democratic district voting precincts will give up and go home... And people coming to vote see the long line and just pass on voting...

dear Lord y'all are messed up people...

You should be FURIOUS that lawmakers etc, MADE THE CITIZENS STAND IN LINE FOR 5 HOURS just to cast their vote, while pearly white voting precincts have a 30 minute wait at most, to cast their votes...?

WHY IS IT TAKING 5 to 9 HOURS IN LINE TO VOTE in Democratic districts?.....

That's the fraud.... Through disenfranchisement.
I have no idea...but these laws blew up around the country after a ruling in Ellis v. Meeks,

In 1998, the Supreme Court of Kentucky, in Ellis v. Meeks, threw out the results of a primary election where the winner, Meeks (who prevailed by eight votes) had handed out free food at the polling place, and made it available to voters. The court rejected the argument that this was all harmless because there was no direct evidence that he had changed any votes or had demanded any explicit quid pro quo from voters:

At ten of the fifteen voting stations in the 11th Ward, Meeks made free food available to anyone present, glad-handed voters as they entered, and spoke with voters as they signed in to vote. Based upon this evidence, we… hold that Meeks’ non-verbal conduct solicited votes and amounted to electioneering within 500 feet of a building where votes were being cast…We can conceive of no other explanation for his actions…. We find that making free food available to precinct workers and voters was an item of value offered by Meeks in exchange for their votes or moral support in violation of [Kentucky law].
If you are really concerned about the GA citizens in line getting water, then you are free to donate it....give it to the poll workers, and they will make it available to the folks to get.
The poll workers are inside.... The water fountains are inside. How does that help the people in the mile long line?

That case, was the candidate himself, no?

Candidates should not be allowed to do what that candidate did....

They are not allowed to campaign at a polling place....nor should the people offering water or food in hours waiting voter lines..... Keep them from campaigning but not giving out water....

Better yet, there should be no situation, where it takes more than one hour in line, to vote..... Where is that legislation forcing state precincts to be fair and equal for all citizens in all voting districts?
I suppose anyone bringing a bottle of water and a power bar would solve every problem.
But then democrats would have no cause to work the lines handing out free goods to people likely to vote their way.
They are not there to tell them who to vote for, they already know who they likely are voting for.... They are handing out water, so the voters continue to stay another 3 hours in line, without passing out from heat stroke, or giving up and leaving because they can't take the heat and wait.

The whole Purpose of the long lines in Democratic voting places and smooth sailing in Republican districts...

To get the Democratic voter to just leave after a few hours of waiting, and to discourage other voters from voting due to the long lines.

you don't know your Republican party leaders/cheaters very well....
hEaT sTrOkE!!

Historical average temps the first week in November in Atlanta: 67 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

And, hey, you know who runs elections in Democrat districts?


You're angry at the wrong people.
Poll workers and other people in line can give out water.


Not to mention, Campaign workers must stay like 150 feet away from the poll.

Sooooo.....Biden fucking lied at his “presser” as is every single leftist who said GEORGIA MADE IT ILLEGAL TO GIVE PEOPLE WATER!

Fuck you leftist liars

You are the liar. There is no reason to forbid people from giving food and water. If no one identifies themselves as a campaign worker then it is unnecessary. This is mreant to make it harder for people to vote.
Good Gaea, do you need somebody to hold your hand and powder your bottom? Grow the hell up.
Poll workers and other people in line can give out water.


Not to mention, Campaign workers must stay like 150 feet away from the poll.

Sooooo.....Biden fucking lied at his “presser” as is every single leftist who said GEORGIA MADE IT ILLEGAL TO GIVE PEOPLE WATER!

Fuck you leftist liars
Democrats believe making buying votes illegal is wrong.

Biden said it was “SICK, SICK” to make it illegal to buy votes. :auiqs.jpg:
Handing a thirsty man a bottle of water is not buying votes

how would you know??

if a trump supporter is going up and down a long line and handing our anything of value it could lead to a person voting in their favor,,

You think a determined to vote Democrat standing in line for 5 HOURS to cast their gosh darn vote, is going to change their vote to some Republican candidate because a kind republican person gave them water or food???? :lol:


The whole purpose by republicans to not give them water or food is so that the voters in these very long lined Democratic district voting precincts will give up and go home... And people coming to vote see the long line and just pass on voting...

dear Lord y'all are messed up people...

You should be FURIOUS that lawmakers etc, MADE THE CITIZENS STAND IN LINE FOR 5 HOURS just to cast their vote, while pearly white voting precincts have a 30 minute wait at most, to cast their votes...?

WHY IS IT TAKING 5 to 9 HOURS IN LINE TO VOTE in Democratic districts?.....

That's the fraud.... Through disenfranchisement.
I have no idea...but these laws blew up around the country after a ruling in Ellis v. Meeks,

In 1998, the Supreme Court of Kentucky, in Ellis v. Meeks, threw out the results of a primary election where the winner, Meeks (who prevailed by eight votes) had handed out free food at the polling place, and made it available to voters. The court rejected the argument that this was all harmless because there was no direct evidence that he had changed any votes or had demanded any explicit quid pro quo from voters:

At ten of the fifteen voting stations in the 11th Ward, Meeks made free food available to anyone present, glad-handed voters as they entered, and spoke with voters as they signed in to vote. Based upon this evidence, we… hold that Meeks’ non-verbal conduct solicited votes and amounted to electioneering within 500 feet of a building where votes were being cast…We can conceive of no other explanation for his actions…. We find that making free food available to precinct workers and voters was an item of value offered by Meeks in exchange for their votes or moral support in violation of [Kentucky law].
If you are really concerned about the GA citizens in line getting water, then you are free to donate it....give it to the poll workers, and they will make it available to the folks to get.
The poll workers are inside.... The water fountains are inside. How does that help the people in the mile long line?

That case, was the candidate himself, no?

Candidates should not be allowed to do what that candidate did....

They are not allowed to campaign at a polling place....nor should the people offering water or food in hours waiting voter lines..... Keep them from campaigning but not giving out water....

Better yet, there should be no situation, where it takes more than one hour in line, to vote..... Where is that legislation forcing state precincts to be fair and equal for all citizens in all voting districts?
I suppose anyone bringing a bottle of water and a power bar would solve every problem.
But then democrats would have no cause to work the lines handing out free goods to people likely to vote their way.
They are not there to tell them who to vote for, they already know who they likely are voting for.... They are handing out water, so the voters continue to stay another 3 hours in line, without passing out from heat stroke, or giving up and leaving because they can't take the heat and wait.

The whole Purpose of the long lines in Democratic voting places and smooth sailing in Republican districts...

To get the Democratic voter to just leave after a few hours of waiting, and to discourage other voters from voting due to the long lines.

you don't know your Republican party leaders/cheaters very well....
hEaT sTrOkE!!

Historical average temps the first week in November in Atlanta: 67 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

And, hey, you know who runs elections in Democrat districts?


You're angry at the wrong people.
I wondered about that. Just how smoking hot is it there during elections, anyway?
Another leftist created controversy that's crap filled.
Poll workers and other people in line can give out water.


Not to mention, Campaign workers must stay like 150 feet away from the poll.

Sooooo.....Biden fucking lied at his “presser” as is every single leftist who said GEORGIA MADE IT ILLEGAL TO GIVE PEOPLE WATER!

Fuck you leftist liars
Democrats believe making buying votes illegal is wrong.

Biden said it was “SICK, SICK” to make it illegal to buy votes. :auiqs.jpg:
Handing a thirsty man a bottle of water is not buying votes

how would you know??

if a trump supporter is going up and down a long line and handing our anything of value it could lead to a person voting in their favor,,

You think a determined to vote Democrat standing in line for 5 HOURS to cast their gosh darn vote, is going to change their vote to some Republican candidate because a kind republican person gave them water or food???? :lol:


The whole purpose by republicans to not give them water or food is so that the voters in these very long lined Democratic district voting precincts will give up and go home... And people coming to vote see the long line and just pass on voting...

dear Lord y'all are messed up people...

You should be FURIOUS that lawmakers etc, MADE THE CITIZENS STAND IN LINE FOR 5 HOURS just to cast their vote, while pearly white voting precincts have a 30 minute wait at most, to cast their votes...?

WHY IS IT TAKING 5 to 9 HOURS IN LINE TO VOTE in Democratic districts?.....

That's the fraud.... Through disenfranchisement.
I have no idea...but these laws blew up around the country after a ruling in Ellis v. Meeks,

In 1998, the Supreme Court of Kentucky, in Ellis v. Meeks, threw out the results of a primary election where the winner, Meeks (who prevailed by eight votes) had handed out free food at the polling place, and made it available to voters. The court rejected the argument that this was all harmless because there was no direct evidence that he had changed any votes or had demanded any explicit quid pro quo from voters:

At ten of the fifteen voting stations in the 11th Ward, Meeks made free food available to anyone present, glad-handed voters as they entered, and spoke with voters as they signed in to vote. Based upon this evidence, we… hold that Meeks’ non-verbal conduct solicited votes and amounted to electioneering within 500 feet of a building where votes were being cast…We can conceive of no other explanation for his actions…. We find that making free food available to precinct workers and voters was an item of value offered by Meeks in exchange for their votes or moral support in violation of [Kentucky law].
If you are really concerned about the GA citizens in line getting water, then you are free to donate it....give it to the poll workers, and they will make it available to the folks to get.
The poll workers are inside.... The water fountains are inside. How does that help the people in the mile long line?

That case, was the candidate himself, no?

Candidates should not be allowed to do what that candidate did....

They are not allowed to campaign at a polling place....nor should the people offering water or food in hours waiting voter lines..... Keep them from campaigning but not giving out water....

Better yet, there should be no situation, where it takes more than one hour in line, to vote..... Where is that legislation forcing state precincts to be fair and equal for all citizens in all voting districts?
I suppose anyone bringing a bottle of water and a power bar would solve every problem.
But then democrats would have no cause to work the lines handing out free goods to people likely to vote their way.
They are not there to tell them who to vote for, they already know who they likely are voting for.... They are handing out water, so the voters continue to stay another 3 hours in line, without passing out from heat stroke, or giving up and leaving because they can't take the heat and wait.

The whole Purpose of the long lines in Democratic voting places and smooth sailing in Republican districts...

To get the Democratic voter to just leave after a few hours of waiting, and to discourage other voters from voting due to the long lines.

you don't know your Republican party leaders/cheaters very well....
hEaT sTrOkE!!

Historical average temps the first week in November in Atlanta: 67 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

And, hey, you know who runs elections in Democrat districts?


You're angry at the wrong people.
I wondered about that. Just how smoking hot is it there during elections, anyway?
Another leftist created controversy that's crap filled.
Leftists are not overburdened with critical thinking. They believe what they're told to believe.
Poll workers and other people in line can give out water.


Not to mention, Campaign workers must stay like 150 feet away from the poll.

Sooooo.....Biden fucking lied at his “presser” as is every single leftist who said GEORGIA MADE IT ILLEGAL TO GIVE PEOPLE WATER!

Fuck you leftist liars
Democrats believe making buying votes illegal is wrong.

Biden said it was “SICK, SICK” to make it illegal to buy votes. :auiqs.jpg:
Handing a thirsty man a bottle of water is not buying votes

how would you know??

if a trump supporter is going up and down a long line and handing our anything of value it could lead to a person voting in their favor,,

You think a determined to vote Democrat standing in line for 5 HOURS to cast their gosh darn vote, is going to change their vote to some Republican candidate because a kind republican person gave them water or food???? :lol:


The whole purpose by republicans to not give them water or food is so that the voters in these very long lined Democratic district voting precincts will give up and go home... And people coming to vote see the long line and just pass on voting...

dear Lord y'all are messed up people...

You should be FURIOUS that lawmakers etc, MADE THE CITIZENS STAND IN LINE FOR 5 HOURS just to cast their vote, while pearly white voting precincts have a 30 minute wait at most, to cast their votes...?

WHY IS IT TAKING 5 to 9 HOURS IN LINE TO VOTE in Democratic districts?.....

That's the fraud.... Through disenfranchisement.
I have no idea...but these laws blew up around the country after a ruling in Ellis v. Meeks,

In 1998, the Supreme Court of Kentucky, in Ellis v. Meeks, threw out the results of a primary election where the winner, Meeks (who prevailed by eight votes) had handed out free food at the polling place, and made it available to voters. The court rejected the argument that this was all harmless because there was no direct evidence that he had changed any votes or had demanded any explicit quid pro quo from voters:

At ten of the fifteen voting stations in the 11th Ward, Meeks made free food available to anyone present, glad-handed voters as they entered, and spoke with voters as they signed in to vote. Based upon this evidence, we… hold that Meeks’ non-verbal conduct solicited votes and amounted to electioneering within 500 feet of a building where votes were being cast…We can conceive of no other explanation for his actions…. We find that making free food available to precinct workers and voters was an item of value offered by Meeks in exchange for their votes or moral support in violation of [Kentucky law].
If you are really concerned about the GA citizens in line getting water, then you are free to donate it....give it to the poll workers, and they will make it available to the folks to get.
The poll workers are inside.... The water fountains are inside. How does that help the people in the mile long line?

That case, was the candidate himself, no?

Candidates should not be allowed to do what that candidate did....

They are not allowed to campaign at a polling place....nor should the people offering water or food in hours waiting voter lines..... Keep them from campaigning but not giving out water....

Better yet, there should be no situation, where it takes more than one hour in line, to vote..... Where is that legislation forcing state precincts to be fair and equal for all citizens in all voting districts?
I suppose anyone bringing a bottle of water and a power bar would solve every problem.
But then democrats would have no cause to work the lines handing out free goods to people likely to vote their way.
They are not there to tell them who to vote for, they already know who they likely are voting for.... They are handing out water, so the voters continue to stay another 3 hours in line, without passing out from heat stroke, or giving up and leaving because they can't take the heat and wait.

The whole Purpose of the long lines in Democratic voting places and smooth sailing in Republican districts...

To get the Democratic voter to just leave after a few hours of waiting, and to discourage other voters from voting due to the long lines.

you don't know your Republican party leaders/cheaters very well....
hEaT sTrOkE!!

Historical average temps the first week in November in Atlanta: 67 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

And, hey, you know who runs elections in Democrat districts?


You're angry at the wrong people.
I was wrong on the weather! Heat stroke in November is not likely as you correctly pointed out, but that was not the case in the summer primary Georgia had.... Where they had the 5 hour line wait....

The problem is the State of Georgia has cut voting precincts by 10% after the supreme court eliminated a civil rights voting act law that protected blacks from discrimination in Georgia....

while the active registered voters have increased by 40%....And the increased voters are primarily black and from the cities who have the very long lines....get a 10% cut in voting places.

this link is very informative, if you really want to know or care about what Georgia's Republican legislature and the Secretary of State, then Kent, did to disenfranchise the black voter....read it.

Last edited:
Poll workers and other people in line can give out water.


Not to mention, Campaign workers must stay like 150 feet away from the poll.

Sooooo.....Biden fucking lied at his “presser” as is every single leftist who said GEORGIA MADE IT ILLEGAL TO GIVE PEOPLE WATER!

Fuck you leftist liars
Democrats believe making buying votes illegal is wrong.

Biden said it was “SICK, SICK” to make it illegal to buy votes. :auiqs.jpg:
Handing a thirsty man a bottle of water is not buying votes

how would you know??

if a trump supporter is going up and down a long line and handing our anything of value it could lead to a person voting in their favor,,

You think a determined to vote Democrat standing in line for 5 HOURS to cast their gosh darn vote, is going to change their vote to some Republican candidate because a kind republican person gave them water or food???? :lol:


The whole purpose by republicans to not give them water or food is so that the voters in these very long lined Democratic district voting precincts will give up and go home... And people coming to vote see the long line and just pass on voting...

dear Lord y'all are messed up people...

You should be FURIOUS that lawmakers etc, MADE THE CITIZENS STAND IN LINE FOR 5 HOURS just to cast their vote, while pearly white voting precincts have a 30 minute wait at most, to cast their votes...?

WHY IS IT TAKING 5 to 9 HOURS IN LINE TO VOTE in Democratic districts?.....

That's the fraud.... Through disenfranchisement.
I have no idea...but these laws blew up around the country after a ruling in Ellis v. Meeks,

In 1998, the Supreme Court of Kentucky, in Ellis v. Meeks, threw out the results of a primary election where the winner, Meeks (who prevailed by eight votes) had handed out free food at the polling place, and made it available to voters. The court rejected the argument that this was all harmless because there was no direct evidence that he had changed any votes or had demanded any explicit quid pro quo from voters:

At ten of the fifteen voting stations in the 11th Ward, Meeks made free food available to anyone present, glad-handed voters as they entered, and spoke with voters as they signed in to vote. Based upon this evidence, we… hold that Meeks’ non-verbal conduct solicited votes and amounted to electioneering within 500 feet of a building where votes were being cast…We can conceive of no other explanation for his actions…. We find that making free food available to precinct workers and voters was an item of value offered by Meeks in exchange for their votes or moral support in violation of [Kentucky law].
If you are really concerned about the GA citizens in line getting water, then you are free to donate it....give it to the poll workers, and they will make it available to the folks to get.
The poll workers are inside.... The water fountains are inside. How does that help the people in the mile long line?

That case, was the candidate himself, no?

Candidates should not be allowed to do what that candidate did....

They are not allowed to campaign at a polling place....nor should the people offering water or food in hours waiting voter lines..... Keep them from campaigning but not giving out water....

Better yet, there should be no situation, where it takes more than one hour in line, to vote..... Where is that legislation forcing state precincts to be fair and equal for all citizens in all voting districts?
I suppose anyone bringing a bottle of water and a power bar would solve every problem.
But then democrats would have no cause to work the lines handing out free goods to people likely to vote their way.
They are not there to tell them who to vote for, they already know who they likely are voting for.... They are handing out water, so the voters continue to stay another 3 hours in line, without passing out from heat stroke, or giving up and leaving because they can't take the heat and wait.

The whole Purpose of the long lines in Democratic voting places and smooth sailing in Republican districts...

To get the Democratic voter to just leave after a few hours of waiting, and to discourage other voters from voting due to the long lines.

you don't know your Republican party leaders/cheaters very well....
hEaT sTrOkE!!

Historical average temps the first week in November in Atlanta: 67 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

And, hey, you know who runs elections in Democrat districts?


You're angry at the wrong people.
I was wrong on the weather! Heat stroke in November is not likely as you correctly pointed out, but that was not the case in the summer primary Georgia had.... Where they had the 5 hour line wait....

The problem is the State of Georgia has cut voting precincts by 10% after the supreme court eliminated a civil rights voting act law that protected blacks from discrimination in Georgia....

while the active registered voters have increased by 40%....And the increased voters are primarily black and from the cities who have the very long lines....get a 10% cut in voting places.

this link is very informative, if you really want to know or care about what Georgia's Republican legislature and the Secretary of State, then Kent, did to disenfranchise the black voter....read it.

Are you saying White people don't have to stand in line to vote? That they walk to the front of the line? RME:stir:
Poll workers and other people in line can give out water.


Not to mention, Campaign workers must stay like 150 feet away from the poll.

Sooooo.....Biden fucking lied at his “presser” as is every single leftist who said GEORGIA MADE IT ILLEGAL TO GIVE PEOPLE WATER!

Fuck you leftist liars
Democrats believe making buying votes illegal is wrong.

Biden said it was “SICK, SICK” to make it illegal to buy votes. :auiqs.jpg:
Handing a thirsty man a bottle of water is not buying votes

how would you know??

if a trump supporter is going up and down a long line and handing our anything of value it could lead to a person voting in their favor,,

You think a determined to vote Democrat standing in line for 5 HOURS to cast their gosh darn vote, is going to change their vote to some Republican candidate because a kind republican person gave them water or food???? :lol:


The whole purpose by republicans to not give them water or food is so that the voters in these very long lined Democratic district voting precincts will give up and go home... And people coming to vote see the long line and just pass on voting...

dear Lord y'all are messed up people...

You should be FURIOUS that lawmakers etc, MADE THE CITIZENS STAND IN LINE FOR 5 HOURS just to cast their vote, while pearly white voting precincts have a 30 minute wait at most, to cast their votes...?

WHY IS IT TAKING 5 to 9 HOURS IN LINE TO VOTE in Democratic districts?.....

That's the fraud.... Through disenfranchisement.
I have no idea...but these laws blew up around the country after a ruling in Ellis v. Meeks,

In 1998, the Supreme Court of Kentucky, in Ellis v. Meeks, threw out the results of a primary election where the winner, Meeks (who prevailed by eight votes) had handed out free food at the polling place, and made it available to voters. The court rejected the argument that this was all harmless because there was no direct evidence that he had changed any votes or had demanded any explicit quid pro quo from voters:

At ten of the fifteen voting stations in the 11th Ward, Meeks made free food available to anyone present, glad-handed voters as they entered, and spoke with voters as they signed in to vote. Based upon this evidence, we… hold that Meeks’ non-verbal conduct solicited votes and amounted to electioneering within 500 feet of a building where votes were being cast…We can conceive of no other explanation for his actions…. We find that making free food available to precinct workers and voters was an item of value offered by Meeks in exchange for their votes or moral support in violation of [Kentucky law].
If you are really concerned about the GA citizens in line getting water, then you are free to donate it....give it to the poll workers, and they will make it available to the folks to get.
The poll workers are inside.... The water fountains are inside. How does that help the people in the mile long line?

That case, was the candidate himself, no?

Candidates should not be allowed to do what that candidate did....

They are not allowed to campaign at a polling place....nor should the people offering water or food in hours waiting voter lines..... Keep them from campaigning but not giving out water....

Better yet, there should be no situation, where it takes more than one hour in line, to vote..... Where is that legislation forcing state precincts to be fair and equal for all citizens in all voting districts?
I suppose anyone bringing a bottle of water and a power bar would solve every problem.
But then democrats would have no cause to work the lines handing out free goods to people likely to vote their way.
They are not there to tell them who to vote for, they already know who they likely are voting for.... They are handing out water, so the voters continue to stay another 3 hours in line, without passing out from heat stroke, or giving up and leaving because they can't take the heat and wait.

The whole Purpose of the long lines in Democratic voting places and smooth sailing in Republican districts...

To get the Democratic voter to just leave after a few hours of waiting, and to discourage other voters from voting due to the long lines.

you don't know your Republican party leaders/cheaters very well....
hEaT sTrOkE!!

Historical average temps the first week in November in Atlanta: 67 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

And, hey, you know who runs elections in Democrat districts?


You're angry at the wrong people.
I was wrong on the weather! Heat stroke in November is not likely as you correctly pointed out, but that was not the case in the summer primary Georgia had.... Where they had the 5 hour line wait....

The problem is the State of Georgia has cut voting precincts by 10% after the supreme court eliminated a civil rights voting act law that protected blacks from discrimination in Georgia....

while the active registered voters have increased by 40%....And the increased voters are primarily black and from the cities who have the very long lines....get a 10% cut in voting places.

this link is very informative, if you really want to know or care about what Georgia's Republican legislature and the Secretary of State, then Kent, did to disenfranchise the black voter....read it.

Are you saying White people don't have to stand in line to vote? That they walk to the front of the line? RME:stir:
read the article I linked to, on average the white voter only waits 8 minutes.
You lefties are so silly. Dangerous too.

Let’s take a look at what S.B. 202 actually says:​
No person shall solicit votes [or] distribute or display any campaign material, nor shall any person give, offer to give, or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to [a voter] … This Code section shall not be construed to prohibit a poll officer…from making available self-service water from an unattended receptacle to [a voter] waiting in line to vote.
The parts in bold are what S.B. 202 added to the statute. The prohibition applies inside polling places, within 150 feet of a polling place, or “within 25 feet of any voter standing in line to vote at any polling place.”​
Now, first of all, notice what is not prohibited here. Voters can still bring bottled water or other food or beverages with them to stand on line to vote, as people often do when waiting at Disney World or to buy concert tickets or in other public places where people stand on long lines. Voters can still also, if they like, order food; the bill doesn’t stop the Domino’s Pizza man or the local hot dog cart or taco truck from doing business. And if you feel impelled to donate food and drink to voters, you can still do that, too; you just have to give it to the poll workers so they can put it out for general use. The president’s claim that “You can’t provide water for people about to vote” is just false. What you cannot do under the new Georgia law is deploy people in National Rifle Association t-shirts and MAGA hats to hand out free Koch-brothers-financed, Federalist Society–branded pizza to voters.​

You are beyond Retarded! Poll workers can't keep up with the masses trying to vote inside causing 5 - 8 hour lines outside! There is no way in hell they have time to hand out pizza & water to thousands standing in line outside!!!!

This is why Republicans can't govern, they keep creating red tape to strip rights from free US citizens!!!

It aint the Bataan Death March poco.,. If the government has to hydrate/feed you to vote, next you'll be asking UnK Sam for a happy ending massage when you're triggered.. OR MAYBE it'll be mandatory if the Biden Admin gets around to that...
You Retards keep crawling out of the sewer. I said government poll workers don't have time to feed & water masses waiting in line. That is why friends, family, community groups, campaigns & delivery services should be allowed to. Republicans find any means necessary to strip voting rights & punish city voters.
Have mercy. Are you seriously suggesting that people can't stand in line for an hour or so without requiring food and drink? Have we really become so soft and weak?
Democrats are telling us that we can't travel or go to a movie without a COVID card......but we can let anyone vote without checking their I.D.

Do they really think we're as stupid as their dead voters are?

This new meme needs to go the Senators in your state that are trying to stop HR1 -- the federalizing of all election laws. And the rest of the members here ought to "repost" to THEIR Senators and everywhere else that they can.. It's the height of hypocrisy when I didn't think politics could become more phony and hypocritical...

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