Why pence is okay with FEMA camps for immigrant kids

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he isn't so much a Christian as he is a trumptian.

Pence is a dangerous man but I'm not sure I have a better idea on what to do in this case.

How about we improve the camps and make Big Government Mike come to us for permission on how to use his body's sticks and holes.
How about we stop peeing our pants about people that are no threat to us?
This what America will be like if we don't get control of the problem
latin america crime stat.PNG
Empathy is developed by listening and learning about the perspectives and challenges of others. Not just imagining what you’d do.

You ignored what I said about endangering a child. Did you not listen to me? DId you learn about my perspective? My challenges?
Yes, I definitely am learning about your challenges. No doubt.

But you are asking questions about what drives a parent to take these risks with their children and it doesn’t seem like you have any genuine interest to learn why, from them. You've imagined doing that to your kids and concluded that you’d never do such a thing so therefore those that do it must be crappy people or smugglers. It’s just pure ignorance

No, it is not. YOu are ignoring my challenges, and perspective. YOu are dismissing them, because they do not serve your interests or agenda.
You’re challenges and perspectives are not in question... those of immigrants are. That’s what we are discussing

Of course they aren't. Because you don't about them. To you, understanding is a one way street.

It is on US to understand them, not the other way around.

That is why your entire argument is sophist nonsense, provided for the sole purpose of dressing up the fact that all you are doing it telling me to shut up and be lectured to.
What are you talking about? You keep moving the goalpost. You asked a question about why people would take their children on a dangerous trek. You can’t turn it around in the same conversation and condemn me for not understanding your struggles... this conversation has nothing to do with you. If you want to make it about you then pose another question and we can discuss it.
Living in a cage, with lights on 24/7, an exposed toilet, sleep on concrete

That is how Trump treats children
Ok so what’s your theory? What kind of parent takes a kid on a dangerous journey?

A crap one, if not even NOT a parent, as seems to often be the case.
So the point of this question of yours is to demonize all those coming over and paint them as either traffickers or crappy people?

Have you been to the border and seen these people? Spoken to them? Seen live coverage of interviews? Anything? Where are you drawing these conclusions from?

From the knowledge that it is a dangerous and illegal trek, that no good parent would take their child on.

Thus, pointing that out, is not "demonizing" them, but judging them on their actions.
Your judging them on their actions with no experience or understanding of who they are where they come from and why they are doing what they are doing.

I know that there are very few "experiences" that would lead a good parent to putting their child's life in danger.

A good parent doesn't let their child starve to death.

This is why they are coming.

Opinion | ‘Food Doesn’t Grow Here Anymore. That’s Why I Would Send My Son North.’

If you want to stop them from coming then you need to understand why they are coming then help solve the problem so they won't come anymore.

I guess that's just too hard for a right wing radical extremist to understand.
he isn't so much a Christian as he is a trumptian.

Pence is a dangerous man but I'm not sure I have a better idea on what to do in this case.

How about we improve the camps and make Big Government Mike come to us for permission on how to use his body's sticks and holes.
How about we stop peeing our pants about people that are no threat to us?
This what America will be like if we don't get control of the problem
View attachment 266241

Don't worry. We took in the losers of Europe and turned out ok.
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