Why should I ignore black crime?

Did you read my example? :) What were the situations when you were 'stopped and frisked', entering a courthouse?

I have been stopped and frisked for walking outside after dark. I was not doing anything suspicious. Because I was not doing anything wrong, I had no reason to fear.

So you are comfortable with being singled out by your race and being stopped and frisked with no probable cause or grounds to do such a thing?

It does not bother me a bit. :cool:

The police are my friends. The criminals are not.
The high level of crime and general idiocy committed by blacks and minorities has a cultural basis. Same with Latinos and Hispanics. Being White, Black, Asian, etc. doesn't mean a damn thing. It's the environment one grows up in, not the color of their skin.

If that comes off as racist, I don't mean it as such. Just stating my observations.

And no, I'm not White.

Absolutely....propagated and promoted by whites during slavery and Jim Crow, which has had lasting effects. Survival is the bottom line, and when you "purposefully" obstruct someone's survival, well, then, "all bets are off". Some believe and might say that whites are inherently evil. I don't believe that, but some do.
Why should i ignore black crime that is trashing our cities? Do you realize that blacks are 5-7 times more likely to murder per population? That's 52% of all murder within the United states.

You can say blacks are the main reason that our cities are so bad. What can we do to help blacks not be so violent? I don't hate blacks but it seems to me that this is a problem that we must work on.

Do you agree?

All. Gun owners are crazy because of the recent shootings. I put them all in the same catagory. Just like you did.

We are not all criminals.
I have been stopped and frisked for walking outside after dark. I was not doing anything suspicious. Because I was not doing anything wrong, I had no reason to fear.

So you are comfortable with being singled out by your race and being stopped and frisked with no probable cause or grounds to do such a thing?

It does not bother me a bit. :cool:

The police are my friends. The criminals are not.

So you have no problem with being discriminated against by your 'friends'. LOL
I see white criminals are starting to catch up,with Black criminals.26 People in one day,white criminals are killing their own in huge amounts. Bring back "ole Sparky",that will bring the crime statistics down.
It does not bother me a bit. :cool:

The police are my friends. The criminals are not.

So you have no problem with being discriminated against by your 'friends'. LOL

No problem whatsoever. :cool:

Yep, no problem living in a police state where you have your rights abridged. I'm sad that you think that 'reasonable suspicion' based on the color of one's skin, is good enough grounds for you. That would fly in a few countries 70 years ago. Countries that our country was fighting against. :lol:
Racist BS. And intellectually dishonest to blame "the left", for your outrageous and bigoted assertions. You have issues.

You have blind spots. What deserves to be called "the black problem in America" is becoming more of a problem now that there are fewer unskilled jobs for blacks to perform, and now that the U.S. economy has entered an era of economic decline.

Reference that bs. I have no blind spots. I have so many white "friends" on Facebook, who agree with my takes and hi-five me constantly. The U.S. economy entered a decline, due to the previous administration's poor judgment and insane decision making, affecting not only blacks and browns, but unskilled and poorly educated whites.

As the old saying goes, "in a deregulated environment, corruption thrives.

The decline in the economy also affected supposedly "skilled and educated whites", who are now deservedly serving long prison terms for their greed, lying and fraudulent practices that ruined the lives honest, hard working people.

You can believe that the same greedy profiteers would feel no kinship toward any of these Aryan supremacists wackos like the one you were responding to if an opportunity to steal from them with impunity and immunity presented itself.

The real divide in this country is a class divide, not racial for those who are awake.
Blacks need to stop pushing socialism. It has done besides hurt the black man like it has hurt everyone else.

Time to teach your children to work hard.

The closest approximation to democratic socialism is social democracy. It works well in Scandinavia and Germany.
So you have no problem with being discriminated against by your 'friends'. LOL

No problem whatsoever. :cool:

Yep, no problem living in a police state where you have your rights abridged. I'm sad that you think that 'reasonable suspicion' based on the color of one's skin, is good enough grounds for you. That would fly in a few countries 70 years ago. Countries that our country was fighting against. :lol:

Young black men are frequently dangerous. I want the police to be in their face constantly, intimidating them. The only thing ghetto thugs understand is the fear of physical punishment. Rodney King got the beating he deserved.
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Blacks have high rates of crime and illegitimacy and low average IQs. I can understand why someone would feel sorry for them. I cannot understand why anyone would like and respect them. The United States would be a far better country without them. They would be lost without us. They are incapable of creating civilized and well functioning societies.
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could poverty have something to do with it?

How about lack of well funded schools?

Lack of medical care?

there are many factors that create the statistics.

Racist only see color.
Over half of all murders are committed by blacks and you are seriously defaulting to poverty?! Are only blacks in poverty?

At what point, if ever, does that excuse become unacceptably tired? At what point does seeing others who were even less fortunate when they arrived at the shores of the new world and yet went on to live the American dream become one of privilege?

How long does playing the part of the oppressrd work(hint, time is running out)? What happened to post-racial America after the election of the the first African-American?

You may not ike the answers, but there you go.

have you ever studied crime and poverty in other countries?

your just looking for an excuse to say your racism is viable
I can't say I've studied it, but I have lived in outside of the US for 40 years. European countries, especially those with homogeneous populations have very low crime rates. Immigrants, especially those from the Middle-East and Africa, seem to bring much higher crime rates where they are found. It is not racism, it is an observation borne out by facts.

I suppose I was spared the indoctrination of political correctness by an education other than that offered by the US public school system. I consider political correctness the morality of self appointed ideologues and mediocre minds, such as your own.
Over half of all murders are committed by blacks and you are seriously defaulting to poverty?! Are only blacks in poverty?

At what point, if ever, does that excuse become unacceptably tired? At what point does seeing others who were even less fortunate when they arrived at the shores of the new world and yet went on to live the American dream become one of privilege?

How long does playing the part of the oppressrd work(hint, time is running out)? What happened to post-racial America after the election of the the first African-American?

You may not ike the answers, but there you go.

have you ever studied crime and poverty in other countries?

your just looking for an excuse to say your racism is viable
I can't say I've studied it, but I have lived in outside of the US for 40 years. European countries, especially those with homogeneous populations have very low crime rates. Immigrants, especially those from the Middle-East and Africa, seem to bring much higher crime rates where they are found. It is not racism, it is an observation borne out by facts.

I suppose I was spared the indoctrination of political correctness by an education other than that offered by the US public school system. I consider political correctness the morality of self appointed ideologues and mediocre minds, such as your own.

Political correctness is the way liberals prevent a debate they know they will lose about the biological reasons for black crime and stupidity.
Why should i ignore black crime that is trashing our cities? Do you realize that blacks are 5-7 times more likely to murder per population? That's 52% of all murder within the United states.

You can say blacks are the main reason that our cities are so bad. What can we do to help blacks not be so violent? I don't hate blacks but it seems to me that this is a problem that we must work on.

Do you agree?

We all know you don't really care about crime or the victims for that matter.

Sure you don't hate blacks. I bet you even have black friends. Do yourself and others a favor by putting a bullet through your temple in public.
have you ever studied crime and poverty in other countries?

your just looking for an excuse to say your racism is viable
I can't say I've studied it, but I have lived in outside of the US for 40 years. European countries, especially those with homogeneous populations have very low crime rates. Immigrants, especially those from the Middle-East and Africa, seem to bring much higher crime rates where they are found. It is not racism, it is an observation borne out by facts.

I suppose I was spared the indoctrination of political correctness by an education other than that offered by the US public school system. I consider political correctness the morality of self appointed ideologues and mediocre minds, such as your own.

Political correctness is the way liberals prevent a debate they know they will lose about the biological reasons for black crime and stupidity.

Explain my biological reasons for crime and stupidity, since I'm a black college student with a clean record.

Give me a break you Nazi fuck.:eusa_liar:
So you have no problem with being discriminated against by your 'friends'. LOL

No problem whatsoever. :cool:

Yep, no problem living in a police state where you have your rights abridged. I'm sad that you think that 'reasonable suspicion' based on the color of one's skin, is good enough grounds for you. That would fly in a few countries 70 years ago. Countries that our country was fighting against. :lol:

as a teenager and a young man I was definitely watched more closely by the police. haha probably for good reason.

cops go where the crime is and look for obvious suspects. unfortunately some innocent blacks get hassled because of past bad black behaviour. same for the group 'youths', or the group 'men', or the group 'drunks', etc.

when there is little information to go on, stereotypes derived from past experience are better than nothing.
I can't say I've studied it, but I have lived in outside of the US for 40 years. European countries, especially those with homogeneous populations have very low crime rates. Immigrants, especially those from the Middle-East and Africa, seem to bring much higher crime rates where they are found. It is not racism, it is an observation borne out by facts.

I suppose I was spared the indoctrination of political correctness by an education other than that offered by the US public school system. I consider political correctness the morality of self appointed ideologues and mediocre minds, such as your own.

Political correctness is the way liberals prevent a debate they know they will lose about the biological reasons for black crime and stupidity.

Explain my biological reasons for crime and stupidity, since I'm a black college student with a clean record.

Give me a break you Nazi fuck.:eusa_liar:

dude I feel your pain. you deserve the praise and support that you get from the people who know you.

unfortunately your good example doesnt wipe out the bad examples that many people have had with black people, even if those bad experiences are in the minority. people remember things that are out of their comfort zone, and just about everyone has had a bad experience with a black person which they remember, and many other good experiences that they dont.
Political correctness is the way liberals prevent a debate they know they will lose about the biological reasons for black crime and stupidity.

Explain my biological reasons for crime and stupidity, since I'm a black college student with a clean record.

Give me a break you Nazi fuck.:eusa_liar:

dude I feel your pain. you deserve the praise and support that you get from the people who know you.

unfortunately your good example doesnt wipe out the bad examples that many people have had with black people, even if those bad experiences are in the minority. people remember things that are out of their comfort zone, and just about everyone has had a bad experience with a black person which they remember, and many other good experiences that they dont.

Everyone? Really?

I've had bad experiences with Latinos, Asians and White people, but you don't see me degenerating all of them as whole.....CONSTANTLY. Am I justified to hate Latinos, Asians and White people just because an ALLEGORY experience. FUCK NO, so why should that fuck Matthew or other fucks like him do the same for minorities? :evil:
It's too late for this shit, I'm outta here.
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Explain my biological reasons for crime and stupidity, since I'm a black college student with a clean record.

Give me a break you Nazi fuck.:eusa_liar:

dude I feel your pain. you deserve the praise and support that you get from the people who know you.

unfortunately your good example doesnt wipe out the bad examples that many people have had with black people, even if those bad experiences are in the minority. people remember things that are out of their comfort zone, and just about everyone has had a bad experience with a black person which they remember, and many other good experiences that they dont.

Everyone? Really?

I've had bad experiences with Latinos, Asians and White people, but you don't see me degenerating all of them as whole.....CONSTANTLY. Am I justified to hate Latinos, Asians and White people just because an ALLEGORY experience. FUCK NO, so why should that fuck Matthew or other fucks like him do the same for minorities? :evil:
It's too late for this shit, I'm outta here.

Simply because blacks cause 52% of all murder within the United states. Do you realize this?

13% of the population doing 52% of murder. yes, I have a right to bitch.

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