Why should blacks become republicans?

But the fact remains his ideals don't entirely mesh with all Republicans.

The "problem" with Republicans is that they don't march in Goose Step - they have their own formulated opinions and do not participate in the "SEIG HEIL" bull shit to any fuhrer - this creates the illusion that they are in disarray at times.View attachment 189580
Republicans march to the beat of Fox News
It is their Fuher
The “fraud” republicans are trying to stop is exceedingly rare

Someone trying to vote under someone else’s name.

You need to know a registered voters name. Show up and fake their signature on the ballot and hope it is not noticed. Then you have to hope that person has not already voted and you will be caught

All to cast one vote

True, but that's not the only form that voter fraud takes. It also takes the form of fraudulent use of absentee ballots; ineligible voting; buying votes; duplicate voting; false registrations; altering vote counts, etc.
How does ID stop those frauds?

Why is the Sky Blue ? :290968001256257790-final:
You failed to answer the question

As I expect

Voter ID stops one of the most common forms of voter fraud, and the favorite of democrats.

When people die or move, their names remain on voter registration roles. Any attempt to remove the names of dead voters or those who have moved is met with lawsuits by you Stalinists (democrats view voter fraud as their most sacred right).
Groups sue to block Iowa voter purge, fraud rules
Ohio Voter Challenges Election Roll Purge in Supreme Court Clash

The Communists will fight to the death to keep dead and invalid voters on registration rolls. Why? Well because election fraud is a major part of the demcorats election strategy.

The fraud you Stalinists engage in is proxy voting. Basically the democrats gather up thousands of illegal aliens and bus them to various polling places where the illegals vote using the names of the dead or out of state voters.

You'll see the happy voter walking up and declaring "Mi llama es Chen Wong, si voto esso" And of course it is illegal to ask for ID or question whether he actually is Chen Wong.

So you communists defraud elections across the nation every election.

Cleaning up voter rolls does not require Voter ID. It is the job of the regional voter registrar. Only problem is it costs money. Money tight fisted Republicans do not like to spend
Okay, Explain this:

"Donald Trump officially won the nomination of the Republican party Tuesday, making the businessman the standard-bearer of the party.."

GOP nominates Trump, now standard-bearer for party

Maybe you should argue with journalists and political science professors.

The standard bearer is not the leader. Think of a marching high school band: Who is the leader, the ones carrying the school standard or the drum major out front?

It's all semantics, but let's face the truth:

The Republicans who are not running for reelection are giving up because they don't want to be running on a ticket dominated by Trump.

Okay, that's their choice I suppose. The point is, Trump doesn't represent the ideals of all Republicans any more than Obama represented the ideals of all Democrats.

Everybody looks to the figurehead... Trump did this - Obama did that. Isn't that what they base their presidential vote on?

All the president really does is sign the legislation. Trump has told Congress what he wants; they either give it to him or they don't. It's been that simple.

Okay. But the fact remains his ideals don't entirely mesh with all Republicans.

I didn't want Trump from the start because I thought he lacked the maturity for the job. In fact, a lot of Republicans were not really happy with the choice they had been given. For a lot of us it was a case of the lesser of two evils.

The only reason I voted for Trump is I thought he would be more supportive on gun Rights than Hitlery. That would give us a couple more years to prepare for the inevitable SHTF scenario that is coming.
At least he dumped the stupid bow tie

The use of foreign born blacks to give the appearance of proportional diversity is a real problem.

By doing this, they create the illusion of successful diversity.

Thus discouraging real, honest discussion about the failure of the current policies.

And what we need to actually do to improve things.
He did have a stupid bow tie, but still makes that
Steele was a shallow attempt to counteract Obama

Look! We got blacks too

Didn’t hide the fact that Republicans had only elected six blacks to Congress in the previous hundred years

Maybe. I don't know his background. He might have earned it based on his previous work.

But what if he did not, and the accusation is true.

Is that not the type of shit that you libs are always saying we need to do?

WTF, is this? Attacking us for supposedly following your advice?

Seriously? You don't see anything worth commenting on here?
Nobody is telling you to go find a token

Republicans need to actively recruit and groom minorities and women for higher office. The current machine seems centered on Christian, white males

So, "token" is someone that is there PURELY based on skin color? Is that how you are using the term?

Steele does not seem to be that. I saw him on several TV programs. He seemed competent and pretty much exactly what I would expect from a GOP establishment.

So, Like I asked,

WTF, is this? Attacking us for supposedly following your advice?

If not for the candidacy of Obama , Steele would not have been selected


So, explain, hypothetically, how the GOP, follows the heart felt advice of you libs, and

"outreach" and "increase diversity" without it being, a "token"?

Because from what I can see, this looks like a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation,

where if we DON'T appoint/elect any blacks, we get attacked for lack of diversity

and if we do

we get attacked for "tokenism".

Exactly. There is no intention whatsoever to give credit where it is due. The path is set, they must insist that Republicans are racist and will never waver from that mantra. The truth simply didn't matter.

Notice that they are reduced to insisting they know what somebody really means when they say something. When racism isn't there, they have to invent it.
The use of foreign born blacks to give the appearance of proportional diversity is a real problem.

By doing this, they create the illusion of successful diversity.

Thus discouraging real, honest discussion about the failure of the current policies.

And what we need to actually do to improve things.
He did have a stupid bow tie, but still makes that
Maybe. I don't know his background. He might have earned it based on his previous work.

But what if he did not, and the accusation is true.

Is that not the type of shit that you libs are always saying we need to do?

WTF, is this? Attacking us for supposedly following your advice?

Seriously? You don't see anything worth commenting on here?
Nobody is telling you to go find a token

Republicans need to actively recruit and groom minorities and women for higher office. The current machine seems centered on Christian, white males

So, "token" is someone that is there PURELY based on skin color? Is that how you are using the term?

Steele does not seem to be that. I saw him on several TV programs. He seemed competent and pretty much exactly what I would expect from a GOP establishment.

So, Like I asked,

WTF, is this? Attacking us for supposedly following your advice?

If not for the candidacy of Obama , Steele would not have been selected


So, explain, hypothetically, how the GOP, follows the heart felt advice of you libs, and

"outreach" and "increase diversity" without it being, a "token"?

Because from what I can see, this looks like a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation,

where if we DON'T appoint/elect any blacks, we get attacked for lack of diversity

and if we do

we get attacked for "tokenism".

Exactly. There is no intention whatsoever to give credit where it is due. The path is set, they must insist that Republicans are racist and will never waver from that mantra. The truth simply didn't matter.

Notice that they are reduced to insisting they know what somebody really means when they say something. When racism isn't there, they have to invent it.

Republicans are perceived as being racist due to their immigration proposals. So, let us suppose that I side with you and say their immigration policies are not racist.

The Republicans would then be in love with a ONE WORLD, ONE RACE, ONE RELIGION TOTALITARIAN POLICE STATE.

Maybe the Republicans have bought into their own propaganda. If so, they are headed down the same road as the Democrats. Why are they fighting each other?
The constitution damn sure granted whites rights. But now suddenly it des not grant rifgs wgen yu want t make excuses

15 cases of vote fraud in 31 years means once every 2 years they may find a case of fraud. The chances of such fraud are small. There is no reason for additional laws to stop it.
The “fraud” republicans are trying to stop is exceedingly rare

Someone trying to vote under someone else’s name.

You need to know a registered voters name. Show up and fake their signature on the ballot and hope it is not noticed. Then you have to hope that person has not already voted and you will be caught

All to cast one vote

True, but that's not the only form that voter fraud takes. It also takes the form of fraudulent use of absentee ballots; ineligible voting; buying votes; duplicate voting; false registrations; altering vote counts, etc.
How does ID stop those frauds?

Why is the Sky Blue ? :290968001256257790-final:
You failed to answer the question

As I expect

Your 'question' was so inately and blatantly ignorant it did not even warrant an answer - seriously dude get a fkng clue and stop marching in goose step with your fellow nazi not see-minions
He did have a stupid bow tie, but still makes that
Nobody is telling you to go find a token

Republicans need to actively recruit and groom minorities and women for higher office. The current machine seems centered on Christian, white males

So, "token" is someone that is there PURELY based on skin color? Is that how you are using the term?

Steele does not seem to be that. I saw him on several TV programs. He seemed competent and pretty much exactly what I would expect from a GOP establishment.

So, Like I asked,

WTF, is this? Attacking us for supposedly following your advice?

If not for the candidacy of Obama , Steele would not have been selected


So, explain, hypothetically, how the GOP, follows the heart felt advice of you libs, and

"outreach" and "increase diversity" without it being, a "token"?

Because from what I can see, this looks like a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation,

where if we DON'T appoint/elect any blacks, we get attacked for lack of diversity

and if we do

we get attacked for "tokenism".

Exactly. There is no intention whatsoever to give credit where it is due. The path is set, they must insist that Republicans are racist and will never waver from that mantra. The truth simply didn't matter.

Notice that they are reduced to insisting they know what somebody really means when they say something. When racism isn't there, they have to invent it.

Republicans are perceived as being racist due to their immigration proposals. So, let us suppose that I side with you and say their immigration policies are not racist.

The Republicans would then be in love with a ONE WORLD, ONE RACE, ONE RELIGION TOTALITARIAN POLICE STATE.

Maybe the Republicans have bought into their own propaganda. If so, they are headed down the same road as the Democrats. Why are they fighting each other?

I would like to agree with you but then we'd both be wrong
Tucker Carson did an eye opening piece related to what you are referring to this evening. It highlights college entrance exams and how American Universities are accepting inordinate numbers of FOREIGN BORN black people, those from wealthy Nigerian, Ethiopian, Sudanese and so forth families in order to fall within parameters of having acceptable levels of Black students - who suffers ! And who gets the short end of the stick --- The African American - Screwed Again !

Tucker Carlson? The king of disingenuous and fake news. LOL!
Tucker Carlson always has the deer in the headlights look on his face...

At least he dumped the stupid bow tie

The use of foreign born blacks to give the appearance of proportional diversity is a real problem.

By doing this, they create the illusion of successful diversity.

Thus discouraging real, honest discussion about the failure of the current policies.

And what we need to actually do to improve things.
He did have a stupid bow tie, but still makes that
LOL! This is some stump stupid bullshit.

All you have to do is spend time in a place like this and it shows you exactly what republicans are. Here is an idiot who told me that blacks should be grateful to whites freeing blacks from slavery talking about racial demagoguery.
Comments about blacks on USMB are representative of the true feelings of conservatives. In public conservatives hide their racism with code words. But on an anonymous message board, we see how they really feel

1. The people on this site are a very NON representative slice of the public. Of all my friends, I am the only one I know to spend much time of sites like this.

2. Most of the conservatives on this site are NOT racist. They are only "racist" in the definition of not wallowing in white guilt.

3. You are speaking to IM2, one of the biggest racists on this site.

4. What do you think of the actual claim, ie that Steel was appointed to increase diversity? Do you believe it? Do you think, if true, that it was right or wrong to do so?

5. And this deserves it's own point. What do you think of people that would attack republicans for not having diverse appointments and then attack them for appointing someone to be more diverse?
Steele was a shallow attempt to counteract Obama

Look! We got blacks too

Didn’t hide the fact that Republicans had only elected six blacks to Congress in the previous hundred years

Maybe. I don't know his background. He might have earned it based on his previous work.

But what if he did not, and the accusation is true.

Is that not the type of shit that you libs are always saying we need to do?

WTF, is this? Attacking us for supposedly following your advice?

Seriously? You don't see anything worth commenting on here?
Nobody is telling you to go find a token

Republicans need to actively recruit and groom minorities and women for higher office. The current machine seems centered on Christian, white males

Minorities and women don't need to be "groomed" for anything. They either have conservative ideas or they have liberal ideas and if conservative ideas are not palatable to them, they go to the Democratic party. Whatever the Republican party would have to do to "groom" minorities and women would be decidedly UNconservative measures. Bottom line, for their own reasons, minorities in general don't like what the Republican party has to offer.

Beyond that, any minority wishing to make a difference through politics simply has to do the same things anyone else does to get into a political office.
Last edited:
I'm talking about RW's obvious contempt for black people.

The RW has more contempt for themselves than they do black people.
RW is a poster who apparently does not think black people are capable of figuring out what they think is best for themselves.
Evidently, they do
That is why they know better than to vote Republican

Which is, of course, how you excuse your paternalistic contempt for any who would stray from the appointed orthodoxy.

Just because you get 3-4 percent of dumb blacks and those who still stay faithful to Lincoln doesn't mean the rest of us are being controlled by white liberals.

This might be considered prejudice. You prejudge Republican blacks as being mentally inferior for being Republican.

I asked you the other day if you were saying that conservative blacks were not intelligent enough to think for themselves and I never got an answer. So I ask again: Are you saying that black Republicans are not intelligent enough to think for themselves?
The use of foreign born blacks to give the appearance of proportional diversity is a real problem.

By doing this, they create the illusion of successful diversity.

Thus discouraging real, honest discussion about the failure of the current policies.

And what we need to actually do to improve things.
He did have a stupid bow tie, but still makes that
Maybe. I don't know his background. He might have earned it based on his previous work.

But what if he did not, and the accusation is true.

Is that not the type of shit that you libs are always saying we need to do?

WTF, is this? Attacking us for supposedly following your advice?

Seriously? You don't see anything worth commenting on here?
Nobody is telling you to go find a token

Republicans need to actively recruit and groom minorities and women for higher office. The current machine seems centered on Christian, white males

So, "token" is someone that is there PURELY based on skin color? Is that how you are using the term?

Steele does not seem to be that. I saw him on several TV programs. He seemed competent and pretty much exactly what I would expect from a GOP establishment.

So, Like I asked,

WTF, is this? Attacking us for supposedly following your advice?

If not for the candidacy of Obama , Steele would not have been selected


So, explain, hypothetically, how the GOP, follows the heart felt advice of you libs, and

"outreach" and "increase diversity" without it being, a "token"?

Because from what I can see, this looks like a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation,

where if we DON'T appoint/elect any blacks, we get attacked for lack of diversity

and if we do

we get attacked for "tokenism".

Exactly. There is no intention whatsoever to give credit where it is due. The path is set, they must insist that Republicans are racist and will never waver from that mantra. The truth simply didn't matter.

Notice that they are reduced to insisting they know what somebody really means when they say something. When racism isn't there, they have to invent it.

Such blatant dishonesty, undermines the whole concept of civil debate.
At least he dumped the stupid bow tie

The use of foreign born blacks to give the appearance of proportional diversity is a real problem.

By doing this, they create the illusion of successful diversity.

Thus discouraging real, honest discussion about the failure of the current policies.

And what we need to actually do to improve things.
He did have a stupid bow tie, but still makes that
Steele was a shallow attempt to counteract Obama

Look! We got blacks too

Didn’t hide the fact that Republicans had only elected six blacks to Congress in the previous hundred years

Maybe. I don't know his background. He might have earned it based on his previous work.

But what if he did not, and the accusation is true.

Is that not the type of shit that you libs are always saying we need to do?

WTF, is this? Attacking us for supposedly following your advice?

Seriously? You don't see anything worth commenting on here?
Nobody is telling you to go find a token

Republicans need to actively recruit and groom minorities and women for higher office. The current machine seems centered on Christian, white males

So, "token" is someone that is there PURELY based on skin color? Is that how you are using the term?

Steele does not seem to be that. I saw him on several TV programs. He seemed competent and pretty much exactly what I would expect from a GOP establishment.

So, Like I asked,

WTF, is this? Attacking us for supposedly following your advice?

If not for the candidacy of Obama , Steele would not have been selected


So, explain, hypothetically, how the GOP, follows the heart felt advice of you libs, and

"outreach" and "increase diversity" without it being, a "token"?

Because from what I can see, this looks like a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation,

where if we DON'T appoint/elect any blacks, we get attacked for lack of diversity

and if we do

we get attacked for "tokenism".

RW, did you miss this?
The “fraud” republicans are trying to stop is exceedingly rare

Someone trying to vote under someone else’s name.

You need to know a registered voters name. Show up and fake their signature on the ballot and hope it is not noticed. Then you have to hope that person has not already voted and you will be caught

All to cast one vote

True, but that's not the only form that voter fraud takes. It also takes the form of fraudulent use of absentee ballots; ineligible voting; buying votes; duplicate voting; false registrations; altering vote counts, etc.
How does ID stop those frauds?

Why is the Sky Blue ? :290968001256257790-final:
You failed to answer the question

As I expect

Your 'question' was so inately and blatantly ignorant it did not even warrant an answer - seriously dude get a fkng clue and stop marching in goose step with your fellow nazi not see-minions
As Godwin raises his filthy head
The use of foreign born blacks to give the appearance of proportional diversity is a real problem.

By doing this, they create the illusion of successful diversity.

Thus discouraging real, honest discussion about the failure of the current policies.

And what we need to actually do to improve things.
He did have a stupid bow tie, but still makes that
Maybe. I don't know his background. He might have earned it based on his previous work.

But what if he did not, and the accusation is true.

Is that not the type of shit that you libs are always saying we need to do?

WTF, is this? Attacking us for supposedly following your advice?

Seriously? You don't see anything worth commenting on here?
Nobody is telling you to go find a token

Republicans need to actively recruit and groom minorities and women for higher office. The current machine seems centered on Christian, white males

So, "token" is someone that is there PURELY based on skin color? Is that how you are using the term?

Steele does not seem to be that. I saw him on several TV programs. He seemed competent and pretty much exactly what I would expect from a GOP establishment.

So, Like I asked,

WTF, is this? Attacking us for supposedly following your advice?

If not for the candidacy of Obama , Steele would not have been selected


So, explain, hypothetically, how the GOP, follows the heart felt advice of you libs, and

"outreach" and "increase diversity" without it being, a "token"?

Because from what I can see, this looks like a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation,

where if we DON'T appoint/elect any blacks, we get attacked for lack of diversity

and if we do

we get attacked for "tokenism".

RW, did you miss this?

I have already addressed twice......you just don’t like the answer

Steele was a token party leader to counteract an Obama candidacy

Look...we got blacks too

Not an attempt at diversity, an attempt to address the Obama candidacy

Now, bookmark this response and refer to it the next time you claim I didn’t address your comment
I'll defer to Candace Owens. She explains it better than anyone.

And more insights here:

Candace Owens (Red Pill Black): How I Discovered The World Of Gaslighting "Journalist-Hitmen"!

Your moniker is very similar to a resident douchebag / libtard on this board - I was all set to pounce when I realized you weren't [lmao] #bodecea :abgg2q.jpg:

That's a common mistake. Note, I was here FIRST! And she is my evul twin with a beard from the Anti-Matter Universe.
He did have a stupid bow tie, but still makes that
Nobody is telling you to go find a token

Republicans need to actively recruit and groom minorities and women for higher office. The current machine seems centered on Christian, white males

So, "token" is someone that is there PURELY based on skin color? Is that how you are using the term?

Steele does not seem to be that. I saw him on several TV programs. He seemed competent and pretty much exactly what I would expect from a GOP establishment.

So, Like I asked,

WTF, is this? Attacking us for supposedly following your advice?

If not for the candidacy of Obama , Steele would not have been selected


So, explain, hypothetically, how the GOP, follows the heart felt advice of you libs, and

"outreach" and "increase diversity" without it being, a "token"?

Because from what I can see, this looks like a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation,

where if we DON'T appoint/elect any blacks, we get attacked for lack of diversity

and if we do

we get attacked for "tokenism".

RW, did you miss this?

I have already addressed twice......you just don’t like the answer

Steele was a token party leader to counteract an Obama candidacy

Look...we got blacks too

Not an attempt at diversity, an attempt to address the Obama candidacy

Now, bookmark this response and refer to it the next time you claim I didn’t address your comment

Why does the supposed immediate motivation by Obama, negate the "Diversity" of having a black person in charge of the RNC?

I'm serious RW, I am having trouble following the distinctions being drawn here.
He did have a stupid bow tie, but still makes that
Nobody is telling you to go find a token

Republicans need to actively recruit and groom minorities and women for higher office. The current machine seems centered on Christian, white males

So, "token" is someone that is there PURELY based on skin color? Is that how you are using the term?

Steele does not seem to be that. I saw him on several TV programs. He seemed competent and pretty much exactly what I would expect from a GOP establishment.

So, Like I asked,

WTF, is this? Attacking us for supposedly following your advice?

If not for the candidacy of Obama , Steele would not have been selected


So, explain, hypothetically, how the GOP, follows the heart felt advice of you libs, and

"outreach" and "increase diversity" without it being, a "token"?

Because from what I can see, this looks like a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation,

where if we DON'T appoint/elect any blacks, we get attacked for lack of diversity

and if we do

we get attacked for "tokenism".

Exactly. There is no intention whatsoever to give credit where it is due. The path is set, they must insist that Republicans are racist and will never waver from that mantra. The truth simply didn't matter.

Notice that they are reduced to insisting they know what somebody really means when they say something. When racism isn't there, they have to invent it.

Republicans are perceived as being racist due to their immigration proposals. So, let us suppose that I side with you and say their immigration policies are not racist.

The Republicans would then be in love with a ONE WORLD, ONE RACE, ONE RELIGION TOTALITARIAN POLICE STATE.

Maybe the Republicans have bought into their own propaganda. If so, they are headed down the same road as the Democrats. Why are they fighting each other?

Most Republicans I'm aware of want immigration law to be enforced. They just want to know who's coming in and who's staying.
He did have a stupid bow tie, but still makes that
Nobody is telling you to go find a token

Republicans need to actively recruit and groom minorities and women for higher office. The current machine seems centered on Christian, white males

So, "token" is someone that is there PURELY based on skin color? Is that how you are using the term?

Steele does not seem to be that. I saw him on several TV programs. He seemed competent and pretty much exactly what I would expect from a GOP establishment.

So, Like I asked,

WTF, is this? Attacking us for supposedly following your advice?

If not for the candidacy of Obama , Steele would not have been selected


So, explain, hypothetically, how the GOP, follows the heart felt advice of you libs, and

"outreach" and "increase diversity" without it being, a "token"?

Because from what I can see, this looks like a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation,

where if we DON'T appoint/elect any blacks, we get attacked for lack of diversity

and if we do

we get attacked for "tokenism".

RW, did you miss this?

I have already addressed twice......you just don’t like the answer

Steele was a token party leader to counteract an Obama candidacy

Look...we got blacks too

Not an attempt at diversity, an attempt to address the Obama candidacy

Now, bookmark this response and refer to it the next time you claim I didn’t address your comment

You live in a fantasy world - probably breathing in too much sewer gas

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