Why should I ignore black crime?

Stormfronters hate Jews maybe even more than blacks. That 'I Stand with Israel' avatar wouldn't fare well with Stormfront.

I was a member of Stormfront once. I wanted to see how long it would take them to ban me, even while I was careful to obey the rules of the website.

During my second week there I criticized Hitler and praised the Jews.

Bad move. :eek:

They suspended me and said they would think about what they would do to me. Two days later I was banned. :mad:

Posters on Stormfront express hatred for Jews, but they are not able to explain why they hate Jews.

Look at who controls the banking industury and the Fed.

The Majority are jewish.

That's at least one of the reasons they point to.
Stormfronters hate Jews maybe even more than blacks. That 'I Stand with Israel' avatar wouldn't fare well with Stormfront.

I was a member of Stormfront once. I wanted to see how long it would take them to ban me, even while I was careful to obey the rules of the website.

During my second week there I criticized Hitler and praised the Jews.

Bad move. :eek:

They suspended me and said they would think about what they would do to me. Two days later I was banned. :mad:

Posters on Stormfront express hatred for Jews, but they are not able to explain why they hate Jews.

Look at who controls the banking industury and the Fed.

The Majority are jewish.

That's at least one of the reasons they point to.

Jews do not "control" banking, Hollywood, journalism, the academy, or anything else. They have a prominence far out of proportion to their numbers in the U.S. population because of their superior intelligence.
Why am I not surprised that you were a member of stormfront?

You're not an Anti-Semite? You want a prize for that?

You're still a POS.

This is what you are:


  • $Negro.JPG
    45.1 KB · Views: 34
You don't fucking write out the word, having respect for black forum members who would be offended. Context doesn't even enter into the equation. There is no context for that word.

You are wrong. Absolutely wrong.

Well, you'll have to prove it, won't you? Good luck with that.

I doubt I could prove anything to your satisfaction. You are a bit unstable.

Still, you ought to understand that context and intent must be considered when judging the comments that a person makes. That is not something that is up for debate.
Matthew and Yidnar really, REALLY want to be able to say ****** somewhere other than stormfront forums.

true story.

And how are you any better, writing it out, knowing that there are black forum members present, like it was nothing? No shame. No remorse.

spare me the sacred cow routine. In the context which I used it, it's a word; nothing more, nothing less.
You are wrong. Absolutely wrong.

Well, you'll have to prove it, won't you? Good luck with that.

I doubt I could prove anything to your satisfaction. You are a bit unstable.

Still, you ought to understand that context and intent must be considered when judging the comments that a person makes. That is not something that is up for debate.

Absolutely. I find you most lacking in credibility. I'm unstable? Based on what? Your analysis? LOL.
Context and intent? You merely have to add 1 and 1 together to get 2, for context. And intent is but a question away. You (and others here) would rather "assume" than to be clear about "intent", and base your context on false assumptions. And that is "up for debate".
Matthew and Yidnar really, REALLY want to be able to say ****** somewhere other than stormfront forums.

true story.

And how are you any better, writing it out, knowing that there are black forum members present, like it was nothing? No shame. No remorse.

spare me the sacred cow routine. In the context which I used it, it's a word; nothing more, nothing less.

You're a racist. There is no context in which you, a white person, can use the word and not be pejorative. The truth is, you love saying (or writing the word out)....it makes your skin youthful and glow, radiantly. You have no respect for me, or any other black forum members, by "casually" writing out the word, as if you had the right to do it, and to suffer no consequences from your actions. I bet you one thing....you won't go into the nearest neighborhood mall, and shout the word from the rafters....they would be picking up your pieces from off the floor.
And how are you any better, writing it out, knowing that there are black forum members present, like it was nothing? No shame. No remorse.

A poet who struggles with the importance of grasping context and intent is going to face difficulty.

You don't fucking write out the word, having respect for black forum members who would be offended. Context doesn't even enter into the equation. There is no context for that word.

I've not seen enough of your posts to give a damn about your opinion but it seems that your moniker falls laughably short of your ability to detect nuance of verbiage.

If I need to use the word ****** to make a point about a racist like Matthew, who actually uses the term with vitriol, I will do so without worry about wounding your thin-skinned opinions about respect.

Yes, context does matter; a real poet would understand that.
You don't fucking write out the word, having respect for black forum members who would be offended. Context doesn't even enter into the equation. There is no context for that word.

You are wrong. Absolutely wrong.

Well, you'll have to prove it, won't you? Good luck with that.

he doesn't have to prove that your opinion about respect means jack and/or shit to anyone on this forum.

A poet who struggles with the importance of grasping context and intent is going to face difficulty.

You don't fucking write out the word, having respect for black forum members who would be offended. Context doesn't even enter into the equation. There is no context for that word.

I've not seen enough of your posts to give a damn about your opinion but it seems that your moniker falls laughably short of your ability to detect nuance of verbiage.

If I need to use the word ****** to make a point about a racist like Matthew, who actually uses the term with vitriol, I will do so without worry about wounding your thin-skinned opinions about respect.

Yes, context does matter; a real poet would understand that.

I think it is quite sad and regrettable that this forum's moderation would actually allow you to write the word out, in any context. To do so, after I have informed you that there is nothing more offensive in the English lexicon, to me, than that word, certifies you as a racist and a bigot, of the first order.
My being a poet....and, in fact, a "black gay poet", does not bring with it any understanding why, in 2013, a white political debate forum member would post the term, "spelled out", with no shame or remorse....fuck the fact that you didn't call anyone that. You're absolutely no better than Matthew or TNHarley. And I hardly need you to qualify me as "a real poet". I'm a published poet, and in demand.
Well, you'll have to prove it, won't you? Good luck with that.

I doubt I could prove anything to your satisfaction. You are a bit unstable.

Still, you ought to understand that context and intent must be considered when judging the comments that a person makes. That is not something that is up for debate.

Absolutely. I find you most lacking in credibility. I'm unstable? Based on what? Your analysis? LOL.
Context and intent? You merely have to add 1 and 1 together to get 2, for context. And intent is but a question away. You (and others here) would rather "assume" than to be clear about "intent", and base your context on false assumptions. And that is "up for debate".

clearly you haven't posted on this forum long enough if you are going to insinuate that my use of the word ****** above is more reflective of me than the forum member whom I was commenting about.

I get it, however. You are pretentious about appearing knowledgeable and educated tot he point of fault; getting stuck on six letters despite their intended use.

I suggest that you don't scare yourself half to death by reading any Mark Twain books.

I doubt I could prove anything to your satisfaction. You are a bit unstable.

Still, you ought to understand that context and intent must be considered when judging the comments that a person makes. That is not something that is up for debate.

Absolutely. I find you most lacking in credibility. I'm unstable? Based on what? Your analysis? LOL.
Context and intent? You merely have to add 1 and 1 together to get 2, for context. And intent is but a question away. You (and others here) would rather "assume" than to be clear about "intent", and base your context on false assumptions. And that is "up for debate".

clearly you haven't posted on this forum long enough if you are going to insinuate that my use of the word ****** above is more reflective of me than the forum member whom I was commenting about.

I get it, however. You are pretentious about appearing knowledgeable and educated tot he point of fault; getting stuck on six letters despite their intended use.

I suggest that you don't scare yourself half to death by reading any Mark Twain books.


Times were different in Mark Twain's day. This is 2013, and you're not even remotely Mark Twain. Racist bitch.
And how are you any better, writing it out, knowing that there are black forum members present, like it was nothing? No shame. No remorse.

spare me the sacred cow routine. In the context which I used it, it's a word; nothing more, nothing less.

You're a racist. There is no context in which you, a white person, can use the word and not be pejorative. The truth is, you love saying (or writing the word out)....it makes your skin youthful and glow, radiantly. You have no respect for me, or any other black forum members, by "casually" writing out the word, as if you had the right to do it, and to suffer no consequences from your actions. I bet you one thing....you won't go into the nearest neighborhood mall, and shout the word from the rafters....they would be picking up your pieces from off the floor.

People who've posted on this forum longer than you will enjoy the comedy of your accusation. The truth is that only one of us is insisting on a limitation based on the color of someone else's skin pigment. I'll give you a few moments to add that up on your fingers.

I have no respect for you because you've proven to be a silly little bitch. The same would be the case regardless of your skin color. Which, again, people who've been here longer than you can attest to.

So, again, please spare me your drama queen rant. Insinuating a violent result for white people using the term ******, despite any context, sure is typical of the type of cultural ignorance I'm sure you are trying to avoid. Failing miserably, but trying.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdtHZ_6oz9Q]George Carlin explains why it's ok to say ****** - YouTube[/ame]


you fucking fool.
I was a member of Stormfront once. I wanted to see how long it would take them to ban me, even while I was careful to obey the rules of the website.

During my second week there I criticized Hitler and praised the Jews.

Bad move. :eek:

They suspended me and said they would think about what they would do to me. Two days later I was banned. :mad:

Posters on Stormfront express hatred for Jews, but they are not able to explain why they hate Jews.

Look at who controls the banking industury and the Fed.

The Majority are jewish.

That's at least one of the reasons they point to.

Jews do not "control" banking, Hollywood, journalism, the academy, or anything else. They have a prominence far out of proportion to their numbers in the U.S. population because of their superior intelligence.

Lies. The most certainly do....and Vanity Fair featured them in a issue, a year or two ago.
Superior intelligence? Evidently not superior enough to prevent them from having a tainted public image, the world over. For centuries.
I knew you were a racist!
Judge a tree by it's fruit - the rest is just convoluted bullshit. The black race as a whole is fucked. It should be the decent black folks that are constantly pointing out the problem within their race, but they are too racist to admit it. Instead we hear all this crap in attempt to deflect the issue. There is a malignancy within the black race that is making the country worse - blacks as a whole are a deficit to the nation.
Why, why , why ,why , why , why ? We must first acknowledge that there is a problem - that has been done through a preponderance of facts. Now the only thing we should entertain is a solution.
My solution is to execute every violent offender on their second offense. To make it illegal to have children if you can't afford them. To have a war on gangs with mass executions. To stop the entitlement mindset - everyone who is capable needs to get out, and work. These solutions are for all races, but will impact the worst offenders the most!
I believe that the mindset of many people are incorrigible - especially blacks. They are a bunch of harsh MF who need to be dealt with harshly.

You're a member of Stormfront.org., aren't you?
NO! Is that a black flash mob site?
I'm white.

No, that's your home group.
You don't fucking write out the word, having respect for black forum members who would be offended. Context doesn't even enter into the equation. There is no context for that word.

I've not seen enough of your posts to give a damn about your opinion but it seems that your moniker falls laughably short of your ability to detect nuance of verbiage.

If I need to use the word ****** to make a point about a racist like Matthew, who actually uses the term with vitriol, I will do so without worry about wounding your thin-skinned opinions about respect.

Yes, context does matter; a real poet would understand that.

I think it is quite sad and regrettable that this forum's moderation would actually allow you to write the word out, in any context. To do so, after I have informed you that there is nothing more offensive in the English lexicon, to me, than that word, certifies you as a racist and a bigot, of the first order.
My being a poet....and, in fact, a "black gay poet", does not bring with it any understanding why, in 2013, a white political debate forum member would post the term, "spelled out", with no shame or remorse....fuck the fact that you didn't call anyone that. You're absolutely no better than Matthew or TNHarley. And I hardly need you to qualify me as "a real poet". I'm a published poet, and in demand.

I guess this is one of those "too fucking bad" situations in which you cannot cry about a white buy keeping you down to mute the conversation, eh?

I'll remind you, I don't give a shit how offended you are. You are not important to me in the slightest. Again, not because of your skin color but because you are a whiny little ironic fuckstick.

poet... yea.. sure..


you sure are a regular fucking black skinned Alan Ginsberg, lemme tellya!


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