Why Republicans think the Democratic Party is the "Plantation" party

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How many times have we heard Republicans on the USMB describe the Democratic Party as the "plantation party" where blacks and other minorities are being "led" with "free stuff"?

How many times have they said the blacks voted 90% for President Obama and made some kind of deal out of that?

Why do imagine the Democratic Party works this way?

When you think about it, it's easy to understand. First, look at the blacks that have joined the GOP. Look at Herman Cain. Remember when he was asked about "civil rights" and blacks who rode at the back of the bus. He said he always went to the back of the bus because he wasn't a "trouble-maker".


Remember Alen Keyes?

When the leading Republican and rightwing pundit Alan Keyes was asked what he thought of Mary Cheney, the lesbian daughter of the US vice-president, he called her "a selfish hedonist". If his own daughter came out as a lesbian, said Mr Keyes, he would say the same thing.
So when Mr Keyes' only daughter, Maya Marcel-Keyes, declared herself a "liberal queer" at a public rally he lived up to his word. Her parents turned her out of their house, broke off all communication and stopped paying her university tuition fees.

Republican disowns lesbian daughter

Mr. Keyes was the man who ran against Barrack Obama for the Senate. He said he disowned his daughter in the name of "family values".

So you can see blacks who join the GOP can be highly motivated. They share GOP values.

And look at what the GOP is doing these days. Threatening candidates if they don't "toe the line". We only need to look at the mid term races to know that as a "fact".

The majority of the GOP are whites living in the deep south. Many of their ancestors were slave holders and consider themselves "Confederate". Of course they believe blacks have no integrity and only want "free stuff" because they are greedy and lazy. Many simply don't believe blacks can be thoughtful and independent. So they must be "led" by Democratic "leaders".

Because the Republicans party is so monolithic, they insist the it must be the same for the Democratic Party. They don't understand "coalition" because they have no experience with being part of a coalition.

For Democrats to have a majority within the party, you need a majority from the groups that make up the Democratic Party. The different groups may not like each other, but they respect each other enough to work together. In fact, many of the groups that make up the Democratic Party would not be welcome in the GOP.

Richard Grenell hounded from Romney campaign by anti-gay conservatives

how will you ever get another group to work with you to win elections?
How many times have we heard Republicans on the USMB describe the Democratic Party as the "plantation party" where blacks and other minorities are being "led" with "free stuff"?

How many times have they said the blacks voted 90% for President Obama and made some kind of deal out of that?

Why do imagine the Democratic Party works this way?

When you think about it, it's easy to understand. First, look at the blacks that have joined the GOP. Look at Herman Cain. Remember when he was asked about "civil rights" and blacks who rode at the back of the bus. He said he always went to the back of the bus because he wasn't a "trouble-maker".


Remember Alen Keyes?

When the leading Republican and rightwing pundit Alan Keyes was asked what he thought of Mary Cheney, the lesbian daughter of the US vice-president, he called her "a selfish hedonist". If his own daughter came out as a lesbian, said Mr Keyes, he would say the same thing.
So when Mr Keyes' only daughter, Maya Marcel-Keyes, declared herself a "liberal queer" at a public rally he lived up to his word. Her parents turned her out of their house, broke off all communication and stopped paying her university tuition fees.

Republican disowns lesbian daughter

Mr. Keyes was the man who ran against Barrack Obama for the Senate. He said he disowned his daughter in the name of "family values".

So you can see blacks who join the GOP can be highly motivated. They share GOP values.

And look at what the GOP is doing these days. Threatening candidates if they don't "toe the line". We only need to look at the mid term races to know that as a "fact".

The majority of the GOP are whites living in the deep south. Many of their ancestors were slave holders and consider themselves "Confederate". Of course they believe blacks have no integrity and only want "free stuff" because they are greedy and lazy. Many simply don't believe blacks can be thoughtful and independent. So they must be "led" by Democratic "leaders".

Because the Republicans party is so monolithic, they insist the it must be the same for the Democratic Party. They don't understand "coalition" because they have no experience with being part of a coalition.

For Democrats to have a majority within the party, you need a majority from the groups that make up the Democratic Party. The different groups may not like each other, but they respect each other enough to work together. In fact, many of the groups that make up the Democratic Party would not be welcome in the GOP.

Richard Grenell hounded from Romney campaign by anti-gay conservatives

how will you ever get another group to work with you to win elections?

good one doofus; lets talk in November shall we?
Remember when the GOPbaggers booed that gay US Army soldier during the RNC? That's just wholesome American family values. Jeer the gay soldier who is man enough to fight for your freedom to hate gay people.

Remember when the Democrats booed God at the DNC? Yeah, I thought so.
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i admit this. what am i denying?

Use your head.

Tell us what the Republican plans are for getting poor black Americans out of poverty.

Medicaid gets Black Americans out of poverty you dolt?
that was your response when you were asked to answer your own question.

ur a joke

Yes they realh beleive tnat, thats why detroit is a pristine city similar to shangrila. They cant figure out why people on govt assistance remain poor, theyjust blame corporations for not hiring, yet they are the ones who want stupid regulations that kill job growth like the min wage. I could go on, but you get the point
no; it isnt hard to figure out what people would have said; especially blind, conditioned, rabid left-wing nutjobs wallowing in group-think; regurgitating the same tired spoon-fed talking points

these LWNJs are refugees from the MSNBC Vine message boards; Soros-tardz all

what relation does this have with the topic?
no; it isnt hard to figure out what people would have said; especially blind, conditioned, rabid left-wing nutjobs wallowing in group-think; regurgitating the same tired spoon-fed talking points

these LWNJs are refugees from the MSNBC Vine message boards; Soros-tardz all

what relation does this have with the topic?

easy; the responses and the OP are all progressive talking points you see on every message board; patently false and unprovable

next pointless point
How many times have we heard Republicans on the USMB describe the Democratic Party as the "plantation party" where blacks and other minorities are being "led" with "free stuff"?

How many times have they said the blacks voted 90% for President Obama and made some kind of deal out of that?

Why do imagine the Democratic Party works this way?

When you think about it, it's easy to understand. First, look at the blacks that have joined the GOP. Look at Herman Cain. Remember when he was asked about "civil rights" and blacks who rode at the back of the bus. He said he always went to the back of the bus because he wasn't a "trouble-maker".


Remember Alen Keyes?

When the leading Republican and rightwing pundit Alan Keyes was asked what he thought of Mary Cheney, the lesbian daughter of the US vice-president, he called her "a selfish hedonist". If his own daughter came out as a lesbian, said Mr Keyes, he would say the same thing.
So when Mr Keyes' only daughter, Maya Marcel-Keyes, declared herself a "liberal queer" at a public rally he lived up to his word. Her parents turned her out of their house, broke off all communication and stopped paying her university tuition fees.

Republican disowns lesbian daughter

Mr. Keyes was the man who ran against Barrack Obama for the Senate. He said he disowned his daughter in the name of "family values".

So you can see blacks who join the GOP can be highly motivated. They share GOP values.

And look at what the GOP is doing these days. Threatening candidates if they don't "toe the line". We only need to look at the mid term races to know that as a "fact".

The majority of the GOP are whites living in the deep south. Many of their ancestors were slave holders and consider themselves "Confederate". Of course they believe blacks have no integrity and only want "free stuff" because they are greedy and lazy. Many simply don't believe blacks can be thoughtful and independent. So they must be "led" by Democratic "leaders".

Because the Republicans party is so monolithic, they insist the it must be the same for the Democratic Party. They don't understand "coalition" because they have no experience with being part of a coalition.

For Democrats to have a majority within the party, you need a majority from the groups that make up the Democratic Party. The different groups may not like each other, but they respect each other enough to work together. In fact, many of the groups that make up the Democratic Party would not be welcome in the GOP.

Richard Grenell hounded from Romney campaign by anti-gay conservatives

how will you ever get another group to work with you to win elections?

The same way you got lobbyists and international donors to work with you.
How many times have we heard Republicans on the USMB describe the Democratic Party as the "plantation party" where blacks and other minorities are being "led" with "free stuff"?

How many times have they said the blacks voted 90% for President Obama and made some kind of deal out of that?

Why do imagine the Democratic Party works this way?

When you think about it, it's easy to understand. First, look at the blacks that have joined the GOP. Look at Herman Cain. Remember when he was asked about "civil rights" and blacks who rode at the back of the bus. He said he always went to the back of the bus because he wasn't a "trouble-maker".


Remember Alen Keyes?

When the leading Republican and rightwing pundit Alan Keyes was asked what he thought of Mary Cheney, the lesbian daughter of the US vice-president, he called her "a selfish hedonist". If his own daughter came out as a lesbian, said Mr Keyes, he would say the same thing.
So when Mr Keyes' only daughter, Maya Marcel-Keyes, declared herself a "liberal queer" at a public rally he lived up to his word. Her parents turned her out of their house, broke off all communication and stopped paying her university tuition fees.

Republican disowns lesbian daughter

Mr. Keyes was the man who ran against Barrack Obama for the Senate. He said he disowned his daughter in the name of "family values".

So you can see blacks who join the GOP can be highly motivated. They share GOP values.

And look at what the GOP is doing these days. Threatening candidates if they don't "toe the line". We only need to look at the mid term races to know that as a "fact".

The majority of the GOP are whites living in the deep south. Many of their ancestors were slave holders and consider themselves "Confederate". Of course they believe blacks have no integrity and only want "free stuff" because they are greedy and lazy. Many simply don't believe blacks can be thoughtful and independent. So they must be "led" by Democratic "leaders".

Because the Republicans party is so monolithic, they insist the it must be the same for the Democratic Party. They don't understand "coalition" because they have no experience with being part of a coalition.

For Democrats to have a majority within the party, you need a majority from the groups that make up the Democratic Party. The different groups may not like each other, but they respect each other enough to work together. In fact, many of the groups that make up the Democratic Party would not be welcome in the GOP.

Richard Grenell hounded from Romney campaign by anti-gay conservatives

how will you ever get another group to work with you to win elections?

The same way you got lobbyists and international donors to work with you.
Or thwart the will of the people through activist Courts...:eusa_whistle:
Blacks know where the racists are...

OP- It's compassion free racist bs from POS Pubs, who pander to the greedy rich and brainwash the chumps. Dems try to help the ruined-under-voodoo nonrich, where the blacks are, hater dupes. See training and education, real jobs bills, ACA, SS, min wage etc etc etc...see sig pp 1...

finally.....the voice of reason.....break out your decoder rings if you want to know what i mean.....

THE RICH ARE getting richer faster and the Middle class, workign poor and minorities of all types are getting poorer under obama than they did under Bush

you're an idiot engaging in self-deception

and you are an idiot for not understanding what i said.....do you think i was serious dumbass?....oh wait you are kinda new.....you will figure it out in time.....tell him Frankie....show him the ring.....lol

What has been done to blacks and black families over the last two generations in the name of "caring" is nothing short of a tragedy. Telling children from Day One that someone is out to get them and that they need someone else to somehow make like "fair" for them; lowered standards, the soft bigotry of reduced expectations; further isolation due to identity politics.

Two generations now. Horrible.


lots of the "activists" out here are doing the same thing with the Latinos out here.....

Hey, Harry....

Why does California have the most lawyers and New Jersey the most toxic waste dumps? New Jersey got to choose first.
Blacks know where the racists are...

OP- It's compassion free racist bs from POS Pubs, who pander to the greedy rich and brainwash the chumps. Dems try to help the ruined-under-voodoo nonrich, where the blacks are, hater dupes. See training and education, real jobs bills, ACA, SS, min wage etc etc etc...see sig pp 1...


true story

everything else is bullshit

I don't think many black Americans would agree with this claim

well what was the black UE rates under Bush as compared to Obama.....i know it wasnt as high then as it is today....just sayin.....

What has been done to blacks and black families over the last two generations in the name of "caring" is nothing short of a tragedy. Telling children from Day One that someone is out to get them and that they need someone else to somehow make like "fair" for them; lowered standards, the soft bigotry of reduced expectations; further isolation due to identity politics.

Two generations now. Horrible.


lots of the "activists" out here are doing the same thing with the Latinos out here.....

Hey, Harry....

Why does California have the most lawyers and New Jersey the most toxic waste dumps? New Jersey got to choose first.

you should see some of the houses they live in.....
a left-wing moron wrote:

The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty
prove that
and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)

again; prove that. you cant
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?

simply laughable; you cry like a bitch about the last 30 years as if Dems are invisible and were completely worthless over the last 30 years. i might agree with you if you werent too chickenshit and cowardly to admit that is really what you are saying Franco

Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 2/4/2010- don't be duped...again. Stimulus worked-ran out in 2010.

WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! mean ol "racists" i think i'm smarter than are always getting the best of me!!!

lol idiot

Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc.

ACORN disbanded because they faced RICO charges as a corrupt organization
obama is from as far to the Left as you can go in the American body politic
there are death panels in the ACA; or what amounts to them
obama has more than doubled the Bush debt

on and on; you're too stupid and cowardly to admit what you are calling BS is reality of the FAILED PROGRESSIVE AGENDA
I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry



OK- Multiply 40 hours by the min wage and you get less than the poverty line, dupe- especially with children. But NOW they get Medicaid under ACA- except in bs red states of course...the rest is just too dumb.
Blacks know where the racists are...

OP- It's compassion free racist bs from POS Pubs, who pander to the greedy rich and brainwash the chumps. Dems try to help the ruined-under-voodoo nonrich, where the blacks are, hater dupes. See training and education, real jobs bills, ACA, SS, min wage etc etc etc...see sig pp 1...

they are not as stupid as you think they are Frankie.....they know that the upper crust of both parties do not want them moving next door.....and yes....your party is one of the 2 i am talking about......
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Blacks know where the racists are...

OP- It's compassion free racist bs from POS Pubs, who pander to the greedy rich and brainwash the chumps. Dems try to help the ruined-under-voodoo nonrich, where the blacks are, hater dupes. See training and education, real jobs bills, ACA, SS, min wage etc etc etc...see sig pp 1...

they are not as stupid as you think they are Frankie.....they know that the upper crust of both parties do not want them moving next door.....and yes....your party is one of the 2 i am talking about......

That's called projection lol, and false. Rich Dems want gay couples and furriners as neighbors too...:eusa_whistle: just not lying intolerant brainwashed greedy idiot ugly American violent Pubs...:badgrin:
Remember when the GOPbaggers booed that gay US Army soldier during the RNC? That's just wholesome American family values. Jeer the gay soldier who is man enough to fight for your freedom to hate gay people.

Now protesting at an American soldier's funeral is fine, but booing them because they're gay? It's just wrong...

BTW, they didn't boo him because he was gay, they booed him because of his position. He opposed DADT as lying about his orientation. Frankly it's sick that he feels the need to tell people he sleeps with men at his freaking place of employment, he deserved to be booed for that.
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