Why pence is okay with FEMA camps for immigrant kids

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They pretty much suck. Japanese internment camps on steroids, mostly in the hottest climates in the US.

What do you mean, double the immigration caps?

I think we need more immigrants. Property values in our older cities still suck and we build houses too fast for the birthrate.

On this topic, what are the camps like?
Tents. Heat. No schooling for the kids. No hope except getting sent back to a regime that hates you more than the US.

Sounds like the conditions I lived in, when we were building schools, daycare centers, roads and other things in Honduras. Living in tents with heat indexes of 130+ by 10:00 AM. You commies have no clue how much money has been thrown at central America.


Are you angry at the Marshall Plan or something?

Ideally we'd all pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps but, sometimes its cheaper to fight the spread of socialism with dollars than bullets.

Nope, just pointing out the conditions our soldiers endure while trying to help those countries are actually worse than the conditions of the detention camps. From what I've seen they are using the modern tents with A/C at the detention centers. Even if they're not, don't expect me to shed any tears for these criminals.


Cool. Hey, next post I see about us being a Christian nation based on Jesus Love and all that nonsense I'm going to come get you to back me up about how "In God We Trust" must mean Allah or something who has nothing to do with the New Testament.
[QUOTE="Dana7360, post: 22595391, member: 50367"

A good parent doesn't let their child starve to death.

This is why they are coming.

Opinion | ‘Food Doesn’t Grow Here Anymore. That’s Why I Would Send My Son North.’

If you want to stop them from coming then you need to understand why they are coming then help solve the problem so they won't come anymore.

I guess that's just too hard for a right wing radical extremist to understand.[/QUOTE]

Right wing folks include farmers. Believe me, they understand how to grow food. It grows in the ground. Did you know that?
Cool. Hey, next post I see about us being a Christian nation based on Jesus Love and all that nonsense I'm going to come get you to back me up about how "In God We Trust" must mean Allah or something who has nothing to do with the New Testament.

America is based on Judeo-Christian morals and values. At least it was. So is Islam...at least it was.
Cool. Hey, next post I see about us being a Christian nation based on Jesus Love and all that nonsense I'm going to come get you to back me up about how "In God We Trust" must mean Allah or something who has nothing to do with the New Testament.

America is based on Judeo-Christian morals and values. At least it was. So is Islam...at least it was.

Cool. Let's take really good care of our modern Samaritans then and get them some air-conditioning.....if we're concerned there is going to be a St Peter controlling who gets in on Resurrection Day.
I think we need more immigrants. Property values in our older cities still suck and we build houses too fast for the birthrate.

On this topic, what are the camps like?
Tents. Heat. No schooling for the kids. No hope except getting sent back to a regime that hates you more than the US.

Sounds like the conditions I lived in, when we were building schools, daycare centers, roads and other things in Honduras. Living in tents with heat indexes of 130+ by 10:00 AM. You commies have no clue how much money has been thrown at central America.


Are you angry at the Marshall Plan or something?

Ideally we'd all pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps but, sometimes its cheaper to fight the spread of socialism with dollars than bullets.

Nope, just pointing out the conditions our soldiers endure while trying to help those countries are actually worse than the conditions of the detention camps. From what I've seen they are using the modern tents with A/C at the detention centers. Even if they're not, don't expect me to shed any tears for these criminals.


Cool. Hey, next post I see about us being a Christian nation based on Jesus Love and all that nonsense I'm going to come get you to back me up about how "In God We Trust" must mean Allah or something who has nothing to do with the New Testament.

No one forced those folks to break the law, it was their choice. Can't do the time, don't do the crime. And don't bring up the bible, you don't seem to have a clue what you're talking about.

Tents. Heat. No schooling for the kids. No hope except getting sent back to a regime that hates you more than the US.

Sounds like the conditions I lived in, when we were building schools, daycare centers, roads and other things in Honduras. Living in tents with heat indexes of 130+ by 10:00 AM. You commies have no clue how much money has been thrown at central America.


Are you angry at the Marshall Plan or something?

Ideally we'd all pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps but, sometimes its cheaper to fight the spread of socialism with dollars than bullets.

Nope, just pointing out the conditions our soldiers endure while trying to help those countries are actually worse than the conditions of the detention camps. From what I've seen they are using the modern tents with A/C at the detention centers. Even if they're not, don't expect me to shed any tears for these criminals.


Cool. Hey, next post I see about us being a Christian nation based on Jesus Love and all that nonsense I'm going to come get you to back me up about how "In God We Trust" must mean Allah or something who has nothing to do with the New Testament.

No one forced those folks to break the law, it was their choice. Can't do the time, don't do the crime. And don't bring up the bible, you don't seem to have a clue what you're talking about.


As long as your sure Jesus spent the Gospels talking about being kind to rich people and making the gate of the needle wider so their fat camels could get through instead of taking care of Samaritans and forgiving whores.......
Sounds like the conditions I lived in, when we were building schools, daycare centers, roads and other things in Honduras. Living in tents with heat indexes of 130+ by 10:00 AM. You commies have no clue how much money has been thrown at central America.


Are you angry at the Marshall Plan or something?

Ideally we'd all pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps but, sometimes its cheaper to fight the spread of socialism with dollars than bullets.

Nope, just pointing out the conditions our soldiers endure while trying to help those countries are actually worse than the conditions of the detention camps. From what I've seen they are using the modern tents with A/C at the detention centers. Even if they're not, don't expect me to shed any tears for these criminals.


Cool. Hey, next post I see about us being a Christian nation based on Jesus Love and all that nonsense I'm going to come get you to back me up about how "In God We Trust" must mean Allah or something who has nothing to do with the New Testament.

No one forced those folks to break the law, it was their choice. Can't do the time, don't do the crime. And don't bring up the bible, you don't seem to have a clue what you're talking about.


As long as your sure Jesus spent the Gospels talking about being kind to rich people and making the gate of the needle wider so their fat camels could get through instead of taking care of Samaritans and forgiving whores.......

1 Peter 2:13-17 13 Submit yourselves for the LORD's sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, 14 or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right.

Are you angry at the Marshall Plan or something?

Ideally we'd all pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps but, sometimes its cheaper to fight the spread of socialism with dollars than bullets.

Nope, just pointing out the conditions our soldiers endure while trying to help those countries are actually worse than the conditions of the detention camps. From what I've seen they are using the modern tents with A/C at the detention centers. Even if they're not, don't expect me to shed any tears for these criminals.


Cool. Hey, next post I see about us being a Christian nation based on Jesus Love and all that nonsense I'm going to come get you to back me up about how "In God We Trust" must mean Allah or something who has nothing to do with the New Testament.

No one forced those folks to break the law, it was their choice. Can't do the time, don't do the crime. And don't bring up the bible, you don't seem to have a clue what you're talking about.


As long as your sure Jesus spent the Gospels talking about being kind to rich people and making the gate of the needle wider so their fat camels could get through instead of taking care of Samaritans and forgiving whores.......

1 Peter 2:13-17 13 Submit yourselves for the LORD's sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, 14 or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right.


Um, we're talking Gospels here. Haven't you ever studied the ranks of books in the Bible?

Take your secondary books back to starter school on bible study.

I'll concede Jesus generally did say follow the damn laws and don't act a fool.
Nope, just pointing out the conditions our soldiers endure while trying to help those countries are actually worse than the conditions of the detention camps. From what I've seen they are using the modern tents with A/C at the detention centers. Even if they're not, don't expect me to shed any tears for these criminals.


Cool. Hey, next post I see about us being a Christian nation based on Jesus Love and all that nonsense I'm going to come get you to back me up about how "In God We Trust" must mean Allah or something who has nothing to do with the New Testament.

No one forced those folks to break the law, it was their choice. Can't do the time, don't do the crime. And don't bring up the bible, you don't seem to have a clue what you're talking about.


As long as your sure Jesus spent the Gospels talking about being kind to rich people and making the gate of the needle wider so their fat camels could get through instead of taking care of Samaritans and forgiving whores.......

1 Peter 2:13-17 13 Submit yourselves for the LORD's sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, 14 or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right.


Um, we're talking Gospels here. Haven't you ever studied the ranks of books in the Bible?

Take your secondary books back to starter school on bible study.

I'll concede Jesus generally did say follow the damn laws and don't act a fool.

I've never claimed to be a biblical scholar, and I've never invoked it as a counter argument. But I do know enough to bitch slap punk commies like you. Now support your president that is trying to enforce the damn law.

Cool. Hey, next post I see about us being a Christian nation based on Jesus Love and all that nonsense I'm going to come get you to back me up about how "In God We Trust" must mean Allah or something who has nothing to do with the New Testament.

No one forced those folks to break the law, it was their choice. Can't do the time, don't do the crime. And don't bring up the bible, you don't seem to have a clue what you're talking about.


As long as your sure Jesus spent the Gospels talking about being kind to rich people and making the gate of the needle wider so their fat camels could get through instead of taking care of Samaritans and forgiving whores.......

1 Peter 2:13-17 13 Submit yourselves for the LORD's sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, 14 or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right.


Um, we're talking Gospels here. Haven't you ever studied the ranks of books in the Bible?

Take your secondary books back to starter school on bible study.

I'll concede Jesus generally did say follow the damn laws and don't act a fool.

I've never claimed to be a biblical scholar, and I've never invoked it as a counter argument. But I do know enough to bitch slap punk commies like you. Now support your president that is trying to enforce the damn law.


You calling the fellow with the Iowa class avatar a commie while TELLING me who to support after talking about beating ppl up? That's real Non-Democratic and Non-Christian of you.

Want to agree that we should treat these kids of criminals decently in the event we want to be proud when we look our kids in the eye OR we want to hedge our bets on the in/out thing on judgement day.
No one forced those folks to break the law, it was their choice. Can't do the time, don't do the crime. And don't bring up the bible, you don't seem to have a clue what you're talking about.


As long as your sure Jesus spent the Gospels talking about being kind to rich people and making the gate of the needle wider so their fat camels could get through instead of taking care of Samaritans and forgiving whores.......

1 Peter 2:13-17 13 Submit yourselves for the LORD's sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, 14 or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right.


Um, we're talking Gospels here. Haven't you ever studied the ranks of books in the Bible?

Take your secondary books back to starter school on bible study.

I'll concede Jesus generally did say follow the damn laws and don't act a fool.

I've never claimed to be a biblical scholar, and I've never invoked it as a counter argument. But I do know enough to bitch slap punk commies like you. Now support your president that is trying to enforce the damn law.


You calling the fellow with the Iowa class avatar a commie while TELLING me who to support after talking about beating ppl up? That's real Non-Democratic and Non-Christian of you.

Want to agree that we should treat these kids of criminals decently in the event we want to be proud when we look our kids in the eye OR we want to hedge our bets on the in/out thing on judgement day.

Beating people up? LMAO And maybe you should spend your time telling commie congresscritters to give CBP, ICE and DHS the resources to properly take care of these kids while we're preparing to send them home.

he isn't so much a Christian as he is a trumptian.
So...……….when children arrive illegally over the border with a person, or persons, they should just be sent along, even though the person(s) transporting them, may be sex traffickers? You have to remember that the kids are coached on what to say when coming over the border and once in the US and away from the Border Patrol, they are then taken to provide sex for sick individuals. The kids MUST be separated from those bringing them until the authorities can ensure that the adults with them are actually their parents. Once that is complete, they are reunited and then processed to determine their reason for crossing illegally, rather than just going to border checkpoints and applying to enter the US.
They have family here? So fucking what?

It is completely possible for some of a family to live in Mexico, and some of them to live in the US.


i am telling you why they come here & not stay in mexico. they get adjudicated & the majority are denied. no need to get your panties in a twist.

They are coached to apply in order to overwhelm the system, by people like you.

They are doing this to the system on purpose.

ALL the problems are their fault.


coached? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you might wanna put some of the blame on our meddling in that part of the hemisphere.


Sure. Everything is America's fault in the mind of a liberal.

not everything... but certainly some. to deny that is to be a poorly educated trumpanzee.

How Narco States Work

The US war on drugs and its legacy in Latin America

This would be a good point to admit that your interest in this is just to find excuses to allow unlimited Third World Immigration to the US, so as to transform it away from what you hate.

Cause that it what this is all about.
i am telling you why they come here & not stay in mexico. they get adjudicated & the majority are denied. no need to get your panties in a twist.

They are coached to apply in order to overwhelm the system, by people like you.

They are doing this to the system on purpose.

ALL the problems are their fault.


coached? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you might wanna put some of the blame on our meddling in that part of the hemisphere.


Sure. Everything is America's fault in the mind of a liberal.

not everything... but certainly some. to deny that is to be a poorly educated trumpanzee.

How Narco States Work

The US war on drugs and its legacy in Latin America

This would be a good point to admit that your interest in this is just to find excuses to allow unlimited Third World Immigration to the US, so as to transform it away from what you hate.

Cause that it what this is all about.

What this is all about is that you have a president who is willing to abuse and torture children for political gain.
None of that would change the fact that I don't have their "life experience".


So, if in your world, it is impossible for me to understand their motivations,

is it equally impossible for them to understand mine? Or is that different?
Your right you will never have their life experience but at least you could learn about it from them and not from your imagination

So, if in your world, it is impossible for me to understand their motivations,

is it equally impossible for them to understand mine? Or is that different?
I never did it was impossible. I said if you want to understand the. The learn from them... not by imagining what it would take for you to do it.

If I say I’ve imagined what it’s like to give birth without learning from an actual woman who has given birth do you think any mother out there would agree that means jack shit?

Depends on whether they are serious about wanting to communicate or if they are just looking for excuses to dismiss people they don't like.
Ok, but how would you know whether they are serious or not if you don’t engage?

By observing their actions.

If all they do is marginalize what you say, because of "reasons" and then try to lecture you based on their moral authority, then they were never serious about communicating.
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