Why pence is okay with FEMA camps for immigrant kids

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So then if you have a problem with how it is going, take it up with their parents who choose this.
Why? It isn't the parents fault they aren't born into a stable country.
Wrong. It pretty much is. Who is responsible if not the people who live there?

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Who is feed the money into destabizing the country with violence?

Where does the vast amount of arms come from to escalate that violence...

Anything to blame America. Somehow it has to be America's fault.

Yet, our country is so great that people are willing to risk the lives of their children to come here.

Hey ted, once you liberals and the immgrants turn the US into North Mexico, where you going to go to find a good place to live?

Lord but you're the dumbest tool in the tool box. People don't go to the United States to turn it into the country they just left, they go to the United States so they can become Americans. If they wanted to live in the country they left, they would have STAYED THERE.

I have never wanted to go to the United States to live. I have a better life here. I live in a cleaner, safer, and more secure country, and I find the Americans to be the most paranoid and frightened people on the planet.

If that was true, you lefties would not be so in favor of the illegals.

You support them because you know that they are changing America into a shitty Third World defacto One party state.

My question stands. What will they/you do when America is as shitty as Mexico?
Trump made a conscious decision to cause harm to children to further his political ends. 7 children have died needlessly in his custody. Children are being held in condititions were they are deprived of food, clean clothing, clean diapers, and beds to sleep on. All comparisons to Hitler ARE appropriate at this point.
Why? It isn't the parents fault they aren't born into a stable country.
Wrong. It pretty much is. Who is responsible if not the people who live there?

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Who is feed the money into destabizing the country with violence?

Where does the vast amount of arms come from to escalate that violence...

Anything to blame America. Somehow it has to be America's fault.

Yet, our country is so great that people are willing to risk the lives of their children to come here.

Hey ted, once you liberals and the immgrants turn the US into North Mexico, where you going to go to find a good place to live?

Lord but you're the dumbest tool in the tool box. People don't go to the United States to turn it into the country they just left, they go to the United States so they can become Americans. If they wanted to live in the country they left, they would have STAYED THERE.

I have never wanted to go to the United States to live. I have a better life here. I live in a cleaner, safer, and more secure country, and I find the Americans to be the most paranoid and frightened people on the planet.

If that was true, you lefties would not be so in favor of the illegals.

You support them because you know that they are changing America into a shitty Third World defacto One party state.

My question stands. What will they/you do when America is as shitty as Mexico?


Being opposed to the policies Trump is currently using and which have INCREASED illegal immigration, tortured small children and their parents, and wasting money on a wall that didn't work for China, didn't work in East Germany, isn't working for Israel, and won't work for the USA, is not being in favour of illegal immigration.

Expecting the richest nation in the world to provide diapers and food for babies in their custody, is not being in favour of illegal immigration. Treating prisoners in accordance with the minimum standards contained in the Geneva Convention would seem to be a minimum, especially when your prisoners are infants and toddlers. Allowing them to die in custody is a no no.

Your right you will never have their life experience but at least you could learn about it from them and not from your imagination

So, if in your world, it is impossible for me to understand their motivations,

is it equally impossible for them to understand mine? Or is that different?
I never did it was impossible. I said if you want to understand the. The learn from them... not by imagining what it would take for you to do it.

If I say I’ve imagined what it’s like to give birth without learning from an actual woman who has given birth do you think any mother out there would agree that means jack shit?

Depends on whether they are serious about wanting to communicate or if they are just looking for excuses to dismiss people they don't like.
Ok, but how would you know whether they are serious or not if you don’t engage?

By observing their actions.

If all they do is marginalize what you say, because of "reasons" and then try to lecture you based on their moral authority, then they were never serious about communicating.
You don’t know till you try and you ha met tried.
Yes, I definitely am learning about your challenges. No doubt.

But you are asking questions about what drives a parent to take these risks with their children and it doesn’t seem like you have any genuine interest to learn why, from them. You've imagined doing that to your kids and concluded that you’d never do such a thing so therefore those that do it must be crappy people or smugglers. It’s just pure ignorance

No, it is not. YOu are ignoring my challenges, and perspective. YOu are dismissing them, because they do not serve your interests or agenda.
You’re challenges and perspectives are not in question... those of immigrants are. That’s what we are discussing

Of course they aren't. Because you don't about them. To you, understanding is a one way street.

It is on US to understand them, not the other way around.

That is why your entire argument is sophist nonsense, provided for the sole purpose of dressing up the fact that all you are doing it telling me to shut up and be lectured to.
What are you talking about? You keep moving the goalpost. You asked a question about why people would take their children on a dangerous trek. You can’t turn it around in the same conversation and condemn me for not understanding your struggles... this conversation has nothing to do with you. If you want to make it about you then pose another question and we can discuss it.

I made a point about a parent taking their children on a dangerous trek.

YOU challenged my ability to judge people with different life experiences. I did not accuse you of moving the goal posts, because it was a relevant to the topic to challenge my ability to make a judgement.

And so we discussed that back and forth a little.

Now we have reached the end of that, and I have pointed out that your desire for understanding is not equal on both parties.

For if your concept of needing to do the work to understand each other is to be valid at all, the understanding must go both ways.

If not, you need to explain, why it is important for me to understand them, but they can ignore me and my concerns.

Because otherwise, it looks like you are just employing sophist nonsense for the sole purpose of dressing up the fact that all you are doing it telling me to shut up and be lectured to.
How do you know they are ignoring your concerns if youve never engaged with them?
What kind of parent, takes a kid on a dangerous trek across a desert with dangerous criminals?

when their 'home' is even more dangerous.

lol...love the fetus - hate the child.

don'tcha love them thar christian pro lifers & their 'every baby is precious & deserves to live' - when it really means is except after the cord is cut & just forget it if you are brown as well.
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Why isn't the meathead left O.K. with shipping illegal criminal aliens back?

no problemo once they are adjudicated & deemed a 'criminal' by having a record. but seeking asylum is not a crime & crossing the border is a civil matter - not necessarily a 'crime' unless you lie about who you are etc.

  1. Part VIII. General Penalty Provisions
  2. Section 1325. Improper entry by alien
8 U.S. Code § 1325. Improper entry by alien
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(a) Improper time or place; avoidance of examination or inspection; misrepresentation and concealment of facts
Any alien who (1) enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers, or (2) eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers, or (3) attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact, shall, for the first commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than 6 months, or both, and, for a subsequent commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18, or imprisoned not more than 2 years, or both.

alien who is apprehended while entering (or attempting to enter) the United States at a time or place other than as designated by immigration officers shall be subject to a civil penalty of—
at least $50 and not more than $250 for each such entry (or attempted entry); or
twice the amount specified in paragraph (1) in the case of an alien who has been previously subject to a civil penalty under this subsection.
Civil penalties under this subsection are in addition to, and not in lieu of, any criminal or other civil penalties that may be imposed.

8 U.S. Code § 1325 - Improper entry by alien

you do realize that south america is uber christian - much more than any fundie claiming they're one here... abortion is pretty much non existent & totally illegal - but birth control isn't freely available whether you have the money or not.
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he isn't so much a Christian as he is a trumptian.
So...……….when children arrive illegally over the border with a person, or persons, they should just be sent along, even though the person(s) transporting them, may be sex traffickers? You have to remember that the kids are coached on what to say when coming over the border and once in the US and away from the Border Patrol, they are then taken to provide sex for sick individuals. The kids MUST be separated from those bringing them until the authorities can ensure that the adults with them are actually their parents. Once that is complete, they are reunited and then processed to determine their reason for crossing illegally, rather than just going to border checkpoints and applying to enter the US.

A) um, apparently for the last 2 years-NOBODY thought of DNA samples?


B)guess what? any child coming here with FAMILY ( sibling, grandparent, aunt etc) is considered unaccompanied. doesn't matter if they are blood - they are separated.
i am telling you why they come here & not stay in mexico. they get adjudicated & the majority are denied. no need to get your panties in a twist.

They are coached to apply in order to overwhelm the system, by people like you.

They are doing this to the system on purpose.

ALL the problems are their fault.


coached? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you might wanna put some of the blame on our meddling in that part of the hemisphere.


Sure. Everything is America's fault in the mind of a liberal.

not everything... but certainly some. to deny that is to be a poorly educated trumpanzee.

How Narco States Work

The US war on drugs and its legacy in Latin America

This would be a good point to admit that your interest in this is just to find excuses to allow unlimited Third World Immigration to the US, so as to transform it away from what you hate.

Cause that it what this is all about.

this would be a great time to admit you are out of your fucking mind, cartoon boy. this is the SECOND time you failed to address the unbiased links i have shown you.
coached? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you might wanna put some of the blame on our meddling in that part of the hemisphere.


Sure. Everything is America's fault in the mind of a liberal.

not everything... but certainly some. to deny that is to be a poorly educated trumpanzee.

How Narco States Work

The US war on drugs and its legacy in Latin America

This would be a good point to admit that your interest in this is just to find excuses to allow unlimited Third World Immigration to the US, so as to transform it away from what you hate.

Cause that it what this is all about.

What this is all about is that you have a president who is willing to abuse and torture children for political gain.

I was talking to playtime, and he was pretty clear that he would say anything, so as to not have to justify why we have to leave the southern border open.

I want to seal the border. The president ran on building a wall, which would prevent the vast majority of those children from getting to those camps.

I don't know why the Wall is not already up. It would solve this problem. Why is this on the President when EVERYONE in dc is fighting against the Wall?

I was talking to playtime, and he


was pretty clear that he


would say anything,

only in your twisted head, cartoon boy.........

so as to not have to justify why we have to leave the southern border open.

nobody wants the border 'open' - again, you are spewing an absurd rwnj talking point.

I want to seal the border.

no doubt you do you little bigot, you...

The president ran on building a wall, which would prevent the vast majority of those children from getting to those camps.

he ran on pure racism & you are still swallowing the load.

I don't know why the Wall is not already up

it's inefficient.

It would solve this problem.

not nearly as well as more border patrol, drones, dogs, & high tech equpitment designed to track

Why is this on the President when EVERYONE in dc is fighting against the Wall?

your hero is a freak show. :113:
The best way for you and your children not to be in a "concentration camp" is not to be involved in the crime of unlawful entry. Problem solved.

seeking asylum is not a crime.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Sorry but the laws of the US do not allow for economic asylum. Just because you are poor and want to sign up for foodstamps and Obamacare subsidies and vote for filthy Democrats to get you even more free stuff don't mean you can legally come to the US.

When over 90% of the shitheads are denied asylum then they are blatantly breaking the law. If you want to apply for asylum then do it in your own country. Not after illegal entry at an illegal entry point. Don't bring your children to the scene of a crime.

Fuck Illegals.
he isn't so much a Christian as he is a trumptian.
You people are so full of lies and evil.

Christians have been helping the people at the boarder the entire time. I myself have support with money, charities that help those at the boarder.

Tell me, you walking trash... what have you done?

By the way, it's your left-wing democraps that have prevented anything from being done to help those people.

Trump offered a solution, and you rejected it. It's up to Congress... YOUR congress... the allocate the funds from Planned Parent Hood, and move that money from killing babies, to helping children. You and your scum sucking trash in government, have chosen not to.

So don't complain about how other people don't care, when you are the least caring people on this planet. You people are not even human.
The best way for you and your children not to be in a "concentration camp" is not to be involved in the crime of unlawful entry. Problem solved.

seeking asylum is not a crime.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Sorry but the laws of the US do not allow for economic asylum. Just because you are poor and want to sign up for foodstamps and Obamacare subsidies and vote for filthy Democrats to get you even more free stuff don't mean you can legally come to the US.

When over 90% of the shitheads are denied asylum then they are blatantly breaking the law. If you want to apply for asylum then do it in your own country. Not after illegal entry at an illegal entry point. Don't bring your children to the scene of a crime.

Fuck Illegals.

uh-huh.... how did that pablum rw pundits taste as it was going down your gullet?

murder, gang violence, drug cartels, & systematic rape is not 'economic' & a majority of asylum cases are denied BUT they need to be processed.
The best way for you and your children not to be in a "concentration camp" is not to be involved in the crime of unlawful entry. Problem solved.

seeking asylum is not a crime.
There are parameters for it otherwise its Fake but we know you love you some fake.

seeking asylum is not a crime & entering other than an official port of entry is a civil violation.
There are parameters for it and it’s not a function of simple desire.
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