Why so much hate for the Confederacy.? It can't be about slavery.

I never said freeing Black people made them equal.

You implied slavery was a racial equality issue. If so, freeing them made them equal. Again, it was THIS argument which prompted 100 years of racial segregation. It's how the SCOTUS justified upholding Jim Crow laws. (You'll note that was NOT the CSA)

Slavery had nothing to do with racial equality for black people. Those opposed to slavery in 1861 were emotionally driven by the inhumane treatment of slaves. It had nothing to do with their thinking slaves were in any way their equal. Virtually NO white person had that view in 1861, aside from Quaker, Unitarian and Congregationalist ministers.

So claiming slavery was a racial equality issue is factually incorrect.
...We began to realize this in 1954.
Black people were always equal. Whites simply pretended they were not equal....

What the hell are you talking about? In the Eyes of God?

Clearly, black people were NOT always treated equal under the laws established by white men. Trying to claim they were "pretending" something that Was The Law... is kind of ridiculous.

What you are attempting to do here is hop in your Moral High Horse and apply your modern enlightenment in judgment of people who are no longer here to defend themselves. Bigots are notorious for doing this! It's how they prop up years and years of shallow-minded ignorance and fear.
Of course the emancipation was about punishing the losers.

Glad to have you on record with your racist viewpoint.

He is vociferous in his racism, isn't he?

No actually, he hides it pretty well.. or at least he thinks he does. Most of them do.

I got one of these South-Haters drunk one time and he got to yammering... come to find out, the reason he had so much animosity toward The South, the Confederacy, Southerners in general, was because they messed up the plans for a purely segregated society where the blacks lived in their own neighborhoods and were happy with things that way.... we got them all riled up, you see?

I did especially like Assclaps retort about "feral racists" ...that's priceless! So some racists are "domesticated" ....I guess? :dunno:
I never said freeing Black people made them equal.

You implied slavery was a racial equality issue. If so, freeing them made them equal. Again, it was THIS argument which prompted 100 years of racial segregation. It's how the SCOTUS justified upholding Jim Crow laws. (You'll note that was NOT the CSA)

Slavery had nothing to do with racial equality for black people. Those opposed to slavery in 1861 were emotionally driven by the inhumane treatment of slaves. It had nothing to do with their thinking slaves were in any way their equal. Virtually NO white person had that view in 1861, aside from Quaker, Unitarian and Congregationalist ministers.

So claiming slavery was a racial equality issue is factually incorrect.
...We began to realize this in 1954.
When 4 million people who for the most part were forbidden to learn how to read or write are suddenly set free it`s going to be a problem for generations. I believe that if the president hadn`t been murdered in 1865 things would have been different. Freeing them did not make them equal.
I never said freeing Black people made them equal.

You implied slavery was a racial equality issue. If so, freeing them made them equal. Again, it was THIS argument which prompted 100 years of racial segregation. It's how the SCOTUS justified upholding Jim Crow laws. (You'll note that was NOT the CSA)

Slavery had nothing to do with racial equality for black people. Those opposed to slavery in 1861 were emotionally driven by the inhumane treatment of slaves. It had nothing to do with their thinking slaves were in any way their equal. Virtually NO white person had that view in 1861, aside from Quaker, Unitarian and Congregationalist ministers.

So claiming slavery was a racial equality issue is factually incorrect.
...We began to realize this in 1954.
When 4 million people who for the most part were forbidden to learn how to read or write are suddenly set free it`s going to be a problem for generations. I believe that if the president hadn`t been murdered in 1865 things would have been different. Freeing them did not make them equal.

Indeed it was a problem, mostly for the African-American. Post-war, the Abolitionists sort of vanished and no one talks about them, but they were hardly advocates for an integrated society. Ending slavery did not solve the racism problem and there was never any expectation for it to. It took generations for white people to not be racist... many still are. A LOT of them hide behind scapegoats and false histories. Blaming others for racism to take the spotlight off their own bigoted viewpoints.
. . It took generations for white people to not be racist... many still are. A LOT of them hide behind scapegoats and false histories. Blaming others for racism to take the spotlight off their own bigoted viewpoints.

Got that right. Affirmative action is the most brazen racism of all and it's everywhere in america. All govt officials and all liberals support the idea of denying whites equal access to college and jobs.
I never said freeing Black people made them equal.

You implied slavery was a racial equality issue. If so, freeing them made them equal. Again, it was THIS argument which prompted 100 years of racial segregation. It's how the SCOTUS justified upholding Jim Crow laws. (You'll note that was NOT the CSA)

Slavery had nothing to do with racial equality for black people. Those opposed to slavery in 1861 were emotionally driven by the inhumane treatment of slaves. It had nothing to do with their thinking slaves were in any way their equal. Virtually NO white person had that view in 1861, aside from Quaker, Unitarian and Congregationalist ministers.

So claiming slavery was a racial equality issue is factually incorrect.
...We began to realize this in 1954.
When 4 million people who for the most part were forbidden to learn how to read or write are suddenly set free it`s going to be a problem for generations. I believe that if the president hadn`t been murdered in 1865 things would have been different. Freeing them did not make them equal.
Amazing how long they're riding out that excuse.
Not very clever of you...simply a little bait and switch.

The question is the fact that the South went to war to maintain and expand the institution of chattel slavery.

It's plainly a matter of fact and record.

If you're White you've evaded my question.[/QUOTE]
Along with the corner Stone speech just about every traitorous state that wanted to fight to maintain slavery explicitly stated so in their articles of succession...

Sorry if you that ignorant of history.
Again -- if you are a Northern White, would you be willing to leave your home and go to war to abolish slavery in the Southern states? What percentage of Northern Whites do you believe approved of that?

Or do you think there were economic reasons for the Civil War?

Over the years, PEOPLE have used the flag to symbolize different things. You've simply applied the worst of the worst symbolism because you are a bigot who is prejudiced against Southerners.
I, personally, have never associated the Confederate battle flag with slavery. As a (New York) yankee I always have regarded the "rebel" flag as a symbol of rebellion in the romantic sense, as in the legend of Jesse James -- who I'm sure didn't have any slaves.
Got that right. Affirmative action is the most brazen racism of all and it's everywhere in america. All govt officials and all liberals support the idea of denying whites equal access to college and jobs.
The rightard racist squeal for decades.
Got that right. Affirmative action is the most brazen racism of all and it's everywhere in america. All govt officials and all liberals support the idea of denying whites equal access to college and jobs.
The rightard racist squeal for decades.

Affirmative Action is inherently racist policy. There was a time when large companies, who were largely full of racists, needed some measure to ensure they gave black people equal opportunity. Racist politicians came up with AA. It helped assuage their racist guilt to give the 'dumb little black folks' an advantage. The same is true with LBJ's Great Society policies... all designed to help the 'dumb little black folks' who can't take care of themselves.

These patronizing policies and programs have not helped the black community. Since the Civil Rights era, Asians and Latinos have far surpassed blacks in every area. It is time to stop dividing people by race and admit that sometimes people in the past thought that this was a way to do good but it ultimately doesn't do good.
I for one hate the Confederacy because they LOST a war of their own choosing but still expect we should accept their moronic rag as legitimate.
Along with the corner Stone speech just about every traitorous state that wanted to fight to maintain slavery explicitly stated so in their articles of succession...

Sorry if you that ignorant of history.
Again -- if you are a Northern White, would you be willing to leave your home and go to war to abolish slavery in the Southern states? What percentage of Northern Whites do you believe approved of that?

Or do you think there were economic reasons for the Civil War?
Northern whites went to war because someone fired on their flag at Ft. Sumter. For the most part, they didn`t care very much about slavery but treason certainly pissed them off.
Northern whites went to war because someone fired on their flag at Ft. Sumter. For the most part, they didn`t care very much about slavery but treason certainly pissed them off.

HAHAHA. You really think northern whites sacrificed 300,000 men for that reason? Fact is most northerners opposed the war but lincoln was a tyrant and threw you in prison if you spoke against the war.
I for one hate the Confederacy because they LOST a war of their own choosing but still expect we should accept their moronic rag as legitimate.

The south didn't choose war, you ignorant fool. They just walked out of the union. As President Jeff said - "We just want to be left alone".
I for one hate the Confederacy because they LOST a war of their own choosing but still expect we should accept their moronic rag as legitimate.
I'm a yankee from Brooklyn. Why don't I hate the Confederacy?

Because it doesn't exist! Most southerners have their own ideas about things, none of which affect me in the slightest degree. The only southerners I don't like are those who don't like me and show it.

If flying the defunct Confederate flag makes some southerners feel good -- so what? Forbidding them to do that is not going to change their feelings about anything but is likely to intensify any negative feelings they have about northerners and northern policies.

History is history. There is no reason to believe every southerner who flies the rebel flag is pro-slavery. Only an extremely small number of pre-Bellum southerners (the rich) owned slaves, or cared to. The vast majority of southern men who opted to go to war with the North did so in response to a widely perceived aggression by the federal government -- the "damn yankees."

I was stationed in North Carolina for two years in the '50s and I met a lot of very nice people there. Especially a little blond who would say, "Ah jes don't know about y'all yankee boys!" She was a cutie who stole my heart and I never forgot her.
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