Why should I ignore black crime?

Matthew and Yidnar really, REALLY want to be able to say ****** somewhere other than stormfront forums.

true story.

But the piss themselves at the thought of doing so out in the real world among decent people.
Matthew and Yidnar really, REALLY want to be able to say ****** somewhere other than stormfront forums.

true story.

And how are you any better, writing it out, knowing that there are black forum members present, like it was nothing? No shame. No remorse.
Right. Except the powers that be (white society) set it up that way....stemming from slavery and Jim Crow, pitting blacks against blacks, in the quest of survival and the elusive "American Dream".

Which members of white society are setting up blacks against blacks? Rich people? Bankers? Lawyers? Illuminati? Harvard grads?

I'm not about to sit here and give you a history lesson....but slavery reinforced conflict between slaves...."light-skinned vs. dark-skinned", field negroes vs. house negroes, skilled vs. unskilled, and later educated vs. uneducated. American society which has ingrained in it, "white privilege" and a disdain for equality among the races, enjoys the status quo, which scapegoats blacks and browns as the most criminal, most likely to fail, and personas non grata.
FYI...The Illuminati, are actually against your lowly ass...so I wouldn't get too "uppity".

"The Illuminati"...Dating myself, but I have not heard much about that society since Carlos Castaneda was in his heyday back in the mid 1970's.
Why should i ignore black crime that is trashing our cities? Do you realize that blacks are 5-7 times more likely to murder per population? That's 52% of all murder within the United states.

You can say blacks are the main reason that our cities are so bad. What can we do to help blacks not be so violent? I don't hate blacks but it seems to me that this is a problem that we must work on.

Do you agree?

I guess you'd first need to understand what grinding poverty really does to people.

You'd need to understand what lacking hope for the future does to young men, and then you'd need to understand that this problem is so vast that it will take generations to mitigate the pernicious effects this lack of hope has had on the Blacks of this nation.
Matthew and Yidnar really, REALLY want to be able to say ****** somewhere other than stormfront forums.

true story.

And how are you any better, writing it out, knowing that there are black forum members present, like it was nothing? No shame. No remorse.

A poet who struggles with the importance of grasping context and intent is going to face difficulty.
we should arm all the blacks in this country !! that would solve the problem . they would kill each other off in no time.

How racist. Some blacks, like myself believe that the 2nd amendment should be repealed and all guns outlawed, so that kind of makes your assertion a moot and stupid point.

The only problem with that is that racist cracker pigs like some on this thread will STILL have their firearms and people who believe like you do, won't have them and will be like lambs for the slaughter from the racist bastards who are preparing for a race war.
I knew you were a racist!
Judge a tree by it's fruit - the rest is just convoluted bullshit. The black race as a whole is fucked. It should be the decent black folks that are constantly pointing out the problem within their race, but they are too racist to admit it. Instead we hear all this crap in attempt to deflect the issue. There is a malignancy within the black race that is making the country worse - blacks as a whole are a deficit to the nation.
Why, why , why ,why , why , why ? We must first acknowledge that there is a problem - that has been done through a preponderance of facts. Now the only thing we should entertain is a solution.
My solution is to execute every violent offender on their second offense. To make it illegal to have children if you can't afford them. To have a war on gangs with mass executions. To stop the entitlement mindset - everyone who is capable needs to get out, and work. These solutions are for all races, but will impact the worst offenders the most!
I believe that the mindset of many people are incorrigible - especially blacks. They are a bunch of harsh MF who need to be dealt with harshly.
Matthew and Yidnar really, REALLY want to be able to say ****** somewhere other than stormfront forums.

true story.

And how are you any better, writing it out, knowing that there are black forum members present, like it was nothing? No shame. No remorse.

A poet who struggles with the importance of grasping context and intent is going to face difficulty.

You don't fucking write out the word, having respect for black forum members who would be offended. Context doesn't even enter into the equation. There is no context for that word.
As you can see there is nothing that can be done about the deplorable state of black America. Saying it's deplorable is racist. Blacks in this country are mere props. They are trotted out when the left wants to make an asinine point. They are then left to kill and maim at will.

How utterly despicable to say such filth. Go play in traffic, blindfolded.
How racist. Some blacks, like myself believe that the 2nd amendment should be repealed and all guns outlawed, so that kind of makes your assertion a moot and stupid point.

The only problem with that is that racist cracker pigs like some on this thread will STILL have their firearms and people who believe like you do, won't have them and will be like lambs for the slaughter from the racist bastards who are preparing for a race war.
I knew you were a racist!
Judge a tree by it's fruit - the rest is just convoluted bullshit. The black race as a whole is fucked. It should be the decent black folks that are constantly pointing out the problem within their race, but they are too racist to admit it. Instead we hear all this crap in attempt to deflect the issue. There is a malignancy within the black race that is making the country worse - blacks as a whole are a deficit to the nation.
Why, why , why ,why , why , why ? We must first acknowledge that there is a problem - that has been done through a preponderance of facts. Now the only thing we should entertain is a solution.
My solution is to execute every violent offender on their second offense. To make it illegal to have children if you can't afford them. To have a war on gangs with mass executions. To stop the entitlement mindset - everyone who is capable needs to get out, and work. These solutions are for all races, but will impact the worst offenders the most!
I believe that the mindset of many people are incorrigible - especially blacks. They are a bunch of harsh MF who need to be dealt with harshly.

You're a member of Stormfront.org., aren't you?
And how are you any better, writing it out, knowing that there are black forum members present, like it was nothing? No shame. No remorse.

A poet who struggles with the importance of grasping context and intent is going to face difficulty.

You don't fucking write out the word, having respect for black forum members who would be offended. Context doesn't even enter into the equation. There is no context for that word.

You are wrong. Absolutely wrong.
The only problem with that is that racist cracker pigs like some on this thread will STILL have their firearms and people who believe like you do, won't have them and will be like lambs for the slaughter from the racist bastards who are preparing for a race war.
I knew you were a racist!
Judge a tree by it's fruit - the rest is just convoluted bullshit. The black race as a whole is fucked. It should be the decent black folks that are constantly pointing out the problem within their race, but they are too racist to admit it. Instead we hear all this crap in attempt to deflect the issue. There is a malignancy within the black race that is making the country worse - blacks as a whole are a deficit to the nation.
Why, why , why ,why , why , why ? We must first acknowledge that there is a problem - that has been done through a preponderance of facts. Now the only thing we should entertain is a solution.
My solution is to execute every violent offender on their second offense. To make it illegal to have children if you can't afford them. To have a war on gangs with mass executions. To stop the entitlement mindset - everyone who is capable needs to get out, and work. These solutions are for all races, but will impact the worst offenders the most!
I believe that the mindset of many people are incorrigible - especially blacks. They are a bunch of harsh MF who need to be dealt with harshly.

You're a member of Stormfront.org., aren't you?
NO! Is that a black flash mob site?
I'm white.
The only problem with that is that racist cracker pigs like some on this thread will STILL have their firearms and people who believe like you do, won't have them and will be like lambs for the slaughter from the racist bastards who are preparing for a race war.
I knew you were a racist!
Judge a tree by it's fruit - the rest is just convoluted bullshit. The black race as a whole is fucked. It should be the decent black folks that are constantly pointing out the problem within their race, but they are too racist to admit it. Instead we hear all this crap in attempt to deflect the issue. There is a malignancy within the black race that is making the country worse - blacks as a whole are a deficit to the nation.
Why, why , why ,why , why , why ? We must first acknowledge that there is a problem - that has been done through a preponderance of facts. Now the only thing we should entertain is a solution.
My solution is to execute every violent offender on their second offense. To make it illegal to have children if you can't afford them. To have a war on gangs with mass executions. To stop the entitlement mindset - everyone who is capable needs to get out, and work. These solutions are for all races, but will impact the worst offenders the most!
I believe that the mindset of many people are incorrigible - especially blacks. They are a bunch of harsh MF who need to be dealt with harshly.

You're a member of Stormfront.org., aren't you?

Stormfronters hate Jews maybe even more than blacks. That 'I Stand with Israel' avatar wouldn't fare well with Stormfront.
How racist. Some blacks, like myself believe that the 2nd amendment should be repealed and all guns outlawed, so that kind of makes your assertion a moot and stupid point.

The only problem with that is that racist cracker pigs like some on this thread will STILL have their firearms and people who believe like you do, won't have them and will be like lambs for the slaughter from the racist bastards who are preparing for a race war.
I knew you were a racist!
Judge a tree by it's fruit - the rest is just convoluted bullshit. The black race as a whole is fucked. It should be the decent black folks that are constantly pointing out the problem within their race, but they are too racist to admit it. Instead we hear all this crap in attempt to deflect the issue. There is a malignancy within the black race that is making the country worse - blacks as a whole are a deficit to the nation.
Why, why , why ,why , why , why ? We must first acknowledge that there is a problem - that has been done through a preponderance of facts. Now the only thing we should entertain is a solution.
My solution is to execute every violent offender on their second offense. To make it illegal to have children if you can't afford them. To have a war on gangs with mass executions. To stop the entitlement mindset - everyone who is capable needs to get out, and work. These solutions are for all races, but will impact the worst offenders the most!
I believe that the mindset of many people are incorrigible - especially blacks. They are a bunch of harsh MF who need to be dealt with harshly.

LOL, I'm not a racist. I'm not the bigot who makes inaccurate blanket generalizations about a race of people, like some people who are racist cracker pigs make about 'the Blacks'. I don't think all or most White people are bad, my wife and my Dad's side of the family is White. I'm really "sorry" to disappoint you.

As long as all people are treated EQUALLY , I have no problem with the first three sentences in paragraph two . The last three sentences are proof of what I was referring to in my first sentence in the paragraph above. Thank you for proving my point! :lol:
I knew you were a racist!
Judge a tree by it's fruit - the rest is just convoluted bullshit. The black race as a whole is fucked. It should be the decent black folks that are constantly pointing out the problem within their race, but they are too racist to admit it. Instead we hear all this crap in attempt to deflect the issue. There is a malignancy within the black race that is making the country worse - blacks as a whole are a deficit to the nation.
Why, why , why ,why , why , why ? We must first acknowledge that there is a problem - that has been done through a preponderance of facts. Now the only thing we should entertain is a solution.
My solution is to execute every violent offender on their second offense. To make it illegal to have children if you can't afford them. To have a war on gangs with mass executions. To stop the entitlement mindset - everyone who is capable needs to get out, and work. These solutions are for all races, but will impact the worst offenders the most!
I believe that the mindset of many people are incorrigible - especially blacks. They are a bunch of harsh MF who need to be dealt with harshly.

You're a member of Stormfront.org., aren't you?

Stormfronters hate Jews maybe even more than blacks. That 'I Stand with Israel' avatar wouldn't fare well with Stormfront.

You hate the truth more then anything in the world. You're ok with the destruction of not only innocent whites but your own people.

You could care less as long as you can scream that I'm racist.

(O'yes, don't go to stormfront and show that you like jews)
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You're a member of Stormfront.org., aren't you?

Stormfronters hate Jews maybe even more than blacks. That 'I Stand with Israel' avatar wouldn't fare well with Stormfront.

You hate the truth more then anything in the world. You're ok with the destruction of not only innocent whites but your own people.

You could care less as long as you can scream that I'm racist.

(O'yes, don't go to stormfront and show that you like jews)

Yeah, your diatribe is truth. :doubt:

All blacks are the same and each one is collectively responsible for the crimes of others who happen to be black. :cuckoo:

When did I say or even imply I was 'okay' with the destruction of not only innocent whites but your own people?

Again most crime is intraracial and the victims of most black crime are, (drum roll)...................................BLACK.

Quit pretending you care about crime or crime victims. You only use them for your personal Stormfront-like agenda.

I never called you racist, nor anyone else except for one guy who sarcastically called himself racist and I played along with his terms. Go see my posting record. I don't need to say racist to disprove your bullshit.

BTW nice Stormfront copypasta accusing me of hating white people, because I disagree with your idiotic views. You and Stormfront are just like the blacks you hate, you whine, complain, scream racism, want government to solve your problems, commit crimes (e.g. Skinhead Gangs), then whine and complain some more.

You're a bigger loser than ever.

The ball is in your court now, bitch.
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Stormfronters hate Jews maybe even more than blacks. That 'I Stand with Israel' avatar wouldn't fare well with Stormfront.

I was a member of Stormfront once. I wanted to see how long it would take them to ban me, even while I was careful to obey the rules of the website.

During my second week there I criticized Hitler and praised the Jews.

Bad move. :eek:

They suspended me and said they would think about what they would do to me. Two days later I was banned. :mad:

Posters on Stormfront express hatred for Jews, but they are not able to explain why they hate Jews.
(O'yes, don't go to stormfront and show that you like jews)

That is what I did. I wish they would let me back so that I could post facts that prove that Ashkenazi Jews are the most superior racial group in the world.
Stormfronters hate Jews maybe even more than blacks. That 'I Stand with Israel' avatar wouldn't fare well with Stormfront.

I was a member of Stormfront once. I wanted to see how long it would take them to ban me, even while I was careful to obey the rules of the website.

During my second week there I criticized Hitler and praised the Jews.

Bad move. :eek:

They suspended me and said they would think about what they would do to me. Two days later I was banned. :mad:

Posters on Stormfront express hatred for Jews, but they are not able to explain why they hate Jews.

Why am I not surprised that you were a member of stormfront?

You're not an Anti-Semite? You want a prize for that?

You're still a POS.

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