Why so few patriots in congress?

The Deep State at all levels hates the Western World. The objective of the Europhobic psychopaths is to destroy it. Thank God for President Trump in helping to expose the true virus which is the Deep State. Whether it is too late to do anything about it is the question. The behavior of the governors issuing edicts on the citizens of the various states is fascinating. The states actually had state bill of rights back in the day. A governor could not violate the rights of the citizens of the states back then or he would face immediate removal.

Being europhobic would make you an american nationalist u fuckwit

And as far as i can tell trump is the Presdient who least cares about Europe in our lifetime. He pisses on NATO at every chance he gets
Basically because most of them are career politicians meaning they are more concerned about protecting and preserving their career than looking out for America.

A good example of that being our failure to be prepared for a biological attack.

Right after 9/11 many realized we were vulnurable to such an attack and there was much chatter abut terrorism and their interest in biological warfare.

Yet obviously we were not prepared for such....some want to blame the CDC, more want to blame President Trump, some want to blame obama..........however the real blame rests on Congress who could and should have made sure that our defense against a pandemic was state of the art.

As pointed out it was common knowledge we were vulnurable....so why didnt congress make sure the CDC was on top of this threat?

Simply because they were too busy attending to their own agendas....forgetting that America depends on them to make sure America is prepared to contend with all threats to our National Security.

democrats are complicit in the biological attack currently underway against America. democrats are an adjunct of the Peoples Republic of China and serve the interests of that nation to gain global hegemony. Republicans tend to be stupid and corrupt, democrats are out and out traitors. Leaves us in a bad position.
Back when Obama was president, he requested funding to address future pandemics, but was blocked by the tea party in the house at the time.

Fucking liar.

And the Marxist rag (literally) the Independent doesn't help your case. they have ZERO credibility, being a Marxist/Leninist shit rag.
There is video evidence of Obama stressing the need for US pandemic preparedness.
Which means its corroborated and factual.

But according to a new piece in the Washington Examiner, which pulls information from the Los Angeles Times and Bloomberg News, the Obama Administration failed to replenish the government's N95 stockpile after the H1N1 swine flu outbreak of 2009.

The national shortage of N95 respirator masks can be traced back to 2009 after the H1N1 swine flu pandemic, when the Obama administration was advised to replenish a national stockpile but did not, according to reports from Bloomberg News and the Los Angeles Times.
In 2009, the H1N1 outbreak hit the United States, leading to 274,304 hospitalizations, 12,469 deaths, and a depletion of N95 respirator masks.
A federally backed task force and a safety equipment organization both recommended to the Obama administration that the stockpile be replenished of the 100 million masks used after the H1N1 outbreak, according to the Los Angeles Times.
Charles Johnson, president of the International Safety Equipment Association, said that advice was never heeded.
“Our association is unaware of any major effort to restore the stockpile to cover that drawdown,” he said.
Yes, that was at the start of Obama's term, in 2009. Depleted due to swine flu.
But then in 2014, Obama had stressed the need for pandemic preparedness, but the House tea party blocked it. If we had sufficient supplies, that would be "big government". Too big for the tea party.

Yet over 8 years, he never DID anything to restock. Obama LOVED to talk, but did very little.

At the time the supplies were CONSUMED, Obama's Communist party held a SUPER MAJORITY and could have done anything he wished, but he waited 5 years and then blamed the Americans for his inaction and incompetence.
Efforts to bulk up the stockpile fell apart in tense standoffs between the Obama White House and congressional Republicans, according to administration and congressional officials involved in the negotiations. Had Congress kept funding at the 2010 level through the end of the Obama administration, the stockpile would have benefited from $321 million more than it ended up getting, according to budget documents reviewed by ProPublica.

Obama did enough within the power of executive branch.
Obama's didnt really have a supermajority because Byrd was out in hospital, and Ted Kennedy died. 60 senators is needed.

That lie already failed. Obama flung shit in 2014, but did not a fucking thing in 2009 when his Communist party had absolute control.

$321 million is far less than Michelle spent on an average shopping trip.

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You keep on saying communism, but it appears you have no idea what communism is.

What I find amazing about you Communist fools is not that you haven't read the Constitution that you are so dedicated to destroying, but you haven't even read the Communist Manifesto that you seek to enslave us under.


Oh look, a Communists suddenly pretending to care about the 10th Amendment..

BUT remember, Marxist hero Woodrow Wilson declared martial law and quarantined New York City in 1918, so the precedent was set LONG ago.

Third picture down in from 2014. Who was president in 2014, Comrade traitor?

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