Why should I ignore black crime?

could poverty have something to do with it?

How about lack of well funded schools?

Lack of medical care?

there are many factors that create the statistics.

Racist only see color.
Over half of all murders are committed by blacks and you are seriously defaulting to poverty?! Are only blacks in poverty?

At what point, if ever, does that excuse become unacceptably tired? At what point does seeing others who were even less fortunate when they arrived at the shores of the new world and yet went on to live the American dream become one of privilege?

How long does playing the part of the oppressrd work(hint, time is running out)? What happened to post-racial America after the election of the the first African-American?

You may not ike the answers, but there you go.

have you ever studied crime and poverty in other countries?

your just looking for an excuse to say your racism is viable
So much for having an "honest discussion about race" in this country. The fact of the matter is that a destructive "black subculture" has taken hold in many parts of our country which virtually assures the continuation of racial disparities. I have several black friends from Africa who can't understand the defense of this subculture any more than I can. Is this similar to many in the Muslim community who are afraid to speak out against terrorists? White liberals have profited from a permanent black underclass, but why do blacks go along with it?
And yet about half of all murders in the US are committed by blacks who constitute about 15% of the population. There are other demographics who are impoverished and yet commit murder at much lower rates. Are the observation themselves racist? Are they untrue?

The left doesn't want anything done as a victim class=votes. They'ed rather rule in hell then serve in heaven. Sad but true. Truth is totally racist as the left can't rule when the light is shined on their belief system. Why are they poor? Do they really expect successful people to just give up their jobs to them???? Why can't they do it themselves? Hey, black man why not start up something and make your own success? Start being there for your children and teach them how to be successful. Take pride in your communities.

I couldn't believe the bs I seen the democrats pushing in this election. I fear for the future of this country because this doesn't lead to a first world country.
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Matthew says he doesn't hate blacks but his posts make it obvious he does.

It does not matter if Matthew hates blacks or not. What matters is whether or not what he says about them is true.

Liking blacks can interfere with an awareness that they have a rate of violent crime that is nearly eight times the white rate, and that they have much lower average intelligence. These are not trivial differences.
Why should i ignore black crime that is trashing our cities? Do you realize that blacks are 5-7 times more likely to murder per population? That's 52% of all murder within the United states.

You can say blacks are the main reason that our cities are so bad. What can we do to help blacks not be so violent? I don't hate blacks but it seems to me that this is a problem that we must work on.

Do you agree?
there is nothing to we can do !! in NY the cops frisk and search policy for suspected gang members is being labeled as racist by blacks !! this is only one example of why they cannot be helped.

What would you and your fellow woods call it if some Black cops were ignoring other Blacks walking down the street and routinely stopped and frisked you guys when you were just walking down the street and minding your business?

I have been stopped and frisked by the police a number of times. I was glad that they were doing their jobs.
Why should i ignore black crime that is trashing our cities? Do you realize that blacks are 5-7 times more likely to murder per population? That's 52% of all murder within the United states.

You can say blacks are the main reason that our cities are so bad. What can we do to help blacks not be so violent? I don't hate blacks but it seems to me that this is a problem that we must work on.

Do you agree?

Racist propaganda. Seems to me the last mass murders (Aurora, Sandy Hook) were done by young white psychotic males. And your caveat, that you don't hate blacks, "rings hollow", when you post such racist propaganda and rhetoric. Don't believe everything that is written, especially, if it supports a racist and bigoted agenda.

Based on information contained in the Uniform Crime Reports from 2000 to 2004, and in the U.S. Census Bureau's Population Estimates Program (1/4/08), we were able to prepare estimates on the arrest rates for certain crimes broken down by race. This data indicates that the arrest rate for blacks for murder was 10 to 15 times as high as for whites, five to six times the rate for whites for sexual assault, eight to nine times as high for robbery, four to five times as high for aggravated assault, and between two to three times as high for burglary.
You are okay with being frisked even though they had no evidence you were up to no good?
It seems to me that people on the left don't care about what this group does. They can all be on the free shit and blame game directed at the white man as far as the left cares. The left never tries to build anyone up, just turns them into a victim. I find it sad.

No personal resonability is a'ok with the left as they hate the family. During the 1950's-1960's most blacks lived in families and cared for each other. No longer so as 72% of all black fathers leave their baby mothers to raise the children alone. Wtf? Most of the community is a'ok with the rape of a women of another race as nothing is ever wrong with it. They'll riot, protest and demand that we respect their sick violence. The left will be their by there fucking sides.

The left makes me sick. You want to stand for violence, rape, murder and low standards? How does it feel to destroy dozens of innercities?

Racist BS. And intellectually dishonest to blame "the left", for your outrageous and bigoted assertions. You have issues.

You have blind spots. What deserves to be called "the black problem in America" is becoming more of a problem now that there are fewer unskilled jobs for blacks to perform, and now that the U.S. economy has entered an era of economic decline.
It seems to me that people on the left don't care about what this group does. They can all be on the free shit and blame game directed at the white man as far as the left cares. The left never tries to build anyone up, just turns them into a victim. I find it sad.

No personal resonability is a'ok with the left as they hate the family. During the 1950's-1960's most blacks lived in families and cared for each other. No longer so as 72% of all black fathers leave their baby mothers to raise the children alone. Wtf? Most of the community is a'ok with the rape of a women of another race as nothing is ever wrong with it. They'll riot, protest and demand that we respect their sick violence. The left will be their by there fucking sides.

The left makes me sick. You want to stand for violence, rape, murder and low standards? How does it feel to destroy dozens of innercities?

Racist BS. And intellectually dishonest to blame "the left", for your outrageous and bigoted assertions. You have issues.

You have blind spots. What deserves to be called "the black problem in America" is becoming more of a problem now that there are fewer unskilled jobs for blacks to perform, and now that the U.S. economy has entered an era of economic decline.

My problem with blacks is simply the fact that they don't want to be part of our society...More like a tribe within it and demand victimhood. A crime isn't a crime to them.
there is nothing to we can do !! in NY the cops frisk and search policy for suspected gang members is being labeled as racist by blacks !! this is only one example of why they cannot be helped.

What would you and your fellow woods call it if some Black cops were ignoring other Blacks walking down the street and routinely stopped and frisked you guys when you were just walking down the street and minding your business?

I have been stopped and frisked by the police a number of times. I was glad that they were doing their jobs.

Did you read my example? :) What were the situations when you were 'stopped and frisked', entering a courthouse?
Racist BS. And intellectually dishonest to blame "the left", for your outrageous and bigoted assertions. You have issues.

You have blind spots. What deserves to be called "the black problem in America" is becoming more of a problem now that there are fewer unskilled jobs for blacks to perform, and now that the U.S. economy has entered an era of economic decline.

My problem with blacks is simply the fact that they don't want to be part of our society...More like a tribe within it and demand victimhood. A crime isn't a crime to them.

Thanks for posting that inaccurate blanket generalization and insane assertion. How many centuries in this country did the majority of white people with a similar mindset as yours try to keep the Blacks out of this society?

Nice avatar............that's one thing we can agree on.
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Racist BS. And intellectually dishonest to blame "the left", for your outrageous and bigoted assertions. You have issues.

You have blind spots. What deserves to be called "the black problem in America" is becoming more of a problem now that there are fewer unskilled jobs for blacks to perform, and now that the U.S. economy has entered an era of economic decline.

My problem with blacks is simply the fact that they don't want to be part of our society...More like a tribe within it and demand victimhood. A crime isn't a crime to them.

What racist bs. We are and have been a part of society since debarking from the boat, much to your chagrin. Most serial killers and mass murderers happen to be deranged white men, thank you very much.
It seems to me that people on the left don't care about what this group does. They can all be on the free shit and blame game directed at the white man as far as the left cares. The left never tries to build anyone up, just turns them into a victim. I find it sad.

No personal resonability is a'ok with the left as they hate the family. During the 1950's-1960's most blacks lived in families and cared for each other. No longer so as 72% of all black fathers leave their baby mothers to raise the children alone. Wtf? Most of the community is a'ok with the rape of a women of another race as nothing is ever wrong with it. They'll riot, protest and demand that we respect their sick violence. The left will be their by there fucking sides.

The left makes me sick. You want to stand for violence, rape, murder and low standards? How does it feel to destroy dozens of innercities?

Racist BS. And intellectually dishonest to blame "the left", for your outrageous and bigoted assertions. You have issues.

You have blind spots. What deserves to be called "the black problem in America" is becoming more of a problem now that there are fewer unskilled jobs for blacks to perform, and now that the U.S. economy has entered an era of economic decline.

Reference that bs. I have no blind spots. I have so many white "friends" on Facebook, who agree with my takes and hi-five me constantly. The U.S. economy entered a decline, due to the previous administration's poor judgment and insane decision making, affecting not only blacks and browns, but unskilled and poorly educated whites.
What would you and your fellow woods call it if some Black cops were ignoring other Blacks walking down the street and routinely stopped and frisked you guys when you were just walking down the street and minding your business?

I have been stopped and frisked by the police a number of times. I was glad that they were doing their jobs.

Did you read my example? :) What were the situations when you were 'stopped and frisked', entering a courthouse?

I have been stopped and frisked for walking outside after dark. I was not doing anything suspicious. Because I was not doing anything wrong, I had no reason to fear.
I have been stopped and frisked by the police a number of times. I was glad that they were doing their jobs.

Did you read my example? :) What were the situations when you were 'stopped and frisked', entering a courthouse?

I have been stopped and frisked for walking outside after dark. I was not doing anything suspicious. Because I was not doing anything wrong, I had no reason to fear.

So you are comfortable with being singled out by your race and being stopped and frisked with no probable cause or grounds to do such a thing?

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