Why should I ignore black crime?

Why should i ignore black crime that is trashing our cities? Do you realize that blacks are 5-7 times more likely to murder per population? That's 52% of all murder within the United states.

You can say blacks are the main reason that our cities are so bad. What can we do to help blacks not be so violent? I don't hate blacks but it seems to me that this is a problem that we must work on.

Do you agree?

We all know you don't really care about crime or the victims for that matter.

Sure you don't hate blacks. I bet you even have black friends. Do yourself and others a favor by putting a bullet through your temple in public.
we should arm all the blacks in this country !! that would solve the problem . they would kill each other off in no time.
And yet about half of all murders in the US are committed by blacks who constitute about 15% of the population. There are other demographics who are impoverished and yet commit murder at much lower rates. Are the observation themselves racist? Are they untrue?

What color are the overwhelming majority of their victims?
Also black. Does that mitigate it?

No, but it does demonstrate that libtards are OK with murder as long as the victim is black.
You have blind spots. What deserves to be called "the black problem in America" is becoming more of a problem now that there are fewer unskilled jobs for blacks to perform, and now that the U.S. economy has entered an era of economic decline.

Reference that bs. I have no blind spots. I have so many white "friends" on Facebook, who agree with my takes and hi-five me constantly. The U.S. economy entered a decline, due to the previous administration's poor judgment and insane decision making, affecting not only blacks and browns, but unskilled and poorly educated whites.

As the old saying goes, "in a deregulated environment, corruption thrives.

That is an old saying where? I have never heard of it, though I agree with it.

The decline in the economy also affected supposedly "skilled and educated whites", who are now deservedly serving long prison terms for their greed, lying and fraudulent practices that ruined the lives honest, hard working people.

You can believe that the same greedy profiteers would feel no kinship toward any of these Aryan supremacists wackos like the one you were responding to if an opportunity to steal from them with impunity and immunity presented itself.

The real divide in this country is a class divide, not racial for those who are awake.

That is the real Truth. Race is scientifically without basis, but it serves the interest of the elites to keep working class Americans divided against each other.

"Divide and Conquor" is indeed a very old saying.
Blacks have high rates of crime and illegitimacy and low average IQs.

Average IQs among various ethnic groups is a dynamic transitional measure. Jews, Italians and Irish also had said low IQs, but as they integrated into our society their average IQs went up across the board.

The main reason that black IQ averages is not rising is because their leadership do not want them to assimilate, and the pbulic school system across the country is going straight to hell.

To imply that the average low IQ for a group demonstrates a broad incapacity for intelligence, one would need to show that there is a cap on their intelligence that is lower than the cap for everyone else, but that has never been the case with any ethnic group.

Some of the most intelligent people ever known are black, so this proves beyond doubt that they have as much potential as any other ethnicity, but the political system is led by racists who are hobbling blacks with welfare, set asides, high crime rates, a culture that has many identifying intelligence with 'acting white', and constant mass media images of successful blacks being largely criminals and thugs of various kinds.

The Civil Rights movement has caused far more deaths of blacks through its alliance with the Democrat Party Old Guard who are racist to the core of their being.

I can understand why someone would feel sorry for them. I cannot understand why anyone would like and respect them. The United States would be a far better country without them. They would be lost without us. They are incapable of creating civilized and well functioning societies.

That is categorically wrong. Blacks have given a lot to what makes the US special and unique in good ways you probably dont realize, like blood transfusions, peanut butter, and sparkplugs.

List of African-American inventors and scientists - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This country would not be better off without its black community. But we could do without their socialist and racist leaders, I agree with that. They have not purged their racists in their leadership and that is in part holding them back.
dude I feel your pain. you deserve the praise and support that you get from the people who know you.

unfortunately your good example doesnt wipe out the bad examples that many people have had with black people, even if those bad experiences are in the minority. people remember things that are out of their comfort zone, and just about everyone has had a bad experience with a black person which they remember, and many other good experiences that they dont.

Everyone? Really?

I've had bad experiences with Latinos, Asians and White people, but you don't see me degenerating all of them as whole.....CONSTANTLY. Am I justified to hate Latinos, Asians and White people just because an ALLEGORY experience. FUCK NO, so why should that fuck Matthew or other fucks like him do the same for minorities? :evil:
It's too late for this shit, I'm outta here.

Simply because blacks cause 52% of all murder within the United states. Do you realize this?

13% of the population doing 52% of murder. yes, I have a right to bitch.

And the vast majority of those murders are in major cities where blacks are denied the right to own a gun to protect themselves.

Political correctness has opened the gates for crime in the black community because the lefts storyline is that the lawman doesnt represent law and order, but the oppression of the white man instead. So criminality is indirectly encouraged, and the law abiding relegated to the role of potential victims. I was reading about a blac man who killed a bunch of people in DC about fifteen years ago or so, and the last few he killed was after being released by a white judge who said he was tired of seeing young black men sent to prison.

I guess they prefer to see them dead.
Reference that bs. I have no blind spots. I have so many white "friends" on Facebook, who agree with my takes and hi-five me constantly. The U.S. economy entered a decline, due to the previous administration's poor judgment and insane decision making, affecting not only blacks and browns, but unskilled and poorly educated whites.

As the old saying goes, "in a deregulated environment, corruption thrives.

That is an old saying where? I have never heard of it, though I agree with it.

At the risk of admitting to plaigiarism, it is an old saying of mine that I interjected in a conversation with a lifelong conservative friend many years ago.

The decline in the economy also affected supposedly "skilled and educated whites", who are now deservedly serving long prison terms for their greed, lying and fraudulent practices that ruined the lives honest, hard working people.

You can believe that the same greedy profiteers would feel no kinship toward any of these Aryan supremacists wackos like the one you were responding to if an opportunity to steal from them with impunity and immunity presented itself.

The real divide in this country is a class divide, not racial for those who are awake.

That is the real Truth. Race is scientifically without basis, but it serves the interest of the elites to keep working class Americans divided against each other.

It absolutely is. What the racially obsessed nuts here do not realize is that their own ignorance is what makes them easy marks for the elite. It is no secret that a small percentage of the population controls the vast majority of the worlds wealth.

"Divide and Conquor" is indeed a very old saying.

That it is. The most dangerous individual to the upper class would be one that could unite the working across racial barriers.
Why should i ignore black crime that is trashing our cities? Do you realize that blacks are 5-7 times more likely to murder per population? That's 52% of all murder within the United states.

You can say blacks are the main reason that our cities are so bad. What can we do to help blacks not be so violent? I don't hate blacks but it seems to me that this is a problem that we must work on.

Do you agree?

We all know you don't really care about crime or the victims for that matter.

Sure you don't hate blacks. I bet you even have black friends. Do yourself and others a favor by putting a bullet through your temple in public.
we should arm all the blacks in this country !! that would solve the problem . they would kill each other off in no time.

They're already doing that dumbass. A black person is more likely to be victim of crime more than any other race. If you weren't such a moron, you would've been celebrating for decades.
dude I feel your pain. you deserve the praise and support that you get from the people who know you.

unfortunately your good example doesnt wipe out the bad examples that many people have had with black people, even if those bad experiences are in the minority. people remember things that are out of their comfort zone, and just about everyone has had a bad experience with a black person which they remember, and many other good experiences that they dont.

Everyone? Really?

I've had bad experiences with Latinos, Asians and White people, but you don't see me degenerating all of them as whole.....CONSTANTLY. Am I justified to hate Latinos, Asians and White people just because an ALLEGORY experience. FUCK NO, so why should that fuck Matthew or other fucks like him do the same for minorities? :evil:
It's too late for this shit, I'm outta here.

Simply because blacks cause 52% of all murder within the United states. Do you realize this?

13% of the population doing 52% of murder. yes, I have a right to bitch.

Actually you don't because most black crime is intraracial. And we all know that you don't give a fuck about non-white victims of crime.

Yes all you're doing is bitching and doing nothing about it. Go fuck yourself, you whiny bitch.
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by Brendan OíFlaherty & Rajiv Sethi

January 15, 2010

African-Americans are six times as likely as white Americans to die at the hands of a murderer, and roughly seven times as likely to murder someone...

The magnitude of the difference in murder and victimization rates far exceeds any difference in characteristics that appear to predispose people to kill and be killed: being poor, being a high school dropout, living in a dense urban environment, or being raised in a single-parent household, for instance. Blacks are about 2.75 times as likely as whites to be poor, 2.2 times as likely to be high-school dropouts, 2.9 times as likely to live in a large city, and 2.7 times as likely to grow up in a single parent household all ratios that are far below the observed ratios for murder victimization and offending.

Table 2. Homicide Offending by Race, 1976-2005, per 100,000 population
***** Black White *Ratio
1976 * 46.6 * 4.9 ** 9.5
1980 * 51.5 * 6.4 ** 8.1
1984 * 33.1 * 5.3 ** 6.3
1988 * 41.2 * 4.9 ** 8.4
1992 * 47.0 * 5.2 ** 9.0
1996 * 35.9 * 4.5 ** 8.0
2000 * 25.6 * 3.5 ** 7.3
2004 * 24.1 * 3.6 ** 6.7
2005 * 26.5 * 3.5 ** 7.6
Source. US Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2007
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List of African-American inventors and scientists - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This country would not be better off without its black community. But we could do without their socialist and racist leaders, I agree with that. They have not purged their racists in their leadership and that is in part holding them back.

Minor quibble on this, but some of the inventions listed in that Wiki article are incorrect.
And very modest to boot. It is only the lack of black accomplishment that makes those listed notable. Whites or Asians with such paltry achievement would be obscure in history, belying a immense double standard.
Actually you don't because most black crime is intraracial. And we all know that you don't give a fuck about non-white victims of crime.

There seems to have been an uptick in black on white crime starting about 2010 or so and lasting a good year maybe more. How many black men have raped white women? On the other side, how many white men have raped black women? Which do you think will be larger?

I agree with you that black on black crime is not troubling at all. Look at Obama; White kids killed in school, he's crying on the TV. Hundreds of black kids killed in Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, Philly and DC...not a peep. Like our President, most people just don't care.
Actually you don't because most black crime is intraracial. And we all know that you don't give a fuck about non-white victims of crime.

There seems to have been an uptick in black on white crime starting about 2010 or so and lasting a good year maybe more. How many black men have raped white women? On the other side, how many white men have raped black women? Which do you think will be larger?

I agree with you that black on black crime is not troubling at all. Look at Obama; White kids killed in school, he's crying on the TV. Hundreds of black kids killed in Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, Philly and DC...not a peep. Like our President, most people just don't care.

Most likely because the act of pointing it out IS RACIST. Yep, I shit you not...

Anyone reports it and they will scream that you're being racist.
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Actually you don't because most black crime is intraracial. And we all know that you don't give a fuck about non-white victims of crime.

There seems to have been an uptick in black on white crime starting about 2010 or so and lasting a good year maybe more. How many black men have raped white women? On the other side, how many white men have raped black women? Which do you think will be larger?

I agree with you that black on black crime is not troubling at all. Look at Obama; White kids killed in school, he's crying on the TV. Hundreds of black kids killed in Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, Philly and DC...not a peep. Like our President, most people just don't care.

Most likely because the act of pointing it out IS RACIST. Yep, I shit you not...

Anyone reports it and they will scream that you're being racist.

I wasn't talking about Interracial crime. Intraracial means within the same race dummy. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

White-on-White and Black-on-Black Crime is far more common than Interracial crime in general. Black crime is disproportionate in comparison to the population, however, black people are several times more likely to be a VICTIM of a crime than most races. But you don't give a shit about Black victims nor crime for that matter.:eusa_whistle:

Reporting Black-on-Black crime is under reported and practically ignored by the so called "black leaders", but it's not racist, you moron. You blame PC as much as you say blacks complain about "whitey".
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Why should i ignore black crime that is trashing our cities? Do you realize that blacks are 5-7 times more likely to murder per population? That's 52% of all murder within the United states.

You can say blacks are the main reason that our cities are so bad. What can we do to help blacks not be so violent? I don't hate blacks but it seems to me that this is a problem that we must work on.

Do you agree?

Racist propaganda. Seems to me the last mass murders (Aurora, Sandy Hook) were done by young white psychotic males. And your caveat, that you don't hate blacks, "rings hollow", when you post such racist propaganda and rhetoric. Don't believe everything that is written, especially, if it supports a racist and bigoted agenda.

That same weekend end I believe 20 blacks were murdered in Chicago alone. The race hustlers red herring is to point to mass murders and say see whites are the problem. Yet mass murders make up only a percent of a percent of the murders in this country. Gang violence makes up 90%+ and YES most gang violence is committed by minorities (there are exceptions like biker gangs and skinheads).

Why should i ignore black crime that is trashing our cities? Do you realize that blacks are 5-7 times more likely to murder per population? That's 52% of all murder within the United states.

You can say blacks are the main reason that our cities are so bad. What can we do to help blacks not be so violent? I don't hate blacks but it seems to me that this is a problem that we must work on.

Do you agree?

Racist propaganda. Seems to me the last mass murders (Aurora, Sandy Hook) were done by young white psychotic males. And your caveat, that you don't hate blacks, "rings hollow", when you post such racist propaganda and rhetoric. Don't believe everything that is written, especially, if it supports a racist and bigoted agenda.

That same weekend end I believe 20 blacks were murdered in Chicago alone. The race hustlers red herring is to point to mass murders and say see whites are the problem. Yet mass murders make up only a percent of a percent of the murders in this country. Gang violence makes up 90%+ and YES most gang violence is committed by minorities (there are exceptions like biker gangs and skinheads).


Gang violence accounts for over 90% of violence in general? You got that where?

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