Why Real Americans Despise Glenn Beck

Aren't any of the Beck fan Rightwingers on this forum going to defend him? I was looking forward to the contortions.

Why bother? We're enjoying the left's contortions here. Remember, your side saw nothing wrong with Piss Christ.

Andres Serrano was an artist before, during, and after Immersion. Beck is not an artist, but a shock jock, doing something shocking.

Andres Serrano was not seeking to denounce Christ or religion - this was one of several statuettes submerged in different liquids, like milk and blood. Beck IS seeking to denounce Obama.

In fact, Andres Serrano's Immersion is doing the opposite - it's a commentary on the commercializing of Jesus.

As smart as you believe yourself to be, you really are very ignorant about a lot of the issues you try to discuss on this site. Maybe you should read more. And maybe more than The Drudge Report and the Limbaugh Letter. :lol:

You stupid fuck......Serrano is a nothing, a hack, a pile of his own shit..... it says volumes about idiots like you that you label the crap he does as art. I bet you think rap or hip hop or whatever you imbeciles are calling it this week, you think that is music...right? dumbass!
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Why bother? We're enjoying the left's contortions here. Remember, your side saw nothing wrong with Piss Christ.

Andres Serrano was an artist before, during, and after Immersion. Beck is not an artist, but a shock jock, doing something shocking.

Andres Serrano was not seeking to denounce Christ or religion - this was one of several statuettes submerged in different liquids, like milk and blood. Beck IS seeking to denounce Obama.

In fact, Andres Serrano's Immersion is doing the opposite - it's a commentary on the commercializing of Jesus.

As smart as you believe yourself to be, you really are very ignorant about a lot of the issues you try to discuss on this site. Maybe you should read more. And maybe more than The Drudge Report and the Limbaugh Letter. :lol:

You stupid fuck......Serrano is a nothing, a hack, a pile of his own shit..... it says volumes about idiots like you that you label the crap he does as art. I bet you think rap or hip hop or whatever you imbeciles are calling it this week, you think that is music...right? dumbass!
Looks like the retards are chiming in. :lol:
Andres Serrano was an artist before, during, and after Immersion. Beck is not an artist, but a shock jock, doing something shocking.

Andres Serrano was not seeking to denounce Christ or religion - this was one of several statuettes submerged in different liquids, like milk and blood. Beck IS seeking to denounce Obama.

In fact, Andres Serrano's Immersion is doing the opposite - it's a commentary on the commercializing of Jesus.

As smart as you believe yourself to be, you really are very ignorant about a lot of the issues you try to discuss on this site. Maybe you should read more. And maybe more than The Drudge Report and the Limbaugh Letter. :lol:

You stupid fuck......Serrano is a nothing, a hack, a pile of his own shit..... it says volumes about idiots like you that you label the crap he does as art. I bet you think rap or hip hop or whatever you imbeciles are calling it this week, you think that is music...right? dumbass!
Looks like the retards are chiming in. :lol:

What a pussy you are........typical of the faggot left. Do you honestly think your neg reps bother me? Reputation points are as empty as the idiot suit in Air Force One........suck dick.
You stupid fuck......Serrano is a nothing, a hack, a pile of his own shit..... it says volumes about idiots like you that you label the crap he does as art. I bet you think rap or hip hop or whatever you imbeciles are calling it this week, you think that is music...right? dumbass!
Looks like the retards are chiming in. :lol:

What a pussy you are........typical of the faggot left. Do you honestly think your neg reps bother me? Reputation points are as empty as the idiot suit in Air Force One........suck dick.
Retard says what?
I never said "too bad if you are offended". People have every right to be offended if they truly believe he was insulting Jesus. The art world does not believe that was his intent, and the artist said that was not his intent. He was making a commentary on contemporary society and it's abuse of Jesus' image and his true meaning. You can read up on it, then agree or disagree whether he succeeded. As with all art, interpretation is left to the viewer.

Well many people were offended by the crucifix in the pee jar, whether that was his intention or not. Intention doesn't make it art. Likewise, just because some art critics say something is art does not make it so; just because I say my kid's painting made with a golf ball dipped in paint and rolled on paper is art doesn't make it so.

Beck said his intent was to show the left's hypocrisy with his art. He has, as the left is wailing about this but not a peep about the crucifix one.

False. The act of putting something in a bottle of urine does not automatically make it art.

Not false. Art is subjective. If someone can put a crucifix in a jar of pee and call it art then someone can put an obama bobblehead in a jar of pee and call it art.

he clearly did not have creation of art as his motivation.

You don't like his motivation for creating his art therefore it is not art. Beck scores another point.

Because his intent was to offend, not to create art

His intent was not to offend it was to point out the left's hypocrisy using the same type of art that the left said is fine.

I think most legitimate art is crap, so I do not purport to be an expert by any means. I am not personally offended by either Serrano's art or Beck's expressed hatred. There is some art that I would prefer not to see, like Maplethorpe's erotic homosexual photography; or biblical scenes of mass killing.

You must keep in mind the thread title: Why Real Americans Despise Glenn Beck. You might say that Real Americans (or at least Christians) also despise Andres Serrano. I think both statements are overwhelmingly true.

They are both representations of people in jars of pee and yet you only see one as art. Another point for Beck.

Real Americans say both Serrano and Beck are free to express themselves in their own artistic ways.

Appreciate your civil responses, Synth. :)
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Unfortunately, Glen used fake pee... so he was probably a step ahead of you there.

If you had the chance to buy a vial of pee from Obama to drink, how much would you pay?

Guy, why do you keep posting your fantasies on here?

I didn't vote for Obama in 2008, and I was perfectly willing to consider a Republican until you idiots nominated a Mormon Douchebag.
This has nothing to do with disagreeing with Obama. And this isn't dissent.

Do I need to repeat my lesson that the opposite of Real American is not un-American? Because you apparently need to have things repeated before they 'take'. I blame the teenage glue-sniffing, but it could have been the childhood paint chip eating. Go get tested.
This is nothing but liberal butthurt. You have no problem with an image of Christ immersed in urine, but you get all Islamic Rage Boy when an Obama bobblehead is dunked in beer.

Were leftist protesters who burned Bush in effigy not Real Americans?

Yes! I'm glad that you are finally getting it.
They weren't Real Americans?

Then you shouldn't have any trouble posting a link to where you denounced them at the time, huh?
You claim to believe so. I've seen no evidence that you do. You spew nothing but hate. But it's a nice fable if it makes you feel good.

More of the intellectual bankruptcy of the Right. Because Democrats support a Democratic President, they MUST believe he is a deity.

You fucking idiot.
My goodness, you're not a bright person. I never claimed every Democrat thinks Obama is god.

Are you feeling your toes stepped on? :lol:

Yes you do. You've made that blanket statement plenty of times without ever qualifying it.
Then you won't have any trouble linking that, either.

Good luck with that. Dumbass. :lol:
You're a fucking liar. But we already knew that.
More butthurt. You have no way of knowing, of course, what my reaction to a Romney bust made out of an unfunny comedian's dung would be.

After reading your posts for number of years, and your fervent defense of all things right wing, it's a safe bet that a stunt like that from Bill Maher would make you apoplectic.
I don't know what you've been reading, but it hasn't been my posts. I've criticized Bush and the GOP many times.

So, it's a pretty safe bet that you're full of shit.
I wouldn't be at all surprised if Maher did that...it's just the sort of juvenile attention-whoring he's known for.

But don't let that stop you. :lol:

Is this just juvenile attention whoring from Glenn Beck?
No. He's making a statement about progressive intolerance.

And you're proving him correct.

Dumbass. :lmao:
My goodness, you're not a bright person. I never claimed every Democrat thinks Obama is god.

Are you feeling your toes stepped on? :lol:

Yes you do. You've made that blanket statement plenty of times without ever qualifying it.

thats davemen for ya' :eusa_liar: :lol:
Then do you want to give a shot at proving him right, or are you going to stick to your usual "Yeah!! What he said!!" non-contribution?
You're a phony, putting quotes out out of context, and from foreign sources talking about their citizens.

What a Republican.

ETA: You are a dishonest piece of shit, but we already knew that, too. I clicked the link for the Danish quote and found that - surprise! - it's not what you make it out to be.

Obama is, of course, greater than Jesus – if we have to play that absurd Christmas game.

They are making fun of the people who call him messiah, but you don't even investigate. That would take intellectual honesty.

The rest of the quotes are just as cherry-picked.
Oh, you mean the rest of the quotes whose links you DIDN'T click on?

That would take intellectual honesty, wouldn't it? :lol:

I'm curious how you'll claim I'm taking this entire book out of context:

[ame="http://www.amazon.com/The-Gospel-According-Apostle-Barack/dp/1468587021"]The Gospel According to Apostle Barack: Barbara A. Thompson: 9781468587029: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]


All the quotes are taken out of context. Who is Barbara A. Thompson? Is she someone of influence, or someone I should know, or someone who matters at all in this conversation?
Are you simply too fucking stupid to click on a link?

You don't get to move the goalposts, kid, no matter how desperately you want to.

The simple fact is there are people who see Obama as a messiah figure. Your petulant foot-stamping and pouting changes that reality not one bit.

Serrano and Beck are both artists, for art is in the eye of the beholder.

They are both twisted emotionally and mentally, and so are their admirers.
Oh, you mean the rest of the quotes whose links you DIDN'T click on?

That would take intellectual honesty, wouldn't it? :lol:

I'm curious how you'll claim I'm taking this entire book out of context:

The Gospel According to Apostle Barack: Barbara A. Thompson: 9781468587029: Amazon.com: Books


All the quotes are taken out of context. Who is Barbara A. Thompson? Is she someone of influence, or someone I should know, or someone who matters at all in this conversation?
Are you simply too fucking stupid to click on a link?

You don't get to move the goalposts, kid, no matter how desperately you want to.

The simple fact is there are people who see Obama as a messiah figure. Your petulant foot-stamping and pouting changes that reality not one bit.


You're right.............there ARE some that see Obama as a messiah figure.

There are also a lot of people who think that Rush Limbaugh is a messiah as well.

Me personally? I think that Obama is a smart man and that Limbaugh is a hateful idiot.

But..............then again.............we all have our own opinions.
All the quotes are taken out of context. Who is Barbara A. Thompson? Is she someone of influence, or someone I should know, or someone who matters at all in this conversation?
Are you simply too fucking stupid to click on a link?

You don't get to move the goalposts, kid, no matter how desperately you want to.

The simple fact is there are people who see Obama as a messiah figure. Your petulant foot-stamping and pouting changes that reality not one bit.


You're right.............there ARE some that see Obama as a messiah figure.

There are also a lot of people who think that Rush Limbaugh is a messiah as well.

Me personally? I think that Obama is a smart man and that Limbaugh is a hateful idiot.

But..............then again.............we all have our own opinions.
A lot? Doubtful. One or two, maybe. Certainly nowhere near the number of Obama-worshipers.
All the quotes are taken out of context. Who is Barbara A. Thompson? Is she someone of influence, or someone I should know, or someone who matters at all in this conversation?
Are you simply too fucking stupid to click on a link?

You don't get to move the goalposts, kid, no matter how desperately you want to.

The simple fact is there are people who see Obama as a messiah figure. Your petulant foot-stamping and pouting changes that reality not one bit.


You're right.............there ARE some that see Obama as a messiah figure.

There are also a lot of people who think that Rush Limbaugh is a messiah as well.

Me personally? I think that Obama is a smart man and that Limbaugh is a hateful idiot.

But..............then again.............we all have our own opinions.

Thankfully, a lot more people agree with your's.

Beck - I think he's a sad little boy, still struggling to be popular.

Oh yeah, and he's also a real freak who rubs Vick's Vapo Rub in his eyes so he can "cry" on demand.

As it happens, there's a real market for hateful idiots and sad little freaks. Right, rw's?
I betcha that if he was selling a Romney figurine in a bottle of piss, the liberal Democrats would be bidding it up big time...

I would say it takes a really good salesman to sell something this stupid.

Because I happen to like Glenn Beck, I guess I am not a real American even though I spent 20 years in the military. Tell me, what is the "standard" for being a real American?

Someone who is disgusted by the thought of some asshole putting a proxy for the President Of The United States in a jar of piss, based on political disagreement, and most likely racism.

You don't make the grade, but feel free to continue calling yourself an American. Technically, you will still be correct.

Hey Dickhead, this is the guy you claim to be a racist....... I'm guessing you are what you claim he is. I dare you to watch these three videos........if you open that racist mind of yours, you just might learn something.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inoWGGeqdmo]Pt 1 Glenn Beck AMERICA'S BLACK FOUNDING FATHERS Founders' Friday - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FY8o1I3jDUU]Pt 2 Glenn Beck AMERICA'S BLACK FOUNDING FATHERS Founders' Friday - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SujAcgdDeM4]Pt 3 Glenn Beck AMERICA'S BLACK FOUNDING FATHERS Founders' Friday - YouTube[/ame]
More from "racist" Beck

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VYZNgimyzE]Pt 1 Beck MORE BLACK HEROES of the AMERICAN REVOLUTION Glenn Hosts - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2otRggiFac]Pt 2 Beck MORE BLACK HEROES of the AMERICAN REVOLUTION Glenn - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drpJlZIdqKU]Pt 3 Beck MORE BLACK HEROES of the AMERICAN REVOLUTION Glenn - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YClRQHyzxx4]Pt 4 Beck MORE BLACK HEROES of the AMERICAN REVOLUTION Glenn Hosts - YouTube[/ame]

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