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Why Perry cannot lose

The GOP actually represents the middle class, especially small business owners, in this country. That is obvious if you look at the new governors. The Dums represent the uber wealthy on either coast and their footmen union workers and black voting bloc.
The GOP governors who were being laughed at here for low approval ratings are seeing their policies bear fruit. Florida has a higher credit rating than the United States. Wisconsin has taken a huge deficit and is turning it into a surplus. New Jersey is back from the dead.
That will play out nationally as well.

You know, the thing is, the GOP only cares about the small business owners. They don't care about the people who have to work for them. Or at the very least, they do a pretty bad job of connecting with them.

The biggest problem the GOP has is the perception that they are out of touch with the Nascar Dad and the Soccer Mom. It isn't fair, but it's true.

Right now, Perry or Romney should be mopping the floor with Obama in the polls, given all the shit that's gone down in the last two months. They are barely running even with him.

I applaud the fiscal sanity they are trying to impose, but at the end of the day, those "union footmen" you villify are working folks, too. They have all the same concerns that their non-union brethern have. The GOP needs to address those concerns.

I do think Perry can do a better job of making that connection than Mitt, "I need a bigger mansion" Romney.
You've been listening to Leftists too much. The GOP very much cares about working people. Which party has consistently been i favor of empowering individuals to make decisions about themselves and their economic situation? Which party wanted to pry an individual's healthcare from the clutches of his employer? Which party wanted to empower an individual in his retirement choices, rather than rely on Big Daddy Social Security, which everyone knows is broke.
Do working class people really identify with Obama and his Martha Vineyard vacations and numerous golf games? No, I don't think so. When he starts dropping his g's in campaign speeches, hold on to your wallet.

The reason teh polling is not better is that people aren't paying attention yet. The first primary is months away. The only people paying attention are morons like all of us who post here all the time.
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You've been listening to Leftists too much. The GOP very much cares about working people. Which party has consistently been i favor of empowering individuals to make decisions about themselves and their economic situation? Which party wanted to pry an individual's healthcare from the clutches of his employer? Which party wanted to empower an individual in his retirement choices, rather than rely on Big Daddy Social Security, which everyone knows is broke.
Do working class people really identify with Obama and his Martha Vineyard vacations and numerous golf games? No, I don't think so. When he starts dropping his g's in campaign speeches, hold on to your wallet.

The reason teh polling is not better is that people aren't paying attention yet. The first primary is months away. The only people paying attention are morons like all of us who post here all the time.

They may not identify with Obama's Martha Vineyard vacations, but they don't identify with Romney's Four mansions (one of which is apparently not big enough).

Now, you mention how the GOP tried to change social security, but look how that backfired on Bush. Everyone saw it as an attempt to enrich Wall Street. (I think in principle, he was right, but he sold it very badly.)

Now, on the polling, you might be right, but I think that would mean a higher percentage of undecided. Perry and Obama are tied at 47% each. That leaves only about 6% that are persuadable or haven't got an initial opinion.
Again a 2 bedroom home is not considered a MANSION--:cuckoo: With Romney planning an addition means he is actually creating some private sector jobs.

Well, there's that. I mean, usually Romney destroyed private sector jobs while enriching himself.

BUt his home in California is worth 12 million and has floor space of 3000 SF. Now, frankly, I don't know how a supposed 2 bedroom house can be worth 12 million. Is it make of gold or something?

Perry--has a loose canon mouth. Now while he may send tingley leg feelings up Republican legs with his mouth--he will be sending independents RUNNING. And as everyone knows by now--if you don't capture the independent vote in this country you will lose the general election.

Yawn, yup, there's this again. Why, we need someone who is just going to kind of nod and agree with Obama, that's the ticket. Don't you dare point out TARP and QE1 and 2 went to big banks, some of them overseas..

Wall Street and Overseas Fat Cats Feast On Federal Reserve Cabbage - HUMAN EVENTS

You know, I'm old. I think I've heard this song before. Yes, it was 1980, all we need to do is chang a couple words in the lyrics. "We need to nominate George Bush (Romney) because that Ronald Reagan (Perry) is such a loose cannon, and he scares independents and moderates."

Thankfully, conservatives didn't listen to that kind of nonsense from people who didn't have their best interests at heart then.

Furthermore--Perry being from Texas--is going to be painted with a G.W Bush brush--and just that name--is still toxic to millions of Americans.

The people who are still suffering Bush Derangement Syndrome at this point aren't going to vote for any Republican. I think Bush was an awful president, but Obama is worse. I'm certainly not going to reject Perry because he has the same accent.

Romney has a lot of business experience--the one thing that is glaringly lacking in D.C.--and he attracts independents. He basically says the same thing as Perry--but not in an offensive--I am from Texas--and Texas is going to kick your ass rhetoric.

You know, why does everyone talk about business experience like it's the be all and end all? Bush had more business experience than government experience. So did Jimmy Carter, for that matter. Usually, in a business, if someone disagrees with you or obstructs progress, you can fire them. YOu can't fire the oppossition. You have to work with it.
Again a 2 bedroom home is not considered a MANSION--:cuckoo: With Romney planning an addition means he is actually creating some private sector jobs.

Well, there's that. I mean, usually Romney destroyed private sector jobs while enriching himself.

BUt his home in California is worth 12 million and has floor space of 3000 SF. Now, frankly, I don't know how a supposed 2 bedroom house can be worth 12 million. Is it make of gold or something?

Perry--has a loose canon mouth. Now while he may send tingley leg feelings up Republican legs with his mouth--he will be sending independents RUNNING. And as everyone knows by now--if you don't capture the independent vote in this country you will lose the general election.

Yawn, yup, there's this again. Why, we need someone who is just going to kind of nod and agree with Obama, that's the ticket. Don't you dare point out TARP and QE1 and 2 went to big banks, some of them overseas..

Wall Street and Overseas Fat Cats Feast On Federal Reserve Cabbage - HUMAN EVENTS

You know, I'm old. I think I've heard this song before. Yes, it was 1980, all we need to do is chang a couple words in the lyrics. "We need to nominate George Bush (Romney) because that Ronald Reagan (Perry) is such a loose cannon, and he scares independents and moderates."

Thankfully, conservatives didn't listen to that kind of nonsense from people who didn't have their best interests at heart then.

Furthermore--Perry being from Texas--is going to be painted with a G.W Bush brush--and just that name--is still toxic to millions of Americans.

The people who are still suffering Bush Derangement Syndrome at this point aren't going to vote for any Republican. I think Bush was an awful president, but Obama is worse. I'm certainly not going to reject Perry because he has the same accent.

Romney has a lot of business experience--the one thing that is glaringly lacking in D.C.--and he attracts independents. He basically says the same thing as Perry--but not in an offensive--I am from Texas--and Texas is going to kick your ass rhetoric.

You know, why does everyone talk about business experience like it's the be all and end all? Bush had more business experience than government experience. So did Jimmy Carter, for that matter. Usually, in a business, if someone disagrees with you or obstructs progress, you can fire them. YOu can't fire the oppossition. You have to work with it.

You know what amazes me the most?
people still call GWB an awful president ans we had an avg of 5% UE during his entire time in office
His deficit spending was for the most part to fight 2 wars he did not start

Its a joke
It is the biggest can job ever done
You've been listening to Leftists too much. The GOP very much cares about working people. Which party has consistently been i favor of empowering individuals to make decisions about themselves and their economic situation? Which party wanted to pry an individual's healthcare from the clutches of his employer? Which party wanted to empower an individual in his retirement choices, rather than rely on Big Daddy Social Security, which everyone knows is broke.
Do working class people really identify with Obama and his Martha Vineyard vacations and numerous golf games? No, I don't think so. When he starts dropping his g's in campaign speeches, hold on to your wallet.

The reason teh polling is not better is that people aren't paying attention yet. The first primary is months away. The only people paying attention are morons like all of us who post here all the time.

They may not identify with Obama's Martha Vineyard vacations, but they don't identify with Romney's Four mansions (one of which is apparently not big enough).

Now, you mention how the GOP tried to change social security, but look how that backfired on Bush. Everyone saw it as an attempt to enrich Wall Street. (I think in principle, he was right, but he sold it very badly.)

Now, on the polling, you might be right, but I think that would mean a higher percentage of undecided. Perry and Obama are tied at 47% each. That leaves only about 6% that are persuadable or haven't got an initial opinion.

Romney is a millionaire. So what? McCain married a millionaire. Romney can spend his money any way he wants. So what if he is enlarging his house? It's his house. I dont think anyone begrudges that. He also isn't the president.
Obama is the president, sort of. He has taken more vacations in the last six months than I have in the last six years. He has sent his wife on expensive vacations to Spain. He has sent his wife to buy arrugula, blocking Washington traffic for an hour.
John Kerry got into trouble for trying to avoid taxes on his yacht. Charlie Rangel got into trouble for avoiding taxes on his property in the Caribbean.
Millionaires and billionaires support the Democratic Party. People like Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, and Jeffrey Immelt. The Dums' bleating about the GOP being the party of the rich is simply bullshit. The major campaign contributions from Wall St last election cycle went to Obama.

As for the polling, I wouldn't consider anything very reliable until we are about 3 months from the general election. People just arent paying much attention yet.
Again a 2 bedroom home is not considered a MANSION--:cuckoo: With Romney planning an addition means he is actually creating some private sector jobs.

Well, there's that. I mean, usually Romney destroyed private sector jobs while enriching himself.

BUt his home in California is worth 12 million and has floor space of 3000 SF. Now, frankly, I don't know how a supposed 2 bedroom house can be worth 12 million. Is it make of gold or something?

You obviously are unfamiliar with the California real estate market.
Romney is a millionaire. So what? McCain married a millionaire. Romney can spend his money any way he wants. So what if he is enlarging his house? It's his house. I dont think anyone begrudges that. He also isn't the president.
Obama is the president, sort of. He has taken more vacations in the last six months than I have in the last six years. He has sent his wife on expensive vacations to Spain. He has sent his wife to buy arrugula, blocking Washington traffic for an hour.
John Kerry got into trouble for trying to avoid taxes on his yacht. Charlie Rangel got into trouble for avoiding taxes on his property in the Caribbean.
Millionaires and billionaires support the Democratic Party. People like Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, and Jeffrey Immelt. The Dums' bleating about the GOP being the party of the rich is simply bullshit. The major campaign contributions from Wall St last election cycle went to Obama.

And this time, they are going to Romney. Which makes me wonder why we bother with this whole election thing at all. I mean, I guess they can pretend our votes mean something.

If you are going to try to argue that their millionaires are worse than our millionaires, their millionaires know how to connect. They don't come off as out of touch, unlike ours, who do.
It's funny that the staunch Conservatives are in the "shill for our Conservative guy" mode, when his record is so blatantly Centerist it's unbelievable.

You Conservatives are pretty gullible, it seems. Not all. I wouldn't want to Generalize, actually.
It's funny that the staunch Conservatives are in the "shill for our Conservative guy" mode, when his record is so blatantly Centerist it's unbelievable.

You Conservatives are pretty gullible, it seems. Not all. I wouldn't want to Generalize, actually.

If you are referring to Perry here, I don't really care if he's centrist or conservative. (I consider myself pretty centrist to start with.)

What concerns me is that he's got a record of accomplishment, gets things done and doesn't take guff off of anyone. He's what's really been lacking in the Washington for a long time, a backbone and a pair of testicles.

Compared to the "Community Organizer" who screeches "don't call my bluff, Eric" and then is amazed when his bluff gets called. (Well, you admitted it was a bluff, didn't you?)
It's funny that the staunch Conservatives are in the "shill for our Conservative guy" mode, when his record is so blatantly Centerist it's unbelievable.

You Conservatives are pretty gullible, it seems. Not all. I wouldn't want to Generalize, actually.

If you are referring to Perry here, I don't really care if he's centrist or conservative. (I consider myself pretty centrist to start with.)

What concerns me is that he's got a record of accomplishment, gets things done and doesn't take guff off of anyone. He's what's really been lacking in the Washington for a long time, a backbone and a pair of testicles.

Compared to the "Community Organizer" who screeches "don't call my bluff, Eric" and then is amazed when his bluff gets called. (Well, you admitted it was a bluff, didn't you?)

I understand you're pretty centerist, yourself, which is why you should have understood the fact that my post didn't reference you at all. :razz:
It's funny that the staunch Conservatives are in the "shill for our Conservative guy" mode, when his record is so blatantly Centerist it's unbelievable.

You Conservatives are pretty gullible, it seems. Not all. I wouldn't want to Generalize, actually.

If you are referring to Perry here, I don't really care if he's centrist or conservative. (I consider myself pretty centrist to start with.)

What concerns me is that he's got a record of accomplishment, gets things done and doesn't take guff off of anyone. He's what's really been lacking in the Washington for a long time, a backbone and a pair of testicles.

Compared to the "Community Organizer" who screeches "don't call my bluff, Eric" and then is amazed when his bluff gets called. (Well, you admitted it was a bluff, didn't you?)

I understand you're pretty centerist, yourself, which is why you should have understood the fact that my post didn't reference you at all. :razz:

Well, arguing with Rabbi (who I suppose was your target) was your point, yes. I was trying to stake out why I'd support the guy, being a moderate to conservative, kind of depending on my mood that day and whose ticking me off.

But carry on.
If you are referring to Perry here, I don't really care if he's centrist or conservative. (I consider myself pretty centrist to start with.)

What concerns me is that he's got a record of accomplishment, gets things done and doesn't take guff off of anyone. He's what's really been lacking in the Washington for a long time, a backbone and a pair of testicles.

Compared to the "Community Organizer" who screeches "don't call my bluff, Eric" and then is amazed when his bluff gets called. (Well, you admitted it was a bluff, didn't you?)

I understand you're pretty centerist, yourself, which is why you should have understood the fact that my post didn't reference you at all. :razz:

Well, arguing with Rabbi (who I suppose was your target) was your point, yes. I was trying to stake out why I'd support the guy, being a moderate to conservative, kind of depending on my mood that day and whose ticking me off.

But carry on.

I was pointing to the fact of how loud and proud they support him and then when he fails to implement Conservatism they blame his failures on being a liberal. It's never happened any other way.
Romney is a millionaire. So what? McCain married a millionaire. Romney can spend his money any way he wants. So what if he is enlarging his house? It's his house. I dont think anyone begrudges that. He also isn't the president.
Obama is the president, sort of. He has taken more vacations in the last six months than I have in the last six years. He has sent his wife on expensive vacations to Spain. He has sent his wife to buy arrugula, blocking Washington traffic for an hour.
John Kerry got into trouble for trying to avoid taxes on his yacht. Charlie Rangel got into trouble for avoiding taxes on his property in the Caribbean.
Millionaires and billionaires support the Democratic Party. People like Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, and Jeffrey Immelt. The Dums' bleating about the GOP being the party of the rich is simply bullshit. The major campaign contributions from Wall St last election cycle went to Obama.

And this time, they are going to Romney. Which makes me wonder why we bother with this whole election thing at all. I mean, I guess they can pretend our votes mean something.

If you are going to try to argue that their millionaires are worse than our millionaires, their millionaires know how to connect. They don't come off as out of touch, unlike ours, who do.

I dont know who "they" are.
Obama comes off as out of touch. Maxine Waters comes off as out of her mind. Ditto several other members of the Congressional Black Caucus.
Again, you are spewing the left wing talking points without much evidence. The Left is constantly in favor of Big Brother taking care of things while COnservatives believe in empowering individuals.
Has this distinction been lost on you?
It's funny that the staunch Conservatives are in the "shill for our Conservative guy" mode, when his record is so blatantly Centerist it's unbelievable.

You Conservatives are pretty gullible, it seems. Not all. I wouldn't want to Generalize, actually.

Are you speaking about Perry? Perry is not a centrist. Why do you think the media is trying to smear him as some right wing Christian whack job?
Apparently, just about anyone could beat obama now.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 19% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-five percent (45%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -26 (see trends).

This is the lowest Approval Index rating yet measured for President Obama. The previous low was -24 reached yesterday and also in September 2010. Additionally, the level of Strong Approval matches the lowest yet recorded. By way of comparison, President Bush had ratings near the end of his second term in the minus 30s.
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Apparently, just about anyone could beat obama now.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 19% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-five percent (45%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -26 (see trends).

This is the lowest Approval Index rating yet measured for President Obama. The previous low was -24 reached yesterday and also in September 2010. Additionally, the level of Strong Approval matches the lowest yet recorded. By way of comparison, President Bush had ratings near the end of his second term in the minus 30s.

So Bush, faced with two unpopular wars and a growing recession as well as a hostile press that pounded him daily is almost tied with Obama, who has had three years to turn things around and a fawning press.
So you miss him yet?
Apparently, just about anyone could beat obama now.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 19% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-five percent (45%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -26 (see trends).

This is the lowest Approval Index rating yet measured for President Obama. The previous low was -24 reached yesterday and also in September 2010. Additionally, the level of Strong Approval matches the lowest yet recorded. By way of comparison, President Bush had ratings near the end of his second term in the minus 30s.

So Bush, faced with two unpopular wars and a growing recession as well as a hostile press that pounded him daily is almost tied with Obama, who has had three years to turn things around and a fawning press.
So you miss him yet?

and in 07 he we were within 163 billion of breaking even
he gets attacked daily for that and BHO gets praise for deficits n the trillions and UE close to 9%

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