Why Perry Can't Win

If folks polar as NGSampson and The Rabbi have no troubling unmasking JoeB as a hating atheist who uses other peoples' work as it were his own, and then badly at that, it is time for JoeB to apologize.
If folks polar as NGSampson and The Rabbi have no troubling unmasking JoeB as a hating atheist who uses other peoples' work as it were his own, and then badly at that, it is time for JoeB to apologize.

Actually, I would describe Samson as being "Bi-Polar"...

I used a phrase that LOTS Of people in the Catholic community used to describe the nuns.

Cheech and Chong had the character of "Sister Mary Elephant". The Blues Brothers used the character of "Sister Mary Stigmata".


The character was hilarious because if you grew up Catholic some time between 1950 and 1980, you encountered someone like this...

As for Sister Mary Butch, I thought that was original, but apparently someone else had the same idea. WHich I guess was kind of obvious. Other than the name, the two stories have nothing in common.
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JoeB, you are merely looking stubborn and incorrect. The rest of the world is not out of touch, you are.
Unfortunately, I think he does... :eek:

Can you make a convincing argument as to why slavery is bad? You maintain it's bad and that Gd is immoral for allowing it. So surely it ought to be cinch for you to explain and defend your position.

Actually, I can prove it is immoral simply by pointing out what Jesus said.

"Do onto others as they would do onto you."

Would you want someone to do to you what was regularly done to Slaves in this country. The beatings, the mutilations, the rapes? The forced labor. Being able to sell your children and you'd never see them again?

The Old South was more like Mandingo or Roots than Gone with the Wind, guy.

If you accept that Jesus set a standard of morality that we should all treat each other the way we'd want to be treated, than Slavery is immoral by Jesus' own standards.

Too bad he never got around to saying so explicitly.

There were slaves in the time of Jesus. I don't recall Jesus preaching for freeing slaves. Do you?
Your account of slavery in this country is colored by Uncle Tom's Cabin type literature. The reality is slaves, being valuable property, were seldom mistreated.

If the best argument you can make is based on a book you don't believe in then you aren't very persuasive.
JoeB, you are merely looking stubborn and incorrect. The rest of the world is not out of touch, you are.

Guy, once upon a time, everyone believed the world was flat.

It wasn't.

Just because everyone believes in a Sky Pixie doesn't mean there's a sky pixie.

And frankly, that's a little persumpteous, saying the "rest of the world". Of the world's 7 billion people, only 2 billion of them are some flavor of Christian.
JoeB, you are merely looking stubborn and incorrect. The rest of the world is not out of touch, you are.

Guy, once upon a time, everyone believed the world was flat.

It wasn't.

Just because everyone believes in a Sky Pixie doesn't mean there's a sky pixie.

And frankly, that's a little persumpteous, saying the "rest of the world". Of the world's 7 billion people, only 2 billion of them are some flavor of Christian.

Guy. You would make a lousy poker player. Guy.
There were slaves in the time of Jesus. I don't recall Jesus preaching for freeing slaves. Do you?
Your account of slavery in this country is colored by Uncle Tom's Cabin type literature. The reality is slaves, being valuable property, were seldom mistreated.

If the best argument you can make is based on a book you don't believe in then you aren't very persuasive.

Actually, my view is colored by HISTORY. You know, like THIS GUY.


And your right, Jesus didn't preach to free the slaves. But he did say we should treat each other the way we'd want to be treated.

The very notion of human beings as property is unacceptable, but you come off like one of these confederate apologists trying to do so.
JoeB continues to mumble and bumble, stumble and crumble. :lol:

And stomp bible thumping morons into the mud...

I am not a Bible thumpoer nor do I claim to be a Christian but you are way off your opinion is incorrect when it comes to God, Jesus and the Bible.

Actually, the bible has been the excuse for some of the worst behavior in human history. Bibles should come with the following warning label...

There were slaves in the time of Jesus. I don't recall Jesus preaching for freeing slaves. Do you?
Your account of slavery in this country is colored by Uncle Tom's Cabin type literature. The reality is slaves, being valuable property, were seldom mistreated.

If the best argument you can make is based on a book you don't believe in then you aren't very persuasive.

Actually, my view is colored by HISTORY. You know, like THIS GUY.

And your right, Jesus didn't preach to free the slaves. But he did say we should treat each other the way we'd want to be treated.

The very notion of human beings as property is unacceptable, but you come off like one of these confederate apologists trying to do so.

Like I said, Uncle Tom's Cabin propaganda. You have fallen for propaganda that is 150 years old.
Merely repeating something doesn't make it true. It makes you a gibbering idiot.
Can you not construct a better argument against slavery than a) I said so, and b) Jesus, whom I don't believe in, said so too?
I am not a Bible thumpoer nor do I claim to be a Christian but you are way off your opinion is incorrect when it comes to God, Jesus and the Bible.

Actually, the bible has been the excuse for some of the worst behavior in human history.


As has radical secularism.........
Can you say Mao? Stalin? :lol:

NOt even comparable. Stalin and Mao were the result of nations losing their minds after years of war. Before Mao started killing people, China had been at civil war and being invaded for 20 years. Life became cheap at that point, especially in that culture.

If you want to talk about mass slaughter, Chinese history is full of it. Read about the Taiping Rebellion of the 19th century some time. 20 million people killed with less advanced technology because some loon thought he was the brother of Jesus Christ and the Q'ing Dynasty fought a 20 year war to wipe them out. The Lushan Rebellion of the sixth century may have killed as many as 33 million. The Mongol conquest killed some 30-60 million.

True, modern slaughters have been worse, but more because of technology than intent
Like I said, Uncle Tom's Cabin propaganda. You have fallen for propaganda that is 150 years old.
Merely repeating something doesn't make it true. It makes you a gibbering idiot.
Can you not construct a better argument against slavery than a) I said so, and b) Jesus, whom I don't believe in, said so too?

Question, would you sell your daughter into slavery tomorrow if someone made a good enough offer on her? The bible says you can.. (Exodus 21 : 7)

Of course not. You'd never do that. (At least I hope you wouldn't.)

So why would it be okay to do that to someone else's son or daughter?

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