Why Real Americans Despise Glenn Beck

Andres Serrano was an artist before, during, and after Immersion. Beck is not an artist, but a shock jock, doing something shocking.

Andres Serrano was not seeking to denounce Christ or religion - this was one of several statuettes submerged in different liquids, like milk and blood. Beck IS seeking to denounce Obama.

In fact, Andres Serrano's Immersion is doing the opposite - it's a commentary on the commercializing of Jesus.

As smart as you believe yourself to be, you really are very ignorant about a lot of the issues you try to discuss on this site. Maybe you should read more. And maybe more than The Drudge Report and the Limbaugh Letter. :lol:
You left out the most important difference:

Jesus Christ is the Son of God, worthy of worship.

You claim to believe so. I've seen no evidence that you do. You spew nothing but hate. But it's a nice fable if it makes you feel good.

Obama is just a man, utterly unworthy of worship, no matter what you boot-licking toadies believe.

I suggest you grow the hell up, you sissy bedwetter.

More of the intellectual bankruptcy of the Right. Because Democrats support a Democratic President, they MUST believe he is a deity.

You fucking idiot.
My goodness, you're not a bright person. I never claimed every Democrat thinks Obama is god.

Are you feeling your toes stepped on? :lol:
Question...................if Bill Mahr made a bust of Romney out of his own excrement, called it "art" and sold it for 25,000 so that needy children could get Christmas presents, you'd be okay with that as well?
I would.
You're a fucking liar. But we already knew that.
More butthurt. You have no way of knowing, of course, what my reaction to a Romney bust made out of an unfunny comedian's dung would be. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Maher did that...it's just the sort of juvenile attention-whoring he's known for.

But don't let that stop you. :lol:
You're a phony, putting quotes out out of context, and from foreign sources talking about their citizens.

What a Republican.

ETA: You are a dishonest piece of shit, but we already knew that, too. I clicked the link for the Danish quote and found that - surprise! - it's not what you make it out to be.

Obama is, of course, greater than Jesus – if we have to play that absurd Christmas game.

They are making fun of the people who call him messiah, but you don't even investigate. That would take intellectual honesty.

The rest of the quotes are just as cherry-picked.
Oh, you mean the rest of the quotes whose links you DIDN'T click on?

That would take intellectual honesty, wouldn't it? :lol:

I'm curious how you'll claim I'm taking this entire book out of context:

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/The-Gospel-According-Apostle-Barack/dp/1468587021]The Gospel According to Apostle Barack: Barbara A. Thompson: 9781468587029: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]

A link to what? Some crazy crackpot who wrote a book and is now being sold on Amazon?

You Obamabot call others crazy?



You fools worship this fuckwad as your false god. You ARE insane - period.
I read your post about the Jesus piss artist and your lame racist excuse.


Free speech is free speech except when it mocks Obama, then it's racist.

(the left's motto: when in doubt play the race card!)

Beck was correct about the left's hypocrisy. Imagine that.

Political hatred was the reason I gave.

Beck accused the President of being a racist, so he must be preoccupied with race.

You don't like what you believe are Beck's reasons for his art so you cry racist. Boo hoo hoo.

Free speech for thee but not for me.

Continue to make Beck's point. Please. :clap2:
Hopefully you'll give me an honest answer to an honest question: do you believe Glenn Beck's intention and motivation was to create art with this stunt?
I grow tired of repeating this for braindead Obama boot-lickers such as yourself:

Disagreeing with Obama isn't un-American.

Remember, dissent is patriotic -- even when there's a Democrat in charge.

You cannot understand this.

This has nothing to do with disagreeing with Obama. And this isn't dissent.

Do I need to repeat my lesson that the opposite of Real American is not un-American? Because you apparently need to have things repeated before they 'take'. I blame the teenage glue-sniffing, but it could have been the childhood paint chip eating. Go get tested.
This is nothing but liberal butthurt. You have no problem with an image of Christ immersed in urine, but you get all Islamic Rage Boy when an Obama bobblehead is dunked in beer.

Were leftist protesters who burned Bush in effigy not Real Americans?

Yes! I'm glad that you are finally getting it.
You left out the most important difference:

Jesus Christ is the Son of God, worthy of worship.

You claim to believe so. I've seen no evidence that you do. You spew nothing but hate. But it's a nice fable if it makes you feel good.

Obama is just a man, utterly unworthy of worship, no matter what you boot-licking toadies believe.

I suggest you grow the hell up, you sissy bedwetter.
More of the intellectual bankruptcy of the Right. Because Democrats support a Democratic President, they MUST believe he is a deity.

You fucking idiot.
My goodness, you're not a bright person. I never claimed every Democrat thinks Obama is god.

Are you feeling your toes stepped on? :lol:

Yes you do. You've made that blanket statement plenty of times without ever qualifying it.
You're a fucking liar. But we already knew that.
More butthurt. You have no way of knowing, of course, what my reaction to a Romney bust made out of an unfunny comedian's dung would be.

After reading your posts for number of years, and your fervent defense of all things right wing, it's a safe bet that a stunt like that from Bill Maher would make you apoplectic.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if Maher did that...it's just the sort of juvenile attention-whoring he's known for.

But don't let that stop you. :lol:

Is this just juvenile attention whoring from Glenn Beck?
You're a phony, putting quotes out out of context, and from foreign sources talking about their citizens.

What a Republican.

ETA: You are a dishonest piece of shit, but we already knew that, too. I clicked the link for the Danish quote and found that - surprise! - it's not what you make it out to be.

Obama is, of course, greater than Jesus – if we have to play that absurd Christmas game.

They are making fun of the people who call him messiah, but you don't even investigate. That would take intellectual honesty.

The rest of the quotes are just as cherry-picked.
Oh, you mean the rest of the quotes whose links you DIDN'T click on?

That would take intellectual honesty, wouldn't it? :lol:

I'm curious how you'll claim I'm taking this entire book out of context:

[ame="http://www.amazon.com/The-Gospel-According-Apostle-Barack/dp/1468587021"]The Gospel According to Apostle Barack: Barbara A. Thompson: 9781468587029: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]


All the quotes are taken out of context. Who is Barbara A. Thompson? Is she someone of influence, or someone I should know, or someone who matters at all in this conversation?
Political hatred was the reason I gave.

Beck accused the President of being a racist, so he must be preoccupied with race.

You don't like what you believe are Beck's reasons for his art so you cry racist. Boo hoo hoo.

Free speech for thee but not for me.

Continue to make Beck's point. Please. :clap2:
Hopefully you'll give me an honest answer to an honest question: do you believe Glenn Beck's intention and motivation was to create art with this stunt?

His intention and motivation was to show the hypocrisy of the left and he succeeded using what many consider art. You're not concerned about whether Beck was creating 'art' or not, you're bugged because you made - and continue to make - Beck's point. :lol:

You say the crucifix in a jar of pee is 'art' and too bad if you are offended.

But at the same time you say the obama bobblehead in a jar of pee isn't 'art' because you find it offensive, or racist or whatever and you don't care for Beck's motivation for making it.

Don't you see, Synth? The point is that you found the obama art offensive and haven't stopped whining about it. That's the point Beck was making, there's the hypocrisy. I don't see you complaining about the crucifix in a jar of pee just about the obama one. Why? Because you find that to be offensive; the crucifix in a jar of pee was hailed as art by critics so you find that to be ok. Just because you don't like the art that is produced doesn't mean that someone shouldn't be able to produce it.

Are either pieces art? Not in my opinion. Are either pieces offensive? They both are to me. Should Serrano or Beck (or anyone else) be stopped from producing offensive art? I say NO!, what say you?
Yes, it was art, and it was offensive as some leftist art.

The point is: Beck has no class.
See, we're offended that Americans have been killed in ways that, were they private citizens, Obama and Holder could be charged as accomplices.
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Yes, it was art, and it was offensive as some leftist art.

The point is: Beck has no class.

Should there be criminal penalties for art that insults your Messiah®?

Should Beck be put to death for this blasphemy?

Look at what happened to Chris Stevens and the filmmaker for slandering the prophet of Islam

These Libs are for-fucking real about getting revenge
You are the One, uncensored, so should Obama do yours? :lol:

Of course there should be no crimes charged, because nothing criminal was committed.

Should we be charged for making fun of you?

Yes, it was art, and it was offensive as some leftist art.

The point is: Beck has no class.

Should there be criminal penalties for art that insults your Messiah®?

Should Beck be put to death for this blasphemy?
You don't like what you believe are Beck's reasons for his art so you cry racist. Boo hoo hoo.

Free speech for thee but not for me.

Continue to make Beck's point. Please. :clap2:
Hopefully you'll give me an honest answer to an honest question: do you believe Glenn Beck's intention and motivation was to create art with this stunt?

His intention and motivation was to show the hypocrisy of the left

You are totally off, and I will show you why.

and he succeeded using what many consider art.
False. The act of putting something in a bottle of urine does not automatically make it art.

You're not concerned about whether Beck was creating 'art' or not,
Correct. It's not my point because he clearly did not have creation of art as his motivation.

you're bugged because you made - and continue to make - Beck's point. :lol:
I am doing nothing of the kind. His point is to shock, and inflame, for political reasons, and hatred for President Obama.

Am I making his point by pointing that out?

You say the crucifix in a jar of pee is 'art' and too bad if you are offended.
False. I said that the art world considers it art.

I never said "too bad if you are offended". People have every right to be offended if they truly believe he was insulting Jesus. The art world does not believe that was his intent, and the artist said that was not his intent. He was making a commentary on contemporary society and it's abuse of Jesus' image and his true meaning. You can read up on it, then agree or disagree whether he succeeded. As with all art, interpretation is left to the viewer.

But at the same time you say the obama bobblehead in a jar of pee isn't 'art' because you find it offensive, or racist or whatever and you don't care for Beck's motivation for making it.
Not because I find it offensive. Because his intent was to offend, not to create art. I am not even going to get into the artistic plagiarism aspect.

Don't you see, Synth? The point is that you found the obama art offensive and haven't stopped whining about it. That's the point Beck was making, there's the hypocrisy. I don't see you complaining about the crucifix in a jar of pee just about the obama one. Why? Because you find that to be offensive; the crucifix in a jar of pee was hailed as art by critics so you find that to be ok. Just because you don't like the art that is produced doesn't mean that someone shouldn't be able to produce it.
No, I find Glenn Beck offensive, and I find his shock jock antics offensive. There is no Obama art here to be offended by.

Are either pieces art? Not in my opinion. Are either pieces offensive? They both are to me. Should Serrano or Beck (or anyone else) be stopped from producing offensive art? I say NO!, what say you?
I think most legitimate art is crap, so I do not purport to be an expert by any means. I am not personally offended by either Serrano's art or Beck's expressed hatred. There is some art that I would prefer not to see, like Maplethorpe's erotic homosexual photography; or biblical scenes of mass killing.

You must keep in mind the thread title: Why Real Americans Despise Glenn Beck. You might say that Real Americans (or at least Christians) also despise Andres Serrano. I think both statements are overwhelmingly true.
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