Why should there be “universal background checks” for firearms sales and transfers?

Yea it does. Look at any first world country with strict gun regs

Pure fantasy
Find another first world population the same size physically and population wise, with 5,000 miles of unsecure borders and a 2,000 mile shared border with a failed NARCO state and a population of 330,000,000 people with similar racial and cultural demography and let's have a real discussion.
Some kids get killed at a school and knee jerk liberals want new laws passed.
If there's a rash of home invasion robberies in a city the first thing people do is improve the physical security of their homes and add surveillance.

Why? Because it works.

Somehow though democrats can't fathom the same working with schools.
What a funny post.

Yes, background checks are a violation of the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution. Having "prohibited persons" is unconstitutional. In fact, we had no such concept in this country until 1968 - the first 179 years of our country - and we didn't have a rash of mass shootings. In the years since the Gun Control Act was passed, gun violence of every type has escalated beyond belief.

Your idea of an additional criminal penalty if you use a gun in a crime that you didn't pass a background check to buy is very interesting - but stupid. If you bought a gun without a background check you'd hurry up and get one so that if you murder someone with your gun you're not in more trouble because you didn't have background check? Yeah, that's going to happen a LOT. Gang members are going to be buying guns out of the trunk of a stolen car and then rushing to the FFL for a background check.

When you pass laws that don't address the problem then you don't solve the problem. This is the problem with all of the gun controllers and their silly proposals; they just really don't think them through or understand the problem. But it does make for an occasional laugh.
All rights, even the right to life itself can be lost through due process of law under our constitution.
Add all three of those countries together and you still don't have but about a 1/3 of the US population.
Hardly the issue. They are populated countries and that is not a total. It is the RATE OF GUN MURDERS AND MURDERS IM GENERAL.

And those with strict gun control are safer
No, they are not. That may be your opinion but to date this is not the case.

Yeah, I misspoke there. If anyone uses a gun in a crime then they oughta face stiffer penalties than otherwise, whether they went through a BC or not.

Part of the problem is that too many people have access to guns that have not passed a BC. We ought to be doing what we can to reduce those occurrences, without influencing anyone else's 2nd Amendment rights. If you think that effort is silly or laughable, go ahead.
It's easier to buy guns illegally than legally which is why so many criminals have them.

Passing new laws won't change that equation.
Find another first world population the same size physically and population wise, with 5,000 miles of unsecure borders and a 2,000 mile shared border with a failed NARCO state and a population of 330,000,000 people with similar racial and cultural demography and let's have a real discussion.
It ain’t the border.

It ain’t the narco shit

It’s the guns
Hardly the issue. They are populated countries and that is not a total. It is the RATE OF GUN MURDERS AND MURDERS IM GENERAL.

And those with strict gun control are safer
The issue is that those countries are in no way similar to the US so your comparisons are meaningless.
It ain’t the border.

It ain’t the narco shit

It’s the guns
As long as we have unsecure borders there will be an endless supply of drugs, money, and guns crossing them.

100,000 people died last year in the US because of the fentanyl being muled in across the southern border.

Infringing on the rights of the law abiding isn't going to solve any problems it will just create more.
Why? The purpose of a BC at POS, is to prevent 'bad' people from getting a gun and doing harm.
No it's not. The purpose of a background check is to get the name and address of every gun buyer recorded and, ultimately delivered or otherwise available to the government.

If it was about gun safety then felons who try to buy guns would be prosecuted and taken off the streets as dangerous:

Bayou of Pigs, a conspiracy to overthrown the gov't of the Dominican Republic.

Never heard of it before.
But it checks out.
Operation Red Dog was the code name of an April 27, 1981 military filibustering plot by Canadian and American citizens, largely affiliated with white supremacist and Ku Klux Klan groups, to overthrow the government of Dominica, where they planned to restore former Prime Minister Patrick John to power. The chief figures included American Klansman Mike Perdue, German-Canadian neo-Nazi Wolfgang Droege, American white supremacist Don Black and Barbadian weapons smuggler Sydney Burnett-Alleyne.[1] After the plot was thwarted by US federal agents in New Orleans, Louisiana, the news media dubbed it "Bayou of Pigs", after the failed 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion.[1]

The leader Mike Perdue and six other men pleaded guilty to violation of the Neutrality Act; two others were found guilty by a jury.[2] The men received three-year prison sentences.[3] Among those Perdue implicated were former Texas Governor John Connally, prominent white supremacist David Duke, and Congressman Ron Paul, who he claimed knew about the plot.
True, but if you are a non-FFL person at a gun show selling guns, a federal law ought to require proof of a background check by somebody at the gun show before the gun purchase is made. Right now there is no such law and I still see no reason why not.
Just explain how the background check would have altered the outcome of any mass shooting in history.
Never heard of it before.
But it checks out.
Operation Red Dog was the code name of an April 27, 1981 military filibustering plot by Canadian and American citizens, largely affiliated with white supremacist and Ku Klux Klan groups, to overthrow the government of Dominica, where they planned to restore former Prime Minister Patrick John to power. The chief figures included American Klansman Mike Perdue, German-Canadian neo-Nazi Wolfgang Droege, American white supremacist Don Black and Barbadian weapons smuggler Sydney Burnett-Alleyne.[1] After the plot was thwarted by US federal agents in New Orleans, Louisiana, the news media dubbed it "Bayou of Pigs", after the failed 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion.[1]

The leader Mike Perdue and six other men pleaded guilty to violation of the Neutrality Act; two others were found guilty by a jury.[2] The men received three-year prison sentences.[3] Among those Perdue implicated were former Texas Governor John Connally, prominent white supremacist David Duke, and Congressman Ron Paul, who he claimed knew about the plot.
I'm well aware which is why I stated what it is.
No it's not. The purpose of a background check is to get the name and address of every gun buyer recorded and, ultimately delivered or otherwise available to the government.

If it was about gun safety then felons who try to buy guns would be prosecuted and taken off the streets as dangerous:

I tend to agree, because if the purpose of background checks was not to secretly track all gun purchases, they would just hand out certification cards to anyone who wanted one and passed.
They do not need to know about every purchase, but yet they ensure that is what happens.
There are many reasons for background checks. One is to intimidate the law abiding citizens so they may not chose to buy a gun. Another is to convince the public that guns actually cause crime. The ones asking for these background checks are the ones that want an unarmed populace that they can intimidate and control.
Hardly the issue. They are populated countries and that is not a total. It is the RATE OF GUN MURDERS AND MURDERS IM GENERAL.

And those with strict gun control are safer

There is no country more difficult to get a firearm than the US.
Sure there are penalties for illegal purchases in many countries, but no worse than the US.
And it is easier to get registration by joining a club telling the local cop that you need a gun to carry home cash from your business, etc.
It is not that difficult in any country to get a firearm, legally or illegally.
So access has NOTHING at all to do with why kids are deliberately committing mass murder/suicide.
Clearly the ease or difficulty of obtaining firearms has NOTHING at all to do with the real problem, which is why kids are this unhappy.
There is no country more difficult to get a firearm than the US.
Sure there are penalties for illegal purchases in many countries, but no worse than the US.
And it is easier to get registration by joining a club telling the local cop that you need a gun to carry home cash from your business, etc.
It is not that difficult in any country to get a firearm, legally or illegally.
So access has NOTHING at all to do with why kids are deliberately committing mass murder/suicide.
Clearly the ease or difficulty of obtaining firearms has NOTHING at all to do with the real problem, which is why kids are this unhappy.
You are just completely wrong on this one.

The licensure process in many countries is so arduous and expensive few people are willing to go through it at all unless they are serious hunters/shooters or collectors.

Then they add on onerous storage requirements, insurance and random inspections of your premises to make it even more uncomfortable.
The democrats need the background checks on private sales to get gun registration....that is the only reason they want universal background checks...

You are right, if it was only a matter of keeping guns away from criminals, you could easily set up a simple system where anyone could check the criminal history of anyone they were going to sell a gun......name, birthday...just like when a cop pulls you over and asks for your drivers license....if you have a criminal history or warrants they show up...

That is all we would need....

A simple, free, phone app.....

But that doesn't give them gun registration...universal background checks do...
If there was no law requiring such a check. Remember that the check you describe is actually registration that someone was checked on about buying a gun. An FFL check today doesn't provide the FBI with any information about the gun being sold other than long gun, handgun, or other; they only know that someone was checked for buying a gun. Then, when they want to investigate that person later, they can go to the FFL and get the records. And if you do a background check, they can go to you and ask why. If you have registered guns they could ask to see them all and then, if one is missing, you'll quickly give up the gun you sold to the person you checked.

Hold strong. There is no background check with the government that does not infringe on the right to keep and bear arms. The goal of the left is to find some thing that seems so innocuous that you will make a small compromise - and then come back with the next one.

If I were to sell a gun, I would want to see a local state ID just to know the buyer was from my state so the sale is legal. I might ask for a CCW just as proof they've been checked but I might not because the CCW itself is an unconstitutional infringement so I don't like the idea of supporting them.

I have bought several guns in my life face-to-face, long before there were any laws at all requiring background checks and, yet, not one of those guns ever escaped my home, loaded itself, and shot up a bunch of people.

In fact, you'd be hard-pressed to show any private, face-to-face, legal, gun sale that was used in a mass shooting. I am pretty sure that all, or 90%+ of all, private sales used in a mass shooting were either bought from straw purchasers that the shooter had a relationship with or were knowingly, on one side of the sale or both, the sale of stolen guns.

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