Why should I ignore black crime?

Why should i ignore black crime that is trashing our cities? Do you realize that blacks are 5-7 times more likely to murder per population? That's 52% of all murder within the United states.

You can say blacks are the main reason that our cities are so bad. What can we do to help blacks not be so violent? I don't hate blacks but it seems to me that this is a problem that we must work on.

Do you agree?

Racist propaganda. Seems to me the last mass murders (Aurora, Sandy Hook) were done by young white psychotic males. And your caveat, that you don't hate blacks, "rings hollow", when you post such racist propaganda and rhetoric. Don't believe everything that is written, especially, if it supports a racist and bigoted agenda.

That same weekend end I believe 20 blacks were murdered in Chicago alone. The race hustlers red herring is to point to mass murders and say see whites are the problem. Yet mass murders make up only a percent of a percent of the murders in this country. Gang violence makes up 90%+ and YES most gang violence is committed by minorities (there are exceptions like biker gangs and skinheads).


Right. Except the powers that be (white society) set it up that way....stemming from slavery and Jim Crow, pitting blacks against blacks, in the quest of survival and the elusive "American Dream".
Why should i ignore black crime that is trashing our cities? Do you realize that blacks are 5-7 times more likely to murder per population? That's 52% of all murder within the United states.

You can say blacks are the main reason that our cities are so bad. What can we do to help blacks not be so violent? I don't hate blacks but it seems to me that this is a problem that we must work on.

Do you agree?

We all know you don't really care about crime or the victims for that matter.

Sure you don't hate blacks. I bet you even have black friends. Do yourself and others a favor by putting a bullet through your temple in public.
we should arm all the blacks in this country !! that would solve the problem . they would kill each other off in no time.

How racist. Some blacks, like myself believe that the 2nd amendment should be repealed and all guns outlawed, so that kind of makes your assertion a moot and stupid point.
Blacks have high rates of crime and illegitimacy and low average IQs.

Average IQs among various ethnic groups is a dynamic transitional measure. Jews, Italians and Irish also had said low IQs, but as they integrated into our society their average IQs went up across the board.

The main reason that black IQ averages is not rising is because their leadership do not want them to assimilate, and the pbulic school system across the country is going straight to hell.

To imply that the average low IQ for a group demonstrates a broad incapacity for intelligence, one would need to show that there is a cap on their intelligence that is lower than the cap for everyone else, but that has never been the case with any ethnic group.

Some of the most intelligent people ever known are black, so this proves beyond doubt that they have as much potential as any other ethnicity, but the political system is led by racists who are hobbling blacks with welfare, set asides, high crime rates, a culture that has many identifying intelligence with 'acting white', and constant mass media images of successful blacks being largely criminals and thugs of various kinds.

The Civil Rights movement has caused far more deaths of blacks through its alliance with the Democrat Party Old Guard who are racist to the core of their being.

I can understand why someone would feel sorry for them. I cannot understand why anyone would like and respect them. The United States would be a far better country without them. They would be lost without us. They are incapable of creating civilized and well functioning societies.

That is categorically wrong. Blacks have given a lot to what makes the US special and unique in good ways you probably dont realize, like blood transfusions, peanut butter, and sparkplugs.

List of African-American inventors and scientists - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This country would not be better off without its black community. But we could do without their socialist and racist leaders, I agree with that. They have not purged their racists in their leadership and that is in part holding them back.

Lies and sissy chatter. Outrageous racist right wing propaganda. Totally morally bankrupt.
Right. Except the powers that be (white society) set it up that way....stemming from slavery and Jim Crow, pitting blacks against blacks, in the quest of survival and the elusive "American Dream".

Which members of white society are setting up blacks against blacks? Rich people? Bankers? Lawyers? Illuminati? Harvard grads?
Blacks have high rates of crime and illegitimacy and low average IQs. I can understand why someone would feel sorry for them. I cannot understand why anyone would like and respect them. The United States would be a far better country without them. They would be lost without us. They are incapable of creating civilized and well functioning societies.

The US would fare better without you nazi pricks. What's your solution about blacks, chimp?
No problem whatsoever. :cool:

Yep, no problem living in a police state where you have your rights abridged. I'm sad that you think that 'reasonable suspicion' based on the color of one's skin, is good enough grounds for you. That would fly in a few countries 70 years ago. Countries that our country was fighting against. :lol:

Young black men are frequently dangerous. I want the police to be in their face constantly, intimidating them. The only thing ghetto thugs understand is the fear of physical punishment. Rodney King got the beating he deserved.

LOL, thanks for the laugh and pointing out your racist biased attitude! :lol:

I wonder how you would feel if it was Black cops singling your White ass out and harassing you and depriving you of your civil liberties because you are White. .
No problem whatsoever. :cool:

Yep, no problem living in a police state where you have your rights abridged. I'm sad that you think that 'reasonable suspicion' based on the color of one's skin, is good enough grounds for you. That would fly in a few countries 70 years ago. Countries that our country was fighting against. :lol:

as a teenager and a young man I was definitely watched more closely by the police. haha probably for good reason.

cops go where the crime is and look for obvious suspects. unfortunately some innocent blacks get hassled because of past bad black behaviour. same for the group 'youths', or the group 'men', or the group 'drunks', etc.

when there is little information to go on, stereotypes derived from past experience are better than nothing.

At least you present your POV with class and intelligence. I understand that there are high crime areas that need more enforcement, that still does not justify depriving people of their civil liberties no matter what race they are. See, the pendulum swings both ways and maybe some day the authorities will be singling out White people and depriving them of their civil liberties the same way it is being done to the Blacks and advocated by some White people on this forum and thread.

I guarantee you that those White punks (not you) who are all for harassing 'the Blacks' , would be crying like little bitches and claiming 'racism' if they were singled out that same exact way.
Political correctness is the way liberals prevent a debate they know they will lose about the biological reasons for black crime and stupidity.

Explain my biological reasons for crime and stupidity, since I'm a black college student with a clean record.

Give me a break you Nazi fuck.:eusa_liar:

dude I feel your pain. you deserve the praise and support that you get from the people who know you.

unfortunately your good example doesnt wipe out the bad examples that many people have had with black people, even if those bad experiences are in the minority. people remember things that are out of their comfort zone, and just about everyone has had a bad experience with a black person which they remember, and many other good experiences that they dont.

I bet if I asked those same people who don't like 'the Blacks', "who tried to fuck or fucked their girlfriend or wife" or who their worst direct enemy was, it would most likely be someone of their own 'race'.
Explain my biological reasons for crime and stupidity, since I'm a black college student with a clean record.

Give me a break you Nazi fuck.:eusa_liar:

dude I feel your pain. you deserve the praise and support that you get from the people who know you.

unfortunately your good example doesnt wipe out the bad examples that many people have had with black people, even if those bad experiences are in the minority. people remember things that are out of their comfort zone, and just about everyone has had a bad experience with a black person which they remember, and many other good experiences that they dont.

Everyone? Really?

I've had bad experiences with Latinos, Asians and White people, but you don't see me degenerating all of them as whole.....CONSTANTLY. Am I justified to hate Latinos, Asians and White people just because an ALLEGORY experience. FUCK NO, so why should that fuck Matthew or other fucks like him do the same for minorities? :evil:
It's too late for this shit, I'm outta here.

Excellent points. :clap2:
Right. Except the powers that be (white society) set it up that way....stemming from slavery and Jim Crow, pitting blacks against blacks, in the quest of survival and the elusive "American Dream".

Which members of white society are setting up blacks against blacks? Rich people? Bankers? Lawyers? Illuminati? Harvard grads?

I'm not about to sit here and give you a history lesson....but slavery reinforced conflict between slaves...."light-skinned vs. dark-skinned", field negroes vs. house negroes, skilled vs. unskilled, and later educated vs. uneducated. American society which has ingrained in it, "white privilege" and a disdain for equality among the races, enjoys the status quo, which scapegoats blacks and browns as the most criminal, most likely to fail, and personas non grata.
FYI...The Illuminati, are actually against your lowly ass...so I wouldn't get too "uppity".
We all know you don't really care about crime or the victims for that matter.

Sure you don't hate blacks. I bet you even have black friends. Do yourself and others a favor by putting a bullet through your temple in public.
we should arm all the blacks in this country !! that would solve the problem . they would kill each other off in no time.

How racist. Some blacks, like myself believe that the 2nd amendment should be repealed and all guns outlawed, so that kind of makes your assertion a moot and stupid point.

The only problem with that is that racist cracker pigs like some on this thread will STILL have their firearms and people who believe like you do, won't have them and will be like lambs for the slaughter from the racist bastards who are preparing for a race war.
Blacks have high rates of crime and illegitimacy and low average IQs.

Average IQs among various ethnic groups is a dynamic transitional measure. Jews, Italians and Irish also had said low IQs, but as they integrated into our society their average IQs went up across the board.

The main reason that black IQ averages is not rising is because their leadership do not want them to assimilate, and the pbulic school system across the country is going straight to hell.

To imply that the average low IQ for a group demonstrates a broad incapacity for intelligence, one would need to show that there is a cap on their intelligence that is lower than the cap for everyone else, but that has never been the case with any ethnic group.

Some of the most intelligent people ever known are black, so this proves beyond doubt that they have as much potential as any other ethnicity, but the political system is led by racists who are hobbling blacks with welfare, set asides, high crime rates, a culture that has many identifying intelligence with 'acting white', and constant mass media images of successful blacks being largely criminals and thugs of various kinds.

The Civil Rights movement has caused far more deaths of blacks through its alliance with the Democrat Party Old Guard who are racist to the core of their being.

I can understand why someone would feel sorry for them. I cannot understand why anyone would like and respect them. The United States would be a far better country without them. They would be lost without us. They are incapable of creating civilized and well functioning societies.

That is categorically wrong. Blacks have given a lot to what makes the US special and unique in good ways you probably dont realize, like blood transfusions, peanut butter, and sparkplugs.

List of African-American inventors and scientists - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This country would not be better off without its black community. But we could do without their socialist and racist leaders, I agree with that. They have not purged their racists in their leadership and that is in part holding them back.

Lies and sissy chatter. Outrageous racist right wing propaganda. Totally morally bankrupt.

Lol, what the fuck are you talking about?
As you can see there is nothing that can be done about the deplorable state of black America. Saying it's deplorable is racist. Blacks in this country are mere props. They are trotted out when the left wants to make an asinine point. They are then left to kill and maim at will.
There seems to have been an uptick in black on white crime starting about 2010 or so and lasting a good year maybe more. How many black men have raped white women? On the other side, how many white men have raped black women? Which do you think will be larger?

I agree with you that black on black crime is not troubling at all. Look at Obama; White kids killed in school, he's crying on the TV. Hundreds of black kids killed in Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, Philly and DC...not a peep. Like our President, most people just don't care.

Most likely because the act of pointing it out IS RACIST. Yep, I shit you not...

Anyone reports it and they will scream that you're being racist.

I wasn't talking about Interracial crime. Intraracial means within the same race dummy. :clap2::clap2::

I guarantee you that the above went way over his head.
could poverty have something to do with it?

How about lack of well funded schools?

Lack of medical care?

there are many factors that create the statistics.

Racist only see color.
Over half of all murders are committed by blacks and you are seriously defaulting to poverty?! Are only blacks in poverty?

At what point, if ever, does that excuse become unacceptably tired? At what point does seeing others who were even less fortunate when they arrived at the shores of the new world and yet went on to live the American dream become one of privilege?

How long does playing the part of the oppressrd work(hint, time is running out)? What happened to post-racial America after the election of the the first African-American?

You may not ike the answers, but there you go.

What is the reason?
could poverty have something to do with it?

How about lack of well funded schools?

Lack of medical care?

there are many factors that create the statistics.

Racist only see color.
Over half of all murders are committed by blacks and you are seriously defaulting to poverty?! Are only blacks in poverty?

At what point, if ever, does that excuse become unacceptably tired? At what point does seeing others who were even less fortunate when they arrived at the shores of the new world and yet went on to live the American dream become one of privilege?

How long does playing the part of the oppressrd work(hint, time is running out)? What happened to post-racial America after the election of the the first African-American?

You may not ike the answers, but there you go.

Yet most of the victims are black. Which whom you could care less about.

Poverty begets crime in almost every circumstance. Take a look at Eastern Europe including Russia.

And you honestly think that foreign immigrants had it worse than African Americans? At least a lot of (European) immigrants were allowed to integrate and have full protection of the law before the civil rights era (1964).

You're an idiot if you think that Blacks could achieve the "American Dream" or even employment without major GOVERNMENT and SOCIAL obstacles before the civil rights era.

Within your idiotic diatribe lies some truth, blacks shouldn't use the past as a crutch for their personal shortcomings or whatever. However, blacks should never forget history, as what idiots like you imply.
Why should i ignore black crime that is trashing our cities? Do you realize that blacks are 5-7 times more likely to murder per population? That's 52% of all murder within the United states.

You can say blacks are the main reason that our cities are so bad. What can we do to help blacks not be so violent? I don't hate blacks but it seems to me that this is a problem that we must work on.

Do you agree?

How many cities have you lived in?

What can you personally do to help?

How many threads have you made about black people ?

If you didn't make threads complaining about the black race would your head/thoughts be ignoring what you normally type about?
could poverty have something to do with it?

How about lack of well funded schools?

Lack of medical care?

there are many factors that create the statistics.

Racist only see color.
Over half of all murders are committed by blacks and you are seriously defaulting to poverty?! Are only blacks in poverty?

At what point, if ever, does that excuse become unacceptably tired? At what point does seeing others who were even less fortunate when they arrived at the shores of the new world and yet went on to live the American dream become one of privilege?

How long does playing the part of the oppressrd work(hint, time is running out)? What happened to post-racial America after the election of the the first African-American?

You may not ike the answers, but there you go.

Yet most of the victims are black. Which whom you could care less about.

Poverty begets crime in almost every circumstance. Take a look at Eastern Europe including Russia.

And you honestly think that foreign immigrants had it worse than African Americans? At least a lot of (European) immigrants were allowed to integrate and have full protection of the law before the civil rights era (1964).

You're an idiot if you think that Blacks could achieve the "American Dream" or even employment without major GOVERNMENT and SOCIAL obstacles before the civil rights era.

Within your idiotic diatribe lies some truth, blacks shouldn't use the past as a crutch for their personal shortcomings or whatever. However, blacks should never forget history, as what idiots like you imply.

My step-dad was a cowboy out in West Texas, in the Lubbock area, and he told me several times that black cowboys were the best he had known because they knew they had to prove that they could do the job that most thought they couldnt. He also had a black doctor he went to for much the same reason, and I have heard others from the western states say similar things.

But nowadays, I have not heard such a thing in more than 40 years. I do know some very intelligent and competent blacks and they are some of the best people I have ever worked with but I dont see one fifth as many blacks in white collar jobs these days in my industry. Mostly I see H1-Bs from India that pass themselves off as black for affirmative action reasons.
Matthew and Yidnar really, REALLY want to be able to say ****** somewhere other than stormfront forums.

true story.

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