Why so few patriots in congress?

Basically because most of them are career politicians meaning they are more concerned about protecting and preserving their career than looking out for America.

A good example of that being our failure to be prepared for a biological attack.

Right after 9/11 many realized we were vulnurable to such an attack and there was much chatter abut terrorism and their interest in biological warfare.

Yet obviously we were not prepared for such....some want to blame the CDC, more want to blame President Trump, some want to blame obama..........however the real blame rests on Congress who could and should have made sure that our defense against a pandemic was state of the art.

As pointed out it was common knowledge we were vulnurable....so why didnt congress make sure the CDC was on top of this threat?

Simply because they were too busy attending to their own agendas....forgetting that America depends on them to make sure America is prepared to contend with all threats to our National Security.

Trump is Israel first

You cite 9/11. The only reason 9/11 happened is because Americans aren't pissing on Israelis like they shoudl be

Patriots are few and few between in DC, if you're a zionist, you're not a patriot. Not an American patriot anyway

Another Al Qaeda shit heard from.

You must be a democrat.

There is no doubt about it, when the US had the UN create Israel in 1948, that was illegal.
Palestine has already been legally created and boundaries set by the Treaty of Sevres and the Treaty of San Remo.
Israel can not be created out of Palestine, and the Jewish population in 1948 Palestine was only 30% of the population, so it was immoral to give them 60% of Palestine.
It was also illegal to not allow the right of war refugess to return and instead confiscate their homes. Everything about Israel was illegal.

Total bullshit. But wrong forum for it, take it to "conspiracy theories" section.
Oh yea let's fight the muslims for a few million jews

America first...amiright?


A small child could tell you that's an obvious strategic mistake. I'll say it again. If you're a zionist. You're not a fucking American patriot, period.

The Muzzie Beasts seek global theocracy under their god Muhammad and his pet demon Allah. democrats latch on to any enemy that seeks to destroy America, be it the Muslim Supremacists or the ChiComs. You know why? Because democrats FUCKING HATE AMERICA.

Nuke Mecca and the Muzzie Beast problem is solved. Give plenty of warning so that people can clear out, but burn the Idol. Destroy the Idol and you destroy Islam.
Basically because most of them are career politicians meaning they are more concerned about protecting and preserving their career than looking out for America.

A good example of that being our failure to be prepared for a biological attack.

Right after 9/11 many realized we were vulnurable to such an attack and there was much chatter abut terrorism and their interest in biological warfare.

Yet obviously we were not prepared for such....some want to blame the CDC, more want to blame President Trump, some want to blame obama..........however the real blame rests on Congress who could and should have made sure that our defense against a pandemic was state of the art.

As pointed out it was common knowledge we were vulnurable....so why didnt congress make sure the CDC was on top of this threat?

Simply because they were too busy attending to their own agendas....forgetting that America depends on them to make sure America is prepared to contend with all threats to our National Security.

democrats are complicit in the biological attack currently underway against America. democrats are an adjunct of the Peoples Republic of China and serve the interests of that nation to gain global hegemony. Republicans tend to be stupid and corrupt, democrats are out and out traitors. Leaves us in a bad position.
Back when Obama was president, he requested funding to address future pandemics, but was blocked by the tea party in the house at the time.

Fucking liar.

And the Marxist rag (literally) the Independent doesn't help your case. they have ZERO credibility, being a Marxist/Leninist shit rag.
There is video evidence of Obama stressing the need for US pandemic preparedness.
Which means its corroborated and factual.

But according to a new piece in the Washington Examiner, which pulls information from the Los Angeles Times and Bloomberg News, the Obama Administration failed to replenish the government's N95 stockpile after the H1N1 swine flu outbreak of 2009.

The national shortage of N95 respirator masks can be traced back to 2009 after the H1N1 swine flu pandemic, when the Obama administration was advised to replenish a national stockpile but did not, according to reports from Bloomberg News and the Los Angeles Times.
In 2009, the H1N1 outbreak hit the United States, leading to 274,304 hospitalizations, 12,469 deaths, and a depletion of N95 respirator masks.
A federally backed task force and a safety equipment organization both recommended to the Obama administration that the stockpile be replenished of the 100 million masks used after the H1N1 outbreak, according to the Los Angeles Times.
Charles Johnson, president of the International Safety Equipment Association, said that advice was never heeded.
“Our association is unaware of any major effort to restore the stockpile to cover that drawdown,” he said.
Yes, that was at the start of Obama's term, in 2009. Depleted due to swine flu.
But then in 2014, Obama had stressed the need for pandemic preparedness, but the House tea party blocked it. If we had sufficient supplies, that would be "big government". Too big for the tea party.

Yet over 8 years, he never DID anything to restock. Obama LOVED to talk, but did very little.

At the time the supplies were CONSUMED, Obama's Communist party held a SUPER MAJORITY and could have done anything he wished, but he waited 5 years and then blamed the Americans for his inaction and incompetence.
Efforts to bulk up the stockpile fell apart in tense standoffs between the Obama White House and congressional Republicans, according to administration and congressional officials involved in the negotiations. Had Congress kept funding at the 2010 level through the end of the Obama administration, the stockpile would have benefited from $321 million more than it ended up getting, according to budget documents reviewed by ProPublica.

Obama did enough within the power of executive branch.
Obama's didnt really have a supermajority because Byrd was out in hospital, and Ted Kennedy died. 60 senators is needed.
Newt promised to pass "term limits" right until he got the majority, via his "Contract" with America.
We don't need career pols managing the House, we need real patriots.
No. He did not promise to pass it.

Newt promised to bring it up for a vote and force pols to go on record.

Most Republicans voted for it. A larger majority of Democrats voted against it.
Basically because most of them are career politicians meaning they are more concerned about protecting and preserving their career than looking out for America.

A good example of that being our failure to be prepared for a biological attack.

Right after 9/11 many realized we were vulnurable to such an attack and there was much chatter abut terrorism and their interest in biological warfare.

Yet obviously we were not prepared for such....some want to blame the CDC, more want to blame President Trump, some want to blame obama..........however the real blame rests on Congress who could and should have made sure that our defense against a pandemic was state of the art.

As pointed out it was common knowledge we were vulnurable....so why didnt congress make sure the CDC was on top of this threat?

Simply because they were too busy attending to their own agendas....forgetting that America depends on them to make sure America is prepared to contend with all threats to our National Security.

National Security is the #1 responsibility of Gov't.
We took our eye off that ball when Dimms decided that Trump as President was the #1 threat to national security.

Boy, were they wrong!!!
Basically because most of them are career politicians meaning they are more concerned about protecting and preserving their career than looking out for America.

A good example of that being our failure to be prepared for a biological attack.

Right after 9/11 many realized we were vulnurable to such an attack and there was much chatter abut terrorism and their interest in biological warfare.

Yet obviously we were not prepared for such....some want to blame the CDC, more want to blame President Trump, some want to blame obama..........however the real blame rests on Congress who could and should have made sure that our defense against a pandemic was state of the art.

As pointed out it was common knowledge we were vulnurable....so why didnt congress make sure the CDC was on top of this threat?

Simply because they were too busy attending to their own agendas....forgetting that America depends on them to make sure America is prepared to contend with all threats to our National Security.
thats why they have such a shitty approval rating.......
Basically because most of them are career politicians meaning they are more concerned about protecting and preserving their career than looking out for America.

A good example of that being our failure to be prepared for a biological attack.

Right after 9/11 many realized we were vulnurable to such an attack and there was much chatter abut terrorism and their interest in biological warfare.

Yet obviously we were not prepared for such....some want to blame the CDC, more want to blame President Trump, some want to blame obama..........however the real blame rests on Congress who could and should have made sure that our defense against a pandemic was state of the art.

As pointed out it was common knowledge we were vulnurable....so why didnt congress make sure the CDC was on top of this threat?

Simply because they were too busy attending to their own agendas....forgetting that America depends on them to make sure America is prepared to contend with all threats to our National Security.

democrats are complicit in the biological attack currently underway against America. democrats are an adjunct of the Peoples Republic of China and serve the interests of that nation to gain global hegemony. Republicans tend to be stupid and corrupt, democrats are out and out traitors. Leaves us in a bad position.
Back when Obama was president, he requested funding to address future pandemics, but was blocked by the tea party in the house at the time.

Fucking liar.

And the Marxist rag (literally) the Independent doesn't help your case. they have ZERO credibility, being a Marxist/Leninist shit rag.
There is video evidence of Obama stressing the need for US pandemic preparedness.
Which means its corroborated and factual.

But according to a new piece in the Washington Examiner, which pulls information from the Los Angeles Times and Bloomberg News, the Obama Administration failed to replenish the government's N95 stockpile after the H1N1 swine flu outbreak of 2009.

The national shortage of N95 respirator masks can be traced back to 2009 after the H1N1 swine flu pandemic, when the Obama administration was advised to replenish a national stockpile but did not, according to reports from Bloomberg News and the Los Angeles Times.
In 2009, the H1N1 outbreak hit the United States, leading to 274,304 hospitalizations, 12,469 deaths, and a depletion of N95 respirator masks.
A federally backed task force and a safety equipment organization both recommended to the Obama administration that the stockpile be replenished of the 100 million masks used after the H1N1 outbreak, according to the Los Angeles Times.
Charles Johnson, president of the International Safety Equipment Association, said that advice was never heeded.
“Our association is unaware of any major effort to restore the stockpile to cover that drawdown,” he said.
Yes, that was at the start of Obama's term, in 2009. Depleted due to swine flu.
But then in 2014, Obama had stressed the need for pandemic preparedness, but the House tea party blocked it. If we had sufficient supplies, that would be "big government". Too big for the tea party.

Yet over 8 years, he never DID anything to restock. Obama LOVED to talk, but did very little.

At the time the supplies were CONSUMED, Obama's Communist party held a SUPER MAJORITY and could have done anything he wished, but he waited 5 years and then blamed the Americans for his inaction and incompetence.
Efforts to bulk up the stockpile fell apart in tense standoffs between the Obama White House and congressional Republicans, according to administration and congressional officials involved in the negotiations. Had Congress kept funding at the 2010 level through the end of the Obama administration, the stockpile would have benefited from $321 million more than it ended up getting, according to budget documents reviewed by ProPublica.

Obama did enough within the power of executive branch.
Obama's didnt really have a supermajority because Byrd was out in hospital, and Ted Kennedy died. 60 senators is needed.

That lie already failed. Obama flung shit in 2014, but did not a fucking thing in 2009 when his Communist party had absolute control.

$321 million is far less than Michelle spent on an average shopping trip.

Basically because most of them are career politicians meaning they are more concerned about protecting and preserving their career than looking out for America.

A good example of that being our failure to be prepared for a biological attack.

Right after 9/11 many realized we were vulnurable to such an attack and there was much chatter abut terrorism and their interest in biological warfare.

Yet obviously we were not prepared for such....some want to blame the CDC, more want to blame President Trump, some want to blame obama..........however the real blame rests on Congress who could and should have made sure that our defense against a pandemic was state of the art.

As pointed out it was common knowledge we were vulnurable....so why didnt congress make sure the CDC was on top of this threat?

Simply because they were too busy attending to their own agendas....forgetting that America depends on them to make sure America is prepared to contend with all threats to our National Security.

democrats are complicit in the biological attack currently underway against America. democrats are an adjunct of the Peoples Republic of China and serve the interests of that nation to gain global hegemony. Republicans tend to be stupid and corrupt, democrats are out and out traitors. Leaves us in a bad position.
Back when Obama was president, he requested funding to address future pandemics, but was blocked by the tea party in the house at the time.

Fucking liar.

And the Marxist rag (literally) the Independent doesn't help your case. they have ZERO credibility, being a Marxist/Leninist shit rag.
There is video evidence of Obama stressing the need for US pandemic preparedness.
Which means its corroborated and factual.

But according to a new piece in the Washington Examiner, which pulls information from the Los Angeles Times and Bloomberg News, the Obama Administration failed to replenish the government's N95 stockpile after the H1N1 swine flu outbreak of 2009.

The national shortage of N95 respirator masks can be traced back to 2009 after the H1N1 swine flu pandemic, when the Obama administration was advised to replenish a national stockpile but did not, according to reports from Bloomberg News and the Los Angeles Times.
In 2009, the H1N1 outbreak hit the United States, leading to 274,304 hospitalizations, 12,469 deaths, and a depletion of N95 respirator masks.
A federally backed task force and a safety equipment organization both recommended to the Obama administration that the stockpile be replenished of the 100 million masks used after the H1N1 outbreak, according to the Los Angeles Times.
Charles Johnson, president of the International Safety Equipment Association, said that advice was never heeded.
“Our association is unaware of any major effort to restore the stockpile to cover that drawdown,” he said.
Yes, that was at the start of Obama's term, in 2009. Depleted due to swine flu.
But then in 2014, Obama had stressed the need for pandemic preparedness, but the House tea party blocked it. If we had sufficient supplies, that would be "big government". Too big for the tea party.

Yet over 8 years, he never DID anything to restock. Obama LOVED to talk, but did very little.

At the time the supplies were CONSUMED, Obama's Communist party held a SUPER MAJORITY and could have done anything he wished, but he waited 5 years and then blamed the Americans for his inaction and incompetence.
Efforts to bulk up the stockpile fell apart in tense standoffs between the Obama White House and congressional Republicans, according to administration and congressional officials involved in the negotiations. Had Congress kept funding at the 2010 level through the end of the Obama administration, the stockpile would have benefited from $321 million more than it ended up getting, according to budget documents reviewed by ProPublica.

Obama did enough within the power of executive branch.
Obama's didnt really have a supermajority because Byrd was out in hospital, and Ted Kennedy died. 60 senators is needed.

That lie already failed. Obama flung shit in 2014, but did not a fucking thing in 2009 when his Communist party had absolute control.

$321 million is far less than Michelle spent on an average shopping trip.

View attachment 325013
You keep on saying communism, but it appears you have no idea what communism is.
Basically because most of them are career politicians meaning they are more concerned about protecting and preserving their career than looking out for America.

A good example of that being our failure to be prepared for a biological attack.

Right after 9/11 many realized we were vulnurable to such an attack and there was much chatter abut terrorism and their interest in biological warfare.

Yet obviously we were not prepared for such....some want to blame the CDC, more want to blame President Trump, some want to blame obama..........however the real blame rests on Congress who could and should have made sure that our defense against a pandemic was state of the art.

As pointed out it was common knowledge we were vulnurable....so why didnt congress make sure the CDC was on top of this threat?

Simply because they were too busy attending to their own agendas....forgetting that America depends on them to make sure America is prepared to contend with all threats to our National Security.

It is not the role of Congress to prepare for a pandemic. It's the role of the Executive Branch. The President is the CEO, responsible for the day to day operations. It's clear that Obama planned for a pandemic. He had an office in the White House devoted to it. Trump closed the office and threw away the playbook.

I've heard Trump's defenders say he didn't fire the expert staffers, he simply redeployed them to other departments. This misses the point. They're not working on preparing the USA for a pandemic, nor is there a plan for dealing with a pandemic.

Trump is just making this shit up as he goes along, and it's really going badly.
Basically because most of them are career politicians meaning they are more concerned about protecting and preserving their career than looking out for America.

A good example of that being our failure to be prepared for a biological attack.

Right after 9/11 many realized we were vulnurable to such an attack and there was much chatter abut terrorism and their interest in biological warfare.

Yet obviously we were not prepared for such....some want to blame the CDC, more want to blame President Trump, some want to blame obama..........however the real blame rests on Congress who could and should have made sure that our defense against a pandemic was state of the art.

As pointed out it was common knowledge we were vulnurable....so why didnt congress make sure the CDC was on top of this threat?

Simply because they were too busy attending to their own agendas....forgetting that America depends on them to make sure America is prepared to contend with all threats to our National Security.

democrats are complicit in the biological attack currently underway against America. democrats are an adjunct of the Peoples Republic of China and serve the interests of that nation to gain global hegemony. Republicans tend to be stupid and corrupt, democrats are out and out traitors. Leaves us in a bad position.
Back when Obama was president, he requested funding to address future pandemics, but was blocked by the tea party in the house at the time.

Fucking liar.

And the Marxist rag (literally) the Independent doesn't help your case. they have ZERO credibility, being a Marxist/Leninist shit rag.
There is video evidence of Obama stressing the need for US pandemic preparedness.
Which means its corroborated and factual.

But according to a new piece in the Washington Examiner, which pulls information from the Los Angeles Times and Bloomberg News, the Obama Administration failed to replenish the government's N95 stockpile after the H1N1 swine flu outbreak of 2009.

The national shortage of N95 respirator masks can be traced back to 2009 after the H1N1 swine flu pandemic, when the Obama administration was advised to replenish a national stockpile but did not, according to reports from Bloomberg News and the Los Angeles Times.
In 2009, the H1N1 outbreak hit the United States, leading to 274,304 hospitalizations, 12,469 deaths, and a depletion of N95 respirator masks.
A federally backed task force and a safety equipment organization both recommended to the Obama administration that the stockpile be replenished of the 100 million masks used after the H1N1 outbreak, according to the Los Angeles Times.
Charles Johnson, president of the International Safety Equipment Association, said that advice was never heeded.
“Our association is unaware of any major effort to restore the stockpile to cover that drawdown,” he said.
Yes, that was at the start of Obama's term, in 2009. Depleted due to swine flu.
But then in 2014, Obama had stressed the need for pandemic preparedness, but the House tea party blocked it. If we had sufficient supplies, that would be "big government". Too big for the tea party.
Basically because most of them are career politicians meaning they are more concerned about protecting and preserving their career than looking out for America.

A good example of that being our failure to be prepared for a biological attack.

Right after 9/11 many realized we were vulnurable to such an attack and there was much chatter abut terrorism and their interest in biological warfare.

Yet obviously we were not prepared for such....some want to blame the CDC, more want to blame President Trump, some want to blame obama..........however the real blame rests on Congress who could and should have made sure that our defense against a pandemic was state of the art.

As pointed out it was common knowledge we were vulnurable....so why didnt congress make sure the CDC was on top of this threat?

Simply because they were too busy attending to their own agendas....forgetting that America depends on them to make sure America is prepared to contend with all threats to our National Security.

It is not the role of Congress to prepare for a pandemic. It's the role of the Executive Branch. The President is the CEO, responsible for the day to day operations. It's clear that Obama planned for a pandemic. He had an office in the White House devoted to it. Trump closed the office and threw away the playbook.

I've heard Trump's defenders say he didn't fire the expert staffers, he simply redeployed them to other departments. This misses the point. They're not working on preparing the USA for a pandemic, nor is there a plan for dealing with a pandemic.

Trump is just making this shit up as he goes along, and it's really going badly.

Liberal propaganda aka bullshit

Now for the truth..................
In an op-ed for the Washington Post, Beth Cameron, former Senior Director for Global Health Security and Biodefense in the NSC, wrote, “When President Trump took office in 2017, the White House’s National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense survived the transition intact.

“Its mission was the same as when I was asked to lead the office, established after the Ebola epidemic of 2014: to do everything possible within the vast powers and resources of the U.S. government to prepare for the next disease outbreak and prevent it from becoming an epidemic or pandemic.

Three days later, Tim Morrison, former senior director for counterproliferation and biodefense on the NSC, wrote in another Washington Post Op-Ed, “It is true that the Trump administration has seen fit to shrink the NSC staff. But the bloat that occurred under the previous administration clearly needed a correction. … One such move at the NSC was to create the counterproliferation and biodefense directorate, which was the result of consolidating three directorates into one, given the obvious overlap between arms control and nonproliferation, weapons of mass destruction terrorism, and global health and biodefense. It is this reorganization that critics have misconstrued or intentionally misrepresented. If anything, the combined directorate was stronger because related expertise could be commingled” ( here ).

On March 14, 2020, John Bolton described the changes made to the team as streamlining. He tweeted: “Claims that streamlining NSC structures impaired our nation's bio defense are false. Global health remained a top NSC priority, and its expert team was critical to effectively handling the 2018-19 Africa Ebola crisis. The angry Left just can't stop attacking, even in a crisis.” ( here )

Basically because most of them are career politicians meaning they are more concerned about protecting and preserving their career than looking out for America.

A good example of that being our failure to be prepared for a biological attack.

Right after 9/11 many realized we were vulnurable to such an attack and there was much chatter abut terrorism and their interest in biological warfare.

Yet obviously we were not prepared for such....some want to blame the CDC, more want to blame President Trump, some want to blame obama..........however the real blame rests on Congress who could and should have made sure that our defense against a pandemic was state of the art.

As pointed out it was common knowledge we were vulnurable....so why didnt congress make sure the CDC was on top of this threat?

Simply because they were too busy attending to their own agendas....forgetting that America depends on them to make sure America is prepared to contend with all threats to our National Security.
What's really disturbing is that the leftist politicians stand up, put one hand on a bible and raise the other, then lie that they will support and defend the Constitution and once in, they seek ways to undermine it. Those individuals should be incarcerated for sedition.
Basically because most of them are career politicians meaning they are more concerned about protecting and preserving their career than looking out for America.

A good example of that being our failure to be prepared for a biological attack.

Right after 9/11 many realized we were vulnurable to such an attack and there was much chatter abut terrorism and their interest in biological warfare.

Yet obviously we were not prepared for such....some want to blame the CDC, more want to blame President Trump, some want to blame obama..........however the real blame rests on Congress who could and should have made sure that our defense against a pandemic was state of the art.

As pointed out it was common knowledge we were vulnurable....so why didnt congress make sure the CDC was on top of this threat?

Simply because they were too busy attending to their own agendas....forgetting that America depends on them to make sure America is prepared to contend with all threats to our National Security.

democrats are complicit in the biological attack currently underway against America. democrats are an adjunct of the Peoples Republic of China and serve the interests of that nation to gain global hegemony. Republicans tend to be stupid and corrupt, democrats are out and out traitors. Leaves us in a bad position.
Back when Obama was president, he requested funding to address future pandemics, but was blocked by the tea party in the house at the time.

Fucking liar.

And the Marxist rag (literally) the Independent doesn't help your case. they have ZERO credibility, being a Marxist/Leninist shit rag.
There is video evidence of Obama stressing the need for US pandemic preparedness.
Which means its corroborated and factual.

But according to a new piece in the Washington Examiner, which pulls information from the Los Angeles Times and Bloomberg News, the Obama Administration failed to replenish the government's N95 stockpile after the H1N1 swine flu outbreak of 2009.

The national shortage of N95 respirator masks can be traced back to 2009 after the H1N1 swine flu pandemic, when the Obama administration was advised to replenish a national stockpile but did not, according to reports from Bloomberg News and the Los Angeles Times.
In 2009, the H1N1 outbreak hit the United States, leading to 274,304 hospitalizations, 12,469 deaths, and a depletion of N95 respirator masks.
A federally backed task force and a safety equipment organization both recommended to the Obama administration that the stockpile be replenished of the 100 million masks used after the H1N1 outbreak, according to the Los Angeles Times.
Charles Johnson, president of the International Safety Equipment Association, said that advice was never heeded.
“Our association is unaware of any major effort to restore the stockpile to cover that drawdown,” he said.
Yes, that was at the start of Obama's term, in 2009. Depleted due to swine flu.
But then in 2014, Obama had stressed the need for pandemic preparedness, but the House tea party blocked it. If we had sufficient supplies, that would be "big government". Too big for the tea party.

Yet over 8 years, he never DID anything to restock. Obama LOVED to talk, but did very little.

At the time the supplies were CONSUMED, Obama's Communist party held a SUPER MAJORITY and could have done anything he wished, but he waited 5 years and then blamed the Americans for his inaction and incompetence.
Efforts to bulk up the stockpile fell apart in tense standoffs between the Obama White House and congressional Republicans, according to administration and congressional officials involved in the negotiations. Had Congress kept funding at the 2010 level through the end of the Obama administration, the stockpile would have benefited from $321 million more than it ended up getting, according to budget documents reviewed by ProPublica.

Obama did enough within the power of executive branch.
Obama's didnt really have a supermajority because Byrd was out in hospital, and Ted Kennedy died. 60 senators is needed.

That lie already failed. Obama flung shit in 2014, but did not a fucking thing in 2009 when his Communist party had absolute control.

$321 million is far less than Michelle spent on an average shopping trip.

View attachment 325013
You keep on saying communism, but it appears you have no idea what communism is.

What I find amazing about you Communist fools is not that you haven't read the Constitution that you are so dedicated to destroying, but you haven't even read the Communist Manifesto that you seek to enslave us under.
Why so few patriots in congress?
Because patriots can't be easily bought.
Trump has never put anyone or anything before himself.

You have never put anyone or anything before your hate.

I will grant you this though, Obama entered office a wealthy man and had no reason to seek the presidency other than love of country.

Oh wait, that is Trump.

Obama used the presidency to increase his personal wealth over $90 million (in emoluments)

Well, at least Obama donated his salary to charity.

Oh wait, that is Trump.

Obama took every dime and wracked up extravagant expenses all over the world....

If you Communists would stop trying to kill the president, his protection wouldn't need to be so heavy. But, you're violent, evil people, so...

But of course the Little Goebbels are attempting to distort history as always;

Barack and Michelle Obama have traveled more than any other first couple -- doing Spain, Africa, China, South America, among other distant spots. Often they're accompanied by friends and Michelle Obama's Mom, Marian Robinson, who's been living in the White House at taxpayer expense since her son-in-law's inauguration. And in some cases, Mrs. Robinson's friends tag along.

By one accounting, as of last July the Obamas had spent more than $44.4 million in taxpayer money on travel for 31 international trips lasting 119 days. For comparison, at the same point in his presidency Ronald Reagan had made 14 trips lasting 73 days.

You may recall Michele Obama's controversial trip with friends to Spain's luxury Costa del Sol in 2010 at a time when the U.S. unemployment rate was 9.5% on the way to 9.8%. And President Obama's $1 trillion economic stimulus package had yet to kick in. Of course, it's still yet to kick in.

According to numbers gathered by Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates government corruption, that trip cost Americans at least $468,000.

Turns out, by Obama administration standards that was a bargain tour.

Mrs. Obama's latest foreign junket this month was to Japan and Cambodia, allegedly to promote an Agency for International Development program to encourage education for girls.

On a one-day, side-trip to visit two shrines in Kyoto, including one honoring a god of rice, Michelle Obama's party incurred almost $79,000 in expenses just for rental cars, Judicial Watch reports. That's a lot of tuition for girls! Or boys.

When the Obamas visited Northern Ireland in 2013, Michelle Obama took her daughters on a two-day, side-trip to Dublin. That side-trip alone cost U.S. taxpayers a quarter-million dollars, including a $3,300-a-night hotel suite of the sort Mrs. Obama prefers. The Obamas' Ireland trip set us back just under $8 million.

Dublin rental cars alone for the first lady cost $114,000.



If you Communists would stop trying to kill the president, his protection wouldn't need to be so heavy. But, you're violent, evil people, so...

But of course the Little Goebbels are attempting to distort history as always;

Barack and Michelle Obama have traveled more than any other first couple -- doing Spain, Africa, China, South America, among other distant spots. Often they're accompanied by friends and Michelle Obama's Mom, Marian Robinson, who's been living in the White House at taxpayer expense since her son-in-law's inauguration. And in some cases, Mrs. Robinson's friends tag along.

By one accounting, as of last July the Obamas had spent more than $44.4 million in taxpayer money on travel for 31 international trips lasting 119 days. For comparison, at the same point in his presidency Ronald Reagan had made 14 trips lasting 73 days.

You may recall Michele Obama's controversial trip with friends to Spain's luxury Costa del Sol in 2010 at a time when the U.S. unemployment rate was 9.5% on the way to 9.8%. And President Obama's $1 trillion economic stimulus package had yet to kick in. Of course, it's still yet to kick in.

According to numbers gathered by Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates government corruption, that trip cost Americans at least $468,000.

Turns out, by Obama administration standards that was a bargain tour.

Mrs. Obama's latest foreign junket this month was to Japan and Cambodia, allegedly to promote an Agency for International Development program to encourage education for girls.

On a one-day, side-trip to visit two shrines in Kyoto, including one honoring a god of rice, Michelle Obama's party incurred almost $79,000 in expenses just for rental cars, Judicial Watch reports. That's a lot of tuition for girls! Or boys.

When the Obamas visited Northern Ireland in 2013, Michelle Obama took her daughters on a two-day, side-trip to Dublin. That side-trip alone cost U.S. taxpayers a quarter-million dollars, including a $3,300-a-night hotel suite of the sort Mrs. Obama prefers. The Obamas' Ireland trip set us back just under $8 million.

Dublin rental cars alone for the first lady cost $114,000.


Wait..so security for Trump good, security for Obama bad?

You Trump psychophants crack me up.

Trump Set to Outspend Obama’s Eight Years of Travel in One Year

And Trump's travel lines HIS pockets. How weird....
Basically because most of them are career politicians meaning they are more concerned about protecting and preserving their career than looking out for America.

A good example of that being our failure to be prepared for a biological attack.

Right after 9/11 many realized we were vulnurable to such an attack and there was much chatter abut terrorism and their interest in biological warfare.

Yet obviously we were not prepared for such....some want to blame the CDC, more want to blame President Trump, some want to blame obama..........however the real blame rests on Congress who could and should have made sure that our defense against a pandemic was state of the art.

As pointed out it was common knowledge we were vulnurable....so why didnt congress make sure the CDC was on top of this threat?

Simply because they were too busy attending to their own agendas....forgetting that America depends on them to make sure America is prepared to contend with all threats to our National Security.

democrats are complicit in the biological attack currently underway against America. democrats are an adjunct of the Peoples Republic of China and serve the interests of that nation to gain global hegemony. Republicans tend to be stupid and corrupt, democrats are out and out traitors. Leaves us in a bad position.
Back when Obama was president, he requested funding to address future pandemics, but was blocked by the tea party in the house at the time.

Fucking liar.

And the Marxist rag (literally) the Independent doesn't help your case. they have ZERO credibility, being a Marxist/Leninist shit rag.
There is video evidence of Obama stressing the need for US pandemic preparedness.
Which means its corroborated and factual.

But according to a new piece in the Washington Examiner, which pulls information from the Los Angeles Times and Bloomberg News, the Obama Administration failed to replenish the government's N95 stockpile after the H1N1 swine flu outbreak of 2009.

The national shortage of N95 respirator masks can be traced back to 2009 after the H1N1 swine flu pandemic, when the Obama administration was advised to replenish a national stockpile but did not, according to reports from Bloomberg News and the Los Angeles Times.
In 2009, the H1N1 outbreak hit the United States, leading to 274,304 hospitalizations, 12,469 deaths, and a depletion of N95 respirator masks.
A federally backed task force and a safety equipment organization both recommended to the Obama administration that the stockpile be replenished of the 100 million masks used after the H1N1 outbreak, according to the Los Angeles Times.
Charles Johnson, president of the International Safety Equipment Association, said that advice was never heeded.
“Our association is unaware of any major effort to restore the stockpile to cover that drawdown,” he said.
Yes, that was at the start of Obama's term, in 2009. Depleted due to swine flu.
But then in 2014, Obama had stressed the need for pandemic preparedness, but the House tea party blocked it. If we had sufficient supplies, that would be "big government". Too big for the tea party.

Yet over 8 years, he never DID anything to restock. Obama LOVED to talk, but did very little.

At the time the supplies were CONSUMED, Obama's Communist party held a SUPER MAJORITY and could have done anything he wished, but he waited 5 years and then blamed the Americans for his inaction and incompetence.
Efforts to bulk up the stockpile fell apart in tense standoffs between the Obama White House and congressional Republicans, according to administration and congressional officials involved in the negotiations. Had Congress kept funding at the 2010 level through the end of the Obama administration, the stockpile would have benefited from $321 million more than it ended up getting, according to budget documents reviewed by ProPublica.

Obama did enough within the power of executive branch.
Obama's didnt really have a supermajority because Byrd was out in hospital, and Ted Kennedy died. 60 senators is needed.

That lie already failed. Obama flung shit in 2014, but did not a fucking thing in 2009 when his Communist party had absolute control.

$321 million is far less than Michelle spent on an average shopping trip.

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You keep on saying communism, but it appears you have no idea what communism is.

What I find amazing about you Communist fools is not that you haven't read the Constitution that you are so dedicated to destroying, but you haven't even read the Communist Manifesto that you seek to enslave us under.


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